path: root/SmartDeviceLinkTests
diff options
authorNicoleYarroch <>2017-08-17 14:33:23 -0400
committerNicoleYarroch <>2017-08-17 14:33:23 -0400
commit3bb84bb6dd8116256c2982e3aa7dc39bb86b6b61 (patch)
treeb7d5c7fe66083aeada3bc380a9ea67ae4a6cb845 /SmartDeviceLinkTests
parentfc6fadfe68b32aa539f189c9e478ee751159481f (diff)
Test cases for uploading multiple files working
Signed-off-by: NicoleYarroch <>
Diffstat (limited to 'SmartDeviceLinkTests')
2 files changed, 751 insertions, 668 deletions
diff --git a/SmartDeviceLinkTests/DevAPISpecs/SDLFileManagerSpec.m b/SmartDeviceLinkTests/DevAPISpecs/SDLFileManagerSpec.m
index 898f4866d..4fe792788 100644
--- a/SmartDeviceLinkTests/DevAPISpecs/SDLFileManagerSpec.m
+++ b/SmartDeviceLinkTests/DevAPISpecs/SDLFileManagerSpec.m
@@ -33,319 +33,383 @@ SDLFileManagerState *const SDLFileManagerStateReady = @"Ready";
-describe(@"Uploading multiple files", ^{
- __block TestMultipleFilesConnectionManager *testConnectionManager = nil;
+describe(@"SDLFileManager", ^{
+ __block TestConnectionManager *testConnectionManager = nil;
__block SDLFileManager *testFileManager = nil;
- __block NSUInteger initialSpaceAvailable = 0;
- __block NSMutableArray<NSString *> *testFileNames = nil;
- __block NSMutableArray<SDLFile *> *testSDLFiles = nil;
- __block NSMutableArray<NSData *> *testFileData = nil;
- __block NSUInteger testFileCount = 0;
- __block SDLListFilesResponse *testListFilesResponse = nil;
- // __block SDLPutFileResponse *testUploadFileResponse = nil;
+ __block NSUInteger initialSpaceAvailable = 250;
- testConnectionManager = [[TestMultipleFilesConnectionManager alloc] init];
+ testConnectionManager = [[TestConnectionManager alloc] init];
testFileManager = [[SDLFileManager alloc] initWithConnectionManager:testConnectionManager];
- initialSpaceAvailable = 9666;
+ testFileManager.suspended = YES;
+ });
+ describe(@"before starting", ^{
+ it(@"should be in the shutdown state", ^{
+ expect(testFileManager.currentState).to(match(SDLFileManagerStateShutdown));
+ });
+ it(@"bytesAvailable should be 0", ^{
+ expect(@(testFileManager.bytesAvailable)).to(equal(@0));
+ });
- testListFilesResponse = [[SDLListFilesResponse alloc] init];
- testListFilesResponse.success = @YES;
- testListFilesResponse.spaceAvailable = @(initialSpaceAvailable);
- testListFilesResponse.filenames = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"A", @"B", @"C", nil];
+ it(@"remoteFileNames should be empty", ^{
+ expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).to(beEmpty());
+ });
- testFileNames = [NSMutableArray array];
- testFileData = [NSMutableArray array];
- testSDLFiles = [NSMutableArray array];
+ it(@"should have no pending operations", ^{
+ expect(testFileManager.pendingTransactions).to(beEmpty());
+ });
- context(@"After uploading", ^{
+ describe(@"after receiving a start message", ^{
+ __block BOOL startupSuccess = NO;
+ __block NSError *startupError = nil;
- waitUntil(^(void (^done)(void)){
- [testFileManager startWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL success, NSError * _Nullable error) {
- done();
- }];
+ [testFileManager startWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL success, NSError * _Nullable error) {
+ startupSuccess = success;
+ startupError = error;
+ }];
- // Need to wait state machine transitions to complete before sending testListFilesResponse
- [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.3];
+ testFileManager.suspended = NO;
- [testConnectionManager respondToLastRequestWithResponse:testListFilesResponse];
- });
- expect(testFileManager.currentState).to(equal(SDLFileManagerStateReady));
+ [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.1];
- context(@"When all files are uploaded successfully, no error is returned", ^{
- beforeEach(^{
- // testConnectionManager.multipleFileResponse = [[SDLPutFileResponse alloc] init];
- // testConnectionManager.multipleFileResponse.success = @(YES);
- // testConnectionManager.multipleFileResponse.spaceAvailable = @(234);
- // NSLog(@"response is: %@", [testConnectionManager.multipleFileResponse success]);
- });
+ it(@"should have queued a ListFiles request", ^{
+ expect(testFileManager.pendingTransactions).to(haveCount(@1));
+ expect(testFileManager.pendingTransactions.firstObject).to(beAnInstanceOf([SDLListFilesOperation class]));
+ });
- // it(@"should upload 1 small file from memory", ^{
- // testFileCount = 1;
- //
- // NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Test Small File Memory %d", 0];
- // NSData *fileData = [@"someTextData" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
- // SDLFile *file = [SDLFile fileWithData:fileData name:fileName fileExtension:@"bin"];
- // file.overwrite = true;
- //
- // [testFileNames addObject: fileName];
- // [testFileData addObject:fileData];
- // [testSDLFiles addObject:file];
- // });
- //
- // it(@"should upload 1 large file from disk", ^{
- // testFileCount = 1;
- //
- // NSString *imageName = @"testImage";
- // NSString *imageFilePath = [[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] pathForResource:imageName ofType:@"png"];
- // NSURL *imageFileURL = [[NSURL alloc] initFileURLWithPath:imageFilePath];
- //
- // NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Test Large File Disk %d", 0];
- // SDLFile *file = [SDLFile fileAtFileURL:imageFileURL name:fileName];
- // file.overwrite = true;
- //
- // [testFileNames addObject: fileName];
- // [testFileData addObject: [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:imageFileURL]];
- // [testSDLFiles addObject:file];
- // });
- //
- // it(@"should upload multiple small files from memory", ^{
- // testFileCount = 5;
- // for(int i = 0; i < testFileCount; i += 1) {
- // NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Test Files %d", i];
- // NSData *fileData = [@"someTextData" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
- // SDLFile *file = [SDLFile fileWithData:fileData name:fileName fileExtension:@"bin"];
- // file.overwrite = true;
- // [testFileNames addObject: fileName];
- // [testFileData addObject:fileData];
- // [testSDLFiles addObject:file];
- // }
- // });
- //
- // it(@"should upload a large number of small files from memory", ^{
- // testFileCount = 500;
- // for(int i = 0; i < testFileCount; i += 1) {
- // NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Test Files %d", i];
- // NSData *fileData = [@"someTextData" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
- // SDLFile *file = [SDLFile fileWithData:fileData name:fileName fileExtension:@"bin"];
- // file.overwrite = true;
- // [testFileNames addObject: fileName];
- // [testFileData addObject:fileData];
- // [testSDLFiles addObject:file];
- // }
- // });
- //
- // it(@"should upload 5 small files from disk", ^{
- // testFileCount = 5;
- // NSURL *imageFileURL = nil;
- //
- // for(int i = 0; i < testFileCount; i += 1) {
- // NSString *imageName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"testImage%d", i];
- // NSString *imageFilePath = [[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] pathForResource:imageName ofType:@"png"];
- // imageFileURL = [[NSURL alloc] initFileURLWithPath:imageFilePath];
