// // SDLBinaryAudioManager.m // SmartDeviceLink-Example // // Created by Joel Fischer on 10/24/17. // Copyright © 2017 smartdevicelink. All rights reserved. // #import "SDLAudioStreamManager.h" #import "SDLAudioFile.h" #import "SDLAudioStreamManagerDelegate.h" #import "SDLError.h" #import "SDLFile.h" #import "SDLGlobals.h" #import "SDLLogMacros.h" #import "SDLManager.h" #import "SDLPCMAudioConverter.h" #import "SDLStreamingAudioManagerType.h" NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface SDLAudioStreamManager () @property (weak, nonatomic) id streamManager; @property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray *mutableQueue; @property (strong, nonatomic) dispatch_queue_t audioQueue; @property (assign, nonatomic, readwrite, getter=isPlaying) BOOL playing; @property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL shouldPlayWhenReady; @end @implementation SDLAudioStreamManager - (instancetype)initWithManager:(id)streamManager { self = [super init]; if (!self) { return nil; } _mutableQueue = [NSMutableArray array]; _shouldPlayWhenReady = NO; _audioQueue = dispatch_queue_create_with_target("com.sdl.audiomanager.transcode", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL, [SDLGlobals sharedGlobals].sdlProcessingQueue); _streamManager = streamManager; return self; } - (void)stop { dispatch_async(_audioQueue, ^{ self.shouldPlayWhenReady = NO; [self.mutableQueue removeAllObjects]; }); } #pragma mark - Getters - (NSArray *)queue { return [_mutableQueue copy]; } #pragma mark - Pushing to the Queue #pragma mark Files - (void)pushWithFileURL:(NSURL *)fileURL { dispatch_async(_audioQueue, ^{ [self sdl_pushWithContentsOfURL:fileURL]; }); } - (void)sdl_pushWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL *)fileURL { // Convert and store in the queue NSError *error = nil; SDLPCMAudioConverter *converter = [[SDLPCMAudioConverter alloc] initWithFileURL:fileURL]; NSURL *_Nullable outputFileURL = [converter convertFileWithError:&error]; UInt32 estimatedDuration = converter.estimatedDuration; if (outputFileURL == nil) { SDLLogE(@"Error converting file to CAF / PCM: %@", error); if (self.delegate != nil) { [self.delegate audioStreamManager:self errorDidOccurForFile:fileURL error:error]; } return; } SDLAudioFile *audioFile = [[SDLAudioFile alloc] initWithInputFileURL:fileURL outputFileURL:outputFileURL estimatedDuration:estimatedDuration]; [self.mutableQueue addObject:audioFile]; if (self.shouldPlayWhenReady) { [self sdl_playNextWhenReady]; } } #pragma mark Raw Data - (void)pushWithData:(NSData *)data { dispatch_async(_audioQueue, ^{ [self sdl_pushWithData:data]; }); } - (void)sdl_pushWithData:(NSData *)data { SDLAudioFile *audioFile = [[SDLAudioFile alloc] initWithData:data]; [self.mutableQueue addObject:audioFile]; } #pragma mark Playing from the Queue - (void)playNextWhenReady { dispatch_async(_audioQueue, ^{ [self sdl_playNextWhenReady]; }); } - (void)sdl_playNextWhenReady { if (self.mutableQueue.count == 0) { self.shouldPlayWhenReady = YES; return; } if (!self.streamManager.isAudioConnected) { if (self.delegate != nil) { NSError *error = [NSError sdl_audioStreamManager_notConnected]; [self.delegate audioStreamManager:self errorDidOccurForFile:self.mutableQueue.firstObject.inputFileURL error:error]; } return; } self.shouldPlayWhenReady = NO; __block SDLAudioFile *file = self.mutableQueue.firstObject; [self.mutableQueue removeObjectAtIndex:0]; // Strip the first bunch of bytes (because of how Apple outputs the data) and send to the audio stream, if we don't do this, it will make a weird click sound NSData *audioData = nil; if (file.inputFileURL != nil) { audioData = [file.data subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(5760, (file.data.length - 5760))]; } else { audioData = file.data; } // Send the audio file, which starts it playing immediately SDLLogD(@"Playing audio file: %@", file); __block BOOL success = [self.streamManager sendAudioData:audioData]; self.playing = YES; // Determine the length of the audio PCM data and perform a few items once the audio has finished playing float audioLengthSecs = (float)audioData.length / (float)32000.0; __weak typeof(self) weakself = self; dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(audioLengthSecs * NSEC_PER_SEC)), [SDLGlobals sharedGlobals].sdlProcessingQueue, ^{ __strong typeof(weakself) strongSelf = weakself; strongSelf.playing = NO; NSError *error = nil; if (strongSelf.delegate != nil) { if (file.inputFileURL != nil) { [strongSelf.delegate audioStreamManager:strongSelf fileDidFinishPlaying:file.inputFileURL successfully:success]; } else if ([strongSelf.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(audioStreamManager:dataBufferDidFinishPlayingSuccessfully:)]) { [strongSelf.delegate audioStreamManager:strongSelf dataBufferDidFinishPlayingSuccessfully:success]; } } SDLLogD(@"Ending Audio file: %@", file); [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtURL:file.outputFileURL error:&error]; if (strongSelf.delegate != nil && error != nil) { if (file.inputFileURL != nil) { [strongSelf.delegate audioStreamManager:strongSelf errorDidOccurForFile:file.inputFileURL error:error]; } else if ([strongSelf.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(audioStreamManager:errorDidOccurForDataBuffer:)]) { [strongSelf.delegate audioStreamManager:strongSelf errorDidOccurForDataBuffer:error]; } } }); } @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END