path: root/SDL_Core/src/components/JSONHandler/sdlinkObjGenerator/v4_protocol_v1_2_no_extra.xml
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Diffstat (limited to 'SDL_Core/src/components/JSONHandler/sdlinkObjGenerator/v4_protocol_v1_2_no_extra.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1154 deletions
diff --git a/SDL_Core/src/components/JSONHandler/sdlinkObjGenerator/v4_protocol_v1_2_no_extra.xml b/SDL_Core/src/components/JSONHandler/sdlinkObjGenerator/v4_protocol_v1_2_no_extra.xml
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index b2d42aa7e..000000000
--- a/SDL_Core/src/components/JSONHandler/sdlinkObjGenerator/v4_protocol_v1_2_no_extra.xml
+++ /dev/null
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-<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
-<!-- edited with XMLSpy v2011 rel. 3 sp1 (x64) ( by Olesksandr Leshchenko (HP) -->
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="protocol2html.xsl"?>
-<interface name="Ford Sync RAPI" version="1.2" date="2011-05-17">
- <enum name="Result">
- <element name="SUCCESS">
- <description>The request succeeded</description>
- </element>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA">
- <description>The data sent is invalid. For example</description>
- <description>Invalid Json syntax</description>
- <description>Parameters out of bounds (number or enum range)</description>
- <description>Mandatory parameters not provided</description>
- <description>Parameter provided with wrong type</description>
- <description>Invalid characters</description>
- <description>Empty string</description>
- </element>
- <element name="UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST">
- <description>The request is not supported by Sync</description>
- </element>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY">
- <description>The system could not process the request because the necessary memory couldn't be allocated</description>
- </element>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS">
- <description>There are too many requests pending (means, that the response has not been delivered, yet).</description>
- <designdescription>There may be a maximum of 1000 pending requests at a time.</designdescription>
- </element>
- <element name="INVALID_ID">
- <description>One of the provided IDs is not valid. For example</description>
- <description>This applies to CorrelationID, SubscriptionID [@TODO if SubscriptionID is used], CommandID, MenuID, [@TODO: missed one?]</description>
- </element>
- <element name="DUPLICATE_NAME">
- <description>There was a conflict with an registered name (application or menu item) or vr command</description>
- </element>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_APPLICATIONS">
- <description>There are already too many registered applications</description>
- </element>
- <description>RegisterApplication has been called again, after a RegisterApplication was successful before.</description>
- </element>
- <element name="UNSUPPORTED_VERSION">
- <description>Sync doesn't support the protocol that is requested by the mobile application</description>
- </element>
- <element name="WRONG_LANGUAGE">
- <description>The requested language is currently not supported.</description>
- <description>Might be because of a mismatch of the currently active language on Sync and the requested language</description>
- </element>
- <description>An command can not be executed because no application has been registered with RegisterApplication.</description>
- </element>
- <element name="IN_USE">
- <description>The data may not be changed, because it is currently in use.</description>
- <description>For example when trying to delete a command set that is currently involved in an interaction.</description>
- </element>
- <element name="SUBSCRIBED_ALREADY">
- <description>The item to subscribe to is already subscribed to.</description>
- </element>
- <element name="REJECTED">
- <description>The requested command was rejected, e.g. because mobile app is in background and cannot perform any HMI commands.</description>
- <description>Or an HMI command (e.g. Speak) is rejected because a higher priority HMI command (e.g. Alert) is playing.</description>
- </element>
- <element name="ABORTED">
- <description>A command was aborted, for example due to user interaction (e.g. user pressed button).</description>
- <description>Or an HMI command (e.g. Speak) is aborted because a higher priority HMI command (e.g. Alert) was requested.</description>
- </element>
- <element name="IGNORED">
- <description>A command was ignored, because the intended result is already in effect.</description>
- <description>For example, SetMediaClockTimer was used to pause the media clock although the clock is paused already.</description>
- <description>NOTE: potentially replaces SUBSCRIBED_ALREADY</description>
- </element>
- <element name="UNSUPPORTED_BUTTON">
- <description>A button that was requested for subscription is not supported under the current system.</description>
- <description>NOTE: could become a more generic UNSUPPORTED_RESOURCE by merging with VEHIVLE_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE.</description>
- </element>
- <element name="FILE_NOT_FOUND">
- <description>A specified file could not be found on Sync.</description>
- </element>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR">
- <description>Provided data is valid but something went wrong in the lower layers.</description>
- </element>
- </enum>
- <enum name="ButtonPressMode">
- <element name="LONG">
- <description>A button was released, after it was pressed for a long time</description>
- <description>Actual timing is defined by Sync and may vary</description>
- </element>
- <element name="SHORT">
- <description>A button was released, after it was pressed for a short time</description>
- <description>Actual timing is defined by Sync and may vary</description>
- </element>
- </enum>
- <enum name="ButtonEventMode">
- <element name="BUTTONUP">
- <description>A button has been released up</description>
- </element>
- <element name="BUTTONDOWN">
- <description>A button has been pressed down</description>
- </element>
- </enum>
- <enum name="Language">
- <description>The set of potential languages</description>
- <element name="EN-US" internal_name="EN_US">
