path: root/src/components/formatters/include/formatters/CSmartFactory.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/components/formatters/include/formatters/CSmartFactory.h')
1 files changed, 367 insertions, 385 deletions
diff --git a/src/components/formatters/include/formatters/CSmartFactory.h b/src/components/formatters/include/formatters/CSmartFactory.h
index 55f9a30385..223d22fbbe 100644
--- a/src/components/formatters/include/formatters/CSmartFactory.h
+++ b/src/components/formatters/include/formatters/CSmartFactory.h
@@ -40,389 +40,371 @@
#include <map>
#include <string>
-namespace NsSmartDeviceLink
- namespace NsJSONHandler
- {
- /**
- * @brief String constants used by SmartFactory.
- */
- namespace strings
- {
- /**
- * @brief String constant for MSG_PARAMS.
- */
- extern const std::string S_MSG_PARAMS;
- /**
- * @brief String constant for PARAMS.
- */
- extern const std::string S_PARAMS;
- /**
- * @brief String constant for FUNCTION_ID.
- */
- extern const std::string S_FUNCTION_ID;
- /**
- * @brief String constant for MESSAGE_TYPE.
- */
- extern const std::string S_MESSAGE_TYPE;
- /**
- * @brief String constant for PROTOCOL_VERSION.
- */
- extern const std::string S_PROTOCOL_VERSION;
- /**
- * @brief String constant for PROTOCOL_TYPE.
- */
- extern const std::string S_PROTOCOL_TYPE;
- /**
- * @brief String constant for CORRELATION_ID.
- */
- extern const std::string S_CORRELATION_ID;
- /**
- * @brief String constant for "code" param name.
- */
- extern const std::string kCode;
- /**
- * @brief String constant for "message" param name.
- */
- extern const std::string kMessage;
- }
- /**
- * @brief Smart Schema key.
- *
- * @tparam FunctionIdEnum Type of function ID enum.
- * @tparam MessageTypeEnum Type of messageType enum.
- */
- template <class FunctionIdEnum, class MessageTypeEnum>
- struct SmartSchemaKey
- {
- /**
- * @brief Value of function ID for the key.
- */
- FunctionIdEnum functionId;
- /**
- * @brief Value of messageType for the key.
- */
- MessageTypeEnum messageType;
- /**
- * @brief Constructor.
- *
- * @param functionIdParam Value of function ID.
- * @param messageTypeParam Value of message type.
- */
- SmartSchemaKey(FunctionIdEnum functionIdParam, MessageTypeEnum messageTypeParam);
- };
- /**
- * @brief Smart Factory.
- *
- * This class is used as base class for generated factories.
- * Clients should use methods of this class to access all
- * SmartSchema validation features.
- *
- * @tparam FunctionIdEnum Type of function ID enum.
- * @tparam MessageTypeEnum Type of messageType enum.
- * @tparam StructIdEnum Type of StructId enum.
- */
- template <class FunctionIdEnum, class MessageTypeEnum, class StructIdEnum>
- class CSmartFactory
- {
- public:
- /**
- * @brief Constructor.
- */
- CSmartFactory(void);
- /**
- * @brief Attach schema to the function SmartObject.
- *
- * @param object SmartObject to attach schema for.
- *
- * @param RemoveFakeParameters contains true if need
- * to remove fake parameters from smart object otherwise contains false.
- *
- * @return True if operation was successful or false otherwise.
- */
- bool attachSchema(NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject& object,
- const bool RemoveFakeParameters);
- /**
- * @brief Attach schema to the struct SmartObject.
- *
- * @param struct_id Identifier of the struct.
- * @param object SmartObject to attach schema for.
- *
- * @return True if operation was successful of false otherwise.
- */
- bool AttachSchema(const StructIdEnum struct_id,
- NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject &object);
- /**
- * @brief Create new SmartObject with attached function SmartSchema.
- *
- * @param function_id FunctionID of the function.
- * @param message_type messageType of the function.
- *
- * @return If function succeeded it returns new SmartObject with
- * map type and attached SmartSchema. Client can use such
- * object to store specific function and perform validation.
- * Otherwise (if SmartSchema was not attached to the
- * SmartObject) function returns empty SmartObject with
- * null type.
- */
- NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject CreateSmartObject(
- const FunctionIdEnum function_id,
- const MessageTypeEnum message_type);
- /**
- * @brief Create new SmartObject with attached struct SmartSchema.
- *
- * @param struct_id Identifier of the struct.
