// SDLVehicleDataResultCode.h // #import "SDLEnum.h" /** Vehicle Data Result Code */ typedef SDLEnum SDLVehicleDataResultCode SDL_SWIFT_ENUM; /** * Individual vehicle data item / DTC / DID request or subscription successful */ extern SDLVehicleDataResultCode const SDLVehicleDataResultCodeSuccess; /** * DTC / DID request successful, however, not all active DTCs or full contents of DID location available */ extern SDLVehicleDataResultCode const SDLVehicleDataResultCodeTruncatedData; /** * This vehicle data item is not allowed for this app by SDL */ extern SDLVehicleDataResultCode const SDLVehicleDataResultCodeDisallowed; /** * The user has not granted access to this type of vehicle data item at this time */ extern SDLVehicleDataResultCode const SDLVehicleDataResultCodeUserDisallowed; /** * The ECU ID referenced is not a valid ID on the bus / system */ extern SDLVehicleDataResultCode const SDLVehicleDataResultCodeInvalidId; /** * The requested vehicle data item / DTC / DID is not currently available or responding on the bus / system */ extern SDLVehicleDataResultCode const SDLVehicleDataResultCodeVehicleDataNotAvailable; /** * The vehicle data item is already subscribed */ extern SDLVehicleDataResultCode const SDLVehicleDataResultCodeDataAlreadySubscribed; /** * The vehicle data item cannot be unsubscribed because it is not currently subscribed */ extern SDLVehicleDataResultCode const SDLVehicleDataResultCodeDataNotSubscribed; /** * The request for this item is ignored because it is already in progress */ extern SDLVehicleDataResultCode const SDLVehicleDataResultCodeIgnored;