diff options
2 files changed, 143 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/index.rst b/documentation/index.rst
index 45390b8..643ced9 100644
--- a/documentation/index.rst
+++ b/documentation/index.rst
@@ -577,148 +577,148 @@ functionality; its structure mimics the structure of the Python 3
Supported renames:
-| Name | Python 2 name | Python 3 name |
-| ``builtins`` | :mod:`py2:__builtin__` | :mod:`py3:builtins` |
-| ``configparser`` | :mod:`py2:ConfigParser` | :mod:`py3:configparser` |
-| ``copyreg`` | :mod:`py2:copy_reg` | :mod:`py3:copyreg` |
-| ``cPickle`` | :mod:`py2:cPickle` | :mod:`py3:pickle` |
-| ``cStringIO`` | :func:`py2:cStringIO.StringIO` | :class:`py3:io.StringIO` |
-| ``collections_abc`` | :mod:`py2:collections` | :mod:`` (3.3+) |
-| ``dbm_gnu`` | :mod:`py2:gdbm` | :mod:`py3:dbm.gnu` |
-| ``dbm_ndbm`` | :mod:`py2:dbm` | :mod:`py3:dbm.ndbm` |
-| ``_dummy_thread`` | :mod:`py2:dummy_thread` | :mod:`py3:_dummy_thread` (< 3.9) |
-| | | :mod:`py3:_thread` (3.9+) |
-| ``email_mime_base`` | :mod:`py2:email.MIMEBase` | :mod:`py3:email.mime.base` |
-| ``email_mime_image`` | :mod:`py2:email.MIMEImage` | :mod:`py3:email.mime.image` |
-| ``email_mime_multipart`` | :mod:`py2:email.MIMEMultipart` | :mod:`py3:email.mime.multipart` |
-| ``email_mime_nonmultipart`` | :mod:`py2:email.MIMENonMultipart` | :mod:`py3:email.mime.nonmultipart` |
-| ``email_mime_text`` | :mod:`py2:email.MIMEText` | :mod:`py3:email.mime.text` |
-| ``filter`` | :func:`py2:itertools.ifilter` | :func:`py3:filter` |
-| ``filterfalse`` | :func:`py2:itertools.ifilterfalse` | :func:`py3:itertools.filterfalse` |
-| ``getcwd`` | :func:`py2:os.getcwdu` | :func:`py3:os.getcwd` |
-| ``getcwdb`` | :func:`py2:os.getcwd` | :func:`py3:os.getcwdb` |
-| ``getoutput`` | :func:`py2:commands.getoutput` | :func:`py3:subprocess.getoutput` |
-| ``http_cookiejar`` | :mod:`py2:cookielib` | :mod:`py3:http.cookiejar` |
-| ``http_cookies`` | :mod:`py2:Cookie` | :mod:`py3:http.cookies` |
-| ``html_entities`` | :mod:`py2:htmlentitydefs` | :mod:`py3:html.entities` |
-| ``html_parser`` | :mod:`py2:HTMLParser` | :mod:`py3:html.parser` |
-| ``http_client`` | :mod:`py2:httplib` | :mod:`py3:http.client` |
-| ``BaseHTTPServer`` | :mod:`py2:BaseHTTPServer` | :mod:`py3:http.server` |
-| ``CGIHTTPServer`` | :mod:`py2:CGIHTTPServer` | :mod:`py3:http.server` |
-| ``SimpleHTTPServer`` | :mod:`py2:SimpleHTTPServer` | :mod:`py3:http.server` |
-| ``input`` | :func:`py2:raw_input` | :func:`py3:input` |
-| ``intern`` | :func:`py2:intern` | :func:`py3:sys.intern` |
-| ``map`` | :func:`py2:itertools.imap` | :func:`py3:map` |
-| ``queue`` | :mod:`py2:Queue` | :mod:`py3:queue` |
-| ``range`` | :func:`py2:xrange` | :func:`py3:range` |
-| ``reduce`` | :func:`py2:reduce` | :func:`py3:functools.reduce` |
-| ``reload_module`` | :func:`py2:reload` | :func:`py3:imp.reload`, |
-| | | :func:`py3:importlib.reload` |
-| | | on Python 3.4+ |
-| ``reprlib`` | :mod:`py2:repr` | :mod:`py3:reprlib` |
-| ``shlex_quote`` | :mod:`py2:pipes.quote` | :mod:`py3:shlex.quote` |
-| ``socketserver`` | :mod:`py2:SocketServer` | :mod:`py3:socketserver` |
