/*! \page components_transportmanager_internal_design_trasport_manager Trasport Manager Implementation Actually Transport Manager component is implemented as classical manager component. It manages connections and abstract devices and provides unified information for the clients. Connection-related information encapsulated in structure NsAppLink::NsTransportManager::CTransportManager::SConnectionInfo. Transport Manager manages these structures to store information about every active connection. Frame processing encapsulated in structure NsAppLink::NsTransportManager::CTransportManager::SFrameDataForConnection. Transport Manager manages these structures to store information related to data for specific connection. Callback information between transport manager threads passed in form of special structures: NsAppLink::NsTransportManager::CTransportManager::SDeviceListenerCallback. NsAppLink::NsTransportManager::CTransportManager::SDataListenerCallback. Client calls to TM guarded by separate mutex. This allows use component from different threads without any risk. */