// SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReason.h // #import "SDLEnum.h" /** * Indicates reason why app interface was unregistered. The application is being disconnected by SDL. * * @since SDL 1.0 */ typedef SDLEnum SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReason SDL_SWIFT_ENUM; /** * @abstract Vehicle ignition turned off. */ extern SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReason const SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReasonIgnitionOff; /** * @abstract Bluetooth was turned off, causing termination of a necessary Bluetooth connection. */ extern SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReason const SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReasonBluetoothOff; /** * @abstract USB was disconnected, causing termination of a necessary iAP connection. */ extern SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReason const SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReasonUSBDisconnected; /** * @abstract Application attempted SmartDeviceLink RPC request while HMILevel = NONE. App must have HMILevel other than NONE to issue RPC requests or get notifications or RPC responses. */ extern SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReason const SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReasonRequestWhileInNoneHMILevel; /** * @abstract Either too many -- or too many per unit of time -- requests were made by the application. */ extern SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReason const SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReasonTooManyRequests; /** * @abstract The application has issued requests which cause driver distraction rules to be violated. */ extern SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReason const SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReasonDriverDistractionViolation; /** * @abstract The user performed a language change on the SDL platform, causing the application to need to be reregistered for the new language. */ extern SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReason const SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReasonLanguageChange; /** * @abstract The user performed a MASTER RESET on the SDL platform, causing removal of a necessary Bluetooth pairing. */ extern SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReason const SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReasonMasterReset; /** * @abstract The user restored settings to FACTORY DEFAULTS on the SDL platform. */ extern SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReason const SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReasonFactoryDefaults; /** * @abstract The app is not being authorized to be connected to SDL. * * @since SDL 2.0 */ extern SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReason const SDLAppInterfaceUnregisteredReasonAppUnauthorized;