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authorhpa <hpa>2003-04-15 19:29:09 +0000
committerhpa <hpa>2003-04-15 19:29:09 +0000
commitb1e542f189557c1ec15ff21b178a101af27120e8 (patch)
parent38bf9089453bc8dce00bca8b349f0fc7e1a0f387 (diff)
Code to mediate 16 <-> 32 bit transition during MEMDISK install.
1 files changed, 658 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/memdisk/init32.asm b/memdisk/init32.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8fd45ae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/memdisk/init32.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+;; -*- fundamental -*-
+;; $Id$
+;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; Copyright 1994-2003 H. Peter Anvin - All Rights Reserved
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330,
+;; Bostom MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference.
+;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; init32.asm
+;; Routine to trampoline into 32-bit protected memory. This code is
+;; derived from and in the main SYSLINUX distribution.
+%define MY_CS 0x0800
+%define CS_BASE (MY_CS << 4)
+; Low memory bounce buffer
+%define BOUNCE_SEG (MY_CS+0x1000)
+%define DO_WBINVD 0
+%define STACK_HEAP_SIZE (128*1024)
+ section .rodata align=16
+ section .data align=16
+ section .bss align=16
+ global init32
+; We enter protected mode, set up a flat 32-bit environment, run rep movsd
+; and then exit. IMPORTANT: This code assumes cs == MY_CS.
+; This code is probably excessively anal-retentive in its handling of
+; segments, but this stuff is painful enough as it is without having to rely
+; on everything happening "as it ought to."
+; IMPORTANT: This code must be capable of operating when copied to the
+; trackbuf area (1000h). The routine bcopy_over_self handles this mode
+; of operation, including any necessary adjustments.
+ section .rodata
+ ; desc base, limit, flags
+%macro desc 3
+ dd (%2 & 0xffff) | ((%1 & 0xffff) << 16)
+ dd (%1 & 0xff000000) | (%2 & 0xf0000) | ((%3 & 0xf0ff) << 8) | ((%1 & 0x00ff0000) >> 16)
+ align 4
+call32_gdt: dw call32_gdt_size-1 ; Null descriptor - contains GDT
+.adj1: dd call32_gdt+CS_BASE ; pointer for LGDT instruction
+ dw 0
+ ; 0008: Code segment, use16, readable, dpl 0, base CS_BASE, 64K
+ desc CS_BASE, 0xffff, 0x009b
+ ; 0010: Data segment, use16, read/write, dpl 0, base CS_BASE, 64K
+ desc CS_BASE, 0xffff, 0x0093
+ ; 0018: Data segment, use16, read/write, dpl 0, base 0, 4G
+ desc 0, 0xfffff, 0x809b
+ ; 0020: Code segment, use32, read/write, dpl 0, base 0, 4G
+ desc 0, 0xfffff, 0xc09b
+ ; 0028: Data segment, use32, read/write, dpl 0, base 0, 4G
+ desc 0, 0xfffff, 0xc093
+call32_gdt_size: equ $-call32_gdt
+err_a20: db 'ERROR: A20 gate not responding!',13,10,0
+ bits 16
+ section .bss
+ alignb 4
+SavedSSSP resd 1 ; Place to save SS:SP
+Return resd 1 ; Return value
+A20Test resw 1 ; Space to test A20
+A20Tries resb 1
+ section .data
+ alignb 4
+Target dd 0 ; Target address
+Target_Seg dw 20h ; Target CS
+A20Type dw 0 ; Default = unknown
+ section .text
+; Routines to enable and disable (yuck) A20. These routines are gathered
+; from tips from a couple of sources, including the Linux kernel and
+; The need for the delay to be as large as given here
+; is indicated by Donnie Barnes of RedHat, the problematic system being an
+; IBM ThinkPad 760EL.
+; We typically toggle A20 twice for every 64K transferred.
+%define io_delay call _io_delay
+%define IO_DELAY_PORT 80h ; Invalid port (we hope!)
+%define disable_wait 32 ; How long to wait for a disable
+%define A20_DUNNO 0 ; A20 type unknown
+%define A20_NONE 1 ; A20 always on?