- <description>US English</description>
- </element>
- <element name="ES-MX" internal_name="ES_MX">
- <description>Mexican Spanish</description>
- </element>
- <element name="FR-CA" internal_name="FR_CA">
- <description>Canadian French</description>
- </element>
- </enum>
- <enum name="UpdateMode">
- <description>Describes how the media clock timer should behave on the platform</description>
- <element name="COUNTUP"/>
- <description>Starts the media clock timer counting upwards, as in time elapsed.</description>
- <element name="COUNTDOWN"/>
- <description>Starts the media clock timer counting downwards, as in time remaining.</description>
- <element name="PAUSE"/>
- <description>Pauses the media clock timer</description>
- <element name="RESUME"/>
- <description>Resume the media clock timer</description>
- </enum>
- <enum name="InteractionMode">
- <description>For application-requested interactions, this mode indicates the method in which the user is notified and uses the interaction.</description>
- <element name="MANUAL_ONLY"/>
- <description>This mode causes the interaction to only occur on the display, meaning the choices are provided only via the display.</description>
- <description>Selections are made with the OK and Seek Right and Left, Tune Up and Down buttons.</description>
- <element name="VR_ONLY"/>
- <description>This mode causes the interaction to only occur using V4.</description>
- <description>Selections are made by saying the command.</description>
- <element name="BOTH"/>
- <description>This mode causes both a VR and display selection option for an interaction.</description>
- <description>Selections can be made either from the menu display or by speaking the command.</description>
- </enum>
- <enum name="HMILevel">
- <description>Enumeraction that describes current levels of HMI.</description>
- <element name="FULL" internal_name="HMI_FULL"/>
- <element name="LIMITED" internal_name="HMI_LIMITED"/>
- <element name="BACKGROUND" internal_name="HMI_BACKGROUND"/>
- <element name="NONE" internal_name="HMI_NONE"/>
- </enum>
- <enum name="AudioStreamingState">
- <description>Enumeraction that describes possible states of audio streaming.</description>
- <element name="AUDIBLE"/>
- <element name="NOT_AUDIBLE"/>
- </enum>
- <enum name="SystemContext">
- <description>Enumeraction that describes possible contexts and app's HMI might be in.</description>
- <element name="MAIN" internal_name="SYSCTXT_MAIN"/>
- <element name="VRSESSION" internal_name="SYSCTXT_VRSESSION"/>
- <element name="MENU" internal_name="SYSCTXT_MENU"/>
- </enum>
- <enum name="AppInterfaceUnregisteredReason">
- <description>Error code, which comes from sync side.</description>
- <element name="USER_EXIT"/>
- <element name="IGNITION_OFF"/>
- <element name="BLUETOOTH_OFF"/>
- <element name="USB_DISCONNECTED"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="LANGUAGE_CHANGE"/>
- <element name="MASTER_RESET"/>
- <element name="FACTORY_DEFAULTS"/>
- </enum>
- <enum name="TriggerSource">
- <description>Indicates the source from where the command was triggered.</description>
- <element name="MENU" internal_name="TS_MENU"/>
- <element name="VR" internal_name="TS_VR"/>
- </enum>
- <enum name="HmiZoneCapabilities">
- <description>Contains information about the HMI zone capabilities.</description>
- <description>For future use.</description>
- <element name="FRONT"/>
- <element name="BACK"/>
- </enum>
- <enum name="SpeechCapabilities">
- <description>Contains information about the TTS capabilities.</description>
- <element name="TEXT"/>
- <element name="SAPI_PHONEMES"/>
- <element name="LHPLUS_PHONEMES"/>
- <element name="PRE_RECORDED"/>
- <element name="SILENCE"/>
- </enum>
- <enum name="VrCapabilities">
- <description>Contains information about the VR capabilities.</description>
- <element name="Text"/>
- </enum>
- <enum name="AudioCaptureQuality" platform="pending">
- <description>Describes different quality options for PerformAudioCapture.</description>
- <element name="8KHZ"/>
- <element name="16KHZ"/>
- </enum>
- <enum name="ButtonName">
- <description>Defines the hard (physical) and soft (touchscreen) buttons available from SYNC</description>
- <element name="OK"/>
- <element name="SEEKLEFT"/>
- <element name="SEEKRIGHT"/>
- <element name="TUNEUP"/>
- <element name="TUNEDOWN"/>
- <element name="PRESET_0"/>
- <element name="PRESET_1"/>
- <element name="PRESET_2"/>
- <element name="PRESET_3"/>
- <element name="PRESET_4"/>
- <element name="PRESET_5"/>
- <element name="PRESET_6"/>
- <element name="PRESET_7"/>
- <element name="PRESET_8"/>
- <element name="PRESET_9"/>
- <issue creator="rs">Are these all supported buttons?</issue>
- </enum>
- <enum name="MediaClockFormat">
- <element name="CLOCK1">
- <description>minutesFieldWidth = 2;minutesFieldMax = 19;secondsFieldWidth = 2;secondsFieldMax = 99;maxHours = 19;maxMinutes = 59;maxSeconds = 59;</description>
- <description>used for Type II and CID headunits</description>
- </element>
- <element name="CLOCK2">
- <description>minutesFieldWidth = 3;minutesFieldMax = 199;secondsFieldWidth = 2;secondsFieldMax = 99;maxHours = 59;maxMinutes = 59;maxSeconds = 59;</description>
- <description>used for Type V headunit</description>
- </element>
- <element name="CLOCKTEXT1">
- <description>5 characters possible</description>
- <description>Format: 1|sp c :|sp c c</description>
- <description>1|sp : digit "1" or space</description>
- <description>c : character out of following character set: sp|0-9|[letters, see TypeII column in XLS. See [@TODO: create file ref]]</description>
- <description>:|sp : colon or space</description>
- <description>used for Type II headunit</description>
- </element>
- <element name="CLOCKTEXT2">
- <description>5 chars possible</description>
- <description>Format: 1|sp c :|sp c c</description>
- <description>1|sp : digit "1" or space</description>
- <description>c : character out of following character set: sp|0-9|[letters, see CID column in XLS. See [@TODO: create file ref]]</description>
- <description>:|sp : colon or space</description>
- <description>used for CID headunit</description>
- <description>NOTE: difference between CLOCKTEXT1 and CLOCKTEXT2 is the supported character set</description>
- </element>
- <element name="CLOCKTEXT3">
- <description>6 chars possible</description>