- *
- * @return If function succeeded it returns new SmartObject with
- * map type and attached SmartSchema. Client can use such
- * object to store specific struct and perform validation.
- * Otherwise (if SmartSchema was not attached to the
- * SmartObject) function returns empty SmartObject with
- * null type.
- */
- NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject CreateSmartObject(
- const StructIdEnum struct_id);
- /**
- * @brief Get SmartSchema for specific function.
- *
- * @param function_id FunctionID of the function.
- * @param message_type messageType of the function.
- * @param[out] result This value will be copy of the desired
- * function SmartSchema if it found (this
- * function returns true) or unmodified if
- * SmartSchema is not found (this function
- * returns false).
- *
- * @return True if function schema for specified input parameters
- * is found or false otherwise.
- */
- bool GetSchema(
- const FunctionIdEnum function_id,
- const MessageTypeEnum message_type,
- NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::CSmartSchema &result);
- /**
- * @brief Get SmartSchema for specific struct.
- *
- * @param struct_id Identifier of the struct.
- *
- * @param[out] result This value will be copy of the desired
- * struct SmartSchema if it found (this
- * function returns true) or unmodified if
- * SmartSchema is not found (this function
- * returns false).
- *
- * @return True if struct schema for specified input parameter is
- * found or false otherwise.
- */
- bool GetSchema(
- const StructIdEnum struct_id,
- NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::CSmartSchema &result);
- protected:
- /**
- * @brief Defines map of SmartSchemaKeys to the SmartSchemes.
- *
- * This container type should be used to store SmartSchemes of
- * functions.
- */
- typedef std::map<SmartSchemaKey<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum>,
- NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::CSmartSchema>
- FuncionsSchemesMap;
- /**
- * @brief Defines map of StructIdEnum to the SmartSchemes.
- *
- * This container type should be used to store SmartSchemes of
- * structs.
- */
- typedef std::map<StructIdEnum,
- NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::CSmartSchema>
- StructsSchemesMap;
- /**
- * @brief Map of all function schemes for this factory.
- */
- FuncionsSchemesMap functions_schemes_;
- /**
- * @brief Map of all struct shemes for this factory.
- */
- StructsSchemesMap structs_schemes_;
- };
- template <class FunctionIdEnum, class MessageTypeEnum, class StructIdEnum>
- CSmartFactory<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum, StructIdEnum>::CSmartFactory(void)
- : functions_schemes_(),
- structs_schemes_()
- {
- }
- template <class FunctionIdEnum, class MessageTypeEnum, class StructIdEnum>
- bool CSmartFactory<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum, StructIdEnum>::
- attachSchema(NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject &object,
- const bool RemoveFakeParameters)
- {
- if(false == object.keyExists(strings::S_PARAMS)) return false;
- if(false == object[strings::S_PARAMS].keyExists(strings::S_MESSAGE_TYPE)) return false;
- if(false == object[strings::S_PARAMS].keyExists(strings::S_FUNCTION_ID)) return false;
- MessageTypeEnum msgtype((MessageTypeEnum)object[strings::S_PARAMS][strings::S_MESSAGE_TYPE].asInt());
- FunctionIdEnum fid((FunctionIdEnum)object[strings::S_PARAMS][strings::S_FUNCTION_ID].asInt());
- SmartSchemaKey<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum> key(fid, msgtype);
- typename FuncionsSchemesMap::iterator schemaIterator = functions_schemes_.find(key);
- if(schemaIterator == functions_schemes_.end())
- {
- // Schema was not found
- return false;
- }
- object.setSchema(schemaIterator->second);
- schemaIterator->second.applySchema(object, RemoveFakeParameters);
- return true;
- }
- template <class FunctionIdEnum,
- class MessageTypeEnum,
- class StructIdEnum>
- bool CSmartFactory<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum, StructIdEnum>::
- AttachSchema(
- const StructIdEnum struct_id,
- NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject &object) {
- typename StructsSchemesMap::iterator structs_iterator =
- structs_schemes_.find(struct_id);
- if (structs_iterator == structs_schemes_.end()) {
- return false;
- }
- object.setSchema(structs_iterator->second);
- structs_iterator->second.applySchema(object, false);
- return true;
- }
- template <class FunctionIdEnum,
- class MessageTypeEnum,
- class StructIdEnum>
- NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject
- CSmartFactory<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum, StructIdEnum>::
- CreateSmartObject(
- const FunctionIdEnum function_id,
- const MessageTypeEnum message_type) {
- SmartSchemaKey<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum> key(
