path: root/src/3rd_party/bson_c_lib/src/bson_object.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rd_party/bson_c_lib/src/bson_object.c')
1 files changed, 404 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rd_party/bson_c_lib/src/bson_object.c b/src/3rd_party/bson_c_lib/src/bson_object.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b517789027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rd_party/bson_c_lib/src/bson_object.c
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+#include "bson_object.h"
+#define DEFAULT_MAP_SIZE 32
+size_t hash_function(const char* key, size_t maxValue) {
+ size_t keyLength = strlen(key);
+ size_t hash = 0;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < keyLength; i++) {
+ hash += key[i];
+ hash %= maxValue;
+ }
+ return hash;
+bool bson_object_initialize(BsonObject *obj, size_t capacity, float loadFactor) {
+ return emhashmap_initialize(&obj->data, (int)capacity, loadFactor, &hash_function);
+bool bson_object_initialize_default(BsonObject *obj) {
+ return bson_object_initialize(obj, DEFAULT_MAP_SIZE, 0.5f);
+void bson_object_deinitialize(BsonObject *obj) {
+ MapIterator iterator = emhashmap_iterator(&obj->data);
+ MapEntry *current = emhashmap_iterator_next(&iterator);
+ while (current != NULL) {
+ BsonElement *element = (BsonElement *)current->value;
+ if (element->type == TYPE_DOCUMENT) {
+ bson_object_deinitialize((BsonObject *)element->value);
+ }
+ else if (element->type == TYPE_ARRAY) {
+ bson_array_deinitialize((BsonArray *)element->value);
+ }
+ free(element->value);
+ free(element);
+ current = emhashmap_iterator_next(&iterator);
+ }
+ emhashmap_deinitialize(&obj->data);
+size_t bson_object_size(BsonObject *obj) {
+ size_t objSize = OBJECT_OVERHEAD_BYTES;
+ MapIterator iterator = emhashmap_iterator(&obj->data);
+ MapEntry *current = emhashmap_iterator_next(&iterator);
+ while (current != NULL) {
+ BsonElement *element = (BsonElement *)current->value;
+ objSize += object_key_size(current->key) + ELEMENT_OVERHEAD_BYTES;
+ if (element->type == TYPE_DOCUMENT) {
+ objSize += bson_object_size((BsonObject *)element->value);
+ }
+ else if (element->type == TYPE_ARRAY) {
+ objSize += bson_array_size((BsonArray *)element->value);
+ }
+ else {
+ objSize += element->size;
+ }
+ current = emhashmap_iterator_next(&iterator);
+ }
+ return objSize;
+uint8_t *bson_object_to_bytes(BsonObject *obj) {
+ //TODO just move the pointer rather than keep a position variable
+ MapIterator iterator = emhashmap_iterator(&obj->data);
+ MapEntry *current = emhashmap_iterator_next(&iterator);
+ size_t objSize = bson_object_size(obj);
+ uint8_t *bytes = malloc(objSize);
+ size_t position = 0;
+ write_int32_le(bytes, (int32_t)objSize, &position);
+ while (current != NULL) {
+ BsonElement *element = (BsonElement *)current->value;
+ bytes[position++] = element->type;
+ uint8_t *keyBytes = string_to_byte_array(current->key);
+ memcpy(&bytes[position], keyBytes, strlen(current->key));
+ free(keyBytes);
+ position += strlen(current->key);
+ //Null-terminate
+ bytes[position++] = 0x00;
+ switch (element->type) {
+ BsonObject *subObject = (BsonObject *)element->value;
+ uint8_t *subObjectBytes = bson_object_to_bytes(subObject);
+ if (subObjectBytes == NULL) {
+ printf("An error occured while parsing the object with key \"%s\"\n", current->key);
+ free(bytes);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ size_t subObjectSize = bson_object_size(subObject);
+ memcpy(&bytes[position], subObjectBytes, subObjectSize);
+ free(subObjectBytes);
+ position += subObjectSize;
+ break;
+ }
+ case TYPE_ARRAY: {
+ BsonArray *array = (BsonArray *)element->value;
+ uint8_t *arrayBytes = bson_array_to_bytes(array);
+ if (arrayBytes == NULL) {
+ printf("An error occured while parsing the object with key \"%s\"\n", current->key);
+ free(bytes);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ size_t arraySize = bson_array_size(array);
+ memset(&bytes[position], 0, arraySize);
+ memcpy(&bytes[position], arrayBytes, arraySize);
+ free(arrayBytes);
+ position += arraySize;
+ break;
+ }
+ case TYPE_INT32: {
+ write_int32_le(bytes, *(int32_t *)element->value, &position);
+ break;
+ }
+ case TYPE_INT64: {
+ write_int64_le(bytes, *(int64_t *)element->value, &position);
+ break;
+ }
+ case TYPE_STRING: {
+ char *stringVal = (char *)element->value;
+ //String length is written first
+ write_int32_le(bytes, (int32_t)(strlen(stringVal) + 1), &position);