- <description>Format: 1|sp c c :|sp c c</description>
- <description>1|sp : digit "1" or space</description>
- <description>c : character out of following character set: sp|0-9|[letters, see Type 5 column in XLS]. See [@TODO: create file ref]</description>
- <description>:|sp : colon or space</description>
- <description>used for Type V headunit</description>
- </element>
- <issue creator="mf">First complete values draft. Review needed.</issue>
- </enum>
- <enum name="DisplayType">
- <description>See DAES for further infos regarding the displays]</description>
- <issue creator="rs">Meaningful description is missing</issue>
- <element name="CID"/>
- <element name="TYPE2"/>
- <element name="TYPE5"/>
- <element name="NGN"/>
- <element name="GEN2_8_DMA"/>
- <element name="GEN2_6_DMA"/>
- <element name="MFD3"/>
- <element name="MFD4"/>
- <element name="MFD5"/>
- </enum>
- <enum name="TextFieldName">
- <element name="mainField1">
- <description>The first line of the main field of persistent display</description>
- <description>Applies to "Show"</description>
- </element>
- <element name="mainField2">
- <description>The second line of the main field of persistent display</description>
- <description>Applies to "Show"</description>
- </element>
- <element name="statusBar">
- <description>The status bar on Nav</description>
- <description>Applies to "Show"</description>
- </element>
- <element name="mediaClock">
- <description>Text value for MediaClock field. Has to be properly formatted by Mobile App according to Sync capabilities.</description>
- <description>Applies to "Show"</description>
- </element>
- <element name="mediaTrack">
- <description>The track field of NGN type ACMs.</description>
- <description>This field is only available for media applications.</description>
- <description>Applies to "Show"</description>
- </element>
- <element name="alertText1">
- <description>The first line of the alert text field</description>
- <description>Applies to "Alert"</description>
- </element>
- <element name="alertText2">
- <description>The second line of the alert text field</description>
- <description>Applies to "Alert"</description>
- </element>
- </enum>
- <enum name="CharacterSet">
- <description>The list of potential character sets</description>
- <element name="TYPE2SET">
- <description>See [@TODO: create file ref]</description>
- </element>
- <element name="TYPE5SET">
- <description>See [@TODO: create file ref]</description>
- </element>
- <element name="CID1SET">
- <description>See [@TODO: create file ref]</description>
- </element>
- <element name="CID2SET">
- <description>See [@TODO: create file ref]</description>
- </element>
- <issue creator="rs">Real sets have not been defined yet?</issue>
- </enum>
- <enum name="TextAlignment">
- <description>The list of possible alignments, left, right, or centered</description>
- <element name="LEFT_ALIGNED"/>
- <element name="RIGHT_ALIGNED"/>
- <element name="CENTERED"/>
- </enum>
- <enum name="TBTState">
- <description>Enumeration that describes possible states of turn-by-turn module.</description>
- <element name="ROUTE_UPDATE_REQUEST"/>
- <element name="ROUTE_ACCEPTED"/>
- <element name="ROUTE_REFUSED"/>
- <element name="ROUTE_CANCELLED"/>
- </enum>
- <enum name="DriverDistractionState">
- <description>Enumeration that describes possible states of driver distraction.</description>
- <element name="DD_ON"/>
- <element name="DD_OFF"/>
- </enum>
- <struct name="Choice">
- <description>A choice is an option given to the user, which can be selected either by menu, or through voice recognition system.</description>
- <param name="choiceID" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="65535"/>
- <param name="menuName" type="String" maxlength="500"/>
- <param name="vrCommands" type="String" minsize="1" maxsize="100" maxlength="99" array="true"/>
- </struct>
- <struct name="SyncMsgVersion">
- <description>Specifies the version number of the SYNC V4 protocol, that is supported by the mobile application</description>
- <param name="majorVersion" type="Integer" minvalue="1" maxvalue="1">
- <description>The major version indicates versions that is not-compatible to previous versions.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="minorVersion" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="1000">
- <description>The minor version indicates a change to a previous version that should still allow to be run on an older version (with limited functionality)</description>
- </param>
- </struct>
- <enum name="GlobalProperty">
- <description>The different global properties.</description>
- <element name="HELPPROMPT">
- <description>The property helpPrompt of setGlobalProperties</description>
- </element>
- <element name="TIMEOUTPROMPT">
- <description>The property timeoutPrompt of setGlobalProperties</description>
- </element>
- </enum>
- <struct name="StartTime">
- <param name="hours" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="59">
- <description>The hour of the media clock.</description>
- <description>Some radios only support a max of 19 hours. If out of range, it will be rejected.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="minutes" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="59"/>
- <param name="seconds" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="59"/>
- </struct>
- <struct name="TextField">
- <param name="name" type="TextFieldName">
- <description>The name that identifies the field. See TextFieldName.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="characterSet" type="CharacterSet">
- <description>The character set that is supported in this field. See CharacterSet.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="width" type="Integer" minvalue="1" maxvalue="40">
- <description>The number of characters in one row of this field.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="rows" type="Integer" minvalue="1" maxvalue="3">
- <description>The number of rows of this field.</description>
- </param>
- </struct>
- <struct name="DisplayCapabilities">
- <description>Contains information about the display capabilities.</description>
- <param name="displayType" type="DisplayType">
- <description>The type of the display. See DisplayType</description>
- </param>
