// SDLTPMS.h // #import "SDLEnum.h" /** An enum representing values of the tire pressure monitoring system */ typedef SDLEnum SDLTPMS SDL_SWIFT_ENUM; /** If set the status of the tire is not known. */ extern SDLTPMS const SDLTPMSUnknown; /** TPMS does not function. */ extern SDLTPMS const SDLTPMSSystemFault; /** The sensor of the tire does not function. */ extern SDLTPMS const SDLTPMSSensorFault; /** TPMS is reporting a low tire pressure for the tire. */ extern SDLTPMS const SDLTPMSLow; /** TPMS is active and the tire pressure is monitored. */ extern SDLTPMS const SDLTPMSSystemActive; /** TPMS is reporting that the tire must be trained. */ extern SDLTPMS const SDLTPMSTrain; /** TPMS reports the training for the tire is completed. */ extern SDLTPMS const SDLTPMSTrainingComplete; /** TPMS reports the tire is not trained. */ extern SDLTPMS const SDLTPMSNotTrained;