path: root/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/PCA_HMI_v1_0.qml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/PCA_HMI_v1_0.qml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 373 deletions
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/PCA_HMI_v1_0.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/PCA_HMI_v1_0.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 22e408c716..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/PCA_HMI_v1_0.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "Models"
-import "Widgets"
-import "Styles"
-Rectangle {
- width: 1360
- height: 768
- color: "black"
- // global events
- FEvent { id: cornerClicked }
- FEvent { id: closeNormalScreens }
- //global timers
- FTimer {id: testTimer; interval: 5000; repeat: false}
- // global datapools
- FDataPool {
- id: dataPool
- property string version: "V1.0.0"
- property string currSource: "FM"
- property string currStation: "91.9"
- property string currStatText: "WUOM"
- property string currSong: "Fresh Air"
- property string currAlbumArt: "album artRazorFish.png"
- property int layout: 2 //AM/FM:0, AMhd:1, FMhd:2, Sirius:3, USB:4, BT:5
- property int currFMpreset: 2
- property int currAMpreset: 1
- property int currSATpreset: 3
- property string curStationDT: ""
- property int statusBarChange: 0
- property int curFanSpeed: 1
- property int drvTemp: 70
- property int passTemp: 70
- property bool mainPCAmenuShown: false
- property string fm1pre1: "101.1"
- property string fm1pre2: "97.1"
- property string fm1pre3: "94.7"
- property string fm1pre4: "91.7"
- property string fm1pre5: "101.9"
- property string fm1pre6: "88.7"
- property string fm1stat1: "WRIF"
- property string fm1stat2: "WXYT"
- property string fm1stat3: "WCSX"
- property string fm1stat4: "WUOM"
- property string fm1stat5: "WDET"
- property string fm1stat6: "CIMX"
- property string fm1song1: "Ace of Spades"
- property string fm1song2: "Sports Talk"
- property string fm1song3: "Born to Run"
- property string fm1song4: "Fresh Air"
- property string fm1song5: "The Craig Fahle Show"
- property string fm1song6: "State of Love and Trust"
- property string fm2pre1: "101.1"
- property string fm2pre2: "97.1"
- property string fm2pre3: "94.7"
- property string fm2pre4: "91.7"
- property string fm2pre5: "101.9"
- property string fm2pre6: "88.7"
- property string fm2stat1: "WRIF"
- property string fm2stat2: "WXYT"
- property string fm2stat3: "WCSX"
- property string fm2stat4: "WUOM"
- property string fm2stat5: "WDET"
- property string fm2stat6: "CIMX"
- property string fm2song1: "Ace of Spades"
- property string fm2song2: "Sports Talk"
- property string fm2song3: "Born to Run"
- property string fm2song4: "Fresh Air"
- property string fm2song5: "The Craig Fahle Show"
- property string fm2song6: "State of Love and Trust"
- property string fm3pre1: "101.1"
- property string fm3pre2: "97.1"
- property string fm3pre3: "94.7"
- property string fm3pre4: "91.7"
- property string fm3pre5: "101.9"
- property string fm3pre6: "88.7"
- property string fm3stat1: "WRIF"
- property string fm3stat2: "WXYT"
- property string fm3stat3: "WCSX"
- property string fm3stat4: "WUOM"
- property string fm3stat5: "WDET"
- property string fm3stat6: "CIMX"
- property string fm3song1: "Ace of Spades"
- property string fm3song2: "Sports Talk"
- property string fm3song3: "Born to Run"
- property string fm3song4: "Fresh Air"
- property string fm3song5: "The Craig Fahle Show"
- property string fm3song6: "State of Love and Trust"
- /*List Filtered Variables*/
- property string navEnrty:""
- property string filter: ""
- property variant uniqueChars: undefined
- property string navList1stItem:""
- property string filterPhone:""
- }
- // global conditions
- FConditionPool {
- id: condPool
- property bool amfmActiveSource: true
- property bool settingsOpen: false
- property bool dualBtnSt: true
- property bool drvHeatSeatSt: false
- property bool drvCoolSeatSt: false
- property bool passCoolSeatSt: false
- property bool passHeatSeatSt: false
- property bool heatWheelSt: false
- property bool heatWinSheildSt: true
- property bool defrostSt: true
- property bool pannelSt: false
- property bool floorSt: false
- property bool showMenu: true
- }
- Component.onCompleted: {
- FThemeProvider.resourcePath = Qt.resolvedUrl("Resources");
- FThemeProvider.theme = "Theme1";
- }
- property QtObject filtermodel: ListModel {
