/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Ford Motor Company * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of the Ford Motor Company nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef SRC_COMPONENTS_APPLICATION_MANAGER_INCLUDE_APPLICATION_MANAGER_APPLICATION_IMPL_H_ #define SRC_COMPONENTS_APPLICATION_MANAGER_INCLUDE_APPLICATION_MANAGER_APPLICATION_IMPL_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils/date_time.h" #include "application_manager/application_data_impl.h" #include "application_manager/usage_statistics.h" #include "application_manager/hmi_state.h" #include "protocol_handler/protocol_handler.h" #include "connection_handler/device.h" #include "utils/lock.h" #include "utils/atomic_object.h" #include "utils/custom_string.h" #include "utils/timer.h" #include "utils/macro.h" namespace usage_statistics { class StatisticsManager; } // namespace usage_statistics namespace application_manager { using namespace utils; using namespace timer; namespace mobile_api = mobile_apis; namespace custom_str = custom_string; /** * @brief SwitchApplicationParameters updates application internal parameters * on transport switch. Must be used only for switching flow. * @param app Pointer to switched application * @param app_id New application id (connection key) * @param device_id New device id * @param mac_address New device MAC address */ void SwitchApplicationParameters(ApplicationSharedPtr app, const uint32_t app_id, const size_t device_id, const std::string& mac_address); class ApplicationImpl : public virtual Application, public virtual InitialApplicationDataImpl, public virtual DynamicApplicationDataImpl { public: ApplicationImpl( uint32_t application_id, const std::string& policy_app_id, const std::string& mac_address, const connection_handler::DeviceHandle device_id, const custom_str::CustomString& app_name, utils::SharedPtr statistics_manager, ApplicationManager& application_manager); DEPRECATED ApplicationImpl( uint32_t application_id, const std::string& policy_app_id, const std::string& mac_address, const custom_str::CustomString& app_name, utils::SharedPtr statistics_manager, ApplicationManager& application_manager); ~ApplicationImpl(); /** * @brief Returns message belonging to the application * that is currently executed (i.e. on HMI). * @return smart_objects::SmartObject * Active message */ const smart_objects::SmartObject* active_message() const; void CloseActiveMessage(); bool IsFullscreen() const; /** * @brief change supporting COMMUNICATION NAVIGATION */ virtual void ChangeSupportingAppHMIType(); inline bool is_navi() const { return is_navi_; } void set_is_navi(bool allow); void set_mobile_projection_enabled(bool option); bool mobile_projection_enabled() const; bool video_streaming_approved() const; void set_video_streaming_approved(bool state); bool audio_streaming_approved() const; void set_audio_streaming_approved(bool state); bool video_streaming_allowed() const; void set_video_streaming_allowed(bool state); bool audio_streaming_allowed() const; void set_audio_streaming_allowed(bool state); bool SetVideoConfig(protocol_handler::ServiceType service_type, const smart_objects::SmartObject& params); void StartStreaming(protocol_handler::ServiceType service_type); void StopStreamingForce(protocol_handler::ServiceType service_type); void StopStreaming(protocol_handler::ServiceType service_type); void SuspendStreaming(protocol_handler::ServiceType service_type); void WakeUpStreaming(protocol_handler::ServiceType service_type); virtual bool is_voice_communication_supported() const; virtual void set_voice_communication_supported( bool is_voice_communication_supported); inline bool app_allowed() const; bool has_been_activated() const; bool set_activated(bool is_active); const Version& version() const; void set_hmi_application_id(uint32_t hmi_app_id); inline uint32_t hmi_app_id() const; inline uint32_t app_id() const; const custom_str::CustomString& name() const; void