- function_id, message_type);
- typename FuncionsSchemesMap::iterator schema_iterator =
- functions_schemes_.find(key);
- if(schema_iterator != functions_schemes_.end()) {
- NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject function_object(
- NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartType_Map);
- function_object.setSchema(schema_iterator->second);
- schema_iterator->second.applySchema(function_object, false);
- return function_object;
- }
- return NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject();
- }
- template <class FunctionIdEnum,
- class MessageTypeEnum,
- class StructIdEnum>
- NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject
- CSmartFactory<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum, StructIdEnum>::
- CreateSmartObject(const StructIdEnum struct_id) {
- NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject struct_object(
- NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartType_Map);
- if (AttachSchema(struct_id, struct_object)) {
- return struct_object;
- }
- return NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject();
- }
- template <class FunctionIdEnum,
- class MessageTypeEnum,
- class StructIdEnum>
- bool CSmartFactory<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum, StructIdEnum>::
- GetSchema(const FunctionIdEnum function_id,
- const MessageTypeEnum message_type,
- NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::CSmartSchema &result) {
- SmartSchemaKey<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum> key(function_id,
- message_type);
- typename FuncionsSchemesMap::iterator schema_iterator =
- functions_schemes_.find(key);
- if(schema_iterator != functions_schemes_.end()) {
- result = schema_iterator->second;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- template <class FunctionIdEnum,
- class MessageTypeEnum,
- class StructIdEnum>
- bool CSmartFactory<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum, StructIdEnum>::
- GetSchema(const StructIdEnum struct_id,
- NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::CSmartSchema &result) {
- typename StructsSchemesMap::iterator structs_iterator =
- structs_schemes_.find(struct_id);
- if(structs_iterator != structs_schemes_.end()) {
- result = structs_iterator->second;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- template <class FunctionIdEnum, class MessageTypeEnum>
- SmartSchemaKey<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum>::SmartSchemaKey(FunctionIdEnum functionIdParam, MessageTypeEnum messageTypeParam)
- : functionId(functionIdParam)
- , messageType(messageTypeParam)
- {
- }
- template <class FunctionIdEnum, class MessageTypeEnum>
- bool operator<(const SmartSchemaKey< FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum >& l, const SmartSchemaKey< FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum >& r)
- {
- if (l.functionId < r.functionId) return true;
- if (l.functionId > r.functionId) return false;
- if (l.messageType < r.messageType) return true;
- if (l.messageType > r.messageType) return false;
- return false;
- }
- }
+namespace NsSmartDeviceLink {
+namespace NsJSONHandler {
+ * @brief String constants used by SmartFactory.
+ */
+namespace strings {
+ * @brief String constant for MSG_PARAMS.
+ */
+extern const std::string S_MSG_PARAMS;
+ * @brief String constant for PARAMS.
+ */
+extern const std::string S_PARAMS;
+ * @brief String constant for FUNCTION_ID.
+ */
+extern const std::string S_FUNCTION_ID;
+ * @brief String constant for MESSAGE_TYPE.
+ */
+extern const std::string S_MESSAGE_TYPE;
+ * @brief String constant for PROTOCOL_VERSION.
+ */
+extern const std::string S_PROTOCOL_VERSION;
+ * @brief String constant for PROTOCOL_TYPE.
+ */
+extern const std::string S_PROTOCOL_TYPE;
+ * @brief String constant for CORRELATION_ID.
+ */
+extern const std::string S_CORRELATION_ID;
+ * @brief String constant for "code" param name.
+ */
+extern const std::string kCode;
+ * @brief String constant for "message" param name.
+ */
+extern const std::string kMessage;
+ * @brief Smart Schema key.
+ *
+ * @tparam FunctionIdEnum Type of function ID enum.
+ * @tparam MessageTypeEnum Type of messageType enum.
+ */
+template <class FunctionIdEnum, class MessageTypeEnum>
+struct SmartSchemaKey {
+ /**
+ * @brief Value of function ID for the key.
+ */
+ FunctionIdEnum functionId;
+ /**
+ * @brief Value of messageType for the key.
+ */
+ MessageTypeEnum messageType;
+ /**
+ * @brief Constructor.
+ *
+ * @param functionIdParam Value of function ID.
+ * @param messageTypeParam Value of message type.
+ */
+ SmartSchemaKey(FunctionIdEnum functionIdParam,
+ MessageTypeEnum messageTypeParam);
+ * @brief Smart Factory.
+ *
+ * This class is used as base class for generated factories.
+ * Clients should use methods of this class to access all
+ * SmartSchema validation features.
