UI menu.c32 DEFAULT hdt PROMPT 0 TIMEOUT 50 MENU TITLE Hardware Detection Tool (HDT) version %VERSION% (%CODENAME%) MENU MARGIN 0 MENU ROWS 15 MENU TABMSG MENU TABMSGROW -3 MENU CMDLINEROW -3 MENU HELPMSGROW -4 MENU HELPMSGENDROW -1 MENU COLOR SCREEN 37;40 MENU COLOR BORDER 34;40 MENU COLOR TITLE 1;33;40 MENU COLOR SCROLLBAR 34;46 MENU COLOR SEL 30;47 MENU COLOR UNSEL 36;40 MENU COLOR CMDMARK 37;40 MENU COLOR CMDLINE 37;40 MENU COLOR TABMSG 37;40 MENU COLOR DISABLED 37;40 MENU COLOR HELP 32;40 LABEL hdt MENU LABEL Menu mode MENU DEFAULT TEXT HELP Starts HDT using the MENU mode ENDTEXT COM32 hdt.c32 APPEND modules_pcimap=modules.pcimap modules_alias=modules.alias pciids=pci.ids quiet LABEL cli MENU LABEL CLI (VESA mode) TEXT HELP Starts HDT using the Command Line Interface (CLI) VESA mode is enabled ENDTEXT COM32 hdt.c32 APPEND modules_pcimap=modules.pcimap modules_alias=modules.alias pciids=pci.ids quiet nomenu vesa LABEL vesa MENU LABEL CLI (Text mode) TEXT HELP Starts HDT using the Command Line Interface (CLI) VESA mode is disabled ENDTEXT COM32 hdt.c32 APPEND modules_pcimap=modules.pcimap modules_alias=modules.alias pciids=pci.ids quiet nomenu LABEL summary MENU LABEL CLI (Auto summary) TEXT HELP Starts HDT using the Command Line Interface (CLI) and run 'show summary' VESA mode is enabled ENDTEXT COM32 hdt.c32 APPEND modules_pcimap=modules.pcimap modules_alias=modules.alias pciids=pci.ids quiet vesa nomenu auto='show summary' LABEL verbose MENU LABEL CLI (VESA mode & Verbose) TEXT HELP Starts HDT using the Command Line Interface (CLI) using the verbose mode VESA mode is enabled ENDTEXT COM32 hdt.c32 APPEND modules_pcimap=modules.pcimap modules_alias=modules.alias pciids=pci.ids vesa nomenu verbose LABEL verbose-text MENU LABEL CLI (Text mode & Verbose) TEXT HELP Starts HDT using the Command Line Interface (CLI) VESA mode is disabled ENDTEXT COM32 hdt.c32 APPEND modules_pcimap=modules.pcimap modules_alias=modules.alias pciids=pci.ids verbose nomenu LABEL dump MENU LABEL Dump hardware config to TFTP server TEXT HELP Starts HDT using the Command Line Interface (CLI) and run 'dump' VESA mode is enabled ENDTEXT COM32 hdt.c32 APPEND modules_pcimap=modules.pcimap modules_alias=modules.alias pciids=pci.ids quiet vesa nomenu auto='dump' MENU SEPARATOR LABEL memtest MENU LABEL Memtest86+ 4.20 TEXT HELP Starts Memtest86+ 4.20 ENDTEXT LINUX memtest.bin