+ uint8_t *stringBytes = string_to_byte_array(stringVal);
+ memcpy(&bytes[position], stringBytes, strlen(stringVal));
+ free(stringBytes);
+ position += strlen(stringVal);
+ //Null-terminate
+ bytes[position++] = 0x00;
+ break;
+ }
+ case TYPE_DOUBLE: {
+ write_double_le(bytes, *(double *)element->value, &position);
+ break;
+ }
+ case TYPE_BOOLEAN: {
+ bytes[position++] = (uint8_t)(*(bson_boolean *)element->value);
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ printf("Unrecognized BSON type: %i\n", element->type);
+ position += sizeof(element->value);
+ }
+ }
+ current = emhashmap_iterator_next(&iterator);
+ }
+ bytes[position++] = DOCUMENT_END;
+ if (position != objSize) {
+ printf("Something went horribly wrong. Unexpected size of map in bytes: %i, expected size: %i\n", (int)position, (int)objSize);
+ free(bytes);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return bytes;
+BsonObject bson_object_from_bytes(uint8_t *data) {
+ uint8_t *current = data;
+ int32_t size = read_int32_le(&current);
+ BsonObject obj;
+ bson_object_initialize_default(&obj);
+ uint8_t type = *current;
+ current++;
+ while (type != DOCUMENT_END) {
+ char *key = byte_array_to_string(current);
+ current += strlen(key) + 1;
+ switch ((element_type)type) {
+ BsonObject subObject = bson_object_from_bytes(current);
+ bson_object_put_object(&obj, key, &subObject);
+ current += bson_object_size(&subObject);
+ break;
+ }
+ case TYPE_ARRAY: {
+ BsonArray array = bson_array_from_bytes(current);
+ bson_object_put_array(&obj, key, &array);
+ current += bson_array_size(&array);
+ break;
+ }
+ case TYPE_INT32: {
+ int32_t value = read_int32_le(&current);
+ bson_object_put_int32(&obj, key, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ case TYPE_INT64: {
+ int64_t value = read_int64_le(&current);
+ bson_object_put_int64(&obj, key, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ case TYPE_STRING: {
+ //String length is read first
+ int32_t stringLength = read_int32_le(&current) - 1;
+ char *stringVal = byte_array_to_bson_string(current, stringLength);
+ bson_object_put_string(&obj, key, stringVal);
+ free(stringVal);
+ current += stringLength + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ case TYPE_DOUBLE: {
+ double value = read_double_le(&current);
+ bson_object_put_double(&obj, key, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ case TYPE_BOOLEAN: {
+ bson_object_put_bool(&obj, key, *current);
+ current++;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ printf("Unrecognized BSON type: %i\n", type);
+ }
+ }
+ free(key);
+ type = *current;
+ current++;
+ }
+ if (data + size != current) {
+ printf("Unexpected parsed object size. Expected %i, got %i\n", (int) size, (int)(current - data));
+ }
+ return obj;
+char *bson_object_to_string(BsonObject *obj, char *out) {
+ //TODO just move the pointer rather than keep a position variable
+ int position = 0;
+ MapIterator iterator = emhashmap_iterator(&obj->data);
+ MapEntry *current = emhashmap_iterator_next(&iterator);
+ position += sprintf(out, "{ ");
+ while (current != NULL) {
+ BsonElement *element = (BsonElement *)current->value;
+ position += sprintf(&out[position], "\"%s\":", current->key);
+ switch (element->type) {
+ char docString[512];
+ position += sprintf(&out[position], "%s", bson_object_to_string(bson_object_get_object(obj, current->key), docString));
+ break;
+ }
+ case TYPE_ARRAY: {
+ char docString[512];
+ position += sprintf(&out[position], "%s", bson_array_to_string(bson_object_get_array(obj, current->key), docString));
+ break;
+ }
+ case TYPE_INT32: {
+ position += sprintf(&out[position], "%i", (int)bson_object_get_int32(obj, current->key));
+ break;
+ }
+ case TYPE_INT64: {
+ position += sprintf(&out[position], "%li", (long)bson_object_get_int64(obj, current->key));
+ break;
+ }
+ case TYPE_STRING: {
+ position += sprintf(&out[position], "\"%s\"", bson_object_get_string(obj, current->key));
+ break;
+ }
+ case TYPE_DOUBLE: {
+ position += sprintf(&out[position], "%f", bson_object_get_double(obj, current->key));
+ break;
+ }
+ case TYPE_BOOLEAN: {
+ position += sprintf(&out[position], "%s", (bson_object_get_bool(obj, current->key) == BOOLEAN_TRUE) ? "true" : "false");
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ printf("Unrecognized BSON type: %i\n", element->type);
+ position += sprintf(&out[position], "UNKNOWN_TYPE");
+ }
+ }
+ current = emhashmap_iterator_next(&iterator);
+ if (current != NULL) {
