path: root/test/tools/intergen/test_interface.xml
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/tools/intergen/test_interface.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 426 deletions
diff --git a/test/tools/intergen/test_interface.xml b/test/tools/intergen/test_interface.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 78ed9aa20..000000000
--- a/test/tools/intergen/test_interface.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="protocol2html.xsl"?>
-<interface name="test rpc interface" version="42" >
- <enum name="Result" internal_scope="base">
- <element name="SUCCESS">
- <description>The request succeeded</description>
- </element>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA">
- <description>
- The data sent is invalid. For example:
- Invalid Json syntax
- Parameters out of bounds (number or enum range)
- Mandatory parameters not provided
- Parameter provided with wrong type
- Invalid characters
- Empty string
- </description>
- </element>
- <element name="UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST">
- <description>The request is not supported by Sync</description>
- </element>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY">
- <description>The system could not process the request because the necessary memory couldn't be allocated</description>
- </element>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS">
- <description>There are too many requests pending (means, that the response has not been delivered, yet).</description>
- <designdescription>There may be a maximum of 1000 pending requests at a time.</designdescription>
- </element>
- <element name="INVALID_ID">
- <description>
- One of the provided IDs is not valid. For example
- This applies to CorrelationID, SubscriptionID, CommandID, MenuID, etc.
- </description>
- </element>
- <element name="DUPLICATE_NAME">
- <description>There was a conflict with an registered name (application or menu item) or vr command</description>
- </element>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_APPLICATIONS">
- <description>There are already too many registered applications</description>
- </element>
- <description>RegisterApplication has been called again, after a RegisterApplication was successful before.</description>
- </element>
- <element name="UNSUPPORTED_VERSION">
- <description>Sync doesn't support the protocol that is requested by the mobile application</description>
- </element>
- <element name="WRONG_LANGUAGE">
- <description>
- The requested language is currently not supported.
- Might be because of a mismatch of the currently active language on Sync and the requested language
- </description>
- </element>
- <description>An command can not be executed because no application has been registered with RegisterApplication.</description>
- </element>
- <element name="IN_USE">
- <description>
- The data may not be changed, because it is currently in use.
- For example when trying to delete a command set that is currently involved in an interaction.
- </description>
- </element>
- <element name="VEHICLE_DATA_NOT_ALLOWED">
- <description>The user has turned off access to vehicle data, and it is globally unavailable to mobile applications.</description>
- </element>
- <description>The requested vehicle data is not available on this vehicle or is not published.</description>
- </element>
- <element name="REJECTED">
- <description>
- The requested command was rejected, e.g. because mobile app is in background and cannot perform any HMI commands.
- Or an HMI command (e.g. Speak) is rejected because a higher priority HMI command (e.g. Alert) is playing.
- </description>
- </element>
- <element name="ABORTED">
- <description>
- A command was aborted, for example due to user interaction (e.g. user pressed button).
- Or an HMI command (e.g. Speak) is aborted because a higher priority HMI command (e.g. Alert) was requested.
- </description>
- </element>
- <element name="IGNORED">
- <description>
- A command was ignored, because the intended result is already in effect.
- For example, SetMediaClockTimer was used to pause the media clock although the clock is paused already.
- NOTE: potentially replaces SUBSCRIBED_ALREADY
- </description>
- </element>
- <element name="UNSUPPORTED_RESOURCE">
- <description>
- A button that was requested for subscription is not supported under the current system.
- NOTE: could become a more generic UNSUPPORTED_RESOURCE by merging with VEHICLE_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE.