-| ``_thread`` | :mod:`py2:thread` | :mod:`py3:_thread` |
-| ``tkinter`` | :mod:`py2:Tkinter` | :mod:`py3:tkinter` |
-| ``tkinter_dialog`` | :mod:`py2:Dialog` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.dialog` |
-| ``tkinter_filedialog`` | :mod:`py2:FileDialog` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.FileDialog` |
-| ``tkinter_scrolledtext`` | :mod:`py2:ScrolledText` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.scrolledtext` |
-| ``tkinter_simpledialog`` | :mod:`py2:SimpleDialog` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.simpledialog` |
-| ``tkinter_ttk`` | :mod:`py2:ttk` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.ttk` |
-| ``tkinter_tix`` | :mod:`py2:Tix` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.tix` |
-| ``tkinter_constants`` | :mod:`py2:Tkconstants` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.constants` |
-| ``tkinter_dnd`` | :mod:`py2:Tkdnd` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.dnd` |
-| ``tkinter_colorchooser`` | :mod:`py2:tkColorChooser` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.colorchooser` |
-| ``tkinter_commondialog`` | :mod:`py2:tkCommonDialog` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.commondialog` |
-| ``tkinter_tkfiledialog`` | :mod:`py2:tkFileDialog` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.filedialog` |
-| ``tkinter_font`` | :mod:`py2:tkFont` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.font` |
-| ``tkinter_messagebox`` | :mod:`py2:tkMessageBox` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.messagebox` |
-| ``tkinter_tksimpledialog`` | :mod:`py2:tkSimpleDialog` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.simpledialog` |
-| ``urllib.parse`` | See :mod:`six.moves.urllib.parse` | :mod:`py3:urllib.parse` |
-| ``urllib.error`` | See :mod:`six.moves.urllib.error` | :mod:`py3:urllib.error` |
-| ``urllib.request`` | See :mod:`six.moves.urllib.request` | :mod:`py3:urllib.request` |
-| ``urllib.response`` | See :mod:`six.moves.urllib.response`| :mod:`py3:urllib.response` |
-| ``urllib.robotparser`` | :mod:`py2:robotparser` | :mod:`py3:urllib.robotparser` |
-| ``urllib_robotparser`` | :mod:`py2:robotparser` | :mod:`py3:urllib.robotparser` |
-| ``UserDict`` | :class:`py2:UserDict.UserDict` | :class:`py3:collections.UserDict` |
-| ``UserList`` | :class:`py2:UserList.UserList` | :class:`py3:collections.UserList` |
-| ``UserString`` | :class:`py2:UserString.UserString` | :class:`py3:collections.UserString` |
-| ``winreg`` | :mod:`py2:_winreg` | :mod:`py3:winreg` |
-| ``xmlrpc_client`` | :mod:`py2:xmlrpclib` | :mod:`py3:xmlrpc.client` |
-| ``xmlrpc_server`` | :mod:`py2:SimpleXMLRPCServer` | :mod:`py3:xmlrpc.server` |
-| ``xrange`` | :func:`py2:xrange` | :func:`py3:range` |
-| ``zip`` | :func:`py2:itertools.izip` | :func:`py3:zip` |
-| ``zip_longest`` | :func:`py2:itertools.izip_longest` | :func:`py3:itertools.zip_longest` |
+| Name | Python 2 name | Python 3 name |
+| ``builtins`` | :mod:`py2:__builtin__` | :mod:`py3:builtins` |