- <param name="textFields" type="TextField" minsize="1" maxsize="100" array="true">
- <description>A set of all fields that support text data. See TextField</description>
- </param>
- <param name="mediaClockFormats" type="MediaClockFormat" minsize="1" maxsize="100" array="true">
- <description>A set of all supported formats of the media clock. See MediaClockFormat</description>
- </param>
- </struct>
- <struct name="ButtonCapabilities">
- <description>Contains information about a buttons capabilities.</description>
- <param name="name" type="ButtonName">
- <description>The name of the button. See ButtonName.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="shortPressAvailable" type="Boolean">
- <description>The button supports a short press.</description>
- <description>Whenever the button is pressed short, onButtonPressed( SHORT) will be invoked.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="longPressAvailable" type="Boolean">
- <description>The button supports a LONG press.</description>
- <description>Whenever the button is pressed long, onButtonPressed( LONG) will be invoked.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="upDownAvailable" type="Boolean">
- <description>The button supports "button down" and "button up".</description>
- <description>Whenever the button is pressed, onButtonEvent( DOWN) will be invoked.</description>
- <description>Whenever the button is released, onButtonEvent( UP) will be invoked.</description>
- </param>
- </struct>
- <struct name="MenuParams">
- <param name="parentID" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="2000000000" mandatory="false">
- <description>unique ID of the sub menu, the command will be added to.</description>
- <description>If not provided, it will be provided to the top level of the in application menu.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="position" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Position within the items that are are at top level of the in application menu.</description>
- <description>0 will insert at the front.</description>
- <description>1 will insert at the second position.</description>
- <description>if position is greater or equal than the number of items on top level, the sub menu will be appended to the end.</description>
- <description>If this param was omitted the entry will be added at the end.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="menuName" type="String" maxlength="500">
- <description>Text to show in the menu for this sub menu.</description>
- </param>
- </struct>
- <struct name="TTSChunk">
- <description>A TTS chunk, that consists of the text/phonemes to speak and the type (like text or SAPI)</description>
- <param name="text" maxlength="500" type="String">
- <description>The text or phonemes to speak.</description>
- <description>May not be empty.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="type" type="SpeechCapabilities">
- <description>Describes, whether it is text or a specific phoneme set. See SpeechCapabilities</description>
- </param>
- </struct>
- <!-- Requests/Responses -->
- <function name="RegisterAppInterface" messagetype="request">
- <description>Establishes an interface with a mobile application.</description>
- <description>Before registerAppInterface no other commands will be accepted/executed.</description>
- <param name="syncMsgVersion" type="SyncMsgVersion">
- <description>See SyncMsgVersion</description>
- </param>
- <param name="appName" type="String" maxlength="100">
- <description>The mobile application name, e.g. "Ford Drive Green".</description>
- <description>Needs to be unique over all applications.</description>
- <description>May not be empty.</description>
- <description>May not start with a new line character.</description>
- <description>May not interfere with any name or synonym of previously registered applications and the following list of words @TODO: Create list(global commands)</description>
- <description>Needs to be unique over all applications. Applications with the same name will be rejected.</description>
- <description>Only characters from char set [@TODO: Create char set (character/hex value) for each ACM and refer to] are supported.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="ngnMediaScreenAppName" type="String" maxlength="100" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides an abbreviated version of the app name (if needed), that will be displayed on the NGN media screen.</description>
- <description>If not provided, the appName is used instead (and will be truncated if too long)</description>
- <description>Only characters from char set [@TODO: Create char set (character/hex value) for each ACM and refer to] are supported.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="vrSynonyms" type="String" maxlength="40" minsize="1" maxsize="100" array="true" mandatory="false">
- <description>Defines an additional voice recognition command.</description>
- <description>May not interfere with any name or synonym of previously registered applications and the following list of words @TODO: Create list(global commands)</description>
- <description>Only characters from char set [@TODO: Create char set (character/hex value) for each ACM and refer to] are supported.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="usesVehicleData" type="Boolean" platform="pending" mandatory="false">
- <description>If not provided, the default is equal to False"</description>
- <description>Indicates if the mobile application wants to use vehicle data like GPS or speed.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="isMediaApplication" type="Boolean">
- <description>Indicates if the application is a media or a non-media application.</description>
- <description>Only media applications will be able to stream audio to Sync that is audible outside of the BT media source.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="languageDesired" type="Language">
- <description>See Language</description>
- <description>If the language doesn't match the active language on Sync, it will be rejected.</description>
- <description>If the language is changed, while an app is registered, it will get disconnected.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="autoActivateID" type="String" maxlength="16" mandatory="false">
