module runme; import std.stdio; import example; void main() { writeln( "Printing out some enum values:" ); writeln(" color:"); writefln(" %s = %s", color.RED, cast(int)color.RED); writefln(" %s = %s", color.BLUE, cast(int)color.BLUE); writefln(" %s = %s", color.GREEN, cast(int)color.GREEN); writeln("\n Foo.speed:"); writefln(" Foo.%s = %s", Foo.speed.IMPULSE, cast(int)Foo.speed.IMPULSE); writefln(" Foo.%s = %s", Foo.speed.WARP, cast(int)Foo.speed.WARP); writefln(" Foo.%s = %s", Foo.speed.LUDICROUS , cast(int)Foo.speed.LUDICROUS); writeln("\nTesting use of enums with functions:"); example.enum_test(color.RED, Foo.speed.IMPULSE); example.enum_test(color.BLUE, Foo.speed.WARP); example.enum_test(color.GREEN, Foo.speed.LUDICROUS); writeln( "\nTesting use of enum with class method:" ); scope f = new Foo(); f.enum_test(Foo.speed.IMPULSE); f.enum_test(Foo.speed.WARP); f.enum_test(Foo.speed.LUDICROUS); }