- </description>
- </element>
- <element name="FILE_NOT_FOUND">
- <description>A specified file could not be found on Sync.</description>
- </element>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR">
- <description>Provided data is valid but something went wrong in the lower layers.</description>
- </element>
- <element name="DISALLOWED">
- <description>RPC is not authorized in local policy table.</description>
- </element>
- <element name="USER_DISALLOWED">
- <description>RPC is included in a functional group explicitly blocked by the user.</description>
- </element>
- <element name="TIMED_OUT">
- <description>Overlay reached the maximum timeout and closed.</description>
- </element>
- <element name="CANCEL_ROUTE">
- <description>User selected to Cancel Route.</description>
- </element>
- <element name="TRUNCATED_DATA">
- <description>The RPC (e.g. ReadDID) executed successfully but the data exceeded the platform maximum threshold and thus, only part of the data is available.</description>
- </element>
- <element name="RETRY">
- <description>The user interrupted the RPC (e.g. PerformAudioPassThru) and indicated to start over. Note, the app must issue the new RPC.</description>
- </element>
- <element name="WARNINGS">
- <description>The RPC (e.g. SubscribeVehicleData) executed successfully but one or more items have a warning or failure.</description>
- </element>
- </enum>
- <enum name="AppInterfaceUnregisteredReason">
- <description>Error code, which comes from sync side.</description>
-<!-- Deprecate
- <element name="USER_EXIT" />
- <element name="IGNITION_OFF" />
- <element name="BLUETOOTH_OFF" />
- <element name="USB_DISCONNECTED" />
- <element name="REQUEST_WHILE_IN_NONE_HMI_LEVEL" />
- <element name="TOO_MANY_REQUESTS" />
- <element name="LANGUAGE_CHANGE" />
- <element name="MASTER_RESET" />
- <element name="FACTORY_DEFAULTS" />
- <element name="APP_UNAUTHORIZED" />
- </enum>
- <enum name="TBTState">
- <description>Enumeration that describes possible states of turn-by-turn client or AppLink app.</description>
- <element name="ROUTE_UPDATE_REQUEST" />
- <element name="ROUTE_ACCEPTED" />
- <element name="ROUTE_REFUSED" />
- <element name="ROUTE_CANCELLED" />
- <element name="ETA_REQUEST" />
- <element name="NEXT_TURN_REQUEST" />
- <element name="ROUTE_STATUS_REQUEST" />
- <element name="ROUTE_SUMMARY_REQUEST" />
- <element name="TRIP_STATUS_REQUEST" />
- </enum>
- <enum name="ImageType">
- <description>Contains information about the type of image.</description>
- <element name="STATIC" />
- <element name="DYNAMIC" />
- </enum>
- <struct name="Image">
- <param name="value" maxlength="65535" type="String">
- <description>Either the static hex icon value or the binary image file name identifier (sent by PutFile).</description>
- </param>
- <param name="imageType" type="ImageType">
- <description>Describes, whether it is a static or dynamic image.</description>
- </param>
- </struct>
- <struct name="Choice">
- <description>A choice is an option given to the user, which can be selected either by menu, or through voice recognition system.</description>
- <param name="choiceID" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="65535" />
- <param name="menuName" type="String" maxlength="500" />
- <param name="vrCommands" type="String" minsize="1" maxsize="100" maxlength="99" map="true" />
- <param name="image" type="Image" mandatory="false"/>
- <param name="secondaryText" maxlength="500" type="String" mandatory="false" scope="partner">
- <description>Optional secondary text to display; e.g. address of POI in a search result entry</description>
- </param>
- <param name="tertiaryText" maxlength="500" type="String" mandatory="false" scope="partner">
- <description>Optional tertiary text to display; e.g. distance to POI for a search result entry</description>
- </param>
- <param name="secondaryImage" type="Image" mandatory="false" scope="partner">
- <description>Optional secondary image struct for choice</description>
- </param>
- </struct>
- <struct name="TestStructWithNullableParam">
- <param name="nullableInt" nullable="true" type="Integer" minavlue="0" maxvalue="42" />
- </struct>
- <struct name="TestStructWithNullableStructParam">
- <param name="nullableEnum" nullable="true" type="ImageType"/>
- <param name="nonNullableEnum" nullable="true" type="ImageType"/>
- </struct>
- <enum name="FunctionID" internal_scope="base">
- <description>Enumeration linking function names with function IDs in AppLink protocol.</description>
- <description>Assumes enumeration starts at value 0.</description>
- <element name="RESERVED" value="0" />
- <element name="AddSubMenuID" value="7" hexvalue="7" />
- <element name="DiagnosticMessageID" value="37" hexvalue="25" />
- <element name="OnAppInterfaceUnregisteredID" value="32769" hexvalue="8001" />
- <element name="OnTBTClientStateID" value="32774" hexvalue="8006" />
- <element name="OnAudioPassThruID" value="32777" hexvalue="8009" />
- <element name="DummyNotificationID" value="42" />
- </enum>
- <enum name="messageType">
- <description>
- Enumeration linking message types with function types in WiPro protocol.
