/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Ford Motor Company * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of the Ford Motor Company nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "smart_objects/smart_object.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace NsSmartDeviceLink { namespace NsSmartObjects { /** * @brief Value that is used as invalid value for string type **/ static const char* invalid_cstr_value = ""; SmartObject::SmartObject() : m_type(SmartType_Null), m_schema() { m_data.str_value = NULL; } SmartObject::SmartObject(const SmartObject& Other) : m_type(SmartType_Null), m_schema() { m_data.str_value = NULL; duplicate(Other); } SmartObject::SmartObject(SmartType Type) : m_type(SmartType_Null), m_schema() { switch (Type) { case SmartType_Null: break; case SmartType_Integer: set_value_integer(0); break; case SmartType_UInteger: set_value_integer(0); break; case SmartType_Double: set_value_double(0); break; case SmartType_Boolean: set_value_bool(false); break; case SmartType_Character: set_value_char(' '); break; case SmartType_String: set_value_string(custom_str::CustomString()); break; case SmartType_Map: m_data.map_value = new SmartMap(); m_type = SmartType_Map; break; case SmartType_Array: m_data.array_value = new SmartArray(); m_type = SmartType_Array; break; case SmartType_Binary: set_value_binary(SmartBinary()); break; case SmartType_Invalid: m_type = SmartType_Invalid; break; default: DCHECK(!"Unhandled smart object type"); break; } } SmartObject::~SmartObject() { cleanup_data(); } SmartObject& SmartObject::operator=(const SmartObject& Other) { if (this != &Other) duplicate(Other); return *this; } bool SmartObject::operator==(const SmartObject& Other) const { if (m_type != Other.m_type) return false; switch (m_type) { case SmartType_Integer: return m_data.int_value == Other.m_data.int_value; case SmartType_UInteger: return m_data.int_value == Other.m_data.int_value; case SmartType_Double: return m_data.double_value == Other.m_data.double_value; case SmartType_Boolean: return m_data.bool_value == Other.m_data.bool_value; case SmartType_Character: return m_data.char_value == Other.m_data.char_value; case SmartType_String: return *(m_data.str_value) == *(Other.m_data.str_value); case SmartType_Map: { if (m_data.map_value == Other.m_data.map_value) return true; if (m_data.map_value->size() != Other.m_data.map_value->size()) return false; return std::equal(m_data.map_value->begin(), m_data.map_value->end(), Other.m_data.map_value->begin()); } case SmartType_Array: { if (m_data.array_value == Other.m_data.array_value) return true; if (m_data.array_value->size() != Other.m_data.array_value->size()) return false; return std::equal(m_data.array_value->begin(), m_data.array_value->end(), Other.m_data.array_value->begin()); } case SmartType_Binary: { if (m_data.binary_value == Other.m_data.binary_value) return true; if (m_data.array_value->size() != Other.m_data.array_value->size()) return false; return std::equal(m_data.binary_value->begin(), m_data.binary_value->end(), Other.m_data.binary_value->begin()); } case SmartType_Null: return true; case SmartType_Invalid: return true; default: DCHECK(!"Unhandled smart object type"); break; } return false; } SmartObject::SmartObject(int32_t InitialValue) : m_type(SmartType_Null), m_schema() { m_data.str_value = NULL; set_value_integer(InitialValue); } int64_t SmartObject::asInt() const { const int64_t convert = convert_int(); if (invalid_int64_value == convert) { return invalid_int_value; } return convert; } SmartObject& SmartObject::operator=(const int32_t NewValue) { if (m_type != SmartType_Invalid) { set_value_integer(NewValue); } return *this; } bool SmartObject::operator==(const int32_t Value) const { const int64_t comp = convert_int(); if (comp == invalid_int64_value) { return false; } return comp == static_cast(Value); } void SmartObject::set_value_integer(int64_t NewValue) { if (NewValue > std::numeric_limits::max() && NewValue <= std::numeric_limits::max()) { set_new_type(SmartType_UInteger); } else { set_new_type(SmartType_Integer); } m_data.int_value = NewValue; } int64_t SmartObject::convert_int() const { switch (m_type) { case SmartType_String: return convert_string_to_integer(m_data.str_value); case SmartType_Boolean: return (m_data.bool_value == true) ? 