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authorhpa <hpa>1998-02-06 06:01:54 +0000
committerhpa <hpa>1998-02-06 06:01:54 +0000
commit348e9834ddc4507aa69633517747457d936aa57a (patch)
parent06eaa7ab432af3a05f59cef952761781e131e35f (diff)
New version number; working on FAT16 support
2 files changed, 260 insertions, 202 deletions
diff --git a/ldlinux.asm b/ldlinux.asm
index a89357b2..8e959837 100644
--- a/ldlinux.asm
+++ b/ldlinux.asm
@@ -301,6 +301,7 @@ EndofDirSec resw 1 ; = trackbuf+bsBytesPerSec-31
RunLinClust resw 1 ; Cluster # for LDLINUX.SYS
ClustSize resw 1 ; Bytes/cluster
SecPerClust resw 1 ; Same as bsSecPerClust, but a word
+NextCluster resw 1 ; Pointer to "nextcluster" routine
BufSafe resw 1 ; Clusters we can load into trackbuf
BufSafeSec resw 1 ; = how many sectors?
BufSafeBytes resw 1 ; = how many bytes?
@@ -331,6 +332,7 @@ VidCols resb 1 ; Columns on screen-1
VidRows resb 1 ; Rows on screen-1
RetryCount resb 1 ; Used for disk access retries
KbdFlags resb 1 ; Check for keyboard escapes
+LoadFlags resb 1 ; Loadflags from kernel
MNameBuf resb 11 ; Generic mangled file name buffer
KernelName resb 11 ; Mangled name for kernel
InitRD resb 11 ; initrd= mangled name
@@ -664,14 +666,15 @@ bootsignature dw 0AA55h
; Start of LDLINUX.SYS
; ===========================================================================
-; This "magic number" works well with the "type" command... :-)
+; This "magic number" works well with the "type" command... the 0 we treat
+; as end of string, but is ignored by "type".
ldlinux_magic db 'LDLINUX'
missing_dot db ' '
db 'SYS ', version_str, ' ', date
-magic_eof db 0Dh, 0Ah, 01Ah
+magic_eof db 0, 0Dh, 0Ah, 01Ah
- zb 220h-($-$$)
+ align 4
; The boot sector left the cluster number of this first LDLINUX.SYS
@@ -684,7 +687,6 @@ ldlinux_ent:
mov si,crlf
call writestr
mov byte [missing_dot],'.'
- mov byte [magic_eof],0
mov si,ldlinux_magic
call writestr
@@ -692,22 +694,48 @@ ldlinux_ent:
; We can really only rely on a single sector having been loaded. Hence
; we should load the FAT into RAM and start chasing pointers...
- mov bx,FAT ; Where it goes in memory
+ mov dx,1 ; 64K
+ xor ax,ax
+ div word [bsBytesPerSec] ; sectors/64K
+ mov si,ax
+ push es
+ mov bx,fat_seg ; Load into fat_seg:0000
+ mov es,bx
mov ax,[bsHidden1] ; Hidden sectors
mov dx,[bsHidden2]
add ax,[bsResSectors] ; plus reserved sectors = FAT
adc dx,byte 0
- mov bp,[bsFATsecs] ; Sectors/FAT
- call getlinsec ; Load it in...
+ mov cx,[bsFATsecs] ; Sectors/FAT
+fat_load_loop: mov bp,cx
+ cmp bp,si
+ jna fat_load
+ mov bp,si ; A full 64K moby
+fat_load: call getlinsecsr
+ sub cx,bp
+ jz fat_load_done ; Last moby?
+ add ax,bp ; Advance sector count
+ adc dx,byte 0
+ mov bx,es ; Next 64K moby
+ add bx,1000h
+ mov es,bx
+ xor bx,bx
+ jmp short fat_load_loop
+ pop es
; Fine, now we have the FAT in memory. How big is a cluster, really?
; Also figure out how many clusters will fit in an 8K buffer, and how
; many sectors and bytes that is
+ mov di,[bsBytesPerSec] ; Used a lot below
mov al,[bsSecPerClust] ; We do this in the boot
xor ah,ah ; sector, too, but there
mov [SecPerClust],ax ; wasn't space to save it
- mul word [bsBytesPerSec]
+ mov si,ax ; Also used a lot...