- <description>Used to support auto activation after an initial successful registerAppInterface (for example after an ignition cycle).</description>
- <description>The app should always provide the id that was provided by the most recent registerAppInterface response.</description>
- <description>If this is the first call to registerAppInterface, then do not provide this parameter at all.</description>
- <description>If not provided or not matching with the id of the last registerAppInterface response, the app will not be automatically put into foreground on startup.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="RegisterAppInterface" messagetype="response">
- <description>The response to registerAppInterface</description>
- <param name="success" type="Boolean">
- <description>true, if successful</description>
- <description>false, if failed</description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- <element name="DUPLICATE_NAME"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_APPLICATIONS"/>
- <element name="UNSUPPORTED_VERSION"/>
- <element name="WRONG_LANGUAGE"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="syncMsgVersion" type="SyncMsgVersion" mandatory="false">
- <description>See SyncMsgVersion</description>
- </param>
- <param name="autoActivateID" type="String" maxlength="16" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides an id that the app may use on a subsequent registerAppInterface to allow for auto activation (for example after an ignition cycle).</description>
- </param>
- <param name="language" type="Language" mandatory="false">
- <description>The currently active language on Sync. See "Language" for options.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="displayCapabilities" type="DisplayCapabilities" mandatory="false">
- <description>See DisplayCapabilities</description>
- </param>
- <param name="buttonCapabilities" type="ButtonCapabilities" minsize="1" maxsize="100" array="true" mandatory="false">
- <description>See ButtonCapabilities</description>
- </param>
- <param name="hmiZoneCapabilities" type="HmiZoneCapabilities" minsize="1" maxsize="100" array="true" mandatory="false">
- <issue creator="rs">If not used yet => remove</issue>
- <description>See HmiZoneCapabilities</description>
- </param>
- <param name="speechCapabilities" type="SpeechCapabilities" minsize="1" maxsize="100" array="true" mandatory="false">
- <description>See SpeechCapabilities</description>
- </param>
- <param name="vrCapabilities" type="VrCapabilities" minsize="1" maxsize="100" array="true" mandatory="false">
- <description>See VrCapabilities</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="UnregisterAppInterface" messagetype="request">
- <description>Closes an interface from a mobile application.</description>
- <description>After unregisterAppInterface, no commands other than registerAppInterface will be accepted/executed.</description>
- <description>Will fail, if no registerAppInterface was completed successfully before.</description>
- </function>
- <function name="UnregisterAppInterface" messagetype="response">
- <param name="success" type="Boolean">
- <description>true, if successful</description>
- <description>false, if failed</description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="SetGlobalProperties" messagetype="request">
- <description>Allows setting global properties.</description>
- <param name="helpPrompt" type="TTSChunk" minsize="1" maxsize="100" array="true" mandatory="false">
- <description>The help prompt.</description>
- <description>An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk</description>
- <description>The array must have at least one item</description>
- </param>
- <param name="timeoutPrompt" type="TTSChunk" minsize="1" maxsize="100" array="true" mandatory="false">
- <description>Help text for a wait timeout.</description>
- <description>An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk</description>
- <description>The array must have at least one item</description>
- </param>
- <issue creator="rs">Do we want to add VR threshold params?</issue>
- </function>
- <function name="SetGlobalProperties" messagetype="response">
- <param name="success" type="Boolean">
- <description>true, if successful</description>
- <description>false, if failed</description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- <element name="REJECTED"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="ResetGlobalProperties" messagetype="request">
- <description>Allows resetting global properties.</description>
- <param name="properties" type="GlobalProperty" minsize="1" maxsize="100" array="true">
- <description>Contains the names of all global properties (like timeoutPrompt) that should be unset. Resetting means, that they have the same value as at start up (default)</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="ResetGlobalProperties" messagetype="response">
- <param name="success" type="Boolean">
- <description>true, if successful</description>
- <description>false, if failed</description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- <element name="REJECTED"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="AddCommand" messagetype="request">
- <description>Adds a command to the in application menu.</description>
- <description>Either menuParams or vrCommands must be provided.</description>
- <param name="cmdID" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="2000000000">
- <description>unique ID of the command to add.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="menuParams" type="MenuParams" mandatory="false">
- <description>Optional sub value containing menu parameters</description>
- </param>
- <param name="vrCommands" type="String" minsize="1" maxsize="100" maxlength="99" array="true" mandatory="false">
- <description>An array of strings to be used as VR sysnonyms for this command.</description>
- <description>If this array is provided, it may not be empty.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="AddCommand" messagetype="response">
- <param name="success" type="Boolean">
- <description>true, if successful</description>
- <description>false, if failed</description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- <element name="REJECTED"/>
- <element name="INVALID_ID"/>