1 : 0; case SmartType_Integer: return m_data.int_value; case SmartType_UInteger: return m_data.int_value; case SmartType_Double: return static_cast(m_data.double_value); default: break; } return invalid_int64_value; } SmartObject::SmartObject(uint32_t InitialValue) : m_type(SmartType_Null), m_schema() { m_data.str_value = NULL; set_value_integer(InitialValue); } uint64_t SmartObject::asUInt() const { const int64_t convert = convert_int(); if (convert <= invalid_int_value) { return invalid_unsigned_int_value; } return static_cast(convert); } SmartObject& SmartObject::operator=(const uint32_t NewValue) { if (m_type != SmartType_Invalid) { set_value_integer(NewValue); } return *this; } bool SmartObject::operator==(const uint32_t Value) const { const int64_t comp = convert_int(); if (comp == invalid_int_value) { return false; } return comp == static_cast(Value); } SmartObject::SmartObject(int64_t InitialValue) : m_type(SmartType_Null), m_schema() { m_data.str_value = NULL; set_value_integer(InitialValue); } SmartObject& SmartObject::operator=(const int64_t NewValue) { if (m_type != SmartType_Invalid) { set_value_integer(NewValue); } return *this; } bool SmartObject::operator==(const int64_t Value) const { const int64_t comp = convert_int(); if (comp == invalid_int_value) { return false; } return comp == Value; } SmartObject& SmartObject::operator=(const uint64_t NewValue) { if (m_type != SmartType_Invalid) { set_value_integer(NewValue); } return *this; } SmartObject::SmartObject(double InitialValue) : m_type(SmartType_Null), m_schema() { m_data.str_value = NULL; set_value_double(InitialValue); } double SmartObject::asDouble() const { return convert_double(); } SmartObject& SmartObject::operator=(const double NewValue) { if (m_type != SmartType_Invalid) { set_value_double(NewValue); } return *this; } bool SmartObject::operator==(const double Value) const { const double comp = convert_double(); if (comp == invalid_double_value) { return false; } return comp == Value; } void SmartObject::set_value_double(const double NewValue) { set_new_type(SmartType_Double); m_data.double_value = NewValue; } double SmartObject::convert_double() const { switch (m_type) { case SmartType_String: return convert_string_to_double(m_data.str_value); case SmartType_Boolean: return (m_data.bool_value) ? 1.0 : 0.0; case SmartType_Integer: return static_cast(convert_int()); case SmartType_Double: return m_data.double_value; default: break; } return invalid_double_value; } SmartObject::SmartObject(bool InitialValue) : m_type(SmartType_Null), m_schema() { m_data.str_value = NULL; set_value_bool(InitialValue); } bool SmartObject::asBool() const { return convert_bool(); } SmartObject& SmartObject::operator=(const bool NewValue) { if (m_type != SmartType_Invalid) { set_value_bool(NewValue); } return *this; } bool SmartObject::operator==(const bool Value) const { bool comp = convert_bool(); // FIXME(EZamakhov): invalide bool? if (comp == invalid_bool_value) { return false; } return comp == Value; } void SmartObject::set_value_bool(bool NewValue) { set_new_type(SmartType_Boolean); m_data.bool_value = NewValue; } bool SmartObject::convert_bool() const { switch (m_type) { case SmartType_Boolean: return m_data.bool_value; case SmartType_Integer: return (m_data.int_value != 0); case SmartType_Double: return (m_data.double_value != 0.0); default: break; } return invalid_bool_value; } SmartObject::SmartObject(char InitialValue) : m_type(SmartType_Null), m_schema() { m_data.str_value = NULL; set_value_char(InitialValue); } char SmartObject::asChar() const { return convert_char(); } SmartObject& SmartObject::operator=(const char NewValue) { if (m_type != SmartType_Invalid) { set_value_char(NewValue); } return *this; } bool SmartObject::operator==(const char Value) const { const char comp = convert_char(); if (comp == invalid_char_value) { return false; } return comp == Value; } void SmartObject::set_value_char(char NewValue) { set_new_type(SmartType_Character); m_data.char_value = NewValue; } char SmartObject::convert_char() const { switch (m_type) { case SmartType_String: return (m_data.str_value->length() == 1 && m_data.str_value->is_ascii_string()) ? m_data.str_value->at(0) : invalid_char_value; case SmartType_Character: return m_data.char_value; default: break; } return invalid_char_value; } // ============================================================= // STD::STRING TYPE SUPPORT // ============================================================= SmartObject::SmartObject(const custom_str::CustomString& InitialValue) : m_type(SmartType_Null), m_schema() { m_data.str_value = NULL; set_value_string(InitialValue); } SmartObject::SmartObject(const std::string& InitialValue) : m_type(SmartType_Null), m_schema() { m_data.str_value = NULL; set_value_string(custom_str::CustomString(InitialValue)); } std::string SmartObject::asString() const { return convert_string(); } custom_str::CustomString SmartObject::asCustomString() const { return convert_custom_string(); } const char* SmartObject::asCharArray() const { if (m_data.str_value != NULL) { return m_data.str_value->c_str(); } return ""; } SmartObject& SmartObject::operator=(const std::string& NewValue) { if (m_type != SmartType_Invalid) { set_value_string(custom_str::CustomString(NewValue)); } return *this; } SmartObject& SmartObject::operator=(const custom_str::CustomString& NewValue) { if (m_type != SmartType_Invalid) { set_value_string(NewValue); } return *this; } bool SmartObject::operator==(const std::string& Value) const { const custom_str::CustomString& comp(convert_custom_string()); if (comp == invalid_string_value) { return false; } return comp == Value; } void SmartObject::set_value_string(const custom_str::CustomString& NewValue) { set_new_type(SmartType_String); m_data.str_value = new custom_str::CustomString(NewValue); } std::string SmartObject::convert_string() const { switch (m_type) { case SmartType_Integer: { std::stringstream stream; stream << m_data.int_value; return stream.str(); } case SmartType_Character: return std::string(1, m_data.char_value); case SmartType_Double: return convert_double_to_string(m_data.double_value); case SmartType_String: return (m_data.str_value)->AsMBString(); default: break; } return NsSmartDeviceLink::NsSmartObjects::invalid_cstr_value; } custom_str::CustomString SmartObject::convert_custom_string() const { switch (m_type) { case SmartType_String: return *(m_data.str_value); default: return custom_str::CustomString(convert_string()); } } // ============================================================= // CHAR* TYPE SUPPORT // ============================================================= SmartObject::SmartObject(const char* const InitialValue) : m_type(SmartType_Null), m_schema() { m_data.str_value = NULL; set_value_cstr(InitialValue); return; } SmartObject& SmartObject::operator=(const char* NewValue) { if (m_type != SmartType_Invalid) { set_value_cstr(NewValue); } return *this; } bool SmartObject::operator==(const char* Value) const { const custom_str::CustomString& comp(convert_custom_string()); if (comp == invalid_string_value) { return false; } return (0 == comp.compare(Value)); } void SmartObject::set_value_cstr(const char* NewValue) { set_value_string(NewValue ? custom_str::CustomString(NewValue) : custom_str::CustomString()); } // ============================================================= // BINARY TYPE SUPPORT // ============================================================= SmartObject::SmartObject(const SmartBinary& InitialValue) : m_type(SmartType_Null), m_schema() { m_data.str_value = NULL; set_value_binary(InitialValue); } SmartBinary SmartObject::asBinary() const { return