+%define A20_BIOS 2 ; A20 BIOS enable
+%define A20_KBC 3 ; A20 through KBC
+%define A20_FAST 4 ; A20 through port 92h
+ align 2
+A20List dw a20_dunno, a20_none, a20_bios, a20_kbc, a20_fast
+A20DList dw a20d_dunno, a20d_none, a20d_bios, a20d_kbc, a20d_fast
+a20_adjust_cnt equ ($-A20List)/2
+slow_out: out dx, al ; Fall through
+_io_delay: out IO_DELAY_PORT,al
+ out IO_DELAY_PORT,al
+ ret
+ pushad
+ mov byte [A20Tries],255 ; Times to try to make this work
+; Flush the caches
+ call try_wbinvd
+; If the A20 type is known, jump straight to type
+ mov bp,[A20Type]
+ add bp,bp ; Convert to word offset
+.adj4: jmp word [bp+A20List]
+; First, see if we are on a system with no A20 gate
+ mov byte [A20Type], A20_NONE
+ call a20_test
+ jnz a20_done
+; Next, try the BIOS (INT 15h AX=2401h)
+ mov byte [A20Type], A20_BIOS
+ mov ax,2401h
+ pushf ; Some BIOSes muck with IF
+ int 15h
+ popf
+ call a20_test
+ jnz a20_done
+; Enable the keyboard controller A20 gate
+ mov dl, 1 ; Allow early exit
+ call empty_8042
+ jnz a20_done ; A20 live, no need to use KBC
+ mov byte [A20Type], A20_KBC ; Starting KBC command sequence
+ mov al,0D1h ; Command write
+ out 064h, al
+ call empty_8042_uncond
+ mov al,0DFh ; A20 on
+ out 060h, al
+ call empty_8042_uncond
+ ; Verify that A20 actually is enabled. Do that by
+ ; observing a word in low memory and the same word in
+ ; the HMA until they are no longer coherent. Note that
+ ; we don't do the same check in the disable case, because
+ ; we don't want to *require* A20 masking (SYSLINUX should
+ ; work fine without it, if the BIOS does.)
+.kbc_wait: push cx
+ xor cx,cx
+ call a20_test
+ jnz a20_done_pop
+ loop .kbc_wait_loop
+ pop cx
+; Running out of options here. Final attempt: enable the "fast A20 gate"
+ mov byte [A20Type], A20_FAST ; Haven't used the KBC yet
+ in al, 092h
+ or al,02h
+ and al,~01h ; Don't accidentally reset the machine!
+ out 092h, al
+.fast_wait: push cx
+ xor cx,cx
+ call a20_test
+ jnz a20_done_pop
+ loop .fast_wait_loop
+ pop cx
+; Oh bugger. A20 is not responding. Try frobbing it again; eventually give up
+; and report failure to the user.
+ dec byte [A20Tries]
+ jnz try_enable_a20
+ ; Error message time
+ mov si,err_a20
+ lodsb
+ and al,al
+ jz die
+ mov bx,7
+ mov ah,0xe
+ int 10h
+ jmp print_err
+ sti
+.hlt: hlt
+ jmp short .hlt
+; A20 unmasked, proceed...
+a20_done_pop: pop cx
+a20_done: popad
+ ret
+; This routine tests if A20 is enabled (ZF = 0). This routine
+; must not destroy any register contents.
+ push es
+ push cx
+ push ax
+ mov cx,0FFFFh ; HMA = segment 0FFFFh
+ mov es,cx
+ mov cx,32 ; Loop count
+ mov ax,[A20Test]
+.a20_wait: inc ax
+ mov [A20Test],ax
+ io_delay ; Serialize, and fix delay
+ cmp ax,[es:A20Test+CS_BASE+10h]
+ loopz .a20_wait
+.a20_done: pop ax
+ pop cx
+ pop es
+ ret
+ pushad
+; Flush the caches
+ call try_wbinvd
+ mov bp,[A20Type]
+ add bp,bp ; Convert to word offset
+.adj5: jmp word [bp+A20DList]
+ mov ax,2400h
+ pushf ; Some BIOSes muck with IF
+ int 15h
+ popf
+ jmp short a20d_snooze
+; Disable the "fast A20 gate"
+ in al, 092h
+ and al,~03h
+ out 092h, al
+ jmp short a20d_snooze
+; Disable the keyboard controller A20 gate
+ call empty_8042_uncond
+ mov al,0D1h
+ out 064h, al ; Command write
+ call empty_8042_uncond
+ mov al,0DDh ; A20 off
+ out 060h, al
+ call empty_8042_uncond
+ ; Wait a bit for it to take effect
+ push cx
+ mov cx, disable_wait
+.delayloop: call a20_test
+ jz .disabled
+ loop .delayloop
+.disabled: pop cx
+ popad
+ ret
+; Routine to empty the 8042 KBC controller. If dl != 0
+; then we will test A20 in the loop and exit if A20 is
+; suddenly enabled.