- ListElement { staticItem: "Five Guys" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Archers Of Loaf" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Bob Mould" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Cat Power" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Cloud Nothings"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Dentist"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Dirty Frank's" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Grouplove" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Hudson Bell"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Japandroids" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Macklemore & Ryan Lewis"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "The National"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Titus Andronicus" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Tito" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Tamal" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Taco" }
- }
- QtObject{
- id:sortList
- //Check if char exist on Phone DataModel
- function existChar(model, character){
- //console.log(model.get(3).staticItem.charAt(0).toLowerCase())
- for (var i = 0; i < model.count; i++) {
- var u =model.get(i).staticItem.charAt(0).toLowerCase()
- if (character=== u){
- console.log(i)
- return i;
- }
- }
- }
- // Check whether given character exists in array
- function exist(array, character) {
- console.log(array[0]);
- for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
- if (array[i] == character) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // Check whether given filter matches the string (e.g. "ce" would match "Cecilia")
- // The check is case-insensitive
- function checkFilter(filter, string) {
- if (filter.length > string.length) return false;
- var filterlower = filter.toLowerCase();
- var stringlower = string.toLowerCase();
- for (var i = 0; i < filter.length; i++) {
- if (filterlower[i] != stringlower[i])
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- // Updates the filtermodel based on the current filter
- function updateFilterModel(name) {
- if (dataPool.filter.length > 0) {
- for (var i = filtermodel.count-1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (!checkFilter(dataPool.filter, filtermodel.get(i).staticItem))
- filtermodel.remove(i)
- }
- }
- updateUniqueChars()
- }
- // Updates the array of unique first letters in the current index of the model
- function updateUniqueChars() {
- if (filtermodel.get(0) === undefined)
- {
- dataPool.navList1stItem=""
- return;
- }
- var characters = new Array();
- // If filter model has at most 1 item in it, no point in going
- // any further with filtering
- dataPool.navList1stItem=filtermodel.get(0).staticItem
- if (filtermodel.count > 1) {
- for (var i = 0; i < filtermodel.count; i++) {
- var name = filtermodel.get(i).staticItem;
- if (!exist(characters, name[dataPool.filter.length])) {
- characters.push(name[dataPool.filter.length])
- }
- }
- characters.sort()
- }
- dataPool.uniqueChars = characters
- }
- // Fills the filtermodel with contents from the source list's model
- function fillFilterModel(fullModel) {
- if (fullModel === undefined) return;
- filtermodel.clear();
- for (var i = 0; i < fullModel.count; i++) {
- filtermodel.append(fullModel.get(i))
- }
- }
- }
- FDisplay {
- /* modelPath:Qt.resolvedUrl(".")
- id: display
- //activeVariant: "ClassicTop"
- //activeVariant: "ClassicBottom"
- //activeVariant: "Tangier"
- viewCacheSize:0
- //width: 800
- //height: 480
-// xPixel: 800
-// yPixel: 480
- anchors.fill: parent
-// anchors { left: parent.left; top:;}
- priorityLayerCount: 9
- //initialView: "AutocompleteList"
- initialView: "Off"*/
- modelPath:Qt.resolvedUrl(".")
- id: display
- //activeVariant: "ClassicTop"
- //activeVariant: "ClassicBottom"
- //activeVariant: "Tangier"
- viewCacheSize:0
- width: 800
- height: 480
- xPixel: 800
- yPixel: 480
- anchors {
- horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter;
- verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter;
- verticalCenterOffset: 55
- }
- priorityLayerCount: 9
- initialView: "Off"
- //initialView: "NavTilesView"
- }
- Item
- {
- id: fHardwareKeybezel1
- width: 800
- height: 375
- x:10
- y:500
- // function keys
- TextHardkey {
- id: hk_OnOff
- width: 100
- height: 50
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: 0
- anchors.topMargin: 0
- label: "On/Off"
- }
- BaseText {
- id: info
- text: dataPool.version
- color: "black"
- anchors.left: hk_OnOff.right
- anchors.leftMargin: 20
- }
- FHardwareKey {
- id: buttonUp
- hardwareControlID: "buttonUp"
- //commName: "buttonBack"
- x:0
- y:0
- width: 60
- height:25
- keyboardKey: Qt.Key_Up
- visible: false
- }
- FHardwareKey {
- id: buttonDown
- hardwareControlID: "buttonDown"
- //commName: "buttonBack"
- x:0
- y:0
- width: 60
- height:25
- keyboardKey: Qt.Key_Down
- visible: false
- }
- }