+ mul di
mov [ClustSize],ax ; Bytes/cluster
mov bx,ax
mov ax,trackbufsize
@@ -716,22 +744,60 @@ ldlinux_ent:
mov [BufSafe],ax ; # of cluster in trackbuf
mul word [SecPerClust]
mov [BufSafeSec],ax
- mul word [bsBytesPerSec]
+ mul di
mov [BufSafeBytes],ax
add ax,getcbuf ; getcbuf is same size as
mov [EndOfGetCBuf],ax ; trackbuf, for simplicity
+; FAT12 or FAT16? This computation is fscking ridiculous...
+ xor dx,dx
+ xor cx,cx
+ mov ax,[bsSectors]
+ and ax,ax
+ jnz have_secs
+ mov ax,[bsHugeSectors]
+ mov dx,[bsHugeSectors+2]
+have_secs: sub ax,[bsResSectors]
+ sbb dx,byte 0
+ mov cl,[bsFATs]
+sec_fat_loop: sub ax,[bsFATsecs]
+ sbb dx,byte 0
+ loop sec_fat_loop
+ push ax
+ push dx
+ mov ax,[bsRootDirEnts]
+ add ax,di
+ dec ax
+ mov bx,32 ; Smaller than shift since we
+ mul bx ; need the doubleword product
+ div di
+ mov bx,ax
+ pop dx
+ pop ax
+ sub ax,bx
+ sbb dx,byte 0
+ div si
+ cmp ax,4086 ; Right value?
+ ja have_fat16
+have_fat12: mov word [NextCluster],nextcluster_fat12
+ jmp short load_rest
+have_fat16: mov word [NextCluster],nextcluster_fat16
; Now we read the rest of LDLINUX.SYS. Don't bother loading the first
; cluster again, though.
+ mov cx,[ClustSize]
mov bx,ldlinux_magic
- add bx,[ClustSize]
+ add bx,cx
mov si,[RunLinClust]
- call nextcluster
+ call [NextCluster]
xor dx,dx
mov ax,ldlinux_len-1 ; To be on the safe side
- add ax,[ClustSize]
- div word [ClustSize] ; the number of clusters
+ add ax,cx
+ div cx ; the number of clusters
dec ax ; We've already read one
jz all_read_jmp
mov cx,ax
@@ -764,15 +830,16 @@ getfragment: xor bp,bp ; Fragment sector count
mov ax,si ; Get sector address
dec ax ; Convert to 0-based
dec ax
- mul word [SecPerClust]
+ mov bx,[SecPerClust]
+ mul bx
add ax,[DataArea1]
adc dx,[DataArea2]
getseccnt: ; See if we can read > 1 clust
- add bp,[SecPerClust]
+ add bp,bx
dec cx ; Reduce clusters left to find
mov di,si ; Predict next cluster
inc di
- call nextcluster
+ call [NextCluster]
jc gfs_eof ; At EOF?
jcxz endfragment ; Or was it the last we wanted?
cmp si,di ; Is file continuous?
@@ -785,10 +852,8 @@ gfs_getchunk:
push ax
push dx
mov ax,es ; Check for 64K boundaries.
- shl ax,1 ; This really belongs in
- shl ax,1 ; getlinsec, but it would
- shl ax,1 ; make it not fit in the boot
- shl ax,1 ; sector.