- //
- // NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"TestMultipleLargeFilesDisk%d", i];
- // SDLFile *file = [SDLFile fileAtFileURL:imageFileURL name:fileName];
- //
- // file.overwrite = true;
- // [testFileNames addObject: fileName];
- // [testFileData addObject:[[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:imageFileURL]];
- // [testSDLFiles addObject:file];
- // }
- // });
- //
- // it(@"should upload multiple files from memory and on disk", ^{
- // testFileCount = 10;
- // for(int i = 0; i < testFileCount; i += 1) {
- // NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"TestMultipleSDiskAndMemory%d", i];
- // NSData *fileData = nil;
- // SDLFile *testFile = nil;
- //
- // if (i < 5) {
- // NSString *textFileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"testImageA%d", i];
- // NSString *textFilePath = [[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] pathForResource:textFileName ofType:@"png"];
- // NSURL *textFileURL = [[NSURL alloc] initFileURLWithPath:textFilePath];
- //
- // fileData = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:textFileURL];
- // testFile = [SDLFile fileAtFileURL:textFileURL name:fileName];
- // } else {
- // fileData = [@"someTextData" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
- // testFile = [SDLFile fileWithData:fileData name:fileName fileExtension:@"bin"];
- // }
- //
- // testFile.overwrite = true;
- // [testFileNames addObject: fileName];
- // [testFileData addObject:fileData];
- // [testSDLFiles addObject:testFile];
- // }
- // });
- afterEach(^{
- waitUntilTimeout(10, ^(void (^done)(void)){
- [testFileManager uploadFiles:testSDLFiles completionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
- expect(error).to(beNil());
- done();
- }];
- });
- });
+ it(@"should be in the fetching initial list state", ^{
+ expect(testFileManager.currentState).to(match(SDLFileManagerStateFetchingInitialList));
+ describe(@"after receiving a ListFiles response", ^{
+ __block SDLListFilesResponse *testListFilesResponse = nil;
+ __block NSSet<NSString *> *testInitialFileNames = nil;
- context(@"When files are not uploaded successfully", ^{
- __block NSMutableDictionary *testResponses;
+ beforeEach(^{
+ testInitialFileNames = [NSSet setWithArray:@[@"testFile1", @"testFile2", @"testFile3"]];
- __block NSNumber *expectedSpaceLeft;
- __block NSMutableDictionary *expectedFailedUploads;
- __block NSError *expectedError = nil;
- __block NSMutableArray *expectedSuccessfulFileNames;
+ testListFilesResponse = [[SDLListFilesResponse alloc] init];
+ testListFilesResponse.success = @YES;
+ testListFilesResponse.spaceAvailable = @(initialSpaceAvailable);
+ testListFilesResponse.filenames = [NSArray arrayWithArray:[testInitialFileNames allObjects]];
- beforeEach(^{
- testResponses = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
- expectedFailedUploads = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
- expectedSuccessfulFileNames = [NSMutableArray array];
+ [testConnectionManager respondToLastRequestWithResponse:testListFilesResponse];
- it(@"should return an error when all files fail", ^{
- testFileCount = 5;
- for(int i = 0; i < testFileCount; i += 1) {
- NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Test Files Unsuccessful %d", i];
- NSData *fileData = [@"someTextData" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
- SDLFile *file = [SDLFile fileWithData:fileData name:fileName fileExtension:@"bin"];
- file.overwrite = true;
- [testFileNames addObject: fileName];
- [testFileData addObject:fileData];
- [testSDLFiles addObject:file];
- // Failed response
- SDLPutFileResponse *response = [[SDLPutFileResponse alloc] init];
- response.spaceAvailable = @(333);
- response.success = @NO;
- // Failed error
- NSString *responseErrorDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"file upload failed: %d", i];
- NSString *responseErrorReason = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"some error reason: %d", i];
- NSError *responseError = [NSError sdl_lifecycle_unknownRemoteErrorWithDescription:responseErrorDescription andReason:responseErrorReason];
- TestResponse *testResponse = [[TestResponse alloc] initWithResponse:response error:responseError];
- testResponses[fileName] = testResponse;
- expectedFailedUploads[fileName] = responseError;
- }
- testConnectionManager.responses = testResponses;
- expectedError = [NSError sdl_fileManager_unableToUploadError:expectedFailedUploads];
- expectedSpaceLeft = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInteger:initialSpaceAvailable];
+ it(@"the file manager should be in the correct state", ^{
+ expect(testFileManager.currentState).toEventually(match(SDLFileManagerStateReady));
+ expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).toEventually(equal(testInitialFileNames));
+ expect(@(testFileManager.bytesAvailable)).toEventually(equal(@(initialSpaceAvailable)));
- it(@"should return an error when the first file fails", ^{
- testFileCount = 6;
- NSInteger space = initialSpaceAvailable;
- for(int i = 0; i < testFileCount; i += 1) {
- NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Test Files Unsuccessful %d", i];
- NSData *fileData = [@"someTextData" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
- SDLFile *file = [SDLFile fileWithData:fileData name:fileName fileExtension:@"bin"];
- file.overwrite = true;
- [testFileNames addObject: fileName];
- [testFileData addObject:fileData];
- [testSDLFiles addObject:file];
- SDLPutFileResponse *response = [[SDLPutFileResponse alloc] init];
- NSError *responseError = nil;
- if (i == 0) {
- // Failed response
- response.spaceAvailable = @(space);
- response.success = @NO;
- // Failed error
- NSString *responseErrorDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"file upload failed: %d", i];
- NSString *responseErrorReason = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"some error reason: %d", i];
- responseError = [NSError sdl_lifecycle_unknownRemoteErrorWithDescription:responseErrorDescription andReason:responseErrorReason];
- expectedFailedUploads[fileName] = responseError;
- } else {
- // Successful response
- space -= 1;
- response.spaceAvailable = @(space);
- response.success = @YES;
- // No error
- responseError = nil;
- [expectedSuccessfulFileNames addObject:fileName];
- }
- TestResponse *testResponse = [[TestResponse alloc] initWithResponse:response error:responseError];
- testResponses[fileName] = testResponse;
- }
- testConnectionManager.responses = testResponses;
- expectedError = [NSError sdl_fileManager_unableToUploadError:expectedFailedUploads];
- expectedSpaceLeft = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInteger:space];
- });
+ describe(@"deleting a file", ^{
+ __block BOOL completionSuccess = NO;
+ __block NSUInteger completionBytesAvailable = 0;
+ __block NSError *completionError = nil;
+ context(@"when the file is unknown", ^{
+ beforeEach(^{
+ NSString *someUnknownFileName = @"Some Unknown File Name";
+ [testFileManager deleteRemoteFileWithName:someUnknownFileName completionHandler:^(BOOL success, NSUInteger bytesAvailable, NSError * _Nullable error) {
