path: root/menu/biosio.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'menu/biosio.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 365 deletions
diff --git a/menu/biosio.c b/menu/biosio.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9927ffb1..00000000
--- a/menu/biosio.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c -*- ------------------------------------------------------------- *
- *
- * Copyright 2004 Murali Krishnan Ganapathy - All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330,
- * Boston MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference.
- *
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include "string.h"
-#include "biosio.h"
- * Note: don't use "r" or "g" for 8-bit values. Some versions of gcc
- * will actually try to generate x86-64 registers that way! Use
- * "abcd" or "abcdmi", respectively. Newer gccs have the newer "q"
- * and "Q" constraints, but older gccs don't know those.
- */
-/* BIOS Assisted output routines */
-void bios_int10(void)
- asm volatile("pushl %ebp ; int $0x10 ; popl %ebp");
-/* Print character and attribute at cursor */
-static inline void asm_cprint(char chr, char attr, int times, char disppage)
- asm volatile("movb $0x09,%%ah ; call bios_int10"
- : "+a" (chr) : "b" (attr + (disppage << 8)), "c" (times));
-void cprint(char chr,char attr,int times,char disppage)
- asm_cprint(chr,attr,times,disppage);
-static inline void asm_setdisppage(char num)
- asm volatile("movb $0x05,%%ah ; call bios_int10"
- : "+a" (num));
-void setdisppage(char num) // Set the display page to specified number
- asm_setdisppage(num);
-static inline char asm_getdisppage(void)
- char page;
- asm("movb $0x0f,%%ah ; "
- "call bios_int10 ; "
- "movb %%bh,%0"
- : "=abcdm" (page) : : "eax");
- return page;
-char getdisppage() // Get current display page
- return asm_getdisppage();
-static inline void asm_getpos(char *row, char *col, char page)
- asm("movb %2,%%bh ; "
- "movb $0x03,%%ah ; "
- "call bios_int10 ; "
- "movb %%dh,%0 ; "
- "movb %%dl,%1"
- : "=m" (*row), "=m" (*col)
- : "abcdmi" (page)
- : "eax", "ebx", "ecx", "edx");
-void getpos(char * row, char * col, char page)
- asm_getpos(row,col,page);
-static inline void asm_gotoxy(char row,char col, char page)
- asm volatile("movb %1,%%bh ; "
- "movb $0x02,%%ah ; "
- "call bios_int10"
- : : "d" ((row << 8) + col), "abcdmi" (page)
- : "eax", "ebx");
-void gotoxy(char row,char col, char page)
- asm_gotoxy(row,col,page);
-static inline unsigned char asm_sleep(unsigned int milli)
-{ // ah = 86, int 15, cx:dx = microseconds
- // mul op16 : dx:ax = ax * op16
- unsigned char ans;
- asm volatile ("mul %%cx; "
- "xchg %%dx, %%ax; "
- "movw %%ax, %%cx; "
- "movb $0x86, %%ah;"
- "int $0x15;"
- "setnc %0"
- : "=r" (ans)
- : "a" (milli), "c" (1000)
- : "edx");
- return ans;
-unsigned char sleep(unsigned int msec)
- return asm_sleep(msec);
-void asm_beep()
- // For a beep the page number (bh) does not matter, so set it to zero
- asm volatile("movw $0x0E07, %%ax;"
- "xor %%bh,%%bh;"
- "call bios_int10"
- : : : "eax","ebx");
-void beep()
- asm_beep();
-static inline void asm_putchar(char x, char attr,char page)
- asm volatile("movb %1,%%bh;"
- "movb %2,%%bl;"
- "movb $0x09,%%ah;"
- "movw $0x1, %%cx;"
- "call bios_int10"
- : "+a" (x)
- : "abcdmi" (page), "acdmi" (attr)
- : "ebx", "ecx");
-void putch(char x, char attr, char page)
- asm_putchar(x,attr,page);
-void scrollup()
- unsigned short dx = (getnumrows()<< 8) + getnumcols();
- asm volatile("movw $0x0601, %%ax;"
- "movb $0x07, %%bh;"
- "xor %%cx, %%cx;"
- "call bios_int10"
- : "+d" (dx)
- : : "eax","ebx","ecx");