set_folder_name(const std::string& folder_name) OVERRIDE; const std::string folder_name() const; bool is_media_application() const; bool is_foreground() const OVERRIDE; void set_foreground(const bool is_foreground) OVERRIDE; const mobile_apis::HMILevel::eType hmi_level() const; const uint32_t put_file_in_none_count() const; const uint32_t delete_file_in_none_count() const; const uint32_t list_files_in_none_count() const; const mobile_api::SystemContext::eType system_context() const; inline const mobile_apis::AudioStreamingState::eType audio_streaming_state() const; inline const mobile_apis::VideoStreamingState::eType video_streaming_state() const; const std::string& app_icon_path() const; connection_handler::DeviceHandle device() const; const std::string& mac_address() const OVERRIDE; const std::string& bundle_id() const OVERRIDE; void set_bundle_id(const std::string& bundle_id) OVERRIDE; void set_tts_properties_in_none(bool active); bool tts_properties_in_none(); void set_tts_properties_in_full(bool active); bool tts_properties_in_full(); void set_version(const Version& ver); void set_name(const custom_str::CustomString& name); void set_is_media_application(bool is_media); void increment_put_file_in_none_count(); void increment_delete_file_in_none_count(); void increment_list_files_in_none_count(); bool set_app_icon_path(const std::string& path); void set_app_allowed(const bool allowed); void set_device(connection_handler::DeviceHandle device); virtual uint32_t get_grammar_id() const; virtual void set_grammar_id(uint32_t value); bool is_audio() const OVERRIDE; virtual void set_protocol_version( const protocol_handler::MajorProtocolVersion& protocol_version); virtual protocol_handler::MajorProtocolVersion protocol_version() const; virtual void set_is_resuming(bool is_resuming); virtual bool is_resuming() const; bool AddFile(const AppFile& file); bool UpdateFile(const AppFile& file); bool DeleteFile(const std::string& file_name); virtual const AppFilesMap& getAppFiles() const; virtual const AppFile* GetFile(const std::string& file_name); bool SubscribeToButton(mobile_apis::ButtonName::eType btn_name); bool IsSubscribedToButton(mobile_apis::ButtonName::eType btn_name); bool UnsubscribeFromButton(mobile_apis::ButtonName::eType btn_name); bool SubscribeToIVI(uint32_t vehicle_info_type) OVERRIDE; bool IsSubscribedToIVI(uint32_t vehicle_info_type) const OVERRIDE; bool UnsubscribeFromIVI(uint32_t vehicle_info_type) OVERRIDE; DataAccessor SubscribedIVI() const OVERRIDE; inline bool IsRegistered() const OVERRIDE; /** * @brief ResetDataInNone reset data counters in NONE */ virtual void ResetDataInNone() OVERRIDE; virtual DataAccessor SubscribedButtons() const OVERRIDE; virtual const std::string& curHash() const; /** * @brief Change Hash for current application * and send notification to mobile * @return updated_hash */ virtual void UpdateHash(); /** * @brief checks is hashID was changed during suspended state * @return Returns TRUE if hashID was changed during suspended state * otherwise returns FALSE. */ bool IsHashChangedDuringSuspend() const OVERRIDE; /** * @brief changes state of the flag which tracks is hashID was changed during * suspended state or not * @param state new state of the flag */ void SetHashChangedDuringSuspend(const bool state) OVERRIDE; UsageStatistics& usage_report(); bool AreCommandLimitsExceeded(mobile_apis::FunctionID::eType cmd_id, TLimitSource source); virtual void SubscribeToSoftButtons(int32_t cmd_id, const SoftButtonID& softbuttons_id); virtual bool IsSubscribedToSoftButton(const uint32_t softbutton_id); virtual void UnsubscribeFromSoftButtons(int32_t cmd_id); virtual bool is_application_data_changed() const; virtual void set_is_application_data_changed(bool state_application_data); /** * @brief Check's if it is media, voice communication or navigation * application * * @return true if application is media, voice communication or navigation */ bool IsAudioApplication() const OVERRIDE; /** * @brief