+ completionSuccess = success;
+ completionBytesAvailable = bytesAvailable;
+ completionError = error;
+ }];
+ [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.1];
+ });
+ it(@"should return the correct data", ^{
+ expect(@(completionSuccess)).toEventually(equal(@NO));
+ expect(@(completionBytesAvailable)).toEventually(equal(@250));
+ expect(completionError).toEventually(equal([NSError sdl_fileManager_noKnownFileError]));
+ });
+ it(@"should not have deleted any files in the file manager", ^{
+ expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).toEventually(haveCount(@(testInitialFileNames.count)));
+ });
+ });
- it(@"should return an error when the last file fails", ^{
- testFileCount = 6;
- NSInteger space = initialSpaceAvailable;
- for(int i = 0; i < testFileCount; i += 1) {
- NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Test Files Unsuccessful %d", i];
- NSData *fileData = [@"someTextData" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
- SDLFile *file = [SDLFile fileWithData:fileData name:fileName fileExtension:@"bin"];
- file.overwrite = true;
- [testFileNames addObject: fileName];
- [testFileData addObject:fileData];
- [testSDLFiles addObject:file];
- SDLPutFileResponse *response = [[SDLPutFileResponse alloc] init];
- NSError *responseError = nil;
- if (i == testFileCount - 1) {
- // Failed response
- response.spaceAvailable = @(space);
- response.success = @NO;
- // Failed error
- NSString *responseErrorDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"file upload failed: %d", i];
- NSString *responseErrorReason = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"some error reason: %d", i];
- responseError = [NSError sdl_lifecycle_unknownRemoteErrorWithDescription:responseErrorDescription andReason:responseErrorReason];
- expectedFailedUploads[fileName] = responseError;
- } else {
- // Successful response
- space -= 5;
- response.spaceAvailable = @(space);
- response.success = @YES;
- // No error
- responseError = nil;
- [expectedSuccessfulFileNames addObject:fileName];
- }
- TestResponse *testResponse = [[TestResponse alloc] initWithResponse:response error:responseError];
- testResponses[fileName] = testResponse;
- }
- testConnectionManager.responses = testResponses;
- expectedError = [NSError sdl_fileManager_unableToUploadError:expectedFailedUploads];
- expectedSpaceLeft = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInteger:space];
+ context(@"when the file is known", ^{
+ __block NSUInteger newSpaceAvailable = 600;
+ __block NSString *someKnownFileName = nil;
+ __block BOOL completionSuccess = NO;
+ __block NSUInteger completionBytesAvailable = 0;
+ __block NSError *completionError = nil;
+ beforeEach(^{
+ someKnownFileName = [testInitialFileNames anyObject];
+ [testFileManager deleteRemoteFileWithName:someKnownFileName completionHandler:^(BOOL success, NSUInteger bytesAvailable, NSError * _Nullable error) {
+ completionSuccess = success;
+ completionBytesAvailable = bytesAvailable;
+ completionError = error;
+ }];
+ SDLDeleteFileResponse *deleteResponse = [[SDLDeleteFileResponse alloc] init];
+ deleteResponse.success = @YES;
+ deleteResponse.spaceAvailable = @(newSpaceAvailable);
+ [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.1];
+ [testConnectionManager respondToLastRequestWithResponse:deleteResponse];
+ });
+ it(@"should return the correct data", ^{
+ expect(@(completionSuccess)).to(equal(@YES));
+ expect(@(completionBytesAvailable)).to(equal(@(newSpaceAvailable)));
+ expect(@(testFileManager.bytesAvailable)).to(equal(@(newSpaceAvailable)));
+ expect(completionError).to(beNil());
+ });
+ it(@"should have removed the file from the file manager", ^{
+ expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).toNot(contain(someKnownFileName));
+ });
+ });
- afterEach(^{
- waitUntilTimeout(10, ^(void (^done)(void)){
- [testFileManager uploadFiles:testSDLFiles completionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
- expect(error).to(equal(expectedError));
- done();
- }];
+ describe(@"uploading a new file", ^{
+ __block NSString *testFileName = nil;
+ __block SDLFile *testUploadFile = nil;
+ __block BOOL completionSuccess = NO;
+ __block NSUInteger completionBytesAvailable = 0;
+ __block NSError *completionError = nil;
+ __block SDLPutFile *sentPutFile = nil;
+ __block NSData *testFileData = nil;
+ context(@"when there is a remote file named the same thing", ^{
+ beforeEach(^{
+ testFileName = [testInitialFileNames anyObject];
+ testFileData = [@"someData" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
+ testUploadFile = [SDLFile fileWithData:testFileData name:testFileName fileExtension:@"bin"];
+ });
+ context(@"when the file's overwrite property is YES", ^{
+ beforeEach(^{
+ testUploadFile.overwrite = YES;
+ [testFileManager uploadFile:testUploadFile completionHandler:^(BOOL success, NSUInteger bytesAvailable, NSError * _Nullable error) {
+ completionSuccess = success;
+ completionBytesAvailable = bytesAvailable;
+ completionError = error;
+ }];
+ [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.1];
+ sentPutFile = testConnectionManager.receivedRequests.lastObject;
+ });
+ it(@"should set the file manager state to be waiting", ^{
+ expect(testFileManager.currentState).to(match(SDLFileManagerStateReady));
+ });
+ it(@"should create a putfile with the correct data", ^{
+ expect(sentPutFile.length).to(equal(@(testFileData.length)));
+ expect(sentPutFile.bulkData).to(equal(testFileData));
+ expect(sentPutFile.fileType).to(match(SDLFileTypeBinary));
+ });
+ context(@"when the response returns without error", ^{
+ __block SDLPutFileResponse *testResponse = nil;
+ __block NSNumber *testResponseSuccess = nil;
+ __block NSNumber *testResponseBytesAvailable = nil;
+ beforeEach(^{
+ testResponseBytesAvailable = @750;
+ testResponseSuccess = @YES;
+ testResponse = [[SDLPutFileResponse alloc] init];
+ testResponse.success = testResponseSuccess;
+ testResponse.spaceAvailable = testResponseBytesAvailable;
+ [testConnectionManager respondToLastRequestWithResponse:testResponse];
+ });
+ it(@"should set the file manager data correctly", ^{
+ expect(@(testFileManager.bytesAvailable)).toEventually(equal(testResponseBytesAvailable));
+ expect(testFileManager.currentState).toEventually(match(SDLFileManagerStateReady));
+ expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).toEventually(contain(testFileName));
+ });
+ it(@"should call the completion handler with the correct data", ^{
+ expect(@(completionBytesAvailable)).toEventually(equal(testResponseBytesAvailable));
+ expect(@(completionSuccess)).toEventually(equal(@YES));
+ expect(completionError).to(beNil());
+ });
+ });
+ context(@"when the connection returns failure", ^{
+ __block SDLPutFileResponse *testResponse = nil;
+ __block NSNumber *testResponseBytesAvailable = nil;
+ __block NSNumber *testResponseSuccess = nil;
+ beforeEach(^{
+ testResponseBytesAvailable = @750;
+ testResponseSuccess = @NO;
+ testResponse = [[SDLPutFileResponse alloc] init];
+ testResponse.spaceAvailable = testResponseBytesAvailable;
+ testResponse.success = testResponseSuccess;
