// // SDLPermissionManager.h // SmartDeviceLink-iOS // // Created by Joel Fischer on 10/14/15. // Copyright © 2015 smartdevicelink. All rights reserved. // #import #import "SDLHMILevel.h" #import "SDLPermissionConstants.h" @class SDLPermissionItem; NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface SDLPermissionManager : NSObject /** * Start the manager with a completion block that will be called when startup completes. This is used internally. To use an SDLPermissionManager, you should use the manager found on `SDLManager`. * * @param completionHandler The block to be called when the manager's setup is complete. */ - (void)startWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(BOOL success, NSError *__nullable error))completionHandler; /** * Stop the manager. This method is used internally. */ - (void)stop; /** * Determine if an individual RPC is allowed for the current HMI level * * @param rpcName The name of the RPC to be tested, for example, SDLShow * * @return YES if the RPC is allowed at the current HMI level, NO if not */ - (BOOL)isRPCAllowed:(SDLPermissionRPCName)rpcName; /** * Determine if all RPCs are allowed for the current HMI level * * @param rpcNames The RPCs to check * * @return AllAllowed if all of the permissions are allowed, AllDisallowed if all the permissions are disallowed, Any if some are allowed, and some are disallowed */ - (SDLPermissionGroupStatus)groupStatusOfRPCs:(NSArray *)rpcNames; /** * Retrieve a dictionary with keys that are the passed in RPC names, and objects of an NSNumber specifying if that RPC is currently allowed * * @param rpcNames An array of RPC names to check * * @return A dictionary specifying if the passed in RPC names are currently allowed or not */ - (NSDictionary *> *)statusOfRPCs:(NSArray *)rpcNames; /** * Add an observer for specified RPC names, with a callback that will be called whenever the value changes, as well as immediately with the current status. * * @warning This block will be captured by the SDLPermissionsManager, be sure to use [weakself/strongself](http://www.logicsector.com/ios/avoiding-objc-retain-cycles-with-weakself-and-strongself-the-easy-way/) if you are referencing self within your observer block. * * @warning The observer may be called before this method returns, do not attempt to remove the observer from within the observer. That could send `nil` to removeObserverForIdentifier:. If you want functionality like that, call groupStatusOfRPCs: instead. * * @param rpcNames The RPCs to be observed * @param groupType Affects the times that the observer block will be called. If Any, any change to any RPC in rpcNames will cause the observer block to be called. If AllAllowed, the block will be called when: 1. Every RPC in rpcNames becomes allowed 2. The group of rpcNames goes from all being allowed to some or all being disallowed. * @param handler The block that will be called whenever permissions change. * * @return An identifier that can be passed to removeObserverForIdentifer: to remove the observer */ - (SDLPermissionObserverIdentifier)addObserverForRPCs:(NSArray *)rpcNames groupType:(SDLPermissionGroupType)groupType withHandler:(SDLPermissionsChangedHandler)handler; /** * Remove every current observer */ - (void)removeAllObservers; /** * Remove block observers for the specified RPC * * @param identifier The identifier specifying which observer to remove */ - (void)removeObserverForIdentifier:(SDLPermissionObserverIdentifier)identifier; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END