// // SDLTemplateConfiguration.h // SmartDeviceLink #import "SDLTemplateColorScheme.h" #import "SDLPredefinedLayout.h" NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /** Used to set an alternate template layout to a window. @since SDL 6.0 */ @interface SDLTemplateConfiguration : SDLRPCStruct /** Constructor with the required values. @param predefinedLayout A template layout an app uses to display information. The broad details of the layout are defined, but the details depend on the IVI system. Used in SetDisplayLayout. */ - (instancetype)initWithPredefinedLayout:(SDLPredefinedLayout)predefinedLayout; /** Init with the required values. @param template Predefined or dynamically created window template. Currently only predefined window template layouts are defined. */ - (instancetype)initWithTemplate:(NSString *)template; /** Convinience constructor with all the parameters. @param template Predefined or dynamically created window template. Currently only predefined window template layouts are defined. @param dayColorScheme The color scheme to use when the head unit is in a light / day situation. If nil, the existing color scheme will be used. @param nightColorScheme The color scheme to use when the head unit is in a dark / night situation. */ - (instancetype)initWithTemplate:(NSString *)template dayColorScheme:(nullable SDLTemplateColorScheme *)dayColorScheme nightColorScheme:(nullable SDLTemplateColorScheme *)nightColorScheme; /** Predefined or dynamically created window template. Currently only predefined window template layouts are defined. */ @property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *template; /** The color scheme to use when the head unit is in a light / day situation. */ @property (strong, nonatomic, nullable) SDLTemplateColorScheme *dayColorScheme; /** The color scheme to use when the head unit is in a dark / night situation. */ @property (strong, nonatomic, nullable) SDLTemplateColorScheme *nightColorScheme; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END