+ mov cl,4
+ shl ax,cl
add ax,bx
xor dx,dx
neg ax
@@ -802,17 +867,10 @@ gfs_partseg:
mov bp,ax
pop dx
pop ax
- push si ; Save remaining sector count
- push ax ; Save position
- push dx
- push bp ; Save sectors to transfer
- call getlinsec
- pop bp
- pop dx
- pop ax
- add ax,bp ; Advance sector pointer
+ call getlinsecsr
+ add ax,bp
adc dx,byte 0
- pop bp ; Load remaining sector counter
+ mov bp,si ; Remaining sector count
jmp short gfs_getchunk
gfs_lastchunk: pop dx
pop ax
@@ -825,18 +883,39 @@ gfs_lastchunk: pop dx
gfs_return: ret
+; getlinsecsr: save registers, call getlinsec, restore registers
+getlinsecsr: push ax
+ push dx
+ push cx
+ push bp
+ push si
+ call getlinsec
+ pop si
+ pop bp
+ pop cx
+ pop dx
+ pop ax
+ ret
; nextcluster: Advance a cluster pointer in SI to the next cluster
; pointed at in the FAT tables (note: FAT12 assumed)
; Sets CF on return if end of file.
+; The variable NextCluster gets set to the appropriate
+; value here.
push ax
+ push ds
+ mov ax,fat_seg
+ mov ds,ax
mov ax,si ; Multiply by 3/2
shr ax,1
pushf ; CF now set if odd
add si,ax
- mov si,[FAT+si]
+ mov si,[si]
jnc nc_even
shr si,1 ; Needed for odd only
@@ -847,23 +926,23 @@ nc_even:
and si,0FFFh
cmp si,0FF0h ; Clears CF if at end of file
cmc ; But we want it SET...
+ pop ds
pop ax
nc_return: ret
push ax
- push es
+ push ds
mov ax,(fat_seg >> 12)
shl si,1
adc ax,byte 0
- mov es,ax
- mov si,[es:si]
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov si,[si]
cmp si,0FFF0h
- pop es
+ pop ds
pop ax
; Debug routine
@@ -1596,17 +1675,8 @@ new_kernel:
shl dx,2 ; Convert to 256-byte blocks
mov [InitRDat],dx ; Load address
call loadinitrd ; Load initial ramdisk
-; About to load the kernel. Print the kernel name and pick high or low.
- mov si,KernelCName ; Print kernel name part of
- call cwritestr ; "Loading" message
- mov si,dotdot_msg ; Print dots
- call cwritestr
- test byte [es:su_loadflags],LOAD_HIGH ; Is high load flag set?
- jnz high_kernel ; Yes, load high
- jmp low_kernel ; No, load low
+ jmp short initrd_end
mov si,err_noinitrd
call writestr
@@ -1614,12 +1684,28 @@ initrd_notthere:
call writestr
mov si,crlf
jmp abort_load
-; If we get here, we need to load kernel high
no_high_mem: mov si,err_nohighmem ; Error routine
jmp abort_load
+; About to load the kernel. This is a modern kernel, so use the boot flags
+; we were provided.
+ mov al,[es:su_loadflags]
+ mov [LoadFlags],al
+; Load the kernel. We always load it at 100000h even if we're supposed to
+; load it "low"; for a "low" load we copy it down to low memory right before
+; jumping to it.
+ mov si,KernelCName ; Print kernel name part of
+ call cwritestr ; "Loading" message
+ mov si,dotdot_msg ; Print dots
+ call cwritestr
mov ax,[HighMemSize]
cmp ax,[KernelK]
jb no_high_mem ; Not enough high memory
@@ -1666,100 +1752,24 @@ high_last_moby:
jne high_load_loop ; Apparently not
pop si ; No longer needed
- push word real_mode_seg
- pop es
- jmp load_done
-; Load an older kernel. Older kernels always have 4 setup sectors, can't have
-; initrd, and are always loaded low.
- test byte [initrd_flag],1 ; Old kernel can't have initrd
- jz load_old_kernel
- mov si,err_oldkernel
- jmp abort_load
- mov si,KernelCName
- call cwritestr
- mov si,dotdot_msg
- call cwritestr
- mov word [SetupSecs],4 ; Always 4 setup sectors
- ; An old kernel is always loaded low...