+ [testConnectionManager respondToLastRequestWithResponse:testResponse];
+ });
+ it(@"should set the file manager data correctly", ^{
+ expect(@(testFileManager.bytesAvailable)).toEventually(equal(@(initialSpaceAvailable)));
+ expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).toEventually(contain(testFileName));
+ expect(testFileManager.currentState).toEventually(match(SDLFileManagerStateReady));
+ });
+ it(@"should call the completion handler with the correct data", ^{
+ expect(@(completionBytesAvailable)).to(equal(@0));
+ expect(@(completionSuccess)).to(equal(testResponseSuccess));
+ expect(completionError).toEventually(beNil());
+ });
+ });
+ context(@"when the connection errors without a response", ^{
+ beforeEach(^{
+ [testConnectionManager respondToLastRequestWithResponse:nil error:[NSError sdl_lifecycle_notReadyError]];
+ });
+ it(@"should have the correct file manager state", ^{
+ expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).to(contain(testFileName));
+ expect(testFileManager.currentState).to(match(SDLFileManagerStateReady));
+ });
+ it(@"should call the completion handler with correct data", ^{
+ expect(completionError).toEventually(equal([NSError sdl_lifecycle_notReadyError]));
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ context(@"when allow overwrite is false", ^{
+ __block SDLRPCRequest *lastRequest = nil;
+ beforeEach(^{
+ testUploadFile.overwrite = NO;
+ [testFileManager uploadFile:testUploadFile completionHandler:^(BOOL success, NSUInteger bytesAvailable, NSError * _Nullable error) {
+ completionSuccess = success;
+ completionBytesAvailable = bytesAvailable;
+ completionError = error;
+ }];
+ [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.1];
+ lastRequest = testConnectionManager.receivedRequests.lastObject;
+ });
+ it(@"should have called the completion handler with correct data", ^{
+ expect(lastRequest).toNot(beAnInstanceOf([SDLPutFile class]));
+ expect(@(completionSuccess)).to(equal(@NO));
+ expect(@(completionBytesAvailable)).to(equal(@(testFileManager.bytesAvailable)));
+ expect(completionError).to(equal([NSError sdl_fileManager_cannotOverwriteError]));
+ });
+ });
- expect(@(testFileManager.bytesAvailable)).to(equal(expectedSpaceLeft));
- expect(testFileManager.currentState).to(match(SDLFileManagerStateReady));
- for(int i = 0; i < expectedSuccessfulFileNames.count; i += 1) {
- expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).to(contain(expectedSuccessfulFileNames[i]));
- }
+ context(@"when there is not a remote file named the same thing", ^{
+ beforeEach(^{
+ testFileName = @"not a test file";
+ testFileData = [@"someData" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
+ testUploadFile = [SDLFile fileWithData:testFileData name:testFileName fileExtension:@"bin"];
+ [testFileManager uploadFile:testUploadFile completionHandler:^(BOOL success, NSUInteger bytesAvailable, NSError * _Nullable error) {
+ completionSuccess = success;
+ completionBytesAvailable = bytesAvailable;
+ completionError = error;
+ }];
+ [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.1];
+ sentPutFile = (SDLPutFile *)testConnectionManager.receivedRequests.lastObject;
+ });
+ it(@"should not have testFileName in the files set", ^{
+ expect(testInitialFileNames).toNot(contain(testFileName));
+ });
+ context(@"when the connection returns without error", ^{
+ __block SDLPutFileResponse *testResponse = nil;
+ __block NSNumber *testResponseSuccess = nil;
+ __block NSNumber *testResponseBytesAvailable = nil;
+ beforeEach(^{
+ testResponseBytesAvailable = @750;
+ testResponseSuccess = @YES;
+ testResponse = [[SDLPutFileResponse alloc] init];
+ testResponse.success = testResponseSuccess;
+ testResponse.spaceAvailable = testResponseBytesAvailable;
+ [testConnectionManager respondToLastRequestWithResponse:testResponse];
+ });
+ it(@"should set the file manager state correctly", ^{
+ expect(@(testFileManager.bytesAvailable)).toEventually(equal(testResponseBytesAvailable));
+ expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).toEventually(contain(testFileName));
+ expect(testFileManager.currentState).toEventually(match(SDLFileManagerStateReady));
+ });
+ it(@"should call the completion handler with the correct data", ^{
+ expect(@(completionBytesAvailable)).toEventually(equal(testResponseBytesAvailable));
+ expect(@(completionSuccess)).toEventually(equal(@YES));
+ expect(completionError).to(beNil());
+ });
+ });
+ context(@"when the connection returns failure", ^{
+ __block SDLPutFileResponse *testResponse = nil;
+ __block NSNumber *testResponseBytesAvailable = nil;
+ __block NSNumber *testResponseSuccess = nil;
+ beforeEach(^{
+ testResponseBytesAvailable = @750;
+ testResponseSuccess = @NO;
+ testResponse = [[SDLPutFileResponse alloc] init];
+ testResponse.spaceAvailable = testResponseBytesAvailable;
+ testResponse.success = testResponseSuccess;
+ testFileManager.accessibilityHint = @"This doesn't matter";
+ [testConnectionManager respondToLastRequestWithResponse:testResponse];
+ });
+ it(@"should set the file manager state correctly", ^{
+ expect(@(testFileManager.bytesAvailable)).toEventually(equal(@(initialSpaceAvailable)));
+ expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).toEventuallyNot(contain(testFileName));
+ expect(testFileManager.currentState).toEventually(match(SDLFileManagerStateReady));
+ });
+ it(@"should call the completion handler with the correct data", ^{
+ expect(@(completionBytesAvailable)).to(equal(@0));
+ expect(@(completionSuccess)).to(equal(testResponseSuccess));
+ expect(completionError).toEventually(beNil());
+ });
+ });
+ context(@"when the connection errors without a response", ^{
+ beforeEach(^{
+ [testConnectionManager respondToLastRequestWithResponse:nil error:[NSError sdl_lifecycle_notReadyError]];
+ });
+ it(@"should set the file manager state correctly", ^{
+ expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).toNot(contain(testFileName));
+ expect(testFileManager.currentState).to(match(SDLFileManagerStateReady));
+ });
+ it(@"should call the completion handler with nil error", ^{
+ expect(completionError).toEventually(equal([NSError sdl_lifecycle_notReadyError]));
+ });
+ });
+ });
@@ -355,387 +419,4 @@ describe(@"Uploading multiple files", ^{
-//describe(@"SDLFileManager", ^{
-// __block TestConnectionManager *testConnectionManager = nil;
-// __block SDLFileManager *testFileManager = nil;
-// __block NSUInteger initialSpaceAvailable = 250;
-// beforeEach(^{
-// testConnectionManager = [[TestConnectionManager alloc] init];
-// testFileManager = [[SDLFileManager alloc] initWithConnectionManager:testConnectionManager];
-// testFileManager.suspended = YES;
-// });
-// describe(@"before starting", ^{
-// it(@"should be in the shutdown state", ^{
-// expect(testFileManager.currentState).to(match(SDLFileManagerStateShutdown));
-// });
-// it(@"bytesAvailable should be 0", ^{
-// expect(@(testFileManager.bytesAvailable)).to(equal(@0));
-// });
-// it(@"remoteFileNames should be empty", ^{
-// expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).to(beEmpty());
-// });
-// it(@"should have no pending operations", ^{
-// expect(testFileManager.pendingTransactions).to(beEmpty());
