telepathy-glib 0.11.11 (UNRELEASED) =================================== Enhancements: ↭ Updated spec to 0.19.10 (smcv): ↯ generate code for Protocol objects, and the ContactSearch channel type ↭ fd.o #27997: add TpProtocol client-side API, and TpBaseProtocol service-side base class, for Protocol objects (smcv) ↭ fd.o #28751: tp_proxy_has_interface is now a real function, not a macro, for better introspection (smcv) ↭ TpBaseClient's properties now have accessor methods for convenient use in C (smcv) ↭ tp_capabilities_get_channel_classes is now visible to g-i (pwithnall) Fixes: ↭ Install a .deps file for the Vala bindings (pwithnall) ↭ Vala bindings now install to the normal location, making it unnecessary to look up telepathy-vala in pkg-config; that pkg-config file will be removed in a future version (treitter) telepathy-glib 0.11.10 (2010-07-12) =================================== The “as many fossils as last year” release. Enhancements: ❱ Updated spec to 0.19.9 (wjt): ❭ added support for Read and Deleted delivery reports Fixes: ❱ Improved GObject-Introspection annotations to be sufficient for libfolks (treitter) ❱ Fixed a typo in the documentation (jonny) ❱ fd.o #28920: fixed tp_contact_request_contact_info_async cancellation handling when dealing with synchronous errors (pwithnall) telepathy-glib 0.11.9 (2010-07-02) ================================== The “mistakenly displays 2 more bars than it should” release. Enhancements: ❉ Updated spec to 0.19.8 (smcv): ➠ generate code for some new properties, Conn.I.Cellular and Account.I.Storage ➠ add convenience methods to TpAccount to access Account.Service ❉ Added tp_simple_async_report_success_in_idle, a convenience function to return "void" from an async method (smcv) Fixes: ❉ Fixed libdbus errors when unregistering a TpBaseClient that isn't a Handler (cassidy) ❉ Made some TpGroupMixin methods more const-correct (smcv) ❉ Fixed some memory leaks in regression tests (smcv) ❉ Suppressed more valgrind false-positives (smcv, cassidy) ❉ Improved generation of experimental Vala bindings (treitter) telepathy-glib 0.11.8 (2010-06-22) ================================== The "moving to Canada for maple syrup and bacon" release. Requirements: ⁂ If GObject-Introspection is enabled, it must be version 0.6.14 or later. Enhancements: ⁂ Improve GObject-Introspection annotations, and optionally build Vala bindings, which are currently considered highly experimental (treitter) Fixes: ⁂ Make tp_base_client_set_handler_bypass_approval able to set the value to FALSE, and hence make it possible for a TpSimpleHandler to not bypass approval (cassidy) ⁂ If the weak object for contact info retrieval disappears, stop, and don't call the callback (sjoerd) ⁂ Fix a va_list leak in tp_value_array_build (wjt) ⁂ Fix a memory leak for unlikely errors in tp_base_connection_register (wjt) telepathy-glib 0.11.7 (2010-06-14) ================================== The “why do my legs not work?” release. Requirements: ⎎ If GObject-Introspection is enabled, it must be version 0.6.13 or later. Deprecations: ⎎ TpChannelFactoryIface is officially deprecated (it shouldn't have been used since 0.8). ⎎ tp_verify() should not be used in new code: use GLib 2.20's G_STATIC_ASSERT. Enhancements: ⎎ Update to telepathy-spec 0.19.7 (smcv) ⎓ generate code for the Anonymity and ServicePoint interfaces ⎓ add ChatStates property and Chat_State_Map type ⎓ add Account.ConnectionError and ConnectionErrorDetails properties ⎎ fd.o #27676: add TP_CONNECTION_FEATURE_CONTACT_INFO, TP_CONTACT_FEATURE_CONTACT_INFO, tp_contact_request_contact_info_async, etc. (Zdra) ⎎ fd.o #28241: add tp_channel_dispatch_operation_handle_with_time_async (cassidy) ⎎ fd.o #28379: add connection-error and connection-error-details properties to TpAccount, and implement the corresponding parameters of TpAccount::status-changed (smcv) ⎎ fd.o #28312: add TpContact::presence-changed signal (sjokkis) ⎎ fd.o #28368: use GStrv instead of gchar ** in structs, so GObject-Introspection ≥ 0.6.13 can introspect it correctly (Zdra) ⎎ Add tp_handle_set_new_from_array (smcv) ⎎ fd.o #28345: add tp_clear_object, tp_clear_pointer, tp_clear_boxed (also proposed for GLib/GObject, as Gnome bug #620263) (smcv) ⎎ Add TP_ERROR as a synonym for TP_ERRORS, to be nice to Vala (treitter) ⎎ fd.o #28334, #28347: speed up the regression tests, clean up their code, and put their utility code in a namespace so Vala tests can use it (treitter, smcv) Fixes: ⎎ test-finalized-in-invalidated-handler: eliminate a race condition (smcv) ⎎ tp_connection_get_detailed_error: fix a memory leak introduced in 0.11.4 (smcv) telepathy-glib 0.11.6 (2010-05-25) ================================== The "anybody need this sign?" release. This version includes all the bugfixes from today's 0.10.6 release. Requirements: * If gtk-doc is enabled, it must be version 1.15 or later. * If GObject-Introspection is enabled, it must be version 0.6.11 or later. Enhancements: * Updated to telepathy-spec 0.19.6: * ChangingPresence property on the Account interface * SupportedLocationFeatures property on the Location interface * HandleWithTime method on ChannelDispatchOperation * MultipleTones method, SendingTones and StoppedTones signals, and CurrentlySendingTones and InitialTones properties on the DTMF interface * TpAccount:changing-presence and tp_account_get_changing_presence, a binding for the new ChangingPresence property (smcv) * fd.o #27872: enhance TpBaseClient to support being a Handler (cassidy) * fd.o #27873: TpSimpleHandler, a simple TpBaseClient subclass for projects that don't need their own subclass, and an example Approver that uses it (cassidy) * fd.o #20035: add TP_CONTACT_FEATURE_AVATAR_DATA, the ability to cache and access avatar data (Zdra) * fd.o #16170: cope better with sparse TpIntSets (smcv) * Add more API for int sets and handle sets (smcv) * Make the ContactList example connection manager more realistic, and add a regression test for it (smcv) Fixes: * fd.o #28203: TpGroupMixin: allow "adding" contacts who are already members, even if the Can_Add flag isn't set (e.g. accepting a subscription request twice), and allow "removing" contacts who are not in the channel (e.g. rejecting a subscription request twice) (smcv) * Correct the syntax of TP_IS_HANDLE_REPO_IFACE (smcv) * Move _tp_proxy_set_features_failed (which isn't intended to be API, and isn't ABI) to an internal header (smcv) * Fix the namespace version for GObject-Introspection (smcv) telepathy-glib 0.11.5 (2010-05-10