# Copyright (c) 2015, Ford Motor Company # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # Neither the name of the Ford Motor Company nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.11) set (PROJECT smartDeviceLinkCore) project (${PROJECT}) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/cmake/modules/") include(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/cmake/helpers/platform.cmake) #Jenkins integration section #dont modify this section if you dont know details about integration with Jenkins!!! set (HMI "web" CACHE STRING "HMI type") option(HMI2 "Use Qt HMI" OFF) option(EXTENDED_MEDIA_MODE "Turn on and off extended Madia Manager features relates to PulseAudio A2DP and GStreamer" OFF) option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build all libraries as shared (if ON) or static (if OFF)" OFF) option(BUILD_BT_SUPPORT "Bluetooth support" ON) option(BUILD_USB_SUPPORT "libusb support" ON) option(BUILD_BACKTRACE_SUPPORT "backtrace support" OFF) option(BUILD_TESTS "Possibility to build and run tests" ON) option(TELEMETRY_MONITOR "Enable profiling time test util" OFF) option(ENABLE_LOG "Logging feature" ON) option(ENABLE_GCOV "gcov code coverage feature" OFF) option(ENABLE_SANITIZE "Sanitize tool" OFF) option(ENABLE_SECURITY "Security Ford protocol protection" ON) option(ENABLE_HMI_PTU_DECRYPTION "Policy table update parsed by hmi" ON) option(ENABLE_EXTENDED_POLICY "Turns extended flow which requires embedded system interaction" ON) option(USE_COTIRE "Use Cotire to speed up build (currently only for commands tests)" ON) option(USE_GOLD_LD "Use gold linker intead of GNU linker" ON) option(USE_CCACHE "Turn on ccache usage" ON) option(USE_DISTCC "Turn on distributed build_usage" ON) set(OS_TYPE_OPTION "$ENV{OS_TYPE}") set(DEBUG_OPTION "$ENV{DEBUG}") set(HMI_TYPE_OPTION "$ENV{HMI_TYPE}") set(TARGET_OPTION "$ENV{TARGET}") set(MEDIA_MODE_OPTION "$ENV{MEDIA_MODE}") set(HMI_ADAPTER_OPTION "$ENV{HMI_ADAPTER}") set(ENABLE_TESTS_OPTION "$ENV{ENABLE_TESTS}") set(ENABLE_LOG_OPTION "$ENV{ENABLE_LOG}") set(ARCH_TYPE_OPTION "$ENV{ARCH_TYPE}") set(POLICY_OPTION "$ENV{POLICY_TYPE}") set(SECURITY_OPTION "$ENV{SECURITY_MODE}") set(COMPONENTS_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/components) set(SNAPSHOT_TAG "$ENV{SNAPSHOT_TAG}") set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER $ENV{CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}) set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER $ENV{CMAKE_C_COMPILER}) set(BUILDDIR "$ENV{BUILDDIR}") if (ARCH_TYPE_OPTION) if (NOT (${ARCH_TYPE_OPTION} STREQUAL "x86") AND NOT (${ARCH_TYPE_OPTION} STREQUAL "armv7")) message(AUTHOR_WARNING "HW architecture is not defined, using x86. Allowed values are x86/armv7 (case sensitive)") set(ARCH_TYPE_OPTION "x86") endif () else () set(ARCH_TYPE_OPTION "x86") endif() if (HMI_TYPE_OPTION) if (${HMI_TYPE_OPTION} STREQUAL "HTML5") message(STATUS "Jenkins integration: select HTML5 HMI") set (HMI "web") elseif (${HMI_TYPE_OPTION} STREQUAL "NONE") message(STATUS "Jenkins integration: select HMI none") set (HMI "no") else () message(STATUS "Jenkins integration: select QML HMI none") set (HMI "qt") endif() endif() if (MEDIA_MODE_OPTION) if (${MEDIA_MODE_OPTION} STREQUAL "EXTENDED_MEDIA") message(STATUS "Jenkins integration: select extended media mode") set (EXTENDED_MEDIA_MODE ON) endif() endif() if (DEBUG_OPTION) if (${DEBUG_OPTION} STREQUAL "DBG_OFF") message(STATUS "Jenkins integration: build release version") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release" CACHE STRING "" FORCE) endif() endif() if (HMI_ADAPTER_OPTION) if (${HMI_ADAPTER_OPTION} STREQUAL "MESSAGEBROKER") message(STATUS "Jenkins integration: selected HMI adapter MESSAGEBROKER") set (HMIADAPTER "messagebroker") elseif (${HMI_ADAPTER_OPTION} STREQUAL "DBUS") message(STATUS "Jenkins integration: selected HMI adapter DBUS") set (HMIADAPTER "dbus") endif() endif() if (ENABLE_LOG_OPTION) if (${ENABLE_LOG_OPTION} STREQUAL "LOG_OFF") message(STATUS "Jenkins integration: Log is turned off") set (ENABLE_LOG OFF) endif() endif() if (ENABLE_TESTS_OPTION) if (${ENABLE_TESTS_OPTION} STREQUAL "TESTS_OFF") message(STATUS "Jenkins integration: Unit tests is turned off") set (BUILD_TESTS OFF) elseif(${ENABLE_TESTS_OPTION} STREQUAL "TESTS_ON") message(STATUS "Jenkins integration: Unit tests is turned on") set (BUILD_TESTS ON) endif() endif() if (SECURITY_OPTION) if (${SECURITY_OPTION} STREQUAL "SEC_OFF") message(STATUS "Jenkins integration: Security is turned OFF") set (ENABLE_SECURITY OFF) endif() endif() set(objcopy "objcopy") if (OS_TYPE_OPTION) if (${OS_TYPE_OPTION} STREQUAL "QNX") message(STATUS "Jenkins integration: set build process for QNX") #do not use include after