-// });
-// });
-// describe(@"after receiving a start message", ^{
-// __block BOOL startupSuccess = NO;
-// __block NSError *startupError = nil;
-// beforeEach(^{
-// [testFileManager startWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL success, NSError * _Nullable error) {
-// startupSuccess = success;
-// startupError = error;
-// }];
-// testFileManager.suspended = NO;
-// [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.1];
-// });
-// it(@"should have queued a ListFiles request", ^{
-// expect(testFileManager.pendingTransactions).to(haveCount(@1));
-// expect(testFileManager.pendingTransactions.firstObject).to(beAnInstanceOf([SDLListFilesOperation class]));
-// });
-// it(@"should be in the fetching initial list state", ^{
-// expect(testFileManager.currentState).to(match(SDLFileManagerStateFetchingInitialList));
-// });
-// describe(@"after receiving a ListFiles response", ^{
-// __block SDLListFilesResponse *testListFilesResponse = nil;
-// __block NSSet<NSString *> *testInitialFileNames = nil;
-// beforeEach(^{
-// testInitialFileNames = [NSSet setWithArray:@[@"testFile1", @"testFile2", @"testFile3"]];
-// testListFilesResponse = [[SDLListFilesResponse alloc] init];
-// testListFilesResponse.success = @YES;
-// testListFilesResponse.spaceAvailable = @(initialSpaceAvailable);
-// testListFilesResponse.filenames = [NSArray arrayWithArray:[testInitialFileNames allObjects]];
-// [testConnectionManager respondToLastRequestWithResponse:testListFilesResponse];
-// });
-// it(@"the file manager should be in the correct state", ^{
-// expect(testFileManager.currentState).toEventually(match(SDLFileManagerStateReady));
-// expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).toEventually(equal(testInitialFileNames));
-// expect(@(testFileManager.bytesAvailable)).toEventually(equal(@(initialSpaceAvailable)));
-// });
-// describe(@"deleting a file", ^{
-// __block BOOL completionSuccess = NO;
-// __block NSUInteger completionBytesAvailable = 0;
-// __block NSError *completionError = nil;
-// context(@"when the file is unknown", ^{
-// beforeEach(^{
-// NSString *someUnknownFileName = @"Some Unknown File Name";
-// [testFileManager deleteRemoteFileWithName:someUnknownFileName completionHandler:^(BOOL success, NSUInteger bytesAvailable, NSError * _Nullable error) {
-// completionSuccess = success;
-// completionBytesAvailable = bytesAvailable;
-// completionError = error;
-// }];
-// [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.1];
-// });
-// it(@"should return the correct data", ^{
-// expect(@(completionSuccess)).toEventually(equal(@NO));
-// expect(@(completionBytesAvailable)).toEventually(equal(@250));
-// expect(completionError).toEventually(equal([NSError sdl_fileManager_noKnownFileError]));
-// });
-// it(@"should not have deleted any files in the file manager", ^{
-// expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).toEventually(haveCount(@(testInitialFileNames.count)));
-// });
-// });
-// context(@"when the file is known", ^{
-// __block NSUInteger newSpaceAvailable = 600;
-// __block NSString *someKnownFileName = nil;
-// __block BOOL completionSuccess = NO;
-// __block NSUInteger completionBytesAvailable = 0;
-// __block NSError *completionError = nil;
-// beforeEach(^{
-// someKnownFileName = [testInitialFileNames anyObject];
-// [testFileManager deleteRemoteFileWithName:someKnownFileName completionHandler:^(BOOL success, NSUInteger bytesAvailable, NSError * _Nullable error) {
-// completionSuccess = success;
-// completionBytesAvailable = bytesAvailable;
-// completionError = error;
-// }];
-// SDLDeleteFileResponse *deleteResponse = [[SDLDeleteFileResponse alloc] init];
-// deleteResponse.success = @YES;
-// deleteResponse.spaceAvailable = @(newSpaceAvailable);
-// [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.1];
-// [testConnectionManager respondToLastRequestWithResponse:deleteResponse];
-// });
-// it(@"should return the correct data", ^{
-// expect(@(completionSuccess)).to(equal(@YES));
-// expect(@(completionBytesAvailable)).to(equal(@(newSpaceAvailable)));
-// expect(@(testFileManager.bytesAvailable)).to(equal(@(newSpaceAvailable)));
-// expect(completionError).to(beNil());
-// });
-// it(@"should have removed the file from the file manager", ^{
-// expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).toNot(contain(someKnownFileName));
-// });
-// });
-// });
-// describe(@"uploading a new file", ^{
-// __block NSString *testFileName = nil;
-// __block SDLFile *testUploadFile = nil;
-// __block BOOL completionSuccess = NO;
-// __block NSUInteger completionBytesAvailable = 0;
-// __block NSError *completionError = nil;
-// __block SDLPutFile *sentPutFile = nil;
-// __block NSData *testFileData = nil;
-// context(@"when there is a remote file named the same thing", ^{
-// beforeEach(^{
-// testFileName = [testInitialFileNames anyObject];
-// testFileData = [@"someData" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
-// testUploadFile = [SDLFile fileWithData:testFileData name:testFileName fileExtension:@"bin"];
-// });
-// context(@"when the file's overwrite property is YES", ^{
-// beforeEach(^{
-// testUploadFile.overwrite = YES;
-// [testFileManager uploadFile:testUploadFile completionHandler:^(BOOL success, NSUInteger bytesAvailable, NSError * _Nullable error) {
-// completionSuccess = success;
-// completionBytesAvailable = bytesAvailable;
-// completionError = error;
-// }];
-// [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.1];
-// sentPutFile = testConnectionManager.receivedRequests.lastObject;
-// });
-// it(@"should set the file manager state to be waiting", ^{
-// expect(testFileManager.currentState).to(match(SDLFileManagerStateReady));
-// });
-// it(@"should create a putfile with the correct data", ^{
-// expect(sentPutFile.length).to(equal(@(testFileData.length)));
-// expect(sentPutFile.bulkData).to(equal(testFileData));
-// expect(sentPutFile.fileType).to(match(SDLFileTypeBinary));
-// });
-// context(@"when the response returns without error", ^{
-// __block SDLPutFileResponse *testResponse = nil;
-// __block NSNumber *testResponseSuccess = nil;
-// __block NSNumber *testResponseBytesAvailable = nil;
-// beforeEach(^{
-// testResponseBytesAvailable = @750;
-// testResponseSuccess = @YES;
-// testResponse = [[SDLPutFileResponse alloc] init];
-// testResponse.success = testResponseSuccess;
-// testResponse.spaceAvailable = testResponseBytesAvailable;
-// [testConnectionManager respondToLastRequestWithResponse:testResponse];
-// });
-// it(@"should set the file manager data correctly", ^{
-// expect(@(testFileManager.bytesAvailable)).toEventually(equal(testResponseBytesAvailable));
-// expect(testFileManager.currentState).toEventually(match(SDLFileManagerStateReady));
-// expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).toEventually(contain(testFileName));
-// });
-// it(@"should call the completion handler with the correct data", ^{
-// expect(@(completionBytesAvailable)).toEventually(equal(testResponseBytesAvailable));
-// expect(@(completionSuccess)).toEventually(equal(@YES));