-; Low kernel: check that it will fit as a low kernel,
-; save the vkernel buffers into high memory in case we abort the
-; load, then transfer the kernel to low memory
- cmp word [KernelK],512 ; 512K maximum
- jna low_kernel_ok
- jmp kernel_corrupt
-low_kernel_ok: push es
- mov bx,vk_seg
- mov es,bx
- xor bx,bx
- mov di,1000h ; 100000h
- mov cx,8000h ; 64K
- call upload
- pop es
- mov byte [VKernelsHigh],1 ; VKernels now in high memory
-; Transfer the already loaded protected-mode code down, then load the rest
- mov bx,1 ; 1 boot sector
- add bx,[SetupSecs] ; Plus setup sectors
- shl bx,byte 5 ; Convert to a paragraph number
- push bx ; Save paragraph
- add bx,real_mode_seg
- push ds ; Save DS
- mov ds,bx
- mov ax,1000h ; New kernel start at...
+ mov ax,real_mode_seg ; Set to real mode seg
mov es,ax
- xor si,si
- xor di,di
- mov cx,2000h ; Cheating: copy 32K
- rep movsd ; Copy down non-setup code
- pop ds
- pop bx ; Segment count of setup
- mov ax,1800h ; Paragraph for moby 2 if
- ; setup is 0K
- sub ax,bx ; AX now = this moby segment
mov si,dot_msg
call cwritestr
- call abort_check
- pop si ; Restore cluster pointer
- mov cx,[KernelClust]
- cmp cx,[ClustPerMoby]
- jna last_moby
- mov cx,[ClustPerMoby]
- sub [KernelClust],cx
- xor bx,bx ; Load at zero
- mov es,ax ; Segment address
- push ax ; Save segment address
- call getfssec
- pop ax
- jc load_done
- cmp word [KernelClust],byte 0
- jz load_done
- push si ; Save cluster pointer
- add ax,1000h ; Advance to next moby
- jmp short loadmoby
-; This is where both the high and low load routines end up after having
-; loaded
+; Abandon hope, ye that enter here! We do no longer permit aborts.
+; Now, if we were supposed to load "low", copy the kernel down to 10000h
+ test byte [LoadFlags],LOAD_HIGH
+ jnz in_proper_place ; If high load, we're done
- mov ax,real_mode_seg
- mov es,ax
- mov si,dot_msg
- call cwritestr
+ movzx ecx,word [KernelK]
+ shl ecx,8 ; K -> dword
+ mov esi,100000h
+ mov edi,10000h
+ call bcopy
; If the default root device is set to FLOPPY (0000h), change to
; /dev/fd0 (0200h)
@@ -1824,6 +1834,19 @@ kill_motor:
jmp setup_seg:setup_entry
+; Load an older kernel. Older kernels always have 4 setup sectors, can't have
+; initrd, and are always loaded low.
+ test byte [initrd_flag],1 ; Old kernel can't have initrd
+ jz load_old_kernel
+ mov si,err_oldkernel
+ jmp abort_load
+ mov word [SetupSecs],4 ; Always 4 setup sectors
+ mov byte [LoadFlags],0 ; Always low
+ jmp load_kernel
; cwritestr: write a null-terminated string to the console, saving
; registers on entry (we can't use this in the boot sector,
; since we haven't verified 386-ness yet)
@@ -1841,6 +1864,102 @@ cwstr_2: popa
+; 32-bit bcopy routine for real mode
+; We enter protected mode, set up a flat 32-bit environment, run rep movsd
+; and then exit. IMPORTANT: This code assumes cs == ss == 0.
+; This code is probably excessively anal-retentive in its handling of
+; segments, but this stuff is painful enough as it is without having to rely
+; on everything happening "as it ought to."