project() command. #Such usecase results in infinite cycle of reinitialization of compiler and other variables INCLUDE("./qnx_6.5.0_linux_x86.cmake") set(objcopy "nto${ARCH_TYPE_OPTION}-objcopy") #tests are not supported yet for QNX build set (BUILD_TESTS OFF) endif() endif() #Jenkins integration section end add_custom_target(pasa-tarball COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/Utils/export-customer-specific.sh ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} pasa COMMAND tar -cz -C /tmp/PASA -f ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/pasa.tar.gz . DEPENDS HMI_API MOBILE_API v4_protocol_v1_2_no_extra ) add_custom_target(ford-tarball COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/Utils/export-customer-specific.sh ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ford COMMAND tar -cz -C /tmp/FORD -f ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/ford.tar.gz . DEPENDS HMI_API MOBILE_API v4_protocol_v1_2_no_extra ) add_custom_target(genivi-tarball COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/Utils/export-customer-specific.sh ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} genivi COMMAND tar -cz -C /tmp/GENIVI -f ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/genivi.tar.gz . ) # Please do not change compiler/linker flags if You do not know how particular # flag is handled by CMake set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) set(ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ./bin) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-fPIC -std=gnu++0x -Wall -Werror -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wuninitialized -Wvla") if (USE_GOLD_LD) execute_process(COMMAND ld -v OUTPUT_VARIABLE result) string(FIND ${result} Binutils GOLD_LD_FOUND) if (GOLD_LD_FOUND EQUAL -1) message(SEND_ERROR "Gold linker not found!") else() message(INFO " Use gold linker") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fuse-ld=gold") endif() endif(USE_GOLD_LD) if (USE_CCACHE) # Configure CCache if available find_program(CCACHE_FOUND ccache) if(CCACHE_FOUND) get_property(RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE) set(RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE "${RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE} ccache") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE ${RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE}) get_property(RULE_LAUNCH_LINK GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_LINK) set(RULE_LAUNCH_LINK "${RULE_LAUNCH_LINK} ccache") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_LINK ${RULE_LAUNCH_LINK}) message(INFO " Used CCache for compilation.") else(CCACHE_FOUND) message(WARNING " CCache was not found.") endif(CCACHE_FOUND) endif(USE_CCACHE) if (USE_DISTCC) # Configure distributed compilation if available find_program(DISTCC_FOUND distcc) if(DISTCC_FOUND) get_property(RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE) set(RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE "${RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE} distcc") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE ${RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE}) message(INFO " Used distributed build.") else(CCACHE_FOUND) message(WARNING " distcc was not found. Distributed compilation is impossible.") endif(DISTCC_FOUND) endif(USE_DISTCC) if(ENABLE_SANITIZE) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fsanitize=address") message(STATUS "Sanitizing enabled") endif() if(ENABLE_GCOV) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} --coverage") add_definitions(-DGCOV_ENABLED) message(STATUS "GCOV enabled") endif() set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE " -DNDEBUG -s -O2") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG " -DDEBUG -g3 -ggdb3") if(QT_PORT) set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) find_package(Qt5 REQUIRED Core Network) include_directories( ${Qt5Core_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${Qt5Network_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif () if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux") add_definitions(-DOS_LINUX) elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "QNX") add_definitions(-DOS_QNX) SET(BUILD_BT_SUPPORT OFF) SET(BUILD_BACKTRACE_SUPPORT OFF) SET(EXTENDED_MEDIA_MODE OFF) endif() if (BUILD_USB_SUPPORT) add_definitions(-DUSB_SUPPORT) find_package(UDev REQUIRED) message(STATUS "USB support enabled") endif() if (BUILD_BT_SUPPORT) add_definitions(-DBLUETOOTH_SUPPORT) message(STATUS "Bluetooth support enabled") endif() if (BUILD_BACKTRACE_SUPPORT) add_definitions(-DBACKTRACE_SUPPORT) message(STATUS "Backtrace support enabled") endif() if(ENABLE_LOG) add_definitions(-DENABLE_LOG) set(install-3rd_party_logger "install-3rd_party_logger") message(STATUS "Logger enabled") endif() if (TELEMETRY_MONITOR) add_definitions(-DTELEMETRY_MONITOR) message(STATUS "Telemetry monitor enabled") endif() if (ENABLE_EXTENDED_POLICY) add_definitions(-DEXTENDED_POLICY) message(STATUS "Extended policy enabled") endif() # TODO(AK): check current OS here add_definitions(-DOS_POSIX) if (EXTENDED_MEDIA_MODE) add_definitions(-DEXTENDED_MEDIA_MODE) message(STATUS "Extended media mode enabled") # required to find 'glibconfig.h' find_package(PkgConfig) pkg_check_modules(GLIB2 REQUIRED glib-2.0) add_definitions(${GLIB2_CFLAGS}) endif() if(HMI STREQUAL "qt") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "QNX") set(qt_version "4.8.5") else() set(qt_version "5.1.0") endif() execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/FindQt.sh -v ${qt_version} OUTPUT_VARIABLE qt_bin_dir ) message(STATUS "Binary directory Qt ${qt_version} is ${qt_bin_dir}") set(ENV{PATH} ${qt_bin_dir}:$ENV{PATH}) if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "QNX") find_package(Qt4 ${qt_version} REQUIRED QtCore QtGui QtDBus QtDeclarative) else () find_package(Qt5Core REQUIRED) find_package(Qt5DBus REQUIRED) find_package(Qt5Qml REQUIRED) find_package(Qt5Quick REQUIRED) set(qmlplugindump_binary ${qt_bin_dir}/qmlplugindump) endif() endif() # Building application # --- Type HMI if (HMI STREQUAL "qt") set(QT_HMI ON) add_definitions(-DQT_HMI) elseif (HMI STREQUAL "web") set(WEB_HMI ON) add_definitions(-DWEB_HMI) else () set(HMI "no") add_definitions(-DNO_HMI) endif () if (HMI STREQUAL "qt" AND NOT DEFINED HMIADAPTER) set(HMIADAPTER "dbus") endif() if (HMI STREQUAL "web" AND NOT DEFINED HMIADAPTER) set(HMIADAPTER "messagebroker") endif() if (HMIADAPTER STREQUAL "dbus") set(HMI_DBUS_API ON) add_definitions(-DDBUS_HMIADAPTER) add_definitions(-DHMI_DBUS_API) set(install-3rd_party_dbus "install-3rd_party_dbus") endif() if (HMIADAPTER STREQUAL "messagebroker") set(HMI_JSON_API ON) add_definitions(-DMESSAGEBROKER_HMIADAPTER) add_definitions(-DHMI_JSON_API) endif() # --- Directory with SDL interfaces, global types and ProtocolLib component include_directories( ${COMPONENTS_DIR}/include ${COMPONENTS_DIR}/protocol/include endif () ) find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED) if(ENABLE_LOG) include_directories ( ${LOG4CXX_INCLUDE_DIRECTORY} ) endif() if(ENABLE_SECURITY) add_definitions(-DENABLE_SECURITY) set(SecurityManagerLibrary SecurityManager) set(SecurityManagerIncludeDir ${COMPONENTS_DIR}/security_manager/include) #set(SecurityManagerTestIncludeDir ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/components/security_manager/include) message(STATUS "Security enabled") endif() if(ENABLE_HMI_PTU_DECRYPTION) add_definitions(-DUSE_HMI_PTU_DECRYPTION) message(STATUS "HMI PTU decription enabled") endif() set(RTLIB rt) if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "QNX") set(RTLIB ) endif() # Building tests if(BUILD_TESTS) enable_testing() add_definitions(-DBUILD_TESTS) include_directories( ${COMPONENTS_DIR}/include/test ) message(STATUS "Tests enabled") endif() # --- 3rd party libs add_subdirectory(./src/3rd_party EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) # --- 3rd party libs (static) add_subdirectory(./src/3rd_party-static) # --- Tools add_subdirectory(./tools) # --- Components add_subdirectory(./src/components) # --- Main application add_subdirectory(./src/appMain) # --- Plugins add_subdirectory(./src/plugins) add_dependencies(${PROJECT} Policy) add_dependencies(${PROJECT} copy_policy_library) # Building documentation # At first creating directory for generated documentation. Unfortunately doxygen # cannot generate it byself find_package(Doxygen) if(DOXYGEN_FOUND) option(DOXYGEN_ENABLE_DIAGRAMS "Enable graphical diagram generation" ON) message(STATUS "Doxygen found. Documentation will be generated") if(DOXYGEN_ENABLE_DIAGRAMS) set(DOXYGEN_ENABLE_DIAGRAMS_PARAM "YES") else() set(DOXYGEN_ENABLE_DIAGRAMS_PARAM "NO") endif() configure_file("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Doxyfile" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Doxyfile") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/doc/doxygen") add_custom_target(doxygen COMMAND ${DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE} "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Doxyfile") else() message(STATUS "Doxygen not found. Documentation will not be generated") message(STATUS "To enable documentation generation please install doxygen and graphviz packages") message(STATUS "sudo apt-get install doxygen graphviz") message(STATUS "To enable processing of MscGen comments please install mscgen") message(STATUS "sudo apt-get install mscgen") endif()