-// expect(completionError).to(beNil());
-// });
-// });
-// context(@"when the connection returns failure", ^{
-// __block SDLPutFileResponse *testResponse = nil;
-// __block NSNumber *testResponseBytesAvailable = nil;
-// __block NSNumber *testResponseSuccess = nil;
-// beforeEach(^{
-// testResponseBytesAvailable = @750;
-// testResponseSuccess = @NO;
-// testResponse = [[SDLPutFileResponse alloc] init];
-// testResponse.spaceAvailable = testResponseBytesAvailable;
-// testResponse.success = testResponseSuccess;
-// [testConnectionManager respondToLastRequestWithResponse:testResponse];
-// });
-// it(@"should set the file manager data correctly", ^{
-// expect(@(testFileManager.bytesAvailable)).toEventually(equal(@(initialSpaceAvailable)));
-// expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).toEventually(contain(testFileName));
-// expect(testFileManager.currentState).toEventually(match(SDLFileManagerStateReady));
-// });
-// it(@"should call the completion handler with the correct data", ^{
-// expect(@(completionBytesAvailable)).to(equal(@0));
-// expect(@(completionSuccess)).to(equal(testResponseSuccess));
-// expect(completionError).toEventually(beNil());
-// });
-// });
-// context(@"when the connection errors without a response", ^{
-// beforeEach(^{
-// [testConnectionManager respondToLastRequestWithResponse:nil error:[NSError sdl_lifecycle_notReadyError]];
-// });
-// it(@"should have the correct file manager state", ^{
-// expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).to(contain(testFileName));
-// expect(testFileManager.currentState).to(match(SDLFileManagerStateReady));
-// });
-// it(@"should call the completion handler with correct data", ^{
-// expect(completionError).toEventually(equal([NSError sdl_lifecycle_notReadyError]));
-// });
-// });
-// });
-// context(@"when allow overwrite is false", ^{
-// __block SDLRPCRequest *lastRequest = nil;
-// beforeEach(^{
-// testUploadFile.overwrite = NO;
-// [testFileManager uploadFile:testUploadFile completionHandler:^(BOOL success, NSUInteger bytesAvailable, NSError * _Nullable error) {
-// completionSuccess = success;
-// completionBytesAvailable = bytesAvailable;
-// completionError = error;
-// }];
-// [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.1];
-// lastRequest = testConnectionManager.receivedRequests.lastObject;
-// });
-// it(@"should have called the completion handler with correct data", ^{
-// expect(lastRequest).toNot(beAnInstanceOf([SDLPutFile class]));
-// expect(@(completionSuccess)).to(equal(@NO));
-// expect(@(completionBytesAvailable)).to(equal(@(testFileManager.bytesAvailable)));
-// expect(completionError).to(equal([NSError sdl_fileManager_cannotOverwriteError]));
-// });
-// });
-// });
-// context(@"when there is not a remote file named the same thing", ^{
-// beforeEach(^{
-// testFileName = @"not a test file";
-// testFileData = [@"someData" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
-// testUploadFile = [SDLFile fileWithData:testFileData name:testFileName fileExtension:@"bin"];
-// [testFileManager uploadFile:testUploadFile completionHandler:^(BOOL success, NSUInteger bytesAvailable, NSError * _Nullable error) {
-// completionSuccess = success;
-// completionBytesAvailable = bytesAvailable;
-// completionError = error;
-// }];
-// [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.1];
-// sentPutFile = (SDLPutFile *)testConnectionManager.receivedRequests.lastObject;
-// });
-// it(@"should not have testFileName in the files set", ^{
-// expect(testInitialFileNames).toNot(contain(testFileName));
-// });
-// context(@"when the connection returns without error", ^{
-// __block SDLPutFileResponse *testResponse = nil;
-// __block NSNumber *testResponseSuccess = nil;
-// __block NSNumber *testResponseBytesAvailable = nil;
-// beforeEach(^{
-// testResponseBytesAvailable = @750;
-// testResponseSuccess = @YES;
-// testResponse = [[SDLPutFileResponse alloc] init];
-// testResponse.success = testResponseSuccess;
-// testResponse.spaceAvailable = testResponseBytesAvailable;
-// [testConnectionManager respondToLastRequestWithResponse:testResponse];
-// });
-// it(@"should set the file manager state correctly", ^{
-// expect(@(testFileManager.bytesAvailable)).toEventually(equal(testResponseBytesAvailable));
-// expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).toEventually(contain(testFileName));
-// expect(testFileManager.currentState).toEventually(match(SDLFileManagerStateReady));
-// });
-// it(@"should call the completion handler with the correct data", ^{
-// expect(@(completionBytesAvailable)).toEventually(equal(testResponseBytesAvailable));
-// expect(@(completionSuccess)).toEventually(equal(@YES));
-// expect(completionError).to(beNil());
-// });
-// });
-// context(@"when the connection returns failure", ^{
-// __block SDLPutFileResponse *testResponse = nil;
-// __block NSNumber *testResponseBytesAvailable = nil;
-// __block NSNumber *testResponseSuccess = nil;
-// beforeEach(^{
-// testResponseBytesAvailable = @750;
-// testResponseSuccess = @NO;
-// testResponse = [[SDLPutFileResponse alloc] init];
-// testResponse.spaceAvailable = testResponseBytesAvailable;
-// testResponse.success = testResponseSuccess;
-// testFileManager.accessibilityHint = @"This doesn't matter";
-// [testConnectionManager respondToLastRequestWithResponse:testResponse];
-// });
-// it(@"should set the file manager state correctly", ^{
-// expect(@(testFileManager.bytesAvailable)).toEventually(equal(@(initialSpaceAvailable)));
-// expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).toEventuallyNot(contain(testFileName));
-// expect(testFileManager.currentState).toEventually(match(SDLFileManagerStateReady));
-// });
-// it(@"should call the completion handler with the correct data", ^{
-// expect(@(completionBytesAvailable)).to(equal(@0));
-// expect(@(completionSuccess)).to(equal(testResponseSuccess));
-// expect(completionError).toEventually(beNil());
-// });
-// });
-// context(@"when the connection errors without a response", ^{
-// beforeEach(^{
-// [testConnectionManager respondToLastRequestWithResponse:nil error:[NSError sdl_lifecycle_notReadyError]];
-// });
-// it(@"should set the file manager state correctly", ^{
-// expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).toNot(contain(testFileName));
-// expect(testFileManager.currentState).to(match(SDLFileManagerStateReady));
-// });
-// it(@"should call the completion handler with nil error", ^{
-// expect(completionError).toEventually(equal([NSError sdl_lifecycle_notReadyError]));
-// });
-// });
-// });
-// });
-// });
-// });
diff --git a/SmartDeviceLinkTests/SDLFileManagerSpecMultipleFilesSpec.m b/SmartDeviceLinkTests/SDLFileManagerSpecMultipleFilesSpec.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..83c62f68f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SmartDeviceLinkTests/SDLFileManagerSpecMultipleFilesSpec.m
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+// SDLFileManagerSpecMultipleFilesSpec.m
+// SmartDeviceLink-iOS
+// Created by Nicole on 8/17/17.
+// Copyright © 2017 smartdevicelink. All rights reserved.
