/* ------------------------------------------------------------ * SWIG library containing argc and argv multi-argument typemaps * ------------------------------------------------------------ */ %typemap(gotype) (int ARGC, char **ARGV) "[]string" %insert(go_wrapper) %{ //export cgo_swig_get_string_slice_idx func cgo_swig_get_string_slice_idx(s []string, i C.swig_intgo) string { return s[i] } %} %{ extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif _gostring_ cgo_swig_get_string_slice_idx(_goslice_ s, intgo i); %} %typemap(in) (int ARGC, char **ARGV) { $1_ltype len = ($1_ltype)$input.len; size_t aralloc = (size_t)((len + 1) * sizeof(char *)); if (len <= 0 || $input.array == NULL) { _swig_gopanic("array must contain at least 1 element"); } $2 = ($2_ltype) Swig_malloc((int)aralloc); if ($2 == NULL) { _swig_gopanic("fail allocating memory for array"); } memset($2, 0, aralloc); $1 = len; { $1_ltype i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { char *p; _gostring_ st = cgo_swig_get_string_slice_idx($input, (intgo)i); if (st.n <= 0) { _swig_gopanic("string length must be positive"); } p = (char *) Swig_malloc((int)(st.n + 1)); if (p == NULL) { _swig_gopanic("fail allocating memory for a string"); } memcpy(p, st.p, st.n); p[st.n] = 0; $2[i] = p; } $2[i] = NULL; } } %typemap(freearg) (int ARGC, char **ARGV) { if ($2 != NULL) { $1_ltype i; for (i = 0; i < $1; i++) { if ($2[i] != NULL) { Swig_free((void *)$2[i]); } } Swig_free((void *)$2); } }