#ident "$Id$" /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Copyright 1998-2000 H. Peter Anvin - All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge MA 02139, * USA; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version; incorporated herein by reference. * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * syslinux.c - Linux installer program for SYSLINUX * * This program ought to be portable. I hope so, at least. * * HPA note: this program needs too much privilege. We should probably * access the filesystem directly like mtools does so we don't have to * mount the disk. Either that or if Linux gets an fmount() system call * we probably could do the mounting ourselves, and make this program * setuid safe. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _PATH_MOUNT #define _PATH_MOUNT "/bin/mount" #endif #ifndef _PATH_UMOUNT #define _PATH_UMOUNT "/bin/umount" #endif extern unsigned char bootsect[]; extern unsigned int bootsect_len; extern unsigned char ldlinux[]; extern unsigned int ldlinux_len; extern void make_stupid(void); /* Patching routine for stupid mode */ char *program; /* Name of program */ char *device; /* Device to install to */ uid_t euid; /* Our current euid */ enum bs_offsets { bsJump = 0x00, bsOemName = 0x03, bsBytesPerSec = 0x0b, bsSecPerClust = 0x0d, bsResSectors = 0x0e, bsFATs = 0x10, bsRootDirEnts = 0x11, bsSectors = 0x13, bsMedia = 0x15, bsFATsecs = 0x16, bsSecPerTrack = 0x18, bsHeads = 0x1a, bsHiddenSecs = 0x1c, bsHugeSectors = 0x20, bsDriveNumber = 0x24, bsReserved1 = 0x25, bsBootSignature = 0x26, bsVolumeID = 0x27, bsVolumeLabel = 0x2b, bsFileSysType = 0x36, bsCode = 0x3e, bsSignature = 0x1fe }; #define bsCopyStart bsBytesPerSec #define bsCopyLen (bsCode-bsBytesPerSec) /* * Access functions for littleendian numbers, possibly misaligned. */ static u_int16_t get_16(unsigned char *p) { return (u_int16_t)p[0] + ((u_int16_t)p[1] << 8); } static u_int32_t get_32(unsigned char *p) { return (u_int32_t)p[0] + ((u_int32_t)p[1] << 8) + ((u_int32_t)p[2] << 16) + ((u_int32_t)p[3] << 24); } void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-sf] device\n", program); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { static unsigned char sectbuf[512]; unsigned char *dp; const unsigned char *cdp; int dev_fd, fd; struct stat st; int nb, left, veryold; unsigned int sectors, clusters; int err = 0; pid_t f, w; int status; char *mntpath = NULL, mntname[64]; char *ldlinux_name, **argp, *opt; int my_umask; int force = 0; /* -f (force) option */ off_t offset = 0; /* -o (offset) option */ program = argv[0]; device = NULL; for ( argp = argv+1 ; *argp ; argp++ ) { if ( **argp == '-' ) { opt = *argp + 1; if ( !*opt ) usage(); while ( *opt ) { if ( *opt == 's' ) { make_stupid(); /* Use "safe, slow and stupid" code */ } else if ( *opt == 'f' ) { force = 1; /* Force install */ } else if ( *opt == 'o' && argp[1] ) { offset = atol(*++argp); /* Byte offset */ } else { usage(); } opt++; } } else { if ( device ) usage(); device = *argp; } } if ( !device ) usage(); /* * First make sure we can open the device at all, and that we have * read/write permission. */ dev_fd = open(device, O_RDWR); if ( dev_fd < 0 || fstat(dev_fd, &st) < 0 ) { perror(device); exit(1); } if ( !force && !S_ISBLK(st.st_mode) && !S_ISREG(st.st_mode) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: not a block device or regular file (use -f to override)\n", device); exit(1); } if ( !force && offset != 0 && !S_ISREG(st.st_mode) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: not a regular file and an offset specified (use -f to override)\n", device); exit(1); } if ( lseek(dev_fd, offset, SEEK_SET) != offset ) { if ( !(force && errno == EBADF) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: seek error", device); exit(1); } } left = 512; dp = sectbuf; while ( left ) { nb = read(dev_fd, dp, left); if ( nb == -1 && errno == EINTR ) continue; if ( nb < 0 ) { perror(device); exit(1); } else if ( nb == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: no boot sector\n", device); exit(1); } dp += nb; left -= nb; } close(dev_fd); sync(); /* * Check to see that what we got was indeed an MS-DOS boot sector/superblock */ if ( sectbuf[bsBootSignature] == 0x29 ) { /* It's DOS, and it has all the new nice fields */ veryold = 0; sectors = get_16(sectbuf+bsSectors); sectors = sectors ? sectors : get_32(sectbuf+bsHugeSectors); clusters = sectors / sectbuf[bsSecPerClust]; if ( !memcmp(sectbuf+bsFileSysType, "FAT12 ", 8) ) { if ( clusters > 4086 ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: FAT12 but claims more than 4086 clusters\n", device); exit(1); } } else if ( !memcmp(sectbuf+bsFileSysType, "FAT16 ", 8) ) { if ( clusters <= 4086 ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: FAT16 but claims less than 4086 clusters\n", device); exit(1); } } else if ( !memcmp(sectbuf+bsFileSysType, "FAT ", 8) ) { /* OS/2 sets up the filesystem as just `FAT'. */ } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: filesystem type \"%8.8s\" not supported\n", device, sectbuf+bsFileSysType); exit(1); } } else { veryold = 1; if ( sectbuf[bsSecPerClust] & (sectbuf[bsSecPerClust] - 1) || sectbuf[bsSecPerClust] == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: This doesn't look like a FAT filesystem\n", device); } sectors = get_16(sectbuf+bsSectors); sectors = sectors ? sectors : get_32(sectbuf+bsHugeSectors); clusters = sectors / sectbuf[bsSecPerClust]; } if ( get_16(sectbuf+bsBytesPerSec) != 512 ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Sector sizes other than 512 not supported\n", device); exit(1); } if ( sectbuf[bsSecPerClust] > 32 ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Cluster sizes larger than 16K not supported\n", device); } /* * Now mount the device. If we are non-root we need to find an fstab * entry for this device which has the user flag and the appropriate * options set. */ if ( (euid = geteuid()) ) { FILE *fstab; struct mntent *mnt; if ( !(fstab = setmntent(MNTTAB, "r")) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open " MNTTAB "\n", program); } while ( (mnt = getmntent(fstab)) ) { if ( !strcmp(device, mnt->mnt_fsname) && ( !strcmp(mnt->mnt_type, "msdos") || !strcmp(mnt->mnt_type, "umsdos") || !strcmp(mnt->mnt_type, "vfat") || !strcmp(mnt->mnt_type, "uvfat") || !strcmp(mnt->mnt_type, "auto") ) && hasmntopt(mnt, "user") && !hasmntopt(mnt, "ro") && mnt->mnt_dir[0] == '/' && !!hasmntopt(mnt, "loop") == !!S_ISREG(st.st_mode) && ( (!hasmntopt(mnt,"offset") && offset == 0) || (atol(hasmntopt(mnt, "offset")) == offset) ) ) { /* Okay, this is an fstab entry we should be able to live with. */ mntpath = mnt->mnt_dir; break; } } endmntent(fstab); if ( !mntpath ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: not root and no appropriate entry for %s in " MNTTAB "\n", program, device); exit(1); } f = fork(); if ( f < 0 ) { perror(program); exit(1); } else if ( f == 0 ) { execl(_PATH_MOUNT, _PATH_MOUNT, mntpath, NULL); _exit(255); /* If execl failed, trouble... */ } } else { int i = 0; /* We're root. Make a temp dir and pass all the gunky options to mount. */ do { sprintf(mntname, "/tmp/syslinux.mnt.%lu.%d", (unsigned long)getpid(), i++); } while ( (errno = 0, mkdir(mntname, 0700) == -1) && (errno == EEXIST || errno == EINTR) ); if ( errno ) { perror(program); exit(1); } mntpath = mntname; f = fork(); if ( f < 0 ) { perror(program); rmdir(mntpath); exit(1); } else if ( f == 0 ) { if ( S_ISREG(st.st_mode) ) { char loop_string[128]; sprintf(loop_string, "loop,offset=%ld", offset); execl(_PATH_MOUNT, _PATH_MOUNT, "-t", "msdos", "-o", loop_string,\ "-w", device, mntpath, NULL); } else { execl(_PATH_MOUNT, _PATH_MOUNT, "-t", "msdos", "-w", device, mntpath, NULL); } _exit(255); /* execl failed */ } } w = waitpid(f, &status, 0); if ( w != f || status ) { if ( !euid ) rmdir(mntpath); exit(1); /* Mount failed */ } ldlinux_name = alloca(strlen(mntpath)+13); if ( !ldlinux_name ) { perror("malloc"); err = 1; goto umount; } sprintf(ldlinux_name, "%s/ldlinux.sys", mntpath); unlink(ldlinux_name); fd = open(ldlinux_name, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0444); if ( fd < 0 ) { perror(device); err = 1; goto umount; } cdp = ldlinux; left = ldlinux_len; while ( left ) { nb = write(fd, cdp, left); if ( nb == -1 && errno == EINTR ) continue; else if ( nb <= 0 ) { perror(device); err = 1; goto umount; } dp += nb; left -= nb; } /* * I don't understand why I need this. Does the DOS filesystems * not honour the mode passed to open()? */ my_umask = umask(0777); umask(my_umask); fchmod(fd, 0444 & ~my_umask); close(fd); umount: f = fork(); if ( f < 0 ) { perror("fork"); exit(1); } else if ( f == 0 ) { execl(_PATH_UMOUNT, _PATH_UMOUNT, mntpath, NULL); } w = waitpid(f, &status, 0); if ( w != f || status ) { exit(1); } sync(); if ( !euid ) rmdir(mntpath); if ( err ) exit(err); /* * To finish up, write the boot sector */ dev_fd = open(device, O_RDWR); if ( dev_fd < 0 ) { perror(device); exit(1); } /* Copy the old superblock into the new boot sector */ memcpy(bootsect+bsCopyStart, sectbuf+bsCopyStart, bsCopyLen); dp = bootsect; left = bootsect_len; while ( left ) { nb = write(dev_fd, dp, left); if ( nb == -1 && errno == EINTR ) continue; else if ( nb <= 0 ) { perror(device); exit(1); } dp += nb; left -= nb; } close(dev_fd); sync(); /* Done! */ return 0; }