#!/bin/bash -e # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later # Exclude following paths from the Coccinelle transformations EXCLUDED_PATHS=( "src/boot/efi/*" "src/shared/linux/*" "src/basic/linux/*" # Symlinked to test-bus-vtable-cc.cc, which causes issues with the IN_SET macro "src/libsystemd/sd-bus/test-bus-vtable.c" "src/libsystemd/sd-journal/lookup3.c" ) TOP_DIR="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" ARGS=() # Create an array from files tracked by git... mapfile -t FILES < <(git ls-files ':/*.[ch]') # ...and filter everything that matches patterns from EXCLUDED_PATHS for excl in "${EXCLUDED_PATHS[@]}"; do # shellcheck disable=SC2206 FILES=(${FILES[@]//$excl}) done case "$1" in -i) ARGS+=(--in-place) shift ;; esac if ! parallel -h >/dev/null; then echo 'Please install GNU parallel (package "parallel")' exit 1 fi [[ ${#@} -ne 0 ]] && SCRIPTS=("$@") || SCRIPTS=("$TOP_DIR"/coccinelle/*.cocci) for script in "${SCRIPTS[@]}"; do echo "--x-- Processing $script --x--" TMPFILE="$(mktemp)" echo "+ spatch --sp-file $script ${ARGS[*]} ..." parallel --halt now,fail=1 --keep-order --noswap --max-args=20 \ spatch --macro-file="$TOP_DIR/coccinelle/macros.h" --sp-file "$script" "${ARGS[@]}" ::: "${FILES[@]}" \ 2>"$TMPFILE" || cat "$TMPFILE" echo -e "--x-- Processed $script --x--\n" done