diff options
2 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..84d3f0a06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# George Miller
+# 06-07-2022
+# If you do not have permission to run, try: chmod u+x
+# A utility function for prompting the user Y/N
+# This takes in a string prompt for the input
+# This returns 1 for yes/true or 0 for no/false
+prompt_user() {
+ user_input="g"
+ echo
+ echo $1" (Y/N)?"
+ read user_input
+ while [[ ! $user_input == [YyNn] ]]; do
+ echo $1" (Y/N)?"
+ read user_input
+ done
+ if [[ ! $user_input == [Nn] ]]; then
+ return 1
+ else
+ return 0
+ fi
+# 1 Make sure we are in the correct directory
+# If we are running from the scripts directory, we want to pop back to the project root to do everything.
+if [[ $PWD == *"scripts" ]]; then
+ cd ..
+# If, for some reason, we are not now in the correct working directory, exit
+if [[ $PWD != *"sdl_ios" ]]; then
+ echo "Please run this from the sdl_ios project root or the sdl_ios/scripts directory"
+ exit 0
+# If there is no command line ask for a version number
+if [ -z $1 ]; then
+ # Get the version number
+ # At this point the version in the project file should be correct, so use it.
+ project_file="./SmartDeviceLink-iOS.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj"
+ current_version_number=$(sed -n '/MARKETING_VERSION/{s/MARKETING_VERSION = //;s/;//;s/^[[:space:]]*//;p;q;}' $project_file)
+ if [ -z $current_version_number ]; then current_version_number="1.0.0"; fi
+ echo "Current Version: "$current_version_number
+ # TODO - we can streamline this by trusting the project file to always have the correct version (bail out if project file missing)
+ prompt_user "Is this version correct"
+ if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
+ # Prompt user for new version
+ echo "Enter the new version number (semantic versioning x.x.x format) or blank to skip: "
+ read new_version_number
+ # If blank or the same, then skip. Otherwise change the version number
+ if [ -z $new_version_number ]; then
+ echo "No version number entered. Skipping..."
+ new_version_number=$current_version_number
+ fi
+ fi
+ new_version_number=$1
+# Add a binary xcframework archive for manual installation with the following commands
+echo "Creating a binary xcframework for manual installation"
+# This builds the framework
+xcodebuild archive -project 'SmartDeviceLink-iOS.xcodeproj/' -scheme 'SmartDeviceLink' -configuration Release -destination 'generic/platform=iOS' -archivePath './SmartDeviceLink-Device.xcarchive' SKIP_INSTALL=NO
+xcodebuild archive -project 'SmartDeviceLink-iOS.xcodeproj/' -scheme 'SmartDeviceLink' -configuration Release -destination 'generic/platform=iOS Simulator' -archivePath './SmartDeviceLink-Simulator.xcarchive' SKIP_INSTALL=NO
+xcodebuild -create-xcframework -framework './SmartDeviceLink-Device.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/SmartDeviceLink.framework/' -framework './SmartDeviceLink-Simulator.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/SmartDeviceLink.framework/' -output './SmartDeviceLink.xcframework'
+# TODO - is there a way we can test that the build was successful.
+# Kill the old zip if present. Useful for re-running the script
+if [ -f $zip_file_name ]; then rm $zip_file_name; fi
+# Verify folder exists before acting on it.
+if [ -d "$folder" ]; then
+ zip $zip_file_name $folder
+ # Check to see if the zip exists, and then remove old files.
+ if [ -f "$zip_file_name" ]; then rm -r $folder; fi
+# Cleanup artifacts
+if [ -d "$folder" ]; then rm -r $folder; fi
+if [ -d "$folder" ]; then rm -r $folder; fi
+echo "The xcframework zip file was created at $zip_file_name." \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..443a24aa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+# George Miller
+# 05-17-2022
+# If you do not have permission to run, try: chmod u+x
+# A utility function for prompting the user Y/N
+# This takes in a string prompt for the input
+# This returns 1 for yes/true or 0 for no/false
+prompt_user() {
+ user_input="g"
+ echo
+ echo $1" (Y/N)?"
+ read user_input
+ while [[ ! $user_input == [YyNn] ]]; do
+ echo $1" (Y/N)?"
+ read user_input
+ done
+ if [[ ! $user_input == [Nn] ]]; then
+ return 1
+ else
+ return 0
+ fi
+# TODO - phase 4 - github cli "gh" needs to be installed before we can use those commands. We could automate this or at least check if gh is installed.