- Assumes enumeration starts at value 0.
- </description>
- <element name="request" value="0" />
- <element name="response" value="1" />
- <element name="notification" value="2" />
- </enum>
- <!-- Requests/Responses -->
- <function name="AddSubMenu" functionID="AddSubMenuID" messagetype="request">
- <description>Adds a sub menu to the in-application menu.</description>
- <param name="menuID" type="Integer" minvalue="1" maxvalue="2000000000">
- <description>unique ID of the sub menu to add.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="position" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="1000" defvalue="1000" mandatory="false">
- <description>
- Position within the items that are are at top level of the in application menu.
- 0 will insert at the front.
- 1 will insert at the second position.
- If position is greater or equal than the number of items on top level, the sub menu will be appended to the end.
- Position of any submenu will always be located before the return and exit options
- If this param was omitted the entry will be added at the end.
- </description>
- </param>
- <param name="menuName" maxlength="500" type="String">
- <description>Text to show in the menu for this sub menu.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="AddSubMenu" functionID="AddSubMenuID" messagetype="response">
- <param name="success" type="Boolean" platform="documentation">
- <description> true if successful; false, if failed </description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result" platform="documentation">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- <element name="REJECTED"/>
- <element name="INVALID_ID"/>
- <element name="DUPLICATE_NAME"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false" platform="documentation">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="DiagnosticMessage" functionID="DiagnosticMessageID" messagetype="request" scope="internal">
- <description>Non periodic vehicle diagnostic request</description>
- <param name="targetID" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="65535" mandatory="true">
- <description>Name of target ECU.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="messageLength" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="65535" mandatory="true">
- <description>Length of message (in bytes).</description>
- </param>
- <param name="messageData" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="255" minsize="1" maxsize="65535" array="true" mandatory="true">
- <description>
- Array of bytes comprising CAN message.
- </description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="DiagnosticMessage" functionID="DiagnosticMessageID" messagetype="response" scope="internal">
- <param name="success" type="Boolean" platform="documentation">
- <description> true, if successful; false, if failed </description>
- </param>
- <param name="resultCode" type="Result" array="true" platform="documentation">
- <description>See Result</description>
- <element name="SUCCESS"/>
- <element name="INVALID_DATA"/>
- <element name="OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
- <element name="TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS"/>
- <element name="GENERIC_ERROR"/>
- <element name="REJECTED"/>
- <element name="DISALLOWED"/>
- <element name="USER_DISALLOWED"/>
- <element name="TRUNCATED_DATA"/>
- </param>
- <param name="info" type="String" maxlength="1000" mandatory="false" platform="documentation">
- <description>Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.</description>
- </param>
- <param name="messageDataResult" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="255" minsize="1" maxsize="65535" array="true" mandatory="true">
- <description>
- Array of bytes comprising CAN message result.