+| ``configparser`` | :mod:`py2:ConfigParser` | :mod:`py3:configparser` |
+| ``copyreg`` | :mod:`py2:copy_reg` | :mod:`py3:copyreg` |
+| ``cPickle`` | :mod:`py2:cPickle` | :mod:`py3:pickle` |
+| ``cStringIO`` | :func:`py2:cStringIO.StringIO` | :class:`py3:io.StringIO` |
+| ``collections_abc`` | :mod:`py2:collections` | :mod:`` (3.3+) |
+| ``dbm_gnu`` | :mod:`py2:gdbm` | :mod:`py3:dbm.gnu` |
+| ``dbm_ndbm`` | :mod:`py2:dbm` | :mod:`py3:dbm.ndbm` |
+| ``_dummy_thread`` | :mod:`py2:dummy_thread` | :mod:`py3:_dummy_thread` (< 3.9) |
+| | | :mod:`py3:_thread` (3.9+) |
+| ``email_mime_base`` | :mod:`py2:email.MIMEBase` | :mod:`py3:email.mime.base` |
+| ``email_mime_image`` | :mod:`py2:email.MIMEImage` | :mod:`py3:email.mime.image` |
+| ``email_mime_multipart`` | :mod:`py2:email.MIMEMultipart` | :mod:`py3:email.mime.multipart` |
+| ``email_mime_nonmultipart`` | :mod:`py2:email.MIMENonMultipart` | :mod:`py3:email.mime.nonmultipart` |
+| ``email_mime_text`` | :mod:`py2:email.MIMEText` | :mod:`py3:email.mime.text` |
+| ``filter`` | :func:`py2:itertools.ifilter` | :func:`py3:filter` |
+| ``filterfalse`` | :func:`py2:itertools.ifilterfalse` | :func:`py3:itertools.filterfalse` |
+| ``getcwd`` | :func:`py2:os.getcwdu` | :func:`py3:os.getcwd` |
+| ``getcwdb`` | :func:`py2:os.getcwd` | :func:`py3:os.getcwdb` |
+| ``getoutput`` | :func:`py2:commands.getoutput` | :func:`py3:subprocess.getoutput` |
+| ``http_cookiejar`` | :mod:`py2:cookielib` | :mod:`py3:http.cookiejar` |
+| ``http_cookies`` | :mod:`py2:Cookie` | :mod:`py3:http.cookies` |
+| ``html_entities`` | :mod:`py2:htmlentitydefs` | :mod:`py3:html.entities` |
+| ``html_parser`` | :mod:`py2:HTMLParser` | :mod:`py3:html.parser` |
+| ``http_client`` | :mod:`py2:httplib` | :mod:`py3:http.client` |
+| ``BaseHTTPServer`` | :mod:`py2:BaseHTTPServer` | :mod:`py3:http.server` |
+| ``CGIHTTPServer`` | :mod:`py2:CGIHTTPServer` | :mod:`py3:http.server` |
+| ``SimpleHTTPServer`` | :mod:`py2:SimpleHTTPServer` | :mod:`py3:http.server` |
+| ``input`` | :func:`py2:raw_input` | :func:`py3:input` |
+| ``intern`` | :func:`py2:intern` | :func:`py3:sys.intern` |
+| ``map`` | :func:`py2:itertools.imap` | :func:`py3:map` |
+| ``queue`` | :mod:`py2:Queue` | :mod:`py3:queue` |
+| ``range`` | :func:`py2:xrange` | :func:`py3:range` |
+| ``reduce`` | :func:`py2:reduce` | :func:`py3:functools.reduce` |
+| ``reload_module`` | :func:`py2:reload` | :func:`py3:imp.reload`, |
+| | | :func:`py3:importlib.reload` |
+| | | on Python 3.4+ |
+| ``reprlib`` | :mod:`py2:repr` | :mod:`py3:reprlib` |
+| ``shlex_quote`` | :mod:`py2:pipes.quote` | :mod:`py3:shlex.quote` |
+| ``socketserver`` | :mod:`py2:SocketServer` | :mod:`py3:socketserver` |
+| ``_thread`` | :mod:`py2:thread` | :mod:`py3:_thread` |
+| ``tkinter`` | :mod:`py2:Tkinter` | :mod:`py3:tkinter` |
+| ``tkinter_dialog`` | :mod:`py2:Dialog` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.dialog` |
+| ``tkinter_filedialog`` | :mod:`py2:FileDialog` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.FileDialog` |
+| ``tkinter_scrolledtext`` | :mod:`py2:ScrolledText` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.scrolledtext` |