+# Script start
+echo "Starting SDL release script..."
+# If we are running from the scripts directory, we want to pop back to the project root to do everything.
+if [[ $PWD == *"scripts" ]]; then
+ cd ..
+# If, for some reason, we are not now in the correct working directory, exit
+if [[ $PWD != *"sdl_ios" ]]; then
+ echo "Please run this from the sdl_ios project root or the sdl_ios/scripts directory"
+ exit 0
+# Setup branch variables
+# Stash any local changes to avoid errors during checkout
+git status
+prompt_user "Would you like to stash any local changes"
+if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
+ # Stash local changes to prevent issues with checkout
+ git stash
+ echo "use \"git stash pop\" when this script is complete to restore your changes"
+ # Dump local changes to prevent issues with checkout
+ git reset --hard
+# Checkout develop
+# We need to checkout the branch before we start modifying files.
+echo "Checking out $develop_branch"
+git checkout $develop_branch
+# Bump version in projectFile
+echo "Updating the version"
+# Get the current version and build from the podspec file
+current_version_number=$(sed -n '/MARKETING_VERSION/{s/MARKETING_VERSION = //;s/;//;s/^[[:space:]]*//;p;q;}' $project_file)
+echo "Current Version: "$current_version_number
+# Prompt user for new version
+echo "Enter the new version number (semantic versioning x.x.x format) or blank to skip: "
+read new_version_number
+# If blank or the same, then skip. Otherwise change the version number
+if [ -z $new_version_number ]; then
+ echo "No version number entered. Skipping..."
+ new_version_number=$current_version_number
+ if [ $current_version_number != $new_version_number ]; then
+ echo "Changing Version Number in $project_file"
+ # Swap new version in to file
+ sed '/MARKETING_VERSION/{s/'$current_version_number'/'$new_version_number'/;}' $project_file > $new_file
+ mv -f $new_file $project_file
+ else
+ echo "No project file change needed for version"
+ fi
+# Get the current version from the podspec file
+current_version=$(sed -n '/s.version/{s/s.version//;s/=//;s/[\"]//g;s/^[[:space:]]*//g;p;q;}' $pod_spec_file)
+# Use new version number from above. If new version is different from current, change it.
+if [ $current_version != $new_version_number ]; then
+ echo "changing version in $pod_spec_file to $new_version_number"
+ # Swap new version in to file
+ sed '/s.version/{s/'$current_version'/'$new_version_number'/;}' $pod_spec_file > $pod_spec_new_file
+ mv -f $pod_spec_new_file $pod_spec_file
+# Update RPC and protocol versions in /SmartDeviceLink/private/SDLGlobals.m
+echo "Checking SDLGlobals.m for RPC and Protocol versions"
+current_rpc_version=$(sed -n '/SDLMaxProxyProtocolVersion/{s/^.*@//;s/[\;]//;s/[\"]//g;p;q;}' $file)
+current_protocol_version=$(sed -n '/SDLMaxProxyRPCVersion/{s/^.*@//;s/[\;]//;s/[\"]//g;p;q;}' $file)
+echo "Current RPC Version: "$current_rpc_version
+echo "Current Protocol Version: "$current_protocol_version
+echo "If these are not correct, please update protocol versions in /SmartDeviceLink/private/SDLGlobals.m. Then press enter..."
+read user_input
+# Update to the newest BSON submodule. Update Package.swift and CocoaPods dependency files to point to latest if necessary.
+# Extract version and link from Package.swift
+package_dependency_info="$(sed -n '/.package/{s/let package = Package(//;s/.package(//;s/)//;s/^[[:space:]]*//g;p;}' $package_file)"
+if [ ! -z "$submodule_info" ]; then
+ # Loop through the dependencies
+ while IFS= read -r dependency_record ;
+ do
+ # If the dependency_record in the dependancies is not empty (the first one usually is due to string interpretation of a list)
+ if [ ! -z "$dependency_record" ]; then
+ # Identify the fields of the record
+ record_info="$(sed 's/,/\n/g' <<< $dependency_record)"
+ record_name=$(sed -n '/name:/{s/name://g;s/^[[:space:]]*//g;s/"//g;p;}' <<< "$record_info")
+ record_url=$(sed -n '/url:/{s/url://g;s/^[[:space:]]*//g;s/"//g;p;}' <<< "$record_info")
+ record_version=$(sed -n '/from:/{s/from://g;s/^[[:space:]]*//g;s/"//g;p;}' <<< "$record_info")
+ echo
+ echo "Current version of $record_name: "$record_version
+ fi
+ done <<< "$submodule_info"
+ echo
+ echo "Please update the dependencies in Package.swift, SmartDeviceLink.podspec, and SmartDeviceLink-iOS.podspec appropriately, then press enter..."