- <element name="DUPLICATE_NAME"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="DeleteCommand" messagetype="request">
- <description>Deletes all commands from the in-application menu with the specified command id.</description>
- <param name="cmdID" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="2000000000">
- <description>ID of the command(s) to delete.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="DeleteCommand" messagetype="response">
- <param name="success" type="Boolean">
- <description>true, if successful</description>
- <description>false, if failed</description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- <element name="REJECTED"/>
- <element name="INVALID_ID"/>
- <element name="IN_USE"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="AddSubMenu" messagetype="request">
- <description>Adds a sub menu to the in-application menu.</description>
- <param name="menuID" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="2000000000">
- <description>unique ID of the sub menu to add.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="position" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Position within the items that are are at top level of the in application menu.</description>
- <description>0 will insert at the front.</description>
- <description>1 will insert at the second position.</description>
- <description>If position is greater or equal than the number of items on top level, the sub menu will be appended to the end.</description>
- <description>Position of any submenu will always be located before the return and exit options</description>
- <description>If this param was omitted the entry will be added at the end.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="menuName" maxlength="500" type="String">
- <description>Text to show in the menu for this sub menu.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="AddSubMenu" messagetype="response">
- <param name="success" type="Boolean">
- <description>true, if successful</description>
- <description>false, if failed</description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- <element name="REJECTED"/>
- <element name="INVALID_ID"/>
- <element name="DUPLICATE_NAME"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="DeleteSubMenu" messagetype="request">
- <description>Deletes a submenu from the in-application menu.</description>
- <param name="menuID" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="2000000000">
- <description>The "menuID" of the submenu to delete. (See addSubMenu.menuID)</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="DeleteSubMenu" messagetype="response">
- <param name="success" type="Boolean">
- <description>true, if successful</description>
- <description>false, if failed</description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- <element name="REJECTED"/>
- <element name="INVALID_ID"/>
- <element name="IN_USE"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="CreateInteractionChoiceSet" messagetype="request">
- <description>creates interaction choice set to be used later by performInteraction</description>
- <param name="interactionChoiceSetID" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="2000000000">
- <description>Unique ID used for this interaction choice set.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="choiceSet" type="Choice" minsize="1" maxsize="100" array="true"/>
- </function>
- <function name="CreateInteractionChoiceSet" messagetype="response">
- <param name="success" type="Boolean">
- <description>true, if successful</description>
- <description>false, if failed</description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- <element name="REJECTED"/>
- <element name="INVALID_ID"/>
- <element name="DUPLICATE_NAME"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="PerformInteraction" messagetype="request">
- <description>Triggers an interaction (e.g. "Permit GPS?" - Yes, no, Always Allow).</description>
- <param name="initialText" type="String" maxlength="500">
- <description>Text to be displayed first.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="initialPrompt" type="TTSChunk" minsize="1" maxsize="100" array="true">
- <description>This is the intial prompt spoken to the user at the start of an interaction</description>
- <description>An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk</description>
- <description>The array must have at least one item</description>
- </param>
- <param name="interactionMode" type="InteractionMode">
- <description>See InteractionMode.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="interactionChoiceSetIDList" type="Integer" minsize="1" maxsize="100" minvalue="0" maxvalue="2000000000" array="true">
- <description>List of interaction choice set IDs to use with an interaction.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="helpPrompt" type="TTSChunk" minsize="1" maxsize="100" array="true" mandatory="false">
- <description>Help text. This is the spoken string when a user speaks "help" when the interaction is occuring.</description>
- <description>An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk</description>
- <description>The array must have at least one item</description>
- </param>
- <param name="timeoutPrompt" type="TTSChunk" minsize="1" maxsize="100" array="true" mandatory="false">
- <description>Timeout text. This text is spoken when a VR interaction times out.</description>
- <description>An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk</description>
- <description>The array must have at least one item</description>
- </param>
- <param name="timeout" type="Integer" minvalue="5000" maxvalue="100000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Timeout in milliseconds.</description>
- <description>If omitted a standard value of 10000 milliseconds is used.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="PerformInteraction" messagetype="response">
- <param name="success" type="Boolean">
- <description>true, if successful</description>
- <description>false, if failed</description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- <element name="REJECTED"/>
- <element name="INVALID_ID"/>
- <element name="DUPLICATE_NAME"/>
- <element name="REJECTED"/>
- <element name="ABORTED"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="choiceID" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="2000000000" mandatory="false">