+ *
+ * @tparam FunctionIdEnum Type of function ID enum.
+ * @tparam MessageTypeEnum Type of messageType enum.
+ * @tparam StructIdEnum Type of StructId enum.
+ */
+template <class FunctionIdEnum, class MessageTypeEnum, class StructIdEnum>
+class CSmartFactory {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * @brief Constructor.
+ */
+ CSmartFactory(void);
+ /**
+ * @brief Attach schema to the function SmartObject.
+ *
+ * @param object SmartObject to attach schema for.
+ *
+ * @param RemoveFakeParameters contains true if need
+ * to remove fake parameters from smart object otherwise contains false.
+ *
+ * @return True if operation was successful or false otherwise.
+ */
+ bool attachSchema(NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject& object,
+ const bool RemoveFakeParameters);
+ /**
+ * @brief Attach schema to the struct SmartObject.
+ *
+ * @param struct_id Identifier of the struct.
+ * @param object SmartObject to attach schema for.
+ *
+ * @return True if operation was successful of false otherwise.
+ */
+ bool AttachSchema(const StructIdEnum struct_id,
+ NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject& object);
+ /**
+ * @brief Create new SmartObject with attached function SmartSchema.
+ *
+ * @param function_id FunctionID of the function.
+ * @param message_type messageType of the function.
+ *
+ * @return If function succeeded it returns new SmartObject with
+ * map type and attached SmartSchema. Client can use such
+ * object to store specific function and perform validation.
+ * Otherwise (if SmartSchema was not attached to the
+ * SmartObject) function returns empty SmartObject with
+ * null type.
+ */
+ NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject CreateSmartObject(
+ const FunctionIdEnum function_id, const MessageTypeEnum message_type);
+ /**
+ * @brief Create new SmartObject with attached struct SmartSchema.
+ *
+ * @param struct_id Identifier of the struct.
+ *
+ * @return If function succeeded it returns new SmartObject with
+ * map type and attached SmartSchema. Client can use such
+ * object to store specific struct and perform validation.
+ * Otherwise (if SmartSchema was not attached to the
+ * SmartObject) function returns empty SmartObject with
+ * null type.
+ */
+ NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject CreateSmartObject(
+ const StructIdEnum struct_id);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get SmartSchema for specific function.
+ *
+ * @param function_id FunctionID of the function.
+ * @param message_type messageType of the function.
+ * @param[out] result This value will be copy of the desired
+ * function SmartSchema if it found (this
+ * function returns true) or unmodified if
+ * SmartSchema is not found (this function
+ * returns false).
+ *
+ * @return True if function schema for specified input parameters
+ * is found or false otherwise.
+ */
+ bool GetSchema(const FunctionIdEnum function_id,
+ const MessageTypeEnum message_type,
+ NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::CSmartSchema& result);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get SmartSchema for specific struct.
+ *
+ * @param struct_id Identifier of the struct.
+ *
+ * @param[out] result This value will be copy of the desired
+ * struct SmartSchema if it found (this
+ * function returns true) or unmodified if
+ * SmartSchema is not found (this function
+ * returns false).
+ *
+ * @return True if struct schema for specified input parameter is
+ * found or false otherwise.
+ */
+ bool GetSchema(const StructIdEnum struct_id,
+ NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::CSmartSchema& result);
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * @brief Defines map of SmartSchemaKeys to the SmartSchemes.
+ *
+ * This container type should be used to store SmartSchemes of
+ * functions.
+ */
+ typedef std::map<SmartSchemaKey<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum>,
+ NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::CSmartSchema>
+ FuncionsSchemesMap;
+ /**
+ * @brief Defines map of StructIdEnum to the SmartSchemes.
+ *
+ * This container type should be used to store SmartSchemes of
+ * structs.
+ */
+ typedef std::map<StructIdEnum,
+ NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::CSmartSchema>
+ StructsSchemesMap;
+ /**
+ * @brief Map of all function schemes for this factory.
+ */
+ FuncionsSchemesMap functions_schemes_;
+ /**
+ * @brief Map of all struct shemes for this factory.