-/* Print a C string (NUL-terminated) */
-void csprint(const char *str,char attr)
- char page = asm_getdisppage();
- char newattr=0,cha,chb;
- char row,col;
- asm_getpos(&row,&col,page);
- while ( *str ) {
- switch (*str)
- {
- case '\b':
- --col;
- break;
- case '\n':
- ++row;
- break;
- case '\r':
- col=0;
- break;
- case BELL: // Bell Char
- asm_beep();
- break;
- case CHRELATTR: // change attribute (relatively)
- case CHABSATTR: // change attribute (absolute)
- cha = *(str+1);
- chb = *(str+2);
- if ((((cha >= '0') && (cha <= '9')) ||
- ((cha >= 'A') && (cha <= 'F'))) &&
- (((chb >= '0') && (chb <= '9')) ||
- ((chb >= 'A') && (chb <= 'F')))) // Next two chars are legal
- {
- if ((cha >= 'A') && (cha <= 'F'))
- cha = cha - 'A'+10;
- else cha = cha - '0';
- if ((chb >= 'A') && (chb <= 'F'))
- chb = chb - 'A'+10;
- else chb = chb - '0';
- newattr = (cha << 4) + chb;
- attr = (*str == CHABSATTR ? newattr : attr ^ newattr);
- str += 2; // Will be incremented again later
- }
- break;
- default:
- asm_putchar(*str, attr, page);
- ++col;
- }
- if (col > getnumcols())
- {
- ++row;
- col=0;
- }
- if (row > getnumrows())
- {
- scrollup();
- row= getnumrows();
- }
- asm_gotoxy(row,col,page);
- str++;
- }
-void clearwindow(char top, char left, char bot, char right, char page, char fillchar, char fillattr)
- char x;
- for (x=top; x < bot+1; x++)
- {
- gotoxy(x,left,page);
- asm_cprint(fillchar,fillattr,right-left+1,page);
- }
-void cls(void)
- gotoxy(0,0,getdisppage());
- asm_cprint(' ',0x07,getnumrows()*getnumcols(),getdisppage());
-char asm_inputc(char *scancode)
- unsigned short ax;
- asm volatile("movb $0x10,%%ah ; "
- "int $0x16"
- : "=a" (ax));
- if (scancode)
- *scancode = (ax >> 8);
- return (char)ax;
-char inputc(char * scancode)
- return asm_inputc(scancode);
-static inline void asm_cursorshape(char start, char end)
- asm volatile("movb $0x01,%%ah ; int $0x10"
- : : "c" ((start << 8) + end) : "eax");
-void cursoroff(void)
- asm_cursorshape(32,32);
-void cursoron(void)
- asm_cursorshape(6,7);
-char bkspstr[] = " \b$";
-char eolstr[] = "\n$";
-static inline char asm_getchar(void)
- char v;
- /* Get key without echo */
- asm("movb $0x08,%%ah ; int $0x21" : "=a" (v));
- return v;
-#define GETSTRATTR 0x07
-// Reads a line of input from stdin. Replace CR with NUL byte
-void getstring(char *str, unsigned int size)
- char c;
- char *p = str;
- char page = asm_getdisppage();
- char row,col;
- while ( (c = asm_getchar()) != '\r' ) {
- switch (c) {
- case '\0': /* Extended char prefix */
- asm_getchar(); /* Drop */
- break;
- case '\b':
- if ( p > str ) {
- p--;
- csprint("\b \b",GETSTRATTR);
- }
- break;
- case '\x15': /* Ctrl-U: kill input */
- while ( p > str ) {
- p--;
- csprint("\b \b",GETSTRATTR);
- }
- break;
- default:
- if ( c >= ' ' && (unsigned int)(p-str) < size-1 ) {
- *p++ = c;
- asm_getpos(&row,&col,page);
- asm_putchar(c, GETSTRATTR, page);
- asm_gotoxy(row,col+1,page);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- *p = '\0';
- csprint("\r\n",GETSTRATTR);
-static inline void asm_setvideomode(char mode)
- /* This BIOS function is notoriously register-dirty,
- so push/pop around it */
- asm volatile("pushal ; xorb %%ah,%%ah ; int $0x10 ; popal"
- : : "a" (mode) );
-void setvideomode(char mode)
- asm_setvideomode(mode);
-static inline unsigned char asm_checkkbdbuf()
- unsigned char ans;
- asm volatile("movb $0x11, %%ah;"
- "int $0x16 ;"
- "setnz %0;"
- : "=abcdm" (ans)
- :
- : "eax");
- return ans;
-unsigned char checkkbdbuf()
- return asm_checkkbdbuf();
-void clearkbdbuf()
- while (asm_checkkbdbuf()) asm_inputc(NULL);