#Committing changes to SDL We would like to make it easier for community members to contribute to SDL using pull requests. This makes the process of contributing a little easier for the contributor since they don't need to concern themselves with the question, "What branch do I base my changes on?" This is already called out in the CONTRIBUTING.md. ##Terminology Many of these terms have more than one meaning. For the purposes of this document, the following terms refer to specific things. **contributor** - A person who makes a change to SDL and submits a change set in the form of a pull request. **reviewer** - A person responsible for reviewing a pull request. **master branch** - [The base branch](https://github.com/smartdevicelink/sdl_core/tree/master). **develop branch** - [The branch](https://github.com/LuxoftSDL/sdl_core/tree/develop) where bug fixes against the latest release or release candidate are merged. ## Pre-commit hook installation * Go to tools/infrastructure/ * Run install-hooks.py * or : Just run "python tools/infrastructure/install-hooks.py" ##Pull request checklist * Add Unit tests. * All tests pass (see Run all tests section). * Check component design * Check amount of required memory, memory leaks. * Assertion must be used in the right way. * Are there cyclic dependencies? * Level of abstraction adequate? * Are there any platform gotchas? (Does a change make an assumption about platform specific behavior that is incompatible with other platforms? e.g. Windows paths vs. POSIX paths). * Thread safe code. * No deadlocks. * Is Doxygen API documentation available? * Do you have thread specific comment provided? (if another thread uses added method/classes, there must be comment which explains: When method will be called by thread? Which thread calls the method? e.g.) * Do you have specific realization code comments? * Add log messages. * There are no Google code style errors. (You can download Google [cpplint.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/styleguide/gh-pages/cpplint/cpplint.py)) * Check branch naming. * Check correct commit messages in commits (see Pull request message section). * Check correct pull request target (`master` or `develop`) * Check correct pull request message * Add reviewers ##Run all tests * Run in root build directory `make test` ##Branch naming Branch name should be: * `hotfix/` or * `feature/` or * `fix/` ##Pull request message * Describe the reason why you created pull request and what changes there are. * Add related Jira ticket as link. ( EXAMPLE: `Related: [APPLINK-xxxxx](put direct link here)`) * If there was an old pull request, add link. ( EXAMPLE: `Old pull request is [here](put direct link here)`) ##Adding reviewers: * Add one domain expert * Add your mentor (for junior developers only) * Add all junior developers (for junior developers only) `Note`: Everyone from SDL team developers can review any pull request (“reviewed” comment is not required) ##Review process * Reviewers can leave comments to code only in `commits` tab. * Contributor must answer each comment (Contributor should specify addressee in comment). * In case contributor is disagree with reviewer, contributor writes his opinion * In case contributor is agree with reviewer, contributor leaves link to new commit with changes. * When reviewer is agree with all changes in pull request, he must leave `Reviewed` comment. ##Successfully passed review: * Contributor answered to all comments * Contributor fixed all mistakes * All reviewers left `Reviewed` comment ##Merging * Successfully passed review. * Rebase in case of existing conflicts. * Contributor can squash commits in case of adding same code in different commits. * Contact @AGaliuzov or @anosach-luxoft to merge pull request. ##Additional sources * [Google cppint.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/styleguide/gh-pages/cpplint/cpplint.py) * [Git commit best practices](http://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/) * [GitHub Working with formatting](https://help.github.com/articles/working-with-advanced-formatting/)