- <description>ID of the choice that was selected in response to PerformInteraction.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="triggerSource" type="TriggerSource" mandatory="false">
- <description>See TriggerSource</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="DeleteInteractionChoiceSet" messagetype="request">
- <description>Deletes interaction choice set that has been created with "CreateInteractionChoiceSet".</description>
- <description>The interaction may only be deleted when not currently in use by a "performInteraction".</description>
- <param name="interactionChoiceSetID" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="2000000000">
- <description>ID of the interaction choice set to delete.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="DeleteInteractionChoiceSet" messagetype="response">
- <param name="success" type="Boolean">
- <description>true, if successful</description>
- <description>false, if failed</description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- <element name="REJECTED"/>
- <element name="INVALID_ID"/>
- <element name="IN_USE"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="Alert" messagetype="request">
- <description>Shows an alert which typically consists of text-to-speech message and text on the display. At least either alertText1, alertText2 or TTSChunks need to be provided.</description>
- <param name="alertText1" type="String" maxlength="500" mandatory="false">
- <description>The first line of the alert text field</description>
- </param>
- <param name="alertText2" type="String" maxlength="500" mandatory="false">
- <description>The second line of the alert text field</description>
- </param>
- <param name="ttsChunks" type="TTSChunk" minsize="1" maxsize="100" array="true" mandatory="false">
- <description>An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk</description>
- <description>The array must have at least one item</description>
- </param>
- <param name="duration" type="Integer" minvalue="3000" maxvalue="10000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Timeout in milliseconds.</description>
- <description>Typical timeouts are 3-5 seconds</description>
- <description>If omitted, timeout is set to 5s.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="playTone" type="Boolean" mandatory="false">
- <description>Defines if tone should be played. Tone is played before TTS.</description>
- <description>If omitted, no tone is played.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="Alert" messagetype="response">
- <param name="success" type="Boolean">
- <description>true, if successful</description>
- <description>false, if failed</description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- <element name="REJECTED"/>
- <element name="ABORTED"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="Show" messagetype="request">
- <description>Updates the persistent display. Supported fields depend on display capabilities.</description>
- <param name="mainField1" type="String" maxlength="500" mandatory="false">
- <description>The text that should be displayed in a single or upper display line.</description>
- <description>If this text is not set, the text of mainField1 stays unchanged.</description>
- <description>If this text is empty "", the field will be cleared.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="mainField2" type="String" maxlength="500" mandatory="false">
- <description>The text that should be displayed on the second dispay line.</description>
- <description>If this text is not set, the text of mainField2 stays unchanged.</description>
- <description>If this text is empty "", the field will be cleared.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="alignment" type="TextAlignment" mandatory="false">
- <description>Specifies how mainField1 and mainField2 texts should be aligned on display.</description>
- <description>If omitted, texts will be centered</description>
- </param>
- <param name="statusBar" type="String" maxlength="500" mandatory="false">
- <description>Requires investigation regarding the nav display capabilities. Potentially lower lowerStatusBar, upperStatusBar, titleBar, etc.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="mediaClock" type="String" maxlength="500" mandatory="false">
- <description>Text value for MediaClock field. Has to be properly formatted by Mobile App according to Sync capabilities.</description>
- <description>If this text is set, any automatic media clock updates previously set with SetMediaClockTimer will be stopped.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="mediaTrack" type="String" maxlength="500" mandatory="false">
- <description>The text that should be displayed in the track field.</description>
- <description>This field is only valid for media applications on NGN type ACMs.</description>
- <description>If this text is not set, the text of mediaTrack stays unchanged.</description>
- <description>If this text is empty "", the field will be cleared.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="Show" messagetype="response">
- <param name="success" type="Boolean">
- <description>true, if successful</description>
- <description>false, if failed</description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- <element name="REJECTED"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="Speak" messagetype="request">
- <description>Speaks a text.</description>
- <param name="ttsChunks" type="TTSChunk" minsize="1" maxsize="100" array="true">
- <description>An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk</description>
- <description>The array must have at least one item</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="Speak" messagetype="response">
- <param name="success" type="Boolean">
- <description>true, if successful</description>
- <description>false, if failed</description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- <element name="REJECTED"/>
- <element name="ABORTED"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="SetMediaClockTimer" messagetype="request">
- <description>Sets the initial media clock value and automatic update method.</description>
- <param name="startTime" type="StartTime" mandatory="false">
