/* Copyright (c) 2016, Ford Motor Company * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of the Ford Motor Company nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef SRC_COMPONENTS_UTILS_TEST_INCLUDE_UTILS_GENERATED_CODE_WITH_SQLITE_TEST_H_ #define SRC_COMPONENTS_UTILS_TEST_INCLUDE_UTILS_GENERATED_CODE_WITH_SQLITE_TEST_H_ #include #include "policy/policy_table/types.h" #include "rpc_base/rpc_base.h" #include "utils/sqlite_wrapper/sql_query.h" #include "utils/sqlite_wrapper/sql_database_impl.h" namespace test { namespace components { namespace rpc_test { namespace policy_table = rpc::policy_table_interface_base; namespace dbms = utils::dbms; bool FindSection(dbms::SQLDatabase* db, policy_table::ServiceEndpoints& ep) { /* * Following table structure is assumed: * * table Endpoints * index, service_type, application_id, url, is_default * * If url belongs to default section, application_id should be null and *is_defaut = true * Otherwise application_id should be set and is_default = false */ std::string query = "select * from Endpoints"; dbms::SQLQuery sqlquery(db); sqlquery.Prepare(query); if (!sqlquery.Exec()) { return false; } /* * Following query result is assumed (data from wp1_policy_table.json): * 1, 0x07, null, http://applinkqa.trafficmanager.net/api/policies, true */ policy_table::URL urls; urls.push_back(sqlquery.GetString(3)); policy_table::URLList urllist; if (sqlquery.GetBoolean(4)) { urllist["default"] = urls; } else { urllist[sqlquery.GetString(2)] = urls; } policy_table::ServiceEndpoints new_ep; new_ep[sqlquery.GetString(1)] = urllist; ep = new_ep; return true; } bool FindSection(dbms::SQLDatabase* db, policy_table::ModuleConfig& mc) { policy_table::ModuleConfig new_mc; FindSection(db, new_mc.endpoints); mc = new_mc; return true; } bool RemoveSection(dbms::SQLDatabase* db, const policy_table::ApplicationPolicies& ap) { dbms::SQLQuery sqlquery(db); bool is_policies_removed = sqlquery.Exec("delete from AppPolicies"); // bool is_nicknames_removed = sqlquery.Exec("delete from Nicknames"); bool is_groups_removed = sqlquery.Exec("delete from Groups"); return is_policies_removed /*&& is_nicknames_removed*/ && is_groups_removed; } bool RemoveSection(dbms::SQLDatabase* db, const policy_table::ServiceEndpoints& ep) { std::string query = "delete from Endpoints"; dbms::SQLQuery sqlquery(db); return sqlquery.Exec(query); } bool RemoveSection(dbms::SQLDatabase* db, const policy_table::ModuleConfig& mc) { // std::string query = "delete * from ModuleConfig"; // sqlite::SQLQuery sqlquery(db); // sqlquery.Exec(query); return RemoveSection(db, mc.endpoints); } bool RemoveSection(dbms::SQLDatabase* db, const policy_table::FunctionalGroupings& fg) { std::string query = "delete from FunctionalGroups"; dbms::SQLQuery sqlquery(db); return sqlquery.Exec(query); } bool UpdateSection(dbms::SQLDatabase* db, const policy_table::ServiceEndpoints& ep) { /* * Following table structure is assumed: * * table Endpoints * index, service_type, application_id, url, is_default * * If url belongs to default section, application_id should be null and *is_defaut = true * Otherwise application_id should be set and is_default = false */ // According to documentation, we have to REPLACE this part on update coming, // so we delete all data first; if (!RemoveSection(db, ep)) { return false; } std::string query = "insert into Endpoints values(?,?,?,?,?)"; dbms::SQLQuery sqlquery(db); sqlquery.Prepare(query); policy_table::ServiceEndpoints::const_iterator it_ep = ep.begin(); policy_table::ServiceEndpoints::const_iterator it_ep_end = ep.end(); // TODO: use define for int from stdint.h for (int index = 1; it_ep != it_ep_end; ++it_ep, ++index) { policy_table::URLList::const_iterator it_urllist = (*it_ep).second.begin(); policy_table::URLList::const_iterator it_urllist_end = (*it_ep).second.end(); for (; it_urllist != it_urllist_end; ++it_urllist) { policy_table::URL::const_iterator it_url = (*it_urllist).second.begin(); policy_table::URL::const_iterator it_url_end = (*it_urllist).second.end(); for (; it_url != it_url_end; ++it_url) { // Index binding sqlquery.Bind(0, index); // Service type binding sqlquery.Bind(1, (*it_ep).first); // Application_id and is_default binding std::string url_list_name = (*it_urllist).first; if ("default" == url_list_name) { sqlquery.Bind(2, "null"); sqlquery.Bind(4, true); } else { sqlquery.Bind(2, url_list_name); sqlquery.Bind(4, false); } // URL binding sqlquery.Bind(3, (*it_url)); if (sqlquery.Exec()) { sqlquery.Reset(); } else { return false; } } } } return true; } bool UpdateSection(dbms::SQLDatabase* db, const policy_table::ModuleConfig& mc) { UpdateSection(db, mc.endpoints); return true; } bool UpdateSection(dbms::SQLDatabase* db, const policy_table::FunctionalGroupings& fg) { /* * Following table structure is assumed: * * table Rpcs - list of all available RPC commands * index, rpc * * table HmiLevels -list of all available hmi levels * index, hmi_level * * table Groups - list of functional group names * index, group_name * * table FunctionalGroups - list of functional groups * index, group_name_id, rpc_id, hmi_level_id * */ // According to documentation, we have to REPLACE this part on update coming, // so we delete all data first; if (!RemoveSection(db, fg)) { return false; } std::string query = "insert into FunctionalGroups values(" "?," "(select index from Groups where group_name=?)," "(select index from Rpcs where rpc=?)," "(select index from HmiLevels where hmi_levels=?)"; dbms::SQLQuery sqlquery(db); sqlquery.Prepare(query); policy_table::FunctionalGroupings::const_iterator it_fg = fg.begin(); policy_table::FunctionalGroupings::const_iterator it_fg_end = fg.end(); for (int index = 1; it_fg != it_fg_end; ++it_fg, ++index) { policy_table::Rpcs rpcs = (*it_fg).second; policy_table::Rpc::const_iterator it_rpcs = rpcs.rpcs.begin(); policy_table::Rpc::const_iterator it_rpcs_end = rpcs.rpcs.end(); for (; it_rpcs != it_rpcs_end; ++it_rpcs) { policy_table::RpcParameters rpc_params = (*it_rpcs).second; policy_table::HmiLevels::const_iterator it_hmi_levels = rpc_params.hmi_levels.begin(); policy_table::HmiLevels::const_iterator it_hmi_levels_end = rpc_params.hmi_levels.end(); for (; it_hmi_levels != it_hmi_levels_end; ++it_hmi_levels) { // Index binding sqlquery.Bind(0, index); // Group name binding sqlquery.Bind(1, (*it_fg).first); // RPC name binding sqlquery.Bind(2, (*it_rpcs).first); // Hmi levels binding sqlquery.Bind(3, (*it_hmi_levels)); if (sqlquery.Exec()) { sqlquery.Reset(); } else { return false; } } } } return true; } bool UpdateSection(dbms::SQLDatabase* db, const policy_table::Table& pt) { UpdateSection(db, pt.policy_table.module_config); UpdateSection(db, pt.policy_table.functional_groupings); return true; } bool UpdateSection(dbms::SQLDatabase* db, const policy_table::ApplicationPolicies& ap) { /* * Following structure is assumed: * * table Groups - list of functional groups for application * index, application_id, functional_group_id * * table Nicknames - list of nickname for application * index, application_id, nickname * * table AppPolicies - policies for applications * index, application_id, priority, is_default * */ // According to documentation, we have to REPLACE this part on update coming, // so we delete all data first; if (!RemoveSection(db, ap)) { return false; } std::string groups_query = "insert into Groups values (" "?," "?," "?)"; dbms::SQLQuery groups_sqlquery(db); groups_sqlquery.Prepare(groups_query); std::string nicknames_query = "insert into Nicknames values(?,?,?)"; dbms::SQLQuery nicknames_sqlquery(db); nicknames_sqlquery.Prepare(nicknames_query); std::string app_policies_query = "insert into AppPolicies values(?,?,?,?)"; dbms::SQLQuery app_policies_sqlquery(db); app_policies_sqlquery.Prepare(app_policies_query); policy_table::ApplicationPolicies::const_iterator it_ap = ap.begin(); policy_table::ApplicationPolicies::const_iterator it_ap_end = ap.end(); for (int index = 0; it_ap != it_ap_end; ++it_ap, ++index) { // Index binding for AppPolicies table app_policies_sqlquery.Bind(0, index); std::string app_policy_name = (*it_ap).first; bool is_default_policy = "default" == app_policy_name ? true : false; if (is_default_policy) { app_policies_sqlquery.Bind(1, "null"); app_policies_sqlquery.Bind(3, true); } else { app_policies_sqlquery.Bind(1, app_policy_name); app_policies_sqlquery.Bind(3, false); } // Struct contains groups, nicknames, priority for application/default // section policy_table::ApplicationParams app_params = (*it_ap).second; // Priority binding app_policies_sqlquery.Bind(2, app_params.priority); app_policies_sqlquery.Bind(2, "Dummy priority parameter"); // Add record to AppPolicies table if (app_policies_sqlquery.Exec()) { app_policies_sqlquery.Reset(); } else { return false; } if (!is_default_policy) { // Seems, there is generator issue with Optional type inheritance // It should have pubic inheritance from type T to have array // begin/end methods in its interface // To be discussed with I.Kozyrenko // policy_table::StringArray::const_iterator it_nicknames = // app_params.nicknames.begin(); // policy_table::StringArray::const_iterator it_nicknames_end = // app_params.nicknames.end(); // // for (int nick_index = 0;it_nicknames != it_nicknames_end; ++ // it_nicknames, ++nick_index) { // nicknames_sqlquery.Bind(0, nick_index); // nicknames_sqlquery.Bind(1, app_policy_name); // // nicknames_sqlquery.Bind(2, (*it_nicknames)); // // if (nicknames_sqlquery.Exec()) { // nicknames_sqlquery.Reset(); // } else { // return false; // } // } policy_table::Strings::const_iterator it_groups = app_params.groups.begin(); policy_table::Strings::const_iterator it_groups_end = app_params.groups.end(); for (int group_index = 0; it_groups != it_groups_end; ++it_groups, ++group_index) { groups_sqlquery.Bind(0, group_index); groups_sqlquery.Bind(1, app_policy_name); groups_sqlquery.Bind(2, (*it_groups)); if (groups_sqlquery.Exec()) { groups_sqlquery.Reset(); } else { return false; } } } } return true; } } // namespace rpc_test } // namespace components } // namespace test #endif // SRC_COMPONENTS_UTILS_TEST_INCLUDE_UTILS_GENERATED_CODE_WITH_SQLITE_TEST_H_