+ xor dl,dl
+ call a20_test
+ jz .a20_on
+ and dl,dl
+ jnz .done
+.a20_on: io_delay
+ in al, 064h ; Status port
+ test al,1
+ jz .no_output
+ io_delay
+ in al, 060h ; Read input
+ jmp short empty_8042
+ test al,2
+ jnz empty_8042
+ io_delay
+.done: ret
+; Execute a WBINVD instruction if possible on this CPU
+ wbinvd
+ ret
+ section .bss
+ alignb 4
+PMESP resd 1 ; Protected mode %esp
+ section .idt nobits alloc exec write align=4096
+ alignb 4096
+pm_idt resb 4096 ; Protected-mode IDT, followed by interrupt stubs
+pm_entry: equ 0x100000
+ section .rodata
+ align 4, db 0
+ dw 8*256 ; Limit
+ dd pm_idt+CS_BASE ; Address
+ dw 0ffffh ; Limit
+ dd 0 ; Address
+ section .text
+; This is the main entrypoint in this function
+ mov ebx,call32_call_start+CS_BASE ; Where to go in PM
+ mov ax,cs
+ mov ds,ax
+ cli
+ mov [SavedSSSP],sp
+ mov [SavedSSSP+2],ss
+ cld
+ call a20_test
+ jnz .a20ok
+ call enable_a20
+ lgdt [call32_gdt] ; Set up GDT
+ lidt [call32_pmidt] ; Set up the IDT
+ mov eax,cr0
+ or al,1
+ mov cr0,eax ; Enter protected mode
+ jmp 20h:dword .in_pm+CS_BASE
+ bits 32
+ xor eax,eax ; Available for future use...
+ mov fs,eax
+ mov gs,eax
+ mov al,28h ; Set up data segments
+ mov es,eax
+ mov ds,eax
+ mov ss,eax
+ mov esp,[PMESP+CS_BASE] ; Load protmode %esp if available
+ jmp ebx ; Go to where we need to go
+; This is invoked before first dispatch of the 32-bit code, in 32-bit mode
+ ;
+ ; Point the stack into low memory
+ ; We have: this segment, bounce buffer, then stack+heap
+ ;
+ mov esp, CS_BASE + 0x20000 + STACK_HEAP_SIZE
+ and esp, ~0xf
+ ;
+ ; Set up the protmode IDT and the interrupt jump buffers
+ ;
+ mov edi,pm_idt+CS_BASE
+ ; Form an interrupt gate descriptor
+ ; WARNING: This is broken if pm_idt crosses a 64K boundary;
+ ; however, it can't because of the alignment constraints.
+ mov ebx,pm_idt+CS_BASE+8*256
+ mov eax,0x0020ee00
+ xchg ax,bx
+ xor ecx,ecx
+ inc ch ; ecx <- 256
+ push ecx
+ stosd
+ add eax,8
+ xchg eax,ebx
+ stosd
+ xchg eax,ebx
+ loop .make_idt
+ pop ecx
+ ; Each entry in the interrupt jump buffer contains
+ ; the following instructions:
+ ;
+ ; 00000000 60 pushad
+ ; 00000001 B0xx mov al,<interrupt#>
+ ; 00000003 E9xxxxxxxx jmp call32_handle_interrupt
+ mov eax,0xe900b060
+ mov ebx,call32_handle_interrupt+CS_BASE
+ sub ebx,edi
+ stosd
+ sub [edi-2],cl ; Interrupt #
+ xchg eax,ebx
+ sub eax,8
+ stosd
+ xchg eax,ebx
+ loop .make_ijb
+ ; Now everything is set up for interrupts...
+ push dword (BOUNCE_SEG << 4) ; Bounce buffer address
+ push dword call32_syscall+CS_BASE ; Syscall entry point
+ sti ; Interrupts OK now
+ call pm_entry-CS_BASE ; Run the program...
+ ; ... on return ...
+ mov [Return+CS_BASE],eax
+ ; ... fall through to call32_exit ...