+ read user_input
+# Update changelog
+# TODO - insert a template into the changelog that includes the version the users have selected above.
+#echo "A template for this release has been inserted into the changelog. Please update it."
+echo "Please update, then return here and press enter..."
+read user_input
+# TODO - check modified info before and after so we can detect if the user failed to update the file.
+# Generate documentation
+prompt_user "Would you like to automatically generate documentation with Jazzy"
+if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
+ # Check if Jazzy is already installed, and if not then install jazzy
+ if [ -z "$(mdfind -name 'Jazzy')" ]; then
+ echo "Jazzy is not installed, attempting to install (may require your password)..."
+ sudo gem install jazzy
+ fi
+ # This runs Jazzy to generate the documentation.
+ echo "Running Jazzy to generate documentation..."
+ jazzy --clean --objc --framework-root SmartDeviceLink --sdk iphonesimulator --umbrella-header SmartDeviceLink/public/SmartDeviceLink.h --theme theme --output docs
+# Ensure that the RPC_SPEC has released to the master branch and update the submodule to point to the new release tag (or to the HEAD of master, if no release of the RPC_SPEC is occurring).
+echo "Please check if there is a new release of the RPC_SPEC on"
+echo "If there is, please update the rpc_spec submodule to point to the newest commit on the master branch. Press enter to continue..."
+read user_input
+# Git commands
+echo "$develop_branch has already been checked out for you."
+prompt_user "Would you like to walk through the git commands for this release"
+if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
+ # commit release to develop
+ prompt_user "Would you like to commit and push these changes to the develop branch"
+ if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
+ # Add, commit, and push changes
+ git add -A
+ git commit -m "Update for release $new_version_number"
+ git push --set-upstream origin $develop_branch
+ else
+ echo "Aborting script!"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # Merge release to master
+ prompt_user "Would you like to merge this release to master? (This will not push to master)"
+ if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
+ # Checkout master
+ git checkout $main_branch
+ # Merge develop with master
+ git merge $main_branch $develop_branch
+ echo "Please check that everything is correct. Then, assuming you have permissions, push to master, then press enter..."
+ else
+ echo "Aborting script!"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # Tag it
+ prompt_user "Would you like to tag this release with $new_version_number? (This will not push the tag)"
+ if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
+ git tag $new_version_number
+ # IDEA - else condition that allows the user to enter a different tag
+ fi
+ # Merge master back to develop
+ prompt_user "Would you like to merge master back into develop (This will not push the branch)"
+ if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
+ git merge $develop_branch $main_branch
+ else
+ echo "Aborting script!"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+# Create new release for tag
+prompt_user "Would you like to open to the Github releases page to create a release"
+if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
+ open ""
+# Push new release to primary and secondary cocoapod using command line:
+prompt_user "Would you like to push the release to CocoaPods"
+if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
+ pod trunk push SmartDeviceLink.podspec --allow-warnings
+ pod trunk push SmartDeviceLink-iOS.podspec --allow-warnings
+prompt_user "Would you like to create a binary xcframework for adding to a Github release"
+if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
+ # Create framework
+ # We pass in the version so that the framework script does not need to ask
+ # Give the user permissions to the framework script, then run the script.
+ chmod u+x ./scripts/
+ ./scripts/ $new_version_number
+ echo
+ zip_file_name="SmartDeviceLink-$"
+ echo "Please add the framework at $zip_file_name to the Github release, then press enter..."
+ read user_input
+# Rename the docset and pack it
+prompt_user "Would you like to create the documentation docset for adding to a Github release"
+if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
+ docset_directory="docs/docsets/"
+ docset_tar_file_name="SmartDeviceLink-$new_version_number-docset.tgz"
+ tar -czf $docset_tar_file_name $docset_directory
+ echo
+ echo "Please add the docset at $docset_tar_file_name to the Github release, then press enter..."
+ read user_input
+ # TODO - phase 4 - adding the docset to the release should also be automatic
+echo "Release complete." \ No newline at end of file