/* ------------------------------------------------------------ * gostring.swg * * Support for returning strings from C to Go. * ------------------------------------------------------------ */ // C/C++ code to convert a memory buffer into a Go string allocated in // C/C++ memory. %fragment("AllocateString", "runtime") %{ static _gostring_ Swig_AllocateString(const char *p, size_t l) { _gostring_ ret; ret.p = (char*)malloc(l); memcpy(ret.p, p, l); ret.n = l; return ret; } %} // Go code to convert a string allocated in C++ memory to one // allocated in Go memory. %fragment("CopyString", "go_runtime") %{ type swig_gostring struct { p uintptr; n int } func swigCopyString(s string) string { p := *(*swig_gostring)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)) r := string((*[0x7fffffff]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(p.p))[:p.n]) Swig_free(p.p) return r } %}