+ position += sprintf(&out[position], ", ");
+ }
+ }
+ sprintf(&out[position], " }");
+ return out;
+bool bson_object_put_element(BsonObject *obj, const char *key, BsonElement *element, size_t allocSize) {
+ BsonElement *allocElement = malloc(sizeof(BsonElement));
+ allocElement->type = element->type;
+ allocElement->size = element->size;
+ allocElement->value = malloc(allocSize);
+ memcpy(allocElement->value, element->value, allocSize);
+ BsonElement *existingElement = emhashmap_remove(&obj->data, key);
+ if (existingElement != NULL) {
+ if (existingElement->type == TYPE_DOCUMENT) {
+ bson_object_deinitialize((BsonObject *)existingElement->value);
+ }
+ else if (existingElement->type == TYPE_ARRAY) {
+ bson_array_deinitialize((BsonArray *)existingElement->value);
+ }
+ free(existingElement->value);
+ free(existingElement);
+ }
+ return emhashmap_put(&obj->data, key, (void *)allocElement);
+bool bson_object_put(BsonObject *obj, const char *key, element_type type, void *value, size_t allocSize, size_t elementSize) {
+ BsonElement element;
+ element.type = type;
+ element.value = value;
+ element.size = elementSize;
+ return bson_object_put_element(obj, key, &element, allocSize);
+bool bson_object_put_object(BsonObject *obj, const char *key, BsonObject *value) {
+ return bson_object_put(obj, key, TYPE_DOCUMENT, value, sizeof(BsonObject), 0);
+bool bson_object_put_array(BsonObject *obj, const char *key, BsonArray *value) {
+ return bson_object_put(obj, key, TYPE_ARRAY, value, sizeof(BsonArray), 0);
+bool bson_object_put_int32(BsonObject *obj, const char *key, int32_t value) {
+ return bson_object_put(obj, key, TYPE_INT32, &value, sizeof(int32_t),
+ SIZE_INT32);
+bool bson_object_put_int64(BsonObject *obj, const char *key, int64_t value) {
+ return bson_object_put(obj, key, TYPE_INT64, &value, sizeof(int64_t),
+ SIZE_INT64);
+bool bson_object_put_string(BsonObject *obj, const char *key, char *value) {
+ return bson_object_put(obj, key, TYPE_STRING, value, (strlen(value) + 1) * sizeof(char),
+ strlen(value) + STRING_OVERHEAD_BYTES);
+bool bson_object_put_bool(BsonObject *obj, const char *key, bson_boolean value) {
+ return bson_object_put(obj, key, TYPE_BOOLEAN, &value, sizeof(bson_boolean),
+bool bson_object_put_double(BsonObject *obj, const char *key, double value) {
+ return bson_object_put(obj, key, TYPE_DOUBLE, &value, sizeof(double),
+BsonElement *bson_object_get(BsonObject *obj, const char *key) {
+ MapEntry *entry = emhashmap_get(&obj->data, key);
+ return (entry == NULL) ? NULL : entry->value;
+BsonObject *bson_object_get_object(BsonObject *obj, const char *key) {
+ BsonElement *element = bson_object_get(obj, key);
+ return (element == NULL || element->type != TYPE_DOCUMENT) ?
+ NULL : (BsonObject *)element->value;
+BsonArray *bson_object_get_array(BsonObject *obj, const char *key) {
+ BsonElement *element = bson_object_get(obj, key);
+ return (element == NULL || element->type != TYPE_ARRAY) ?
+ NULL : (BsonArray *)element->value;
+int32_t bson_object_get_int32(BsonObject *obj, const char *key) {
+ BsonElement *element = bson_object_get(obj, key);
+ return (element == NULL || element->type != TYPE_INT32) ?
+ -1 : *(int32_t *)element->value;
+int64_t bson_object_get_int64(BsonObject *obj, const char *key) {
+ BsonElement *element = bson_object_get(obj, key);
+ return (element == NULL || element->type != TYPE_INT64) ?
+ -1 : *(int64_t *)element->value;
+char *bson_object_get_string(BsonObject *obj, const char *key) {
+ BsonElement *element = bson_object_get(obj, key);
+ return (element == NULL || element->type != TYPE_STRING) ?
+ NULL : (char *)element->value;
+bson_boolean bson_object_get_bool(BsonObject *obj, const char *key) {
+ BsonElement *element = bson_object_get(obj, key);
+ return (element == NULL || element->type != TYPE_BOOLEAN) ?
+ BOOLEAN_INVALID : *(bson_boolean *)element->value;
+double bson_object_get_double(BsonObject *obj, const char *key) {
+ BsonElement *element = bson_object_get(obj, key);
+ return (element == NULL || element->type != TYPE_DOUBLE) ?
+ -1 : *(double *)element->value;
+MapIterator bson_object_iterator(BsonObject *obj) {
+ return emhashmap_iterator(&obj->data);
+BsonObjectEntry bson_object_iterator_next(MapIterator *iterator) {
+ MapEntry *entry = emhashmap_iterator_next(iterator);
+ BsonObjectEntry bsonEntry;
+ strncpy(bsonEntry.key, entry->key, 255);
+ bsonEntry.element = (BsonElement *)entry->value;
+ return bsonEntry;
+} \ No newline at end of file