+| ``tkinter_simpledialog`` | :mod:`py2:SimpleDialog` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.simpledialog` |
+| ``tkinter_ttk`` | :mod:`py2:ttk` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.ttk` |
+| ``tkinter_tix`` | :mod:`py2:Tix` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.tix` |
+| ``tkinter_constants`` | :mod:`py2:Tkconstants` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.constants` |
+| ``tkinter_dnd`` | :mod:`py2:Tkdnd` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.dnd` |
+| ``tkinter_colorchooser`` | :mod:`py2:tkColorChooser` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.colorchooser` |
+| ``tkinter_commondialog`` | :mod:`py2:tkCommonDialog` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.commondialog` |
+| ``tkinter_tkfiledialog`` | :mod:`py2:tkFileDialog` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.filedialog` |
+| ``tkinter_font`` | :mod:`py2:tkFont` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.font` |
+| ``tkinter_messagebox`` | :mod:`py2:tkMessageBox` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.messagebox` |
+| ``tkinter_tksimpledialog`` | :mod:`py2:tkSimpleDialog` | :mod:`py3:tkinter.simpledialog` |
+| ``urllib.parse`` | See :mod:`six.moves.urllib.parse` | :mod:`py3:urllib.parse` |
+| ``urllib.error`` | See :mod:`six.moves.urllib.error` | :mod:`py3:urllib.error` |
+| ``urllib.request`` | See :mod:`six.moves.urllib.request` | :mod:`py3:urllib.request` |
+| ``urllib.response`` | See :mod:`six.moves.urllib.response` | :mod:`py3:urllib.response` |
+| ``urllib.robotparser`` | :mod:`py2:robotparser` | :mod:`py3:urllib.robotparser` |
+| ``urllib_robotparser`` | :mod:`py2:robotparser` | :mod:`py3:urllib.robotparser` |
+| ``UserDict`` | :class:`py2:UserDict.IterableUserDict`| :class:`py3:collections.UserDict` |
+| ``UserList`` | :class:`py2:UserList.UserList` | :class:`py3:collections.UserList` |
+| ``UserString`` | :class:`py2:UserString.UserString` | :class:`py3:collections.UserString` |
+| ``winreg`` | :mod:`py2:_winreg` | :mod:`py3:winreg` |
+| ``xmlrpc_client`` | :mod:`py2:xmlrpclib` | :mod:`py3:xmlrpc.client` |
+| ``xmlrpc_server`` | :mod:`py2:SimpleXMLRPCServer` | :mod:`py3:xmlrpc.server` |
+| ``xrange`` | :func:`py2:xrange` | :func:`py3:range` |
+| ``zip`` | :func:`py2:itertools.izip` | :func:`py3:zip` |
+| ``zip_longest`` | :func:`py2:itertools.izip_longest` | :func:`py3:itertools.zip_longest` |
urllib parse
diff --git a/ b/
index 4e15675..d4fe984 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ _moved_attributes = [
MovedAttribute("reduce", "__builtin__", "functools"),
MovedAttribute("shlex_quote", "pipes", "shlex", "quote"),
MovedAttribute("StringIO", "StringIO", "io"),
- MovedAttribute("UserDict", "UserDict", "collections"),
+ MovedAttribute("UserDict", "UserDict", "collections", "IterableUserDict", "UserDict"),
MovedAttribute("UserList", "UserList", "collections"),
MovedAttribute("UserString", "UserString", "collections"),
MovedAttribute("xrange", "__builtin__", "builtins", "xrange", "range"),