+#import <Quick/Quick.h>
+#import <Nimble/Nimble.h>
+#import "SDLDeleteFileResponse.h"
+#import "SDLError.h"
+#import "SDLFile.h"
+#import "SDLFileManager.h"
+#import "SDLFileType.h"
+#import "SDLListFiles.h"
+#import "SDLListFilesOperation.h"
+#import "SDLListFilesResponse.h"
+#import "SDLNotificationConstants.h"
+#import "SDLPutFile.h"
+#import "SDLPutFileResponse.h"
+#import "SDLRPCResponse.h"
+#import "SDLUploadFileOperation.h"
+#import "TestMultipleFilesConnectionManager.h"
+#import "TestResponse.h"
+describe(@"Uploading multiple files", ^{
+ __block TestMultipleFilesConnectionManager *testConnectionManager = nil;
+ __block SDLFileManager *testFileManager = nil;
+ __block NSUInteger initialSpaceAvailable = 0;
+ __block SDLListFilesResponse *testListFilesResponse = nil;
+ __block NSMutableArray<SDLFile *> *testSDLFiles = nil;
+ __block NSMutableArray *expectedSuccessfulFileNames;
+ __block NSNumber *expectedSpaceLeft = nil;
+ beforeEach(^{
+ testConnectionManager = [[TestMultipleFilesConnectionManager alloc] init];
+ testFileManager = [[SDLFileManager alloc] initWithConnectionManager:testConnectionManager];
+ initialSpaceAvailable = 9666;
+ testListFilesResponse = [[SDLListFilesResponse alloc] init];
+ testListFilesResponse.success = @YES;
+ testListFilesResponse.spaceAvailable = @(initialSpaceAvailable);
+ testListFilesResponse.filenames = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"A", @"B", @"C", nil];
+ testSDLFiles = [NSMutableArray array];
+ expectedSuccessfulFileNames = [NSMutableArray array];
+ });
+ context(@"After uploading", ^{
+ beforeEach(^{
+ waitUntil(^(void (^done)(void)){
+ [testFileManager startWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL success, NSError * _Nullable error) {
+ done();
+ }];
+ // Need to wait state machine transitions to complete before sending testListFilesResponse
+ [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.3];
+ [testConnectionManager respondToLastRequestWithResponse:testListFilesResponse];
+ });
+ });
+ context(@"When all files are uploaded successfully", ^{
+ __block SDLPutFileResponse *response;
+ __block NSError *responseError = nil;
+ __block NSMutableDictionary *testResponses;
+ beforeEach(^{
+ testResponses = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
+ // Successful response
+ response = [[SDLPutFileResponse alloc] init];
+ response.success = @YES;
+ });
+ it(@"should upload 1 small file from memory without error", ^{
+ NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Test Small File Memory %d", 0];
+ NSData *fileData = [@"someTextData" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
+ SDLFile *file = [SDLFile fileWithData:fileData name:fileName fileExtension:@"bin"];
+ file.overwrite = true;
+ [testSDLFiles addObject:file];
+ expectedSpaceLeft = @55;
+ response.spaceAvailable = expectedSpaceLeft;
+ [expectedSuccessfulFileNames addObject:fileName];
+ TestResponse *testResponse = [[TestResponse alloc] initWithResponse:response error:responseError];
+ testResponses[fileName] = testResponse;
+ testConnectionManager.responses = testResponses;
+ });
+ it(@"should upload 1 large file from disk without error", ^{
+ NSString *imageName = @"testImage";
+ NSString *imageFilePath = [[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] pathForResource:imageName ofType:@"png"];
+ NSURL *imageFileURL = [[NSURL alloc] initFileURLWithPath:imageFilePath];
+ NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Test Large File Disk %d", 0];
+ SDLFile *file = [SDLFile fileAtFileURL:imageFileURL name:fileName];
+ file.overwrite = true;
+ [testSDLFiles addObject:file];
+ expectedSpaceLeft = @44;
+ response.spaceAvailable = expectedSpaceLeft;
+ [expectedSuccessfulFileNames addObject:fileName];
+ TestResponse *testResponse = [[TestResponse alloc] initWithResponse:response error:responseError];
+ testResponses[fileName] = testResponse;
+ testConnectionManager.responses = testResponses;
+ });
+ it(@"should upload multiple small files from memory without error", ^{
+ NSInteger space = initialSpaceAvailable;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 5; i += 1) {
+ NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Test Files %d", i];
+ NSData *fileData = [@"someTextData" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
+ SDLFile *file = [SDLFile fileWithData:fileData name:fileName fileExtension:@"bin"];
+ file.overwrite = true;
+ [testSDLFiles addObject:file];
+ space -= 10;
+ response.spaceAvailable = @(space);
+ [expectedSuccessfulFileNames addObject:fileName];
+ TestResponse *testResponse = [[TestResponse alloc] initWithResponse:response error:responseError];
+ testResponses[fileName] = testResponse;
+ }
+ expectedSpaceLeft = @(space);
+ testConnectionManager.responses = testResponses;
+ });
+ it(@"should upload a large number of small files from memory without error", ^{
+ NSInteger space = initialSpaceAvailable;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 500; i += 1) {
+ NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Test Files %d", i];
+ NSData *fileData = [@"someTextData" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
+ SDLFile *file = [SDLFile fileWithData:fileData name:fileName fileExtension:@"bin"];
+ file.overwrite = true;
+ [testSDLFiles addObject:file];
+ space -= 10;
+ response.spaceAvailable = @(space);
+ [expectedSuccessfulFileNames addObject:fileName];
+ TestResponse *testResponse = [[TestResponse alloc] initWithResponse:response error:responseError];
+ testResponses[fileName] = testResponse;
+ }
+ expectedSpaceLeft = @(space);
+ testConnectionManager.responses = testResponses;
+ });
+ it(@"should upload 5 small files from disk without error", ^{
+ NSURL *imageFileURL = nil;
+ NSInteger space = initialSpaceAvailable;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 5; i += 1) {
+ NSString *imageName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"testImage%d", i];
+ NSString *imageFilePath = [[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] pathForResource:imageName ofType:@"png"];
+ imageFileURL = [[NSURL alloc] initFileURLWithPath:imageFilePath];
+ NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"TestMultipleLargeFilesDisk%d", i];
+ SDLFile *file = [SDLFile fileAtFileURL:imageFileURL name:fileName];
+ file.overwrite = true;
+ [testSDLFiles addObject:file];
+ space -= 10;
+ response.spaceAvailable = @(space);
+ [expectedSuccessfulFileNames addObject:fileName];
+ TestResponse *testResponse = [[TestResponse alloc] initWithResponse:response error:responseError];
+ testResponses[fileName] = testResponse;
+ }
+ expectedSpaceLeft = @(space);
+ testConnectionManager.responses = testResponses;
+ });
+ it(@"should upload multiple files from memory and on disk without error", ^{
+ NSInteger space = initialSpaceAvailable;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
+ NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"TestMultipleSDiskAndMemory%d", i];
+ NSData *fileData = nil;
+ SDLFile *testFile = nil;
+ if (i < 5) {
+ NSString *textFileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"testImageA%d", i];
+ NSString *textFilePath = [[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] pathForResource:textFileName ofType:@"png"];
+ NSURL *textFileURL = [[NSURL alloc] initFileURLWithPath:textFilePath];
+ fileData = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:textFileURL];
+ testFile = [SDLFile fileAtFileURL:textFileURL name:fileName];
+ } else {
+ fileData = [@"someTextData" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
+ testFile = [SDLFile fileWithData:fileData name:fileName fileExtension:@"bin"];
