// SDLChoice.h // #import "SDLRPCMessage.h" @class SDLImage; /** * A choice is an option which a user can select either via the menu or via voice recognition (VR) during an application initiated interaction. *

Parameter List * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
NameTypeDescriptionSmartDeviceLink Ver. Available
choiceIDNSNumber * Application-scoped identifier that uniquely identifies this choice. *
Min: 0 *
Max: 65535 *
SmartDeviceLink 1.0
menuNameNSString * Text which appears in menu, representing this choice. *
Min: 1 *
Max: 100 *
SmartDeviceLink 1.0
vrCommandsNSArray *An array of strings to be used as VR synonyms for this choice. If this array is provided, it must have at least one non-empty elementSmartDeviceLink 1.0
imageSDLImage * Either a static hex icon value or a binary image file name identifier (sent by PutFile).SmartDeviceLink 2.0
* * Since SmartDeviceLink 1.0
*/ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface SDLChoice : SDLRPCStruct - (instancetype)initWithId:(UInt16)choiceId menuName:(NSString *)menuName vrCommands:(NSArray *)vrCommands; - (instancetype)initWithId:(UInt16)choiceId menuName:(NSString *)menuName vrCommands:(NSArray *)vrCommands image:(nullable SDLImage *)image secondaryText:(nullable NSString *)secondaryText secondaryImage:(nullable SDLImage *)secondaryImage tertiaryText:(nullable NSString *)tertiaryText; /** * @abstract the application-scoped identifier that uniquely identifies this choice * * Required, Integer 0 - 65535 */ @property (strong, nonatomic) NSNumber *choiceID; /** * @abstract Text which appears in menu, representing this choice * * Required, Max string length 500 chars */ @property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *menuName; /** * @abstract VR synonyms for this choice * * Required, Array of Strings, Array length 1 - 100, Max String length 99 chars */ @property (strong, nonatomic) NSArray *vrCommands; /** * @abstract The image of the choice * * Optional */ @property (nullable, strong, nonatomic) SDLImage *image; /** * @abstract Optional secondary text to display; e.g. address of POI in a search result entry * * Optional, Max String length 500 chars */ @property (nullable, strong, nonatomic) NSString *secondaryText; /** * @abstract Optional tertiary text to display; e.g. distance to POI for a search result entry * * Optional, Max String length 500 chars */ @property (nullable, strong, nonatomic) NSString *tertiaryText; /** * @abstract Optional secondary image for choice * * Optional */ @property (nullable, strong, nonatomic) SDLImage *secondaryImage; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END