+ */
+ StructsSchemesMap structs_schemes_;
+template <class FunctionIdEnum, class MessageTypeEnum, class StructIdEnum>
+CSmartFactory<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum, StructIdEnum>::CSmartFactory(
+ void)
+ : functions_schemes_(), structs_schemes_() {}
+template <class FunctionIdEnum, class MessageTypeEnum, class StructIdEnum>
+bool CSmartFactory<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum, StructIdEnum>::attachSchema(
+ NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject& object,
+ const bool RemoveFakeParameters) {
+ if (false == object.keyExists(strings::S_PARAMS))
+ return false;
+ if (false == object[strings::S_PARAMS].keyExists(strings::S_MESSAGE_TYPE))
+ return false;
+ if (false == object[strings::S_PARAMS].keyExists(strings::S_FUNCTION_ID))
+ return false;
+ MessageTypeEnum msgtype(
+ (MessageTypeEnum)
+ object[strings::S_PARAMS][strings::S_MESSAGE_TYPE].asInt());
+ FunctionIdEnum fid(
+ (FunctionIdEnum)
+ object[strings::S_PARAMS][strings::S_FUNCTION_ID].asInt());
+ SmartSchemaKey<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum> key(fid, msgtype);
+ typename FuncionsSchemesMap::iterator schemaIterator =
+ functions_schemes_.find(key);
+ if (schemaIterator == functions_schemes_.end()) {
+ // Schema was not found
+ return false;
+ }
+ object.setSchema(schemaIterator->second);
+ schemaIterator->second.applySchema(object, RemoveFakeParameters);
+ return true;
+template <class FunctionIdEnum, class MessageTypeEnum, class StructIdEnum>
+bool CSmartFactory<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum, StructIdEnum>::AttachSchema(
+ const StructIdEnum struct_id,
+ NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject& object) {
+ typename StructsSchemesMap::iterator structs_iterator =
+ structs_schemes_.find(struct_id);
+ if (structs_iterator == structs_schemes_.end()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ object.setSchema(structs_iterator->second);
+ structs_iterator->second.applySchema(object, false);
+ return true;
+template <class FunctionIdEnum, class MessageTypeEnum, class StructIdEnum>
+CSmartFactory<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum, StructIdEnum>::CreateSmartObject(
+ const FunctionIdEnum function_id, const MessageTypeEnum message_type) {
+ SmartSchemaKey<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum> key(function_id,
+ message_type);
+ typename FuncionsSchemesMap::iterator schema_iterator =
+ functions_schemes_.find(key);
+ if (schema_iterator != functions_schemes_.end()) {
+ NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject function_object(
+ NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartType_Map);
+ function_object.setSchema(schema_iterator->second);
+ schema_iterator->second.applySchema(function_object, false);
+ return function_object;
+ }
+ return NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject();
+template <class FunctionIdEnum, class MessageTypeEnum, class StructIdEnum>
+CSmartFactory<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum, StructIdEnum>::CreateSmartObject(
+ const StructIdEnum struct_id) {
+ NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject struct_object(
+ NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartType_Map);
+ if (AttachSchema(struct_id, struct_object)) {
+ return struct_object;
+ }
+ return NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::SmartObject();
+template <class FunctionIdEnum, class MessageTypeEnum, class StructIdEnum>
+bool CSmartFactory<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum, StructIdEnum>::GetSchema(
+ const FunctionIdEnum function_id,
+ const MessageTypeEnum message_type,
+ NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::CSmartSchema& result) {
+ SmartSchemaKey<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum> key(function_id,
+ message_type);
+ typename FuncionsSchemesMap::iterator schema_iterator =
+ functions_schemes_.find(key);
+ if (schema_iterator != functions_schemes_.end()) {
+ result = schema_iterator->second;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+template <class FunctionIdEnum, class MessageTypeEnum, class StructIdEnum>
+bool CSmartFactory<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum, StructIdEnum>::GetSchema(
+ const StructIdEnum struct_id,
+ NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::CSmartSchema& result) {
+ typename StructsSchemesMap::iterator structs_iterator =
+ structs_schemes_.find(struct_id);
+ if (structs_iterator != structs_schemes_.end()) {
+ result = structs_iterator->second;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+template <class FunctionIdEnum, class MessageTypeEnum>
+SmartSchemaKey<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum>::SmartSchemaKey(
+ FunctionIdEnum functionIdParam, MessageTypeEnum messageTypeParam)
+ : functionId(functionIdParam), messageType(messageTypeParam) {}
+template <class FunctionIdEnum, class MessageTypeEnum>
+bool operator<(const SmartSchemaKey<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum>& l,
+ const SmartSchemaKey<FunctionIdEnum, MessageTypeEnum>& r) {
+ if (l.functionId < r.functionId)
+ return true;
+ if (l.functionId > r.functionId)
+ return false;
+ if (l.messageType < r.messageType)
+ return true;
+ if (l.messageType > r.messageType)
+ return false;
+ return false;