Checks whether the application is navigation or projection * * @return true if application is navigation or projection */ bool IsVideoApplication() const OVERRIDE; /** * @brief SetInitialState sets initial HMI state for application on * registration * @param state Hmi state value */ void SetInitialState(HmiStatePtr state) FINAL; /** * @brief SetRegularState set permanent state of application * * @param state state to setup */ virtual void SetRegularState(HmiStatePtr state); /** * @brief SetPostponedState sets postponed state to application. * This state could be set as regular later * * @param state state to setup */ virtual void SetPostponedState(HmiStatePtr state); virtual void RemovePostponedState(); /** * @brief AddHMIState the function that will change application's * hmi state. * * @param app_id id of the application whose hmi level should be changed. * * @param state new hmi state for certain application. */ virtual void AddHMIState(HmiStatePtr state); /** * @brief RemoveHMIState the function that will turn back hmi_level after end * of some event * * @param app_id id of the application whose hmi level should be changed. * * @param state_id that should be removed */ virtual void RemoveHMIState(HmiState::StateID state_id); /** * @brief HmiState of application within active events PhoneCall, TTS< etc ... * @return Active HmiState of application */ virtual const HmiStatePtr CurrentHmiState() const; /** * @brief RegularHmiState of application without active events VR, TTS etc ... * @return HmiState of application */ virtual const HmiStatePtr RegularHmiState() const; /** * @brief PostponedHmiState returns postponed hmi state of application * if it's present * * @return Postponed hmi state of application */ virtual const HmiStatePtr PostponedHmiState() const; uint32_t audio_stream_retry_number() const; void set_audio_stream_retry_number(const uint32_t& audio_stream_retry_number); uint32_t video_stream_retry_number() const; void set_video_stream_retry_number(const uint32_t& video_stream_retry_number); /** * @brief Load persistent files from application folder. */ void LoadPersistentFiles() OVERRIDE; /** * @brief Get available app space * @param name of the app folder(make + mobile app id) * @return free app space. */ uint32_t GetAvailableDiskSpace() OVERRIDE; #ifdef SDL_REMOTE_CONTROL /** * @brief Sets current system context * @param system_context new system context */ void set_system_context( const mobile_api::SystemContext::eType& system_context) OVERRIDE; /** * @brief Sets current audio streaming state * @param state new audio streaming state */ void set_audio_streaming_state( const mobile_api::AudioStreamingState::eType& state) OVERRIDE; /** * @brief Sets current HMI level * @param hmi_level new HMI level */ void set_hmi_level(const mobile_api::HMILevel::eType& hmi_level) OVERRIDE; /** * @brief Get list of subscriptions to vehicle info notifications * @return list of subscriptions to vehicle info notifications */ const VehicleInfoSubscriptions& SubscribesIVI() const OVERRIDE; /** * @brief Return pointer to extension by uid * @param uid uid of extension * @return Pointer to extension, if extension was initialized, otherwise NULL */ AppExtensionPtr QueryInterface(AppExtensionUID uid) OVERRIDE; #endif void PushMobileMessage( smart_objects::SmartObjectSPtr mobile_message) OVERRIDE; void SwapMobileMessageQueue(MobileMessageQueue& mobile_messages) OVERRIDE; protected: /** * @brief Clean up application folder. Persistent files will stay */ void CleanupFiles(); private: /** * @brief Callback for video streaming suspend timer. * Suspends video streaming process for application */ void OnVideoStreamSuspend(); /** * @brief Stops video streaming for application */ inline void StopNaviStreaming(); /** * @brief Stops audio streaming for application */ inline void StopAudioStreaming(); /** * @brief Callback for audio streaming suspend timer. * Suspends audio streaming process for application */ void OnAudioStreamSuspend(); #ifdef