Library: -------- - Make bus lists of devices using topology. - Rework debugging error messages and look into better logging on error. - Need to properly set errno. - Add more "find"/utility functions. - Add subsystem specific support for PCI, SCSI, USB, etc Commands: --------- - Add capability to just take a device as an argument. - Add topology tree view. - Need to clean up error messages. - Clean up how attribute values are printed. - Add capability to use of attribute "write" functions. - Use sysfs_root_device as the base structure for listing from the devices subsystem. - Add subsystem specific support. Commands can, for example, do PCI id lookup. Docs: ----- - Update libsysfs.txt with changes/additions to the library. - Create man pages for commands and for library. Test: ----- - Design and implement test suites for the library.