- </description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="OnAppInterfaceUnregistered" functionID="OnAppInterfaceUnregisteredID" messagetype="notification">
- <param name="reason" type="AppInterfaceUnregisteredReason">
- <description>See AppInterfaceUnregisteredReason</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="OnTBTClientState" functionID="OnTBTClientStateID" messagetype="notification" >
- <description>Provides applications with notifications specific to the current TBT client status on the module</description>
- <param name="state" type="TBTState">
- <description>Current State of TBT client</description>
- </param>
- </function>
- <function name="OnAudioPassThru" functionID="OnAudioPassThruID" messagetype="notification">
- <description>Binary data is in binary part of hybrid msg</description>
- </function>
- <typedef name="TdResult" type="Result">
- <description>
- Test typedef over enum
- </description>
- </typedef>
- <struct name="EmptyStruct">
- <description>
- Completely empty structure
- </description>
- </struct>
- <struct name="StructWithOptionalEmptyStructField">
- <param name="emptyOne" type="EmptyStruct" mandatory="false" />
- </struct>
- <struct name="StructWithMandatoryEmptyStructField">
- <param name="emptyOne" type="EmptyStruct" />
- </struct>
- <struct name="StructWithNullableTypedef">
- <description>
- Test struct having nullable typedef as a param
- </description>
- <param name="nullableTdResult" type="TdResult" nullable="true"/>
- </struct>
- <struct name="StructWithOneOptionalIntField" nullable="true" >
- <param name="optionalInt" type="Integer" minvalue="1" maxvalue="42" mandatory="false" />
- </struct>
- <struct name="StructWithFieldOfStructThatMightBeEmpty">
- <param name="fieldThatMightBeEmpty" type="StructWithOneOptionalIntField" mandatory="true" />
- </struct>
- <struct name="StructWithNullableOptionalMap">
- <param name="nullableOptionalIntMap" type="Integer" map="true" nullable="true" mandatory="false" minsize="0" maxsize="5" minvalue="2" maxvalue="10" />
- </struct>
- <struct name="StructWithNullableMapOfNullableInts">
- <param name="nullableMap" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="42" map="true" minsize="1" maxsize="5" nullable="true" null_values_allowed="true" />
- </struct>
- <struct name="StructWithOptionalIntArray">
- <param name="optionalIntArray" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="42" array="true" minsize="0" maxsize="5" mandatory="false" />
- </struct>
- <struct name="StructWithMandatoryIntArray">
- <param name="mandatoryIntArray" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="42" array="true" minsize="0" maxsize="5" />
- </struct>
- <struct name="StructWithOptionalIntMap">
- <param name="optionalIntMap" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="42" map="true" minsize="0" maxsize="5" mandatory="false" />
- </struct>
- <struct name="StructWithMandatoryIntMap">
- <param name="mandatoryIntMap" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="42" map="true" minsize="0" maxsize="5" />
- </struct>
- <struct name="FrankenstructOfEmptyStringWithMandatoryInt" type="String" maxlength="15" minsize="0" maxsize="3">
- <param name="mandatoryInt" type="Integer" minvalue="0" maxvalue="42" />
- </struct>
- <typedef name="TdResultArray" type="TdResult" array="true" minsize="1" maxsize="10">
- <description>
- Test typedef over array
- </description>
- </typedef>
- <typedef name="TdResultArrayMap" type="TdResultArray" map="true" minsize="1" maxsize="5">
- <description>
- Test typedef over map of arrays
- </description>
- </typedef>
- <struct name="TdStruct" >
- <description>
- Test struct containing typedef field
- </description>
- <param name="resArrMap" type="TdResultArrayMap" mandatory="true" />
- <param name="optionalResArrMap" type="TdResultArrayMap" mandatory="false" />
- </struct>
- <typedef name="TdStructBasedTdef" type="TdStruct" array="true" minsize="1" maxsize="10">
- <description>
- Test typedef over struct
- </description>
- </typedef>
- <function name="DummyNotification" functionID="DummyNotificationID" messagetype="notification">
- <param name="tds" type="TdStructBasedTdef" />
- </function>
- </interface>