// SDLTBTState.h // #import "SDLEnum.h" /** The turn-by-turn state, used in OnTBTClientState. */ typedef SDLEnum SDLTBTState NS_TYPED_ENUM; /** The route should be updated */ extern SDLTBTState const SDLTBTStateRouteUpdateRequest; /** The route is accepted */ extern SDLTBTState const SDLTBTStateRouteAccepted; /** The route is refused */ extern SDLTBTState const SDLTBTStateRouteRefused; /** The route is cancelled */ extern SDLTBTState const SDLTBTStateRouteCancelled; /** The route should update its Estimated Time of Arrival */ extern SDLTBTState const SDLTBTStateETARequest; /** The route should update its next turn */ extern SDLTBTState const SDLTBTStateNextTurnRequest; /** The route should update its status */ extern SDLTBTState const SDLTBTStateRouteStatusRequest; /** The route update its summary */ extern SDLTBTState const SDLTBTStateRouteSummaryRequest; /** The route should update the trip's status */ extern SDLTBTState const SDLTBTStateTripStatusRequest; /** The route update timed out */ extern SDLTBTState const SDLTBTStateRouteUpdateRequestTimeout;