#!/bin/sh SBOX_HOME=/scratchbox/users/$USER/home/$USER PROJECTFOLDER_HOST=$(pwd -P) if [ $(basename $PROJECTFOLDER_HOST) = "tools" ]; then PROJECTFOLDER_HOST=$(cd .. && pwd -P) fi # Options PROJECTFOLDER=$(basename $PROJECTFOLDER_HOST)-tmp IP= USERNAME="developer" # Flags BUILD_ONLY=0 DEBIAN=0 RUN=0 CLEAN=0 HELP="Usage: ./build-deploy [options]\n Copies the current directory to scratchbox, build, send and run Snowshoe on the N9.\n Alternatively, a debian package can be generated and installed.\n \n Options:\n \n -b\t\t\tonly build the project, do not send to the device\n -c\t\t\tmake distclean before building (only without -d)\n -d\t\t\tgenerate debian package instead of single executable\n -h\t\t\tshows this help message.\n -i IP\t\t\tip of the target N9/N950 device\n -u USERNAME\t\tset username to connect\n -p FOLDER\t\tname of the temporary folder\n -r\t\t\trun the executable after copying (without -b) " while getopts p:i:u:bdrch ARG do case "$ARG" in p) PROJECTFOLDER="$OPTARG";; i) IP="$OPTARG";; u) USERNAME="$OPTARG";; b) BUILD_ONLY=1;; d) DEBIAN=1;; r) RUN=1;; c) CLEAN=1;; h) echo -e $HELP && exit 0;; ?) echo -e $HELP && exit 1;; esac done # N9 configuration. This is the default ip for USB connections. N9=$USERNAME@$IP N9HOME=/home/$USERNAME # Sync with build folder echo "rsync $PROJECTFOLDER_HOST to $SBOX_HOME/$PROJECTFOLDER" rsync -azrptL --progress --exclude-from=".gitignore" --exclude ".git" $PROJECTFOLDER_HOST/ $SBOX_HOME/$PROJECTFOLDER if test $DEBIAN -eq 1; then BUILD_COMMAND="dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us -B" else BUILD_COMMAND="qmake && make -j 3" if test $CLEAN -eq 1;then BUILD_COMMAND="make distclean; $BUILD_COMMAND" fi fi LOGFILE=/tmp/$PROJECTFOLDER-build.txt # Build project /scratchbox/login -s <&1 | tee $LOGFILE EOF if test $BUILD_ONLY -eq 1; then exit 0; fi if test $DEBIAN -eq 0; then TARGET=$SBOX_HOME/$PROJECTFOLDER/snowshoe scp $TARGET $N9:$N9HOME else DEBFILE=$(grep -o [-a-z0-9]*_[.0-9a-z-]*_armel\.deb $LOGFILE) TARGET=$SBOX_HOME/$DEBFILE scp $TARGET $N9:$N9HOME stty -echo # do not show the password ssh $N9 "devel-su -c \"dpkg -i $N9HOME/$DEBFILE\"" stty echo fi if test $RUN -eq 1 && test $DEBIAN -eq 0; then ssh $N9 "DISPLAY=:0 PATH=/opt/qt5/bin:$PATH ./snowshoe --mobile" fi