+ mov bx,call32_done ; Return to command loop
+ cli
+ cld
+ mov [PMESP+CS_BASE],esp ; Save exit %esp
+ xor esp,esp ; Make sure the high bits are zero
+ jmp 08h:.in_pm16 ; Return to 16-bit mode first
+ bits 16
+ mov ax,10h ; Real-mode-like segment
+ mov es,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov ss,ax
+ mov fs,ax
+ mov gs,ax
+ lidt [call32_rmidt] ; Real-mode IDT (rm needs no GDT)
+ mov eax,cr0
+ and al,~1
+ mov cr0,eax
+ jmp MY_CS:.in_rm
+.in_rm: ; Back in real mode
+ mov ax,cs ; Set up sane segments
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov es,ax
+ mov fs,ax
+ mov gs,ax
+ lss sp,[SavedSSSP] ; Restore stack
+ jmp bx ; Go to whereever we need to go...
+ call disable_a20
+ sti
+ mov ax,[Return]
+ ret
+; 16-bit support code
+ bits 16
+; 16-bit interrupt-handling code
+ pushf ; Flags on stack
+ push cs ; Return segment
+ push word .cont ; Return address
+ push dword edx ; Segment:offset of IVT entry
+ retf ; Invoke IVT routine
+.cont: ; ... on resume ...
+ mov ebx,call32_int_resume+CS_BASE
+ jmp call32_enter_pm ; Go back to PM
+; 16-bit system call handling code
+ pop gs
+ pop fs
+ pop es
+ pop ds
+ popad
+ popfd
+ retf ; Invoke routine
+ pushfd
+ pushad
+ push ds
+ push es
+ push fs
+ push gs
+ mov ebx,call32_sys_resume+CS_BASE
+ jmp call32_enter_pm
+; 32-bit support code
+ bits 32
+; This is invoked on getting an interrupt in protected mode. At
+; this point, we need to context-switch to real mode and invoke
+; the interrupt routine.
+; When this gets invoked, the registers are saved on the stack and
+; AL contains the register number.
+ movzx eax,al
+ xor ebx,ebx ; Actually makes the code smaller
+ mov edx,[ebx+eax*4] ; Get the segment:offset of the routine
+ mov bx,call32_int_rm
+ jmp call32_enter_rm ; Go to real mode
+ popad
+ iret
+; Syscall invocation. We manifest a structure on the real-mode stack,
+; containing the call32sys_t structure from <call32.h> as well as
+; the following entries (from low to high address):
+; - Target offset
+; - Target segment
+; - Return offset
+; - Return segment (== real mode cs)
+; - Return flags
+ pushfd ; Save IF among other things...
+ pushad ; We only need to save some, but...
+ cld
+ movzx edi,word [SavedSSSP+CS_BASE]
+ movzx eax,word [SavedSSSP+CS_BASE+2]
+ sub edi,54 ; Allocate 54 bytes
+ mov [SavedSSSP+CS_BASE],di
+ shl eax,4
+ add edi,eax ; Create linear address
+ mov esi,[esp+11*4] ; Source regs
+ xor ecx,ecx
+ mov cl,11 ; 44 bytes to copy
+ rep movsd
+ movzx eax,byte [esp+10*4] ; Interrupt number
+ ; ecx == 0 here; adding it to the EA makes the
+ ; encoding smaller
+ mov eax,[ecx+eax*4] ; Get IVT entry
+ stosd ; Save in stack frame
+ mov eax,call32_sys_rm.return + (MY_CS << 16) ; Return seg:offs
+ stosd ; Save in stack frame
+ mov eax,[edi-12] ; Return flags
+ and eax,0x200cd7 ; Mask (potentially) unsafe flags
+ mov [edi-12],eax ; Primary flags entry
+ stosw ; Return flags
+ mov bx,call32_sys_rm
+ jmp call32_enter_rm ; Go to real mode
+ ; On return, the 44-byte return structure is on the
+ ; real-mode stack.
+ movzx esi,word [SavedSSSP+CS_BASE]
+ movzx eax,word [SavedSSSP+CS_BASE+2]
+ mov edi,[esp+12*4] ; Dest regs
+ shl eax,4
+ add esi,eax ; Create linear address
+ and edi,edi ; NULL pointer?
+ jnz .do_copy
+.no_copy: mov edi,esi ; Do a dummy copy-to-self
+.do_copy: xor ecx,ecx
+ mov cl,11 ; 44 bytes
+ rep movsd ; Copy register block
+ add dword [SavedSSSP+CS_BASE],44 ; Remove from stack
+ popad
+ popfd
+ ret ; Return to 32-bit program