/** \cond FALSE ------ Design document template explanation ------- This is a SW Detailed Design template for each SDl component update. The original QCA template with more detail description is available at Luxoft portal https://adc.luxoft.com/confluence/display/PORTAL/Software+Detailed+Design+Template ---------------------- HOWTO ----------------------- For adding new component documentation please follow this steps: 1. Copy this document to the 'doc' subdirectory in the Component working directory with a new name - Example: + src/components/transport_manager/docs/FORD.OpenSDL.SDD.TM.dox + src/components/utils/docs/FORD.OpenSDL.SDD.Utils.dox - https://adc.luxoft.com/confluence/display/PORTAL/Documentation+Control+Guideline#DocumentationControlGuideline-DocumentNaming 2. Replace with a correct naming according to SAD naming - Name examples: Application Manager, Connection Handler - Replace examples: ~ sed -i 's//Utils/g' FORD.OpenSDL.SDD.Utils.dox 3. Replace with a shot unique name - Something like app_manage, connection_handler, policy - It shall be one word without spaces and special symbols except '_' - Replace examples: ~ sed -i 's//connection_handler/g' FORD.OpenSDL.SDD.Utils.dox Note: After that step all Doxygen tags becomes working well and IDE could be used 4. Add reference in mainpage.dox Table of Content using used in p.3 5. Replace blocks marked as following with a content according to instructions in these blocks - Each block starts as - Each block ends as - If chapter content is not applicable for a Component update it with "Not applicable, since/because of ." 6. Update source code doxygen comments for mentioning entities in the following SDD chapter: - Public and private interfaces from chapter 3 - Data types from chapter 4.2 7. Update project Doxygen file with path to new images * IMAGE_PATH parameter 8. Remove this template explanation from cond to endcond tags General notes/reminders: - Commit both: images and them source to the git repository - SDD file extension shall be 'dox' - the preferable path for SDD is src/components/COMPONENT/docs - the preferable path for SDD images is src/components/COMPONENT/docs/assets For more information, please follow: - Doxygen documentation http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/index.html - Markdown support by doxygen http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/markdown.html - Text-base UML tool http://plantuml.com/ - Article "Providing design documentation with code changes" https://github.com/smartdevicelink/sdl_core/wiki/Providing-design-documentation-with-code-changes --------------------------------------------- \endcond \page Detailed Design ## Table of contents - \subpage _intoduction + \ref _rationale "1.1 Rationale" + \ref _scope "1.2 Scope" + \ref _abbreviations "1.3 Abbreviations" - \subpage _detail_design + \ref _design_solutions "2.1 Design solutions" + \ref _class_structure "2.2 Class Structure" + \ref _sequence_diagram "2.3 Sequence diagram" + \ref _state_chart "2.4 State chart diagram" - \subpage _interfaces + \ref _public_interfaces "3.1 Public interfaces description" + \ref _internal_interfaces "3.2 Internal interfaces description" + \ref _derived_interfaces "3.3 Derived interfaces and dependencies" - \subpage _data_structure_resources + \ref _data_structure "4.1 Element Data Structure" + \ref _resources "4.2 Resource usage" - \subpage _references_and_history + \ref _references "5.1 References" + \ref _history "5.2 Document history change and approve" */ //----------------------------------------------------------- /** \page _intoduction 1. Introduction The document is intended to support software developers, maintenance and integration engineers with sufficient, detailed information concerning the design, development and deployment concepts, to accomplish their respective tasks without reliance on the authors. \anchor _rationale ## 1.1 Rationale implements SDL Architectural Solution according to: Here need to be a link SAD Components View and Requirements if applicable) Example: https://smartdevicelink.com/en/guides/core/software-architecture-document/components-view/#hmi-message-handler \anchor _scope ## 1.2 Scope extracted as a separate component for Here need to be added a reason and short description of the components functionality Example: Security Manager component extracted as a separate module for Ford channel data protection. This components is used to : - Provide security communications - Protect income and outcome business layer data from interception - Verify the relation between a mobile application certificate and its owner \anchor _abbreviations ## 1.3 Abbreviations Abbreviations used in this document please find in the table below. | Abbreviation | Expansion | |------------------|----------------------------------| | | | Here need to be added all component-specific terms, as | TA | Transport Adapter | Definitions used in this document are in the table below. | Definition | Description | |------------------|-----------------------------------| | | | Here need to be added all component-specific terms, as | WebSocket | a protocol providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection | */ //----------------------------------------------------------- /** \page _detail_design 2. Component detail design \anchor _design_solutions ### 2.1 Design solutions The following design approaches and pattern was used for : Here need to be added GoF (or other) SW design patterns, technologies and approaches with short description Example: - Command design pattern is used to treat requests as an object that provides possibility to add new request without existing code modification - Factory method pattern design used for SSLContext objects creation + It also guaranty correctness of SSLContext destruction by the same Compiled SecurityManger object - All database reading are cached by CacheManager class, which guaranty meeting timing contrariness - SQLite database was chosen as a lightweight, embedded, transactional SQL database engine \anchor _class_structure ### 2.2 Class Structure The following UML class digram shows the component classes structure. Here need to be added class diagram Example: ![Security Manager class diagram](sm_class_digram.png) For adding images in MD format follow https://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/markdown.html#md_images As a tool for image preparing could be used Gliffy digram https://adc.luxoft.com/confluence/pages/createpage.action?showGliffyMacro=true&fromCreateDialog=true&spaceKey=APPLINK