// // SDLManagerConfiguration.m // SmartDeviceLink-iOS // // Created by Joel Fischer on 10/7/15. // Copyright © 2015 smartdevicelink. All rights reserved. // #import "SDLLifecycleConfiguration.h" #import "SDLFile.h" #import "SDLVersion.h" static NSString *const DefaultTCPIPAddress = @""; static UInt16 const DefaultTCPIPPort = 12345; NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface SDLLifecycleConfiguration () @property (assign, nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL tcpDebugMode; @property (copy, nonatomic, readwrite, null_resettable) NSString *tcpDebugIPAddress; @property (assign, nonatomic, readwrite) UInt16 tcpDebugPort; @end static NSUInteger const AppIdCharacterCount = 10; @implementation SDLLifecycleConfiguration #pragma mark Lifecycle + (SDLLifecycleConfiguration *)defaultConfigurationWithAppName:(NSString *)appName appId:(NSString *)appId { return [[self alloc] initDefaultConfigurationWithAppName:appName fullAppId:nil appId:appId]; } + (SDLLifecycleConfiguration *)defaultConfigurationWithAppName:(NSString *)appName fullAppId:(NSString *)fullAppId { return [[self alloc] initDefaultConfigurationWithAppName:appName fullAppId:fullAppId appId:fullAppId]; } + (SDLLifecycleConfiguration *)debugConfigurationWithAppName:(NSString *)appName appId:(NSString *)appId ipAddress:(NSString *)ipAddress port:(UInt16)port { return [[self alloc] initDefaultConfigurationWithAppName:appName fullAppId:nil appId:appId ipAddress:ipAddress port:port]; } + (SDLLifecycleConfiguration *)debugConfigurationWithAppName:(NSString *)appName fullAppId:(NSString *)fullAppId ipAddress:(NSString *)ipAddress port:(UInt16)port { return [[self alloc] initDefaultConfigurationWithAppName:appName fullAppId:fullAppId appId:fullAppId ipAddress:ipAddress port:port]; } #pragma mark Initalization Helpers - (instancetype)initDefaultConfigurationWithAppName:(NSString *)appName fullAppId:(nullable NSString *)fullAppId appId:(NSString *)appId { self = [super init]; if (!self) { return nil; } _tcpDebugMode = NO; _tcpDebugIPAddress = DefaultTCPIPAddress; _tcpDebugPort = DefaultTCPIPPort; _appName = appName; _appType = SDLAppHMITypeDefault; _language = SDLLanguageEnUs; _languagesSupported = @[_language]; _appIcon = nil; _shortAppName = nil; _ttsName = nil; _voiceRecognitionCommandNames = nil; _minimumProtocolVersion = [SDLVersion versionWithString:@"1.0.0"]; _minimumRPCVersion = [SDLVersion versionWithString:@"1.0.0"]; _allowedSecondaryTransports = SDLSecondaryTransportsTCP; _fullAppId = fullAppId; _appId = fullAppId != nil ? [self.class sdlex_shortAppIdFromFullAppId:fullAppId] : appId; return self; } - (instancetype)initDefaultConfigurationWithAppName:(NSString *)appName fullAppId:(nullable NSString *)fullAppId appId:(nullable NSString *)appId ipAddress:(NSString *)ipAddress port:(UInt16)port { SDLLifecycleConfiguration *config = [self initDefaultConfigurationWithAppName:appName fullAppId:fullAppId appId:appId]; config.tcpDebugMode = YES; config.tcpDebugIPAddress = ipAddress; config.tcpDebugPort = port; return config; } #pragma mark - Computed Properties - (BOOL)isMedia { if ([self.appType isEqualToEnum:SDLAppHMITypeMedia] || [self.additionalAppTypes containsObject:SDLAppHMITypeMedia]) { return YES; } return NO; } - (void)setTcpDebugIPAddress:(nullable NSString *)tcpDebugIPAddress { if (tcpDebugIPAddress == nil) { _tcpDebugIPAddress = DefaultTCPIPAddress; } else { _tcpDebugIPAddress = tcpDebugIPAddress; } } - (void)setAppType:(nullable SDLAppHMIType)appType { if (appType == nil) { _appType = SDLAppHMITypeDefault; return; } _appType = appType; } #pragma mark - Full App ID Helpers /** * Generates the `appId` from the `fullAppId` * * @discussion When an app is registered with an OEM, it is assigned an `appID` and a `fullAppID`. The `fullAppID` is the full UUID appID. The `appID` is the first 10 non-dash (i.e. "-") characters of the `fullAppID`. * * @param fullAppId A `fullAppId` * @return An `appID` made of the first 10 non-dash characters of the "fullAppID" */ + (NSString *)sdlex_shortAppIdFromFullAppId:(NSString *)fullAppId { NSString *filteredString = [self sdlex_filterDashesFromText:fullAppId]; return [filteredString substringToIndex:MIN(AppIdCharacterCount, filteredString.length)]; } /** * Filters the dash characters from a string * * @param text The string * @return The string with all dash characters removed */ + (NSString *)sdlex_filterDashesFromText:(NSString *)text { NSCharacterSet *supportedCharacters = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"-"]; return [[text componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:supportedCharacters] componentsJoinedByString:@""]; } #pragma mark - NSCopying - (id)copyWithZone:(nullable NSZone *)zone { SDLLifecycleConfiguration *newConfig = [[self.class allocWithZone:zone] initDefaultConfigurationWithAppName:_appName fullAppId:_fullAppId appId:_appId]; newConfig->_tcpDebugMode = _tcpDebugMode; newConfig->_tcpDebugIPAddress = _tcpDebugIPAddress; newConfig->_tcpDebugPort = _tcpDebugPort; newConfig->_appType = _appType; newConfig->_additionalAppTypes = _additionalAppTypes; newConfig->_language = _language; newConfig->_languagesSupported = _languagesSupported; newConfig->_appIcon = _appIcon; newConfig->_shortAppName = _shortAppName; newConfig->_ttsName = _ttsName; newConfig->_voiceRecognitionCommandNames = _voiceRecognitionCommandNames; newConfig->_dayColorScheme = _dayColorScheme; newConfig->_nightColorScheme = _nightColorScheme; newConfig->_allowedSecondaryTransports = _allowedSecondaryTransports; return newConfig; } @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END