convert_binary(); } SmartArray* SmartObject::asArray() const { if (m_type != SmartType_Array) { return NULL; } return m_data.array_value; } SmartObject& SmartObject::operator=(const SmartBinary& NewValue) { if (m_type != SmartType_Invalid) { set_value_binary(NewValue); } return *this; } bool SmartObject::operator==(const SmartBinary& Value) const { const SmartBinary comp = convert_binary(); if (comp == invalid_binary_value) { return false; } if (comp.size() != Value.size()) return false; return std::equal(comp.begin(), comp.end(), Value.begin()); } void SmartObject::set_value_binary(const SmartBinary& NewValue) { set_new_type(SmartType_Binary); m_data.binary_value = new SmartBinary(NewValue); } SmartBinary SmartObject::convert_binary() const { switch (m_type) { case SmartType_Binary: return *(m_data.binary_value); default: break; } return invalid_binary_value; } // ============================================================= // ARRAY INTERFACE SUPPORT // ============================================================= SmartObject& SmartObject::operator[](const int32_t Index) { return handle_array_access(Index); } const SmartObject& SmartObject::operator[](const int32_t Index) const { return getElement(Index); } inline SmartObject& SmartObject::handle_array_access(const int32_t Index) { if (m_type == SmartType_Invalid) { return *this; } if (m_type != SmartType_Array) { cleanup_data(); m_type = SmartType_Array; m_data.array_value = new SmartArray(); } SmartArray& array = *m_data.array_value; if (Index == -1 || static_cast(Index) == array.size()) { array.push_back(SmartObject()); return array[array.size() - 1]; } if (Index >= 0 && (static_cast(Index) < array.size())) { DCHECK(sizeof(Index) <= sizeof(array.size())); return array[Index]; } // FIXME(EZamakhov): return always the same reference - multi-thread problem? return invalid_object_value; } // ============================================================= // MAP INTERFACE SUPPORT // ============================================================= SmartObject& SmartObject::operator[](const std::string& Key) { return handle_map_access(Key); } const SmartObject& SmartObject::operator[](const std::string& Key) const { return getElement(Key); } SmartObject& SmartObject::operator[](char* Key) { return handle_map_access(std::string(Key)); } const SmartObject& SmartObject::operator[](char* Key) const { return getElement(std::string(Key)); } SmartObject& SmartObject::operator[](const char* Key) { return handle_map_access(std::string(Key)); } const SmartObject& SmartObject::operator[](const char* Key) const { return getElement(std::string(Key)); } const SmartObject& SmartObject::getElement(size_t Index) const { if (SmartType_Array == m_type) { if (Index < m_data.array_value->size()) { return m_data.array_value->at(Index); } } return invalid_object_value; } const SmartObject& SmartObject::getElement(const std::string& Key) const { if (SmartType_Map == m_type) { SmartMap::const_iterator it = m_data.map_value->find(Key); if (it != m_data.map_value->end()) { return it->second; } } return invalid_object_value; } SmartObject& SmartObject::handle_map_access(const std::string& Key) { if (m_type == SmartType_Invalid) { return *this; } if (m_type != SmartType_Map) { cleanup_data(); m_type = SmartType_Map; m_data.map_value = new SmartMap(); } SmartMap& map = *m_data.map_value; return map[Key]; } // ============================================================= // OTHER METHODS // ============================================================= void SmartObject::duplicate(const SmartObject& OtherObject) { SmartData newData; const SmartType newType = OtherObject.m_type; switch (newType) { case SmartType_Null: // on duplicate empty SmartObject return; case SmartType_Map: newData.map_value = new SmartMap(*OtherObject.m_data.map_value); break; case SmartType_Array: newData.array_value = new SmartArray(*OtherObject.m_data.array_value); break; case SmartType_Integer: newData.int_value = OtherObject.m_data.int_value; break; case SmartType_Double: newData.double_value = OtherObject.m_data.double_value; break; case SmartType_Boolean: newData.bool_value = OtherObject.m_data.bool_value; break; case SmartType_Character: newData.char_value = OtherObject.m_data.char_value; break; case SmartType_String: newData.str_value = new custom_str::CustomString(*OtherObject.m_data.str_value); break; case SmartType_Binary: newData.binary_value = new SmartBinary(*OtherObject.m_data.binary_value); break; default: DCHECK(!"Unhandled smart object type"); return; } m_schema = OtherObject.m_schema; cleanup_data(); m_type = newType; m_data = newData; } void SmartObject::cleanup_data() { switch (m_type) { case SmartType_String: delete m_data.str_value; break; case SmartType_Map: delete m_data.map_value; break; case SmartType_Array: delete m_data.array_value; break; case SmartType_Binary: delete m_data.binary_value; break; default: break; } } size_t SmartObject::length() const { switch (m_type) { case SmartType_String: return m_data.str_value->size(); case SmartType_Array: return m_data.array_value->size(); case SmartType_Map: return m_data.map_value->size(); case SmartType_Binary: return m_data.binary_value->size(); default: break; } return 0; } bool SmartObject::empty() const { switch (m_type) { case SmartType_String: return m_data.str_value->empty(); case SmartType_Array: return m_data.array_value->empty(); case SmartType_Map: return m_data.map_value->empty(); case SmartType_Binary: return m_data.binary_value->empty(); default: break; } return true; } void SmartObject::set_new_type(SmartType NewType) { cleanup_data(); m_type = NewType; } double SmartObject::convert_string_to_double( const custom_str::CustomString* Value) { if (!Value || Value->empty() || !(Value->is_ascii_string())) { return invalid_double_value; } char* ptr; errno = 0; double result = strtod(Value->c_str(), &ptr); if (errno || (ptr != (Value->c_str() + Value->length()))) { return invalid_double_value; } return result; } std::string SmartObject::convert_double_to_string(const double& Value) { std::stringstream ss; // convert double to string w fixed notation, hi precision ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(10) << Value; // output to std::string std::string s = ss.str(); // remove trailing 000s (123.1200 => 123.12, 123.000 => 123.) s.erase(s.find_last_not_of('0') + 1, std::string::npos); if (s[s.size() - 1] == '.') { // remove dangling decimal (123. => 123) s.erase(s.end() - 1); } return s; } uint64_t SmartObject::convert_string_to_integer( const custom_str::CustomString* Value) { if (!Value || Value->empty() || !(Value->is_ascii_string())) { return invalid_int64_value; } int64_t result; std::stringstream stream(Value->AsMBString()); stream >> result; if (stream.eof()) { return result; } return invalid_int64_value; } SmartType SmartObject::getType() const { return m_type; } std::string SmartObject::OperatorToTransform(const SmartMap::value_type& pair) { return pair.first; } std::set SmartObject::enumerate() const { std::set keys; if (m_type == SmartType_Map) { std::transform(m_data.map_value->begin(), m_data.map_value->end(), std::inserter(keys, keys.end()), &SmartObject::OperatorToTransform); } return keys; } bool SmartObject::keyExists(const std::string& Key) const { if (m_type != SmartType_Map) { return false; } return m_data.map_value->find(Key) != m_data.map_value->end(); } bool SmartObject::erase(const std::string& Key) { if (m_type != SmartType_Map) { return false; } return (m_data.map_value->erase(Key) > 0); } bool SmartObject::isValid() const { rpc::ValidationReport report("RPC"); return (Errors::OK == m_schema.validate(*this, &report)); } Errors::eType SmartObject::validate( rpc::ValidationReport* report__, const utils::SemanticVersion& MessageVersion) { return m_schema.validate(*this, report__, MessageVersion); } void SmartObject::setSchema(const CSmartSchema& schema) { m_schema = schema; } CSmartSchema SmartObject::getSchema() { return m_schema; } } // namespace NsSmartObjects } // namespace NsSmartDeviceLink