OR plantuml diagram http://plantuml.com/classes.html Note: Source files of diagram and output images need to be also committed to git. For more information about class digram follow: - http://www.uml-diagrams.org/class-diagrams-overview.html - https://sourcemaking.com/uml/modeling-it-systems/structural-view/class-diagram \anchor _sequence_diagram ### 2.3 Sequence diagram The following UML sequence digram shows how objects operate with one another and in what order. Here need to be added sequence diagram Example: Short description ![Connection](connection.png) ![job](job.png) ![disconnection](disconnection.png) For adding images in MD format follow https://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/markdown.html#md_images As a tool for image preparing could be used Gliffy digram https://adc.luxoft.com/confluence/pages/createpage.action?showGliffyMacro=true&fromCreateDialog=true&spaceKey=APPLINK OR plantuml diagram http://plantuml.com/sequence.html Note: Source files of diagram and output images need to be also committed to git. For more information about sequence digram follow: - http://www.uml-diagrams.org/sequence-diagrams.html - https://sourcemaking.com/uml/modeling-it-systems/external-view/use-case-sequence-diagram \anchor _state_chart ### 2.4 State chart diagram The following UML state digram shows the component life cycle states. Here need to be added state diagram Example: ![StateControllerImpl state](state_contoroller_states.png) For adding images in MD format follow https://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/markdown.html#md_images As a tool for image preparing could be used Gliffy digram https://adc.luxoft.com/confluence/pages/createpage.action?showGliffyMacro=true&fromCreateDialog=true&spaceKey=APPLINK OR plantuml diagram http://plantuml.com/state.html Note: Source files of diagram and output images need to be also committed to git. For more information about class digram follow: - http://www.uml-diagrams.org/state-machine-diagrams.html */ //----------------------------------------------------------- /** \page _interfaces 3. Component Interfaces \anchor _public_interfaces ### 3.1 Public interfaces description provides functionality with following interfaces: Here need to be added a list of external interfaces Example: - security_manager::SecurityManager - security_manager::SecurityManagerListener - security_manager::SSLContext (!) All link will be auto-added by doxygen For more auto-linking follow - https://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/autolink.html#linkclass \anchor _internal_interfaces ### 3.2 Internal interfaces description The following interfaces are provided by component for internal usage only: Here need to be added a list of internal interfaces Example: - security_manager::CryptoManager - security_manager::CryptoManagerSettings - security_manager::SecurityQuery \anchor _derived_interfaces ### 3.3 Derived interfaces and dependencies required following 3d-party libraries: Here need to be added a list of libraries Example: - OpenSSL library v 1.0.1g and higher to meet TLS cipher restricts The following interfaces are required by component: - \ref src/components/include/utils Utils Here need to be added a list of external interfaces Example: - protocol_handler::ProtocolObserver for getting Protocol notifications - implements protocol_handler::SessionObserver for providing SSLContext object managing - [OpenSSL API](https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/ssl/) : + SSL_library_init() - registers the available SSL/TLS ciphers and digests. All link will be auto-added by doxygen */ //----------------------------------------------------------- /** \page _data_structure_resources 4. Component data and resources \anchor _data_structure ### 4.1 Element Data Structure The following data types are used by the Component: Here need to be added a list of component data types Example: - security_manager::SecurityQuery - protocol_handler::ProtocolPacket All link will be auto-added by doxygen The format of processing/saving/loading data is: Here need to be added a list of formats Example: - Json data according to APPLINK-19421 - Binary data array according to Ford Protocol Specification + https://github.com/smartdevicelink/protocol_spec - PEM certificates according to APPLINK-21512 All link will be auto-added by doxygen \anchor _resources ### 4.2 Resource usage The following system resources are used by the Component: Here need to be added all resource-related information All file, database or network reading An amount of processing by component data Example: Resumption uses QBD/JSON database with configurable limitation 10 Mb Request Controller Handle a configured amount of RPCs: - A XXX count of messages from application in NONE level + - A YYY count of messages per second for each application + (!) In case of no such restrict it need to be clarified (!) */ //----------------------------------------------------------- /** \page _references_and_history 5. References and history \anchor _references ### 5.1 References - [Software Architecture Document](https://smartdevicelink.com/en/guides/core/software-architecture-document/table-of-contents/) Here need to be added a list of all related to component functionality references, including 3d-party libraries, documentation, requirements Example: - [OpenSSL API](https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/ssl/) - [SQLite Documents](https://www.sqlite.org/docs.html) \anchor _history ### 5.2 Document history Document change history | Version | Data | Author/Editor | Change description | |-------------|------------|-----------------------------|---------------------| Example: | 0.1 | MM/DD/YYYY | [Name](Github account link) | Initially created | For more details follow https://adc.luxoft.com/confluence/display/PORTAL/Documentation+Control+Guideline#DocumentationControlGuideline-DocumentVersion Document approve history | Version | Data | Author/Editor | Change description | |-------------|------------|-----------------------------|---------------------| Example: | 0.1 | MM/DD/YYYY | [Name](Github account link) | Initially created | For more precise document change history follow github history - Example for this template: - https://github.com/smartdevicelink/sdl_core/commits/master/docs/software_detailed_design_template.dox - https://github.com/smartdevicelink/sdl_core/commits/develop/docs/software_detailed_design_template.dox */