SDL_REMOTE_CONTROL /** * @brief Add extension to application * @param extension pointer to extension * @return true if success, false if extension already initialized */ bool AddExtension(AppExtensionPtr extention) OVERRIDE; /** * @brief Remove extension from application * @param uid uid of extension * @return true if success, false if extension is not present */ bool RemoveExtension(AppExtensionUID uid) OVERRIDE; /** * @brief Removes all extensions */ void RemoveExtensions() OVERRIDE; #endif // SDL_REMOTE_CONTROL std::string hash_val_; uint32_t grammar_id_; Version version_; custom_str::CustomString app_name_; uint32_t hmi_app_id_; uint32_t app_id_; smart_objects::SmartObject* active_message_; bool is_media_; bool is_navi_; bool mobile_projection_enabled_; bool video_streaming_approved_; bool audio_streaming_approved_; bool video_streaming_allowed_; bool audio_streaming_allowed_; bool video_streaming_suspended_; bool audio_streaming_suspended_; sync_primitives::Lock video_streaming_suspended_lock_; sync_primitives::Lock audio_streaming_suspended_lock_; bool is_app_allowed_; bool has_been_activated_; bool tts_properties_in_none_; bool tts_properties_in_full_; bool is_foreground_; bool is_application_data_changed_; uint32_t put_file_in_none_count_; uint32_t delete_file_in_none_count_; uint32_t list_files_in_none_count_; std::string app_icon_path_; std::string mac_address_; connection_handler::DeviceHandle device_id_; std::string bundle_id_; AppFilesMap app_files_; std::set subscribed_buttons_; VehicleInfoSubscriptions subscribed_vehicle_info_; UsageStatistics usage_report_; protocol_handler::MajorProtocolVersion protocol_version_; bool is_voice_communication_application_; sync_primitives::atomic_bool is_resuming_; bool is_hash_changed_during_suspend_; uint32_t video_stream_retry_number_; uint32_t audio_stream_retry_number_; uint32_t video_stream_suspend_timeout_; uint32_t audio_stream_suspend_timeout_; Timer video_stream_suspend_timer_; Timer audio_stream_suspend_timer_; #ifdef SDL_REMOTE_CONTROL std::list extensions_; #endif // SDL_REMOTE_CONTROL /** * @brief Defines number per time in seconds limits */ typedef std::pair TimeToNumberLimit; /** * @brief Defines specific command number per time in seconds limits */ typedef std::map CommandNumberTimeLimit; /** * @brief Defines id of SoftButton which is related from name of command */ typedef std::map CommandSoftButtonID; CommandNumberTimeLimit cmd_number_to_time_limits_; CommandSoftButtonID cmd_softbuttonid_; // Lock for command soft button id sync_primitives::Lock cmd_softbuttonid_lock_; mutable sync_primitives::Lock vi_lock_; sync_primitives::Lock button_lock_; std::string folder_name_; ApplicationManager& application_manager_; sync_primitives::Lock mobile_message_lock_; MobileMessageQueue mobile_message_queue_; friend void SwitchApplicationParameters(ApplicationSharedPtr app, const uint32_t app_id, const size_t device_id, const std::string& mac_address); DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ApplicationImpl); }; uint32_t ApplicationImpl::hmi_app_id() const { return hmi_app_id_; } uint32_t ApplicationImpl::app_id() const { return app_id_; } const mobile_api::AudioStreamingState::eType ApplicationImpl::audio_streaming_state() const { using namespace mobile_apis; const HmiStatePtr hmi_state = CurrentHmiState(); return hmi_state ? hmi_state->audio_streaming_state() : AudioStreamingState::INVALID_ENUM; } const mobile_api::VideoStreamingState::eType ApplicationImpl::video_streaming_state() const { using namespace mobile_apis; const HmiStatePtr hmi_state = CurrentHmiState(); return hmi_state ? hmi_state->video_streaming_state() : VideoStreamingState::INVALID_ENUM; } bool ApplicationImpl::app_allowed() const { return is_app_allowed_; } bool ApplicationImpl::IsRegistered() const { return app_state_ == kRegistered; } } // namespace application_manager #endif // SRC_COMPONENTS_APPLICATION_MANAGER_INCLUDE_APPLICATION_MANAGER_APPLICATION_IMPL_H_