{#- Content of this file include into every Param/sub-element of (Enum/Struct/Function) -#} {% if param.description or param.since or param.history %} /** {%- if param.description %} {%- for d in param.description %} * {{d}} {%- endfor %}{% endif -%} {%- if param.description and ( param.since or param.history ) %} * {%- endif %} {%- if param.deprecated is sameas true %} * @deprecated in SmartDeviceLink {{ param.since }} {%- elif param.history %} * @added in SmartDeviceLink {{ param.history[0].since }} {%- elif param.since is defined %} {%- if param.since %} * @added in SmartDeviceLink {{ param.since }} {%- endif %} {%- endif %} {%- if param.deprecated is sameas true and param.history %} * @added in SmartDeviceLink {{ param.history[0].since }} {%- endif %} */ {%- endif %}