+ }
+ testFile.overwrite = true;
+ [testSDLFiles addObject:testFile];
+ space -= 10;
+ response.spaceAvailable = @(space);
+ [expectedSuccessfulFileNames addObject:fileName];
+ TestResponse *testResponse = [[TestResponse alloc] initWithResponse:response error:responseError];
+ testResponses[fileName] = testResponse;
+ }
+ expectedSpaceLeft = @(space);
+ testConnectionManager.responses = testResponses;
+ });
+ afterEach(^{
+ waitUntilTimeout(10, ^(void (^done)(void)){
+ [testFileManager uploadFiles:testSDLFiles completionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
+ expect(error).to(beNil());
+ done();
+ }];
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ context(@"When files are not uploaded successfully", ^{
+ __block NSMutableDictionary *testResponses;
+ __block NSMutableDictionary *expectedFailedUploads;
+ __block NSError *expectedError = nil;
+ beforeEach(^{
+ testResponses = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
+ expectedFailedUploads = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
+ });
+ it(@"should return an error when all files fail", ^{
+ for(int i = 0; i < 5; i += 1) {
+ NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Test Files Unsuccessful %d", i];
+ NSData *fileData = [@"someTextData" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
+ SDLFile *file = [SDLFile fileWithData:fileData name:fileName fileExtension:@"bin"];
+ file.overwrite = true;
+ [testSDLFiles addObject:file];
+ // Failed response
+ SDLPutFileResponse *response = [[SDLPutFileResponse alloc] init];
+ response.spaceAvailable = @(initialSpaceAvailable);
+ response.success = @NO;
+ // Failed error
+ NSString *responseErrorDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"file upload failed: %d", i];
+ NSString *responseErrorReason = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"some error reason: %d", i];
+ NSError *responseError = [NSError sdl_lifecycle_unknownRemoteErrorWithDescription:responseErrorDescription andReason:responseErrorReason];
+ TestResponse *testResponse = [[TestResponse alloc] initWithResponse:response error:responseError];
+ testResponses[fileName] = testResponse;
+ expectedFailedUploads[fileName] = responseError;
+ }
+ testConnectionManager.responses = testResponses;
+ expectedError = [NSError sdl_fileManager_unableToUploadError:expectedFailedUploads];
+ expectedSpaceLeft = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInteger:initialSpaceAvailable];
+ });
+ it(@"should return an error when the first file fails", ^{
+ NSInteger space = initialSpaceAvailable;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 6; i += 1) {
+ NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Test Files Unsuccessful %d", i];
+ NSData *fileData = [@"someTextData" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
+ SDLFile *file = [SDLFile fileWithData:fileData name:fileName fileExtension:@"bin"];
+ file.overwrite = true;
+ [testSDLFiles addObject:file];
+ SDLPutFileResponse *response = [[SDLPutFileResponse alloc] init];
+ NSError *responseError = nil;
+ if (i == 0) {
+ // Failed response
+ response.spaceAvailable = @(space);
+ response.success = @NO;
+ // Failed error
+ NSString *responseErrorDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"file upload failed: %d", i];
+ NSString *responseErrorReason = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"some error reason: %d", i];
+ responseError = [NSError sdl_lifecycle_unknownRemoteErrorWithDescription:responseErrorDescription andReason:responseErrorReason];
+ expectedFailedUploads[fileName] = responseError;
+ } else {
+ // Successful response
+ space -= 1;
+ response.spaceAvailable = @(space);
+ response.success = @YES;
+ // No error
+ responseError = nil;
+ [expectedSuccessfulFileNames addObject:fileName];
+ }
+ TestResponse *testResponse = [[TestResponse alloc] initWithResponse:response error:responseError];
+ testResponses[fileName] = testResponse;
+ }
+ testConnectionManager.responses = testResponses;
+ expectedError = [NSError sdl_fileManager_unableToUploadError:expectedFailedUploads];
+ expectedSpaceLeft = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInteger:space];
+ });
+ it(@"should return an error when the last file fails", ^{
+ NSInteger space = initialSpaceAvailable;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 100; i += 1) {
+ NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Test Files Unsuccessful %d", i];
+ NSData *fileData = [@"someTextData" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
+ SDLFile *file = [SDLFile fileWithData:fileData name:fileName fileExtension:@"bin"];
+ file.overwrite = true;
+ [testSDLFiles addObject:file];
+ SDLPutFileResponse *response = [[SDLPutFileResponse alloc] init];
+ NSError *responseError = nil;
+ if (i == 99) {
+ // Failed response
+ response.spaceAvailable = @(space);
+ response.success = @NO;
+ // Failed error
+ NSString *responseErrorDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"file upload failed: %d", i];
+ NSString *responseErrorReason = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"some error reason: %d", i];
+ responseError = [NSError sdl_lifecycle_unknownRemoteErrorWithDescription:responseErrorDescription andReason:responseErrorReason];
+ expectedFailedUploads[fileName] = responseError;
+ } else {
+ // Successful response
+ space -= 5;
+ response.spaceAvailable = @(space);
+ response.success = @YES;
+ // No error
+ responseError = nil;
+ [expectedSuccessfulFileNames addObject:fileName];
+ }
+ TestResponse *testResponse = [[TestResponse alloc] initWithResponse:response error:responseError];
+ testResponses[fileName] = testResponse;
+ }
+ testConnectionManager.responses = testResponses;
+ expectedError = [NSError sdl_fileManager_unableToUploadError:expectedFailedUploads];
+ expectedSpaceLeft = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInteger:space];
+ });
+ it(@"should return an error if 0 files passed", ^{
+ expectedError = [NSError sdl_fileManager_noFilesError];
+ expectedSpaceLeft = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInteger:initialSpaceAvailable];
+ });
+ it(@"should return an error if remote files contains same name", ^{
+ SDLPutFileResponse *response = [[SDLPutFileResponse alloc] init];
+ NSError *responseError = nil;
+ NSString *fileName = testListFilesResponse.filenames.firstObject;
+ NSData *fileData = [@"someTextData" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
+ SDLFile *file = [SDLFile fileWithData:fileData name:fileName fileExtension:@"bin"];
+ file.overwrite = false;
+ [testSDLFiles addObject:file];
+ response.spaceAvailable = @(initialSpaceAvailable);
+ response.success = @NO;
+ TestResponse *testResponse = [[TestResponse alloc] initWithResponse:response error:responseError];
+ testResponses[fileName] = testResponse;
+ testConnectionManager.responses = testResponses;
+ expectedFailedUploads[fileName] = [NSError sdl_fileManager_cannotOverwriteError];
+ expectedError = [NSError sdl_fileManager_unableToUploadError:expectedFailedUploads];
+ expectedSpaceLeft = @(initialSpaceAvailable);
+ });
+ afterEach(^{
+ waitUntilTimeout(10, ^(void (^done)(void)){
+ [testFileManager uploadFiles:testSDLFiles completionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
+ expect(error).to(equal(expectedError));
+ done();
+ }];
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ afterEach(^{
+ expect(@(testFileManager.bytesAvailable)).to(equal(expectedSpaceLeft));
+ for(int i = 0; i < expectedSuccessfulFileNames.count; i += 1) {
+ expect(testFileManager.remoteFileNames).to(contain(expectedSuccessfulFileNames[i]));
+ }
+ });
+ });