# Makefile for SLOCCount. # This is part of SLOCCount, a toolsuite that counts # source lines of code (SLOC). # Copyright (C) 2001-2004 David A. Wheeler. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # To contact David A. Wheeler, see his website at: # http://www.dwheeler.com. # My thanks to John Clezy, who provided the modifications to this makefile # to make sloccount work on Windows using Cygwin. # You may need to change the following options to install on your machine: # Set this for where to store the man pages and executables. # If you want to store this as part of an official distribution, # change this to "/usr": PREFIX=/usr/local # Set "EXE_SUFFIX" to ".exe" if you're running on Windows, like this: # EXE_SUFFIX=.exe EXE_SUFFIX= # Set this to your C compiler, if it's not "gcc"; a likely alternative is "cc". # The "-Wall" option turns on warnings in gcc. gcc users might also want # to consider using "-Werror", which turns warnings into errors. CC=gcc -Wall # Set this to the name of your "install" program. On some systems, # "install -C" would be useful (so unchanged files won't be modified), # but not all systems support this install option. "Install" should work # for any Unix-like system as well as for Cygwin. # "INSTALL_A_DIR" is the command to create a directory in the first place. INSTALL=install INSTALL_A_DIR=$(INSTALL) -d # Set this to the name of the program to create RPMs. # This works for Red Hat Linux 8.0: RPMBUILD=rpmbuild -ba # This works for Red Hat Linux 7.X and below: # RPMBUILD=rpm -ba # From here on, nothing should need changing unless you're # changing the code itself. # To change the version #, change VERSION here, sloccount.spec, # sloccount, and sloccount.html. # Note to self: to redistribute, do this: # make distribute; su; make rpm; (test as desired); # rpm -e sloccount; ^D; make my_install; send to web site. NAME=sloccount VERSION=2.26 RPM_VERSION=1 ARCH=i386 VERSIONEDNAME=$(NAME)-$(VERSION) INSTALL_DIR=$(PREFIX)/bin MAN_DIR=$(PREFIX)/share/man MAN_DIR_MAN1=$(MAN_DIR)/man1 DOC_DIR=$(PREFIX)/share/doc/$(VERSIONEDNAME)-$(RPM_VERSION) POSTED_DIR=/home/dwheeler/dwheeler.com/sloccount COMPILED_EXECUTABLES= \ c_count$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ java_count$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ lexcount1$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ pascal_count$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ php_count$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ pig_count$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ jsp_count$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ ml_count$(EXE_SUFFIX) EXECUTABLES= \ ada_count \ asm_count \ awk_count \ autohotkey_count \ autoit_count \ batch_count \ break_filelist \ cobol_count \ compute_all \ compute_sloc_lang \ count_extensions \ count_unknown_ext \ csh_count \ exp_count \ fortran_count \ f90_count \ generic_count \ get_sloc \ get_sloc_details \ haskell_count \ innosetup_count \ javascript_count \ lex_count \ lisp_count \ make_filelists \ makefile_count \ modula3_count \ objc_count \ perl_count \ print_sum \ python_count \ ruby_count \ sed_count \ sh_count \ show_filecount \ sloccount \ sql_count \ tcl_count \ vbasic_count \ vbscript_count \ $(COMPILED_EXECUTABLES) MANPAGES=sloccount.1.gz MYDOCS=sloccount.html README TODO ChangeLog all: $(COMPILED_EXECUTABLES) lexcount1$(EXE_SUFFIX): lexcount1.c $(CC) lexcount1.c -o lexcount1$(EXE_SUFFIX) c_count$(EXE_SUFFIX): c_count.c $(CC) c_count.c -o c_count$(EXE_SUFFIX) php_count$(EXE_SUFFIX): php_count.c $(CC) php_count.c -o php_count$(EXE_SUFFIX) pig_count$(EXE_SUFFIX): php_count.c $(CC) pig_count.c -o pig_count$(EXE_SUFFIX) pascal_count.c: pascal_count.l driver.c driver.h flex -Cfe -t pascal_count.l > pascal_count.c pascal_count$(EXE_SUFFIX): pascal_count.c $(CC) pascal_count.c -o pascal_count$(EXE_SUFFIX) jsp_count.c: jsp_count.l driver.c driver.h flex -Cfe -t jsp_count.l > jsp_count.c jsp_count$(EXE_SUFFIX): jsp_count.c $(CC) jsp_count.c -o jsp_count$(EXE_SUFFIX) ml_count$(EXE_SUFFIX): ml_count.c $(CC) ml_count.c -o ml_count$(EXE_SUFFIX) sloccount.1.gz: sloccount.1 gzip -c sloccount.1 > sloccount.1.gz # Currently "java_count" is the same as "c_count": java_count$(EXE_SUFFIX): c_count$(EXE_SUFFIX) cp -p c_count$(EXE_SUFFIX) java_count$(EXE_SUFFIX) # This is USC's code counter, not built by default: c_lines: C_LINES.C $(CC) C_LINES.C -o c_lines$(EXE_SUFFIX) install_programs: all $(INSTALL) $(EXECUTABLES) $(INSTALL_DIR) uninstall_programs: cd $(INSTALL_DIR) && rm -f $(EXECUTABLES) install_man: $(MANPAGES) $(INSTALL_A_DIR) $(MAN_DIR_MAN1) $(INSTALL) $(MANPAGES) $(MAN_DIR_MAN1) uninstall_man: cd $(MAN_DIR_MAN1) && rm -f $(MANPAGES) install_docs: install_man $(INSTALL_A_DIR) $(DOC_DIR) $(INSTALL) $(MYDOCS) $(DOC_DIR) uninstall_docs: rm -fr $(DOC_DIR) install: install_programs install_man install_docs uninstall: uninstall_programs uninstall_docs uninstall_man clean: -rm -f $(COMPILED_EXECUTABLES) core sloccount.1.gz phptest: php_count ./php_count *.php ./php_count /usr/share/php/*.php ./php_count /usr/share/php/*/*.php # "make distribute" creates the tarball. distribute: clean $(MANPAGES) rm -f sloccount-$(VERSION).tgz rm -f sloccount-$(VERSION).tar.gz mkdir 9temp cp -pr [A-Za-z]* 9temp mv 9temp $(VERSIONEDNAME) rm -f $(VERSIONEDNAME)/*.tgz rm -f $(VERSIONEDNAME)/*.tar.gz rm -f $(VERSIONEDNAME)/*.rpm # rm -f $(VERSIONEDNAME)/*.1.gz rm -f $(VERSIONEDNAME)/C_LINES.C rm -f $(VERSIONEDNAME)/java_lines.c rm -f $(VERSIONEDNAME)/c_lines tar -cvf - $(VERSIONEDNAME)/* | \ gzip --best > $(VERSIONEDNAME).tar.gz chown --reference=README $(VERSIONEDNAME).tar.gz chmod a+rX * rm -fr $(VERSIONEDNAME) my_install: distribute chmod a+rX * cp -p sloccount-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(POSTED_DIR) cp -p sloccount.html $(POSTED_DIR) cp -p ChangeLog $(POSTED_DIR) cp -p TODO $(POSTED_DIR) cp -p /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/$(ARCH)/$(VERSIONEDNAME)-$(RPM_VERSION)*.rpm $(POSTED_DIR) cp -p /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS/$(VERSIONEDNAME)-$(RPM_VERSION)*.src.rpm $(POSTED_DIR) rpm: distribute cp $(VERSIONEDNAME).tar.gz /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES cp sloccount.spec /usr/src/redhat/SPECS cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS # Uninstall current sloccount if any; ignore errors if not installed. -rpm -e sloccount $(RPMBUILD) sloccount.spec chmod a+r /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/$(ARCH)/$(VERSIONEDNAME)-$(RPM_VERSION)*.rpm chmod a+r /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS/$(VERSIONEDNAME)-$(RPM_VERSION)*.src.rpm rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/$(ARCH)/$(VERSIONEDNAME)-$(RPM_VERSION)*.rpm echo "Use rpm -e $(NAME) to remove the package" test: all @echo "Starting test..." PATH="${PWD}:${PATH}" ./sloccount testcode @echo "Ending test." # Support "make check" check: test