# Contributing to sdl_core Third party contributions are essential for making this repository great. However, we do have a few guidelines we need contributors to follow. ### Gitflow We use Gitflow as our branch management system. Please read up on it [here](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/feature-branch-workflow). The main points you should know are: * All feature branches should be based on `develop` and have the format `feature/branch_name`. * Minor bug fixes should be based on `master` and have the format `hotfix/branch_name`. * All commits should involve logical units. Please do not put all changed code in one commit, unless it is a very minor change. * Work in progress pull requests should have "[WIP]" in front of the Pull Request title. When you are ready to merge, remove this tag and @mention `smartdevicelink/developers` to get it scheduled for review. * If applicable, follow [this Pull Request's format](https://github.com/smartdevicelink/SmartDeviceLink-iOS/pull/45). ### Contributor's License Agreement (CLA) Coming Soon! Unfortunately, we cannot accept third party contributions until this is ready. We are working quickly on the CLA as we have contributions waiting! (A good problem to have)