+bcopy_gdt_ptr: dw bcopy_gdt_size-1
+ dd bcopy_gdt
+ align 4
+bcopy_gdt: dd 0 ; Null descriptor
+ dd 0
+ dd 0000ffffh ; Code segment, use16, readable,
+ dd 00009b00h ; present, dpl 0, cover 64K
+ dd 0000ffffh ; Data segment, use16, read/write,
+ dd 008f9300h ; present, dpl 0, cover all 4G
+ dd 0000ffffh ; Data segment, use16, read/write,
+ dd 00009300h ; present, dpl 0, cover 64K
+bcopy_gdt_size: equ $-bcopy_gdt
+ push eax
+ push gs
+ push fs
+ push ds
+ push es
+ pushf ; Saves, among others, the IF flag
+ o32 lgdt [bcopy_gdt_ptr]
+ mov eax,cr0
+ or al,1
+ cli
+ mov cr0,eax ; Enter protected mode
+ jmp 8:.in_pm
+.in_pm: xor ax,ax ; Null selector
+ mov fs,ax
+ mov gs,ax
+ mov al,16 ; Data segment selector
+ mov es,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov al,24 ; "Real-mode-like" data segment
+ mov ss,ax
+ a32 rep movsd ; Do our business
+ mov es,ax ; Set to "real-mode-like"
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov fs,ax
+ mov gs,ax
+ mov eax,cr0
+ and al,0feh
+ mov cr0,eax ; Disable protected mode
+ jmp 0:.in_rm
+.in_rm: xor ax,ax ; Back in real mode
+ mov ss,ax
+ popf
+ pop es
+ pop ds
+ pop fs
+ pop gs
+ pop eax
+ ret
+; upload: upload a chunk of data to high memory
+; es:bx = source address
+; di = linear target address (x 256)
+; cx = count (words) - max 8000h for now
+; This routine is dumb (we used to use the BIOS i286-based routines rather
+; than our own bcopy routine) and needs to go away.
+ pushad
+ xor eax,eax
+ mov ax,es
+ movzx esi,bx
+ shl eax,4
+ add esi,eax
+ movzx edi,di
+ shl edi,8
+ movzx ecx,cx
+ shr ecx,1
+ call bcopy
+ popad
+ ret
; Load RAM disk into high memory
@@ -1895,58 +2014,6 @@ rd_load_done:
-; upload: upload a chunk of data to high memory
-; es:bx = source address
-; di = linear target address (x 256)
-; cx = count (words) - max 8000h for now
- pushad
- push es
- mov eax,09300000h ; Compute linear base [93h in field
- mov ax,es ; right beyond the 3-byte address
- shl eax,4 ; field!
- movzx ebx,bx
- add eax,ebx
- mov dword [px_src_low],eax
-ul_dl: push cs ; Set ES=CS (=DS)
- pop es
- mov [px_dst],di ; Save destination address
- push cx ; Save count
- xor eax,eax
- mov di,px_wipe_1
- mov cx,4
- stosd
- mov di,px_wipe_2
- mov cx,4
- stosd
- pop cx
- mov si,prot_xfer_gdt
- mov ah,87h
- int 15h
- jc ul_error
- pop es
- popad
- ret
-ul_error: pop ax ; Leave ES=CS (=DS)
- popad
- mov si,err_highload
- jmp abort_load
-; download: same as upload, except si = linear source address (x 256)
-; currently used only to recover the vkernels in case of an
-; aborted low-kernel load (don't you love corner cases?)
- pushad
- push es
- mov byte [px_src_low],0
- mov [px_src],si
- jmp short ul_dl
; GDT for protected-mode transfers (int 15h AH=87h). Note that the low
; 8 bits are set to zero in all transfers, so they never change in this
; block.
@@ -2001,14 +2068,6 @@ abort_load:
mov ss,ax ; Just in case...
call writestr ; Expects SI -> error msg
- cmp byte [VKernelsHigh],0
- je al_ok
- mov si,1000h ; VKernels stashed high
- mov di,vk_seg ; Recover
- shr di,4
- mov cx,8000h
- call download
- mov byte [VKernelsHigh],0
al_ok: jmp enter_command ; Return to command prompt
; End of abort_check
@@ -2828,7 +2887,6 @@ initrd_ptr dw 0 ; Initial ramdisk pointer/flag
VKernelCtr dw 0 ; Number of registered vkernels
ForcePrompt dw 0 ; Force prompt
AllowImplicit dw 1 ; Allow implicit kernels
-VKernelsHigh db 0 ; vkernel buffers in high memory
; Stuff for the command line; we do some trickery here with equ to avoid
; tons of zeros appended to our file and wasting space
diff --git a/version b/version
index d0911c8a..f116d421 100644
--- a/version
+++ b/version
@@ -1 +1 @@