"""SmartFactory code generator for SDLRPC format. Defines SDLRPC format specific code generation rules. """ from generator.generators import SmartFactoryBase class CodeGenerator(SmartFactoryBase.CodeGenerator): """SDLRPC SmartFactory generator. Defines special cases that affects base code generation to make SDLRPC format-friendly code. """ def __init__(self): """Construct new object.""" SmartFactoryBase.CodeGenerator.__init__(self) def _gen_pre_function_schemas(self, functions): """Generate specific code that goes before schema initialization. In SDL RPC generator there is no need to generate any code before schemas initialization. Keyword arguments: functions -- list of functions to generate code for. Returns: Empty string. """ return u"" def _preprocess_message_type(self, message_type): """Preprocess message_type enum. In SDL RPC generator there is no need to preprocess message_type enum values. Keyword arguments: message_type -- message_type enum to preprocess. Returns: Initial message_type enum without any modifications. """ return message_type def _gen_schema_params_fill(self, message_type_name): """Generate schema params fill code. Provides constant set of params for the function in accordance to the SDLRPC format (both v1 and v2). Keyword arguments: message_type_name -- Name of the messageType enum element. Returns: String with function schema params fill code. """ base_params = \ u'''params_members[ns_smart_device_link::ns_json_handler::''' \ u'''strings::S_FUNCTION_ID] = SMember(TEnumSchemaItem::''' \ u'''create(function_id_items), true);\n''' \ u'''params_members[ns_smart_device_link::ns_json_handler::''' \ u'''strings::S_MESSAGE_TYPE] = SMember(TEnumSchemaItem::''' \ u'''create(message_type_items), true);\n''' \ u'''params_members[ns_smart_device_link::ns_json_handler::''' \ u'''strings::S_PROTOCOL_VERSION] = SMember(TNumberSchemaItem::create(), true);\n''' \ u'''params_members[ns_smart_device_link::ns_json_handler::''' \ u'''strings::S_PROTOCOL_TYPE] = SMember(TNumberSchemaItem::create(), true);\n''' correlation_id_param = \ u'''params_members[ns_smart_device_link::ns_json_handler::''' \ u'''strings::S_CORRELATION_ID] = SMember(TNumberSchemaItem::create(), true);\n''' return u"".join([base_params, correlation_id_param if message_type_name != u"notification" else u""])