- <description>See StartTime</description>
- <description>startTime must be provided for "run"</description>
- <description>startTime will be ignored for "pause" and "resum"</description>
- </param>
- <param name="updateMode" type="UpdateMode">
- <description>Enumeration to control the media clock.</description>
- <description>In case of pause or resume, the start time value is ignored and shall be left out. For resume, the time continues with the same value as it was when paused.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="SetMediaClockTimer" messagetype="response">
- <param name="success" type="Boolean">
- <description>true, if successful</description>
- <description>false, if failed</description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- <element name="REJECTED"/>
- <element name="IGNORED"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="EncodedSyncPData" messagetype="request">
- <description>Allows encoded data in the form of SyncP packets to be sent to the SYNC module</description>
- <param name="data" type="String" maxlength="10000" minsize="1" maxsize="100" array="true" mandatory="true">
- <description>Contains base64 encoded string of SyncP packets.</description>
- <todo>What is the maxlength</todo>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="EncodedSyncPData" messagetype="response">
- <param name="success" type="Boolean">
- <description>true, if successful</description>
- <description>false, if failed</description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- <element name="REJECTED"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="SubscribeButton" messagetype="request">
- <description>Subscribes to built-in HMI buttons.</description>
- <description>The application will be notified by the OnButtonEvent and OnButtonPress.</description>
- <description>To unsubscribe the notifications, use unsubscribeButton.</description>
- <param name="buttonName" type="ButtonName">
- <description>Name of the button to subscribe.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="SubscribeButton" messagetype="response">
- <param name="success" type="Boolean">
- <description>true, if successful</description>
- <description>false, if failed</description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- <element name="UNSUPPORTED_BUTTON"/>
- <element name="IGNORED"/>
- <element name="REJECTED"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="UnsubscribeButton" messagetype="request">
- <description>Unsubscribes from built-in HMI buttons.</description>
- <param name="buttonName" type="ButtonName">
- <description>Name of the button to unsubscribe.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="UnsubscribeButton" messagetype="response">
- <param name="success" type="Boolean">
- <description>true, if successful</description>
- <description>false, if failed</description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- <element name="UNSUPPORTED_BUTTON"/>
- <element name="IGNORED"/>
- <element name="REJECTED"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="GenericResponse" messagetype="response">
- <description>Generic Response is sent, when the name of a received msg cannot be retrieved. Only used in case of an error.</description>
- <description>Currently, only resultCode INVALID_DATA is used.</description>
- <param name="success" type="Boolean">
- <description>true, if successful</description>
- <description>false, if failed</description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <!-- Notifications -->
- <function name="OnHMIStatus" messagetype="notification">
- <param name="hmiLevel" type="HMILevel">
- <description>See HMILevel</description>
- </param>
- <param name="audioStreamingState" type="AudioStreamingState">
- <description>See AudioStreamingState</description>
- </param>
- <param name="systemContext" type="SystemContext">
- <description>See SystemContext</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="OnAppInterfaceUnregistered" messagetype="notification">
- <param name="reason" type="AppInterfaceUnregisteredReason">
- <description>See AppInterfaceUnregisteredReason</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="OnButtonEvent" messagetype="notification">
- <description>Notifies application of UP/DOWN events for buttons to which the application is subscribed.</description>
- <param name="buttonName" type="ButtonName"/>
- <param name="buttonEventMode" type="ButtonEventMode">
- <description>Indicates whether this is an UP or DOWN event.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="OnButtonPress" messagetype="notification">
- <description>Notifies application of LONG/SHORT press events for buttons to which the application is subscribed.</description>
- <param name="buttonName" type="ButtonName"/>
- <param name="buttonPressMode" type="ButtonPressMode">
- <description>Indicates whether this is a LONG or SHORT button press event.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="OnCommand" messagetype="notification">
- <param name="cmdID" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="2000000000">
- <description>Command ID, which is related to a specific menu entry.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="triggerSource" type="TriggerSource">
- <description>See TriggerSource</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="OnEncodedSyncPData" messagetype="notification">
- <description>Callback including encoded data of any SyncP packets that SYNC needs to send back to the mobile device.</description>
- <param name="data" type="String" maxlength="10000" minsize="1" maxsize="100" mandatory="true" array="true">
- <description>Contains base64 encoded string of SyncP packets.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="OnTBTClientState" messagetype="notification">
- <description>Provides applications with notifications specific to the current TBT client status on the module</description>
- <param name="state" type="TBTState">
- <description>Current State of TBT client</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="OnDriverDistraction" messagetype="notification">
- <description>Provides driver distraction state to mobile applications</description>
- <param name="state" type="DriverDistractionState">
- <description>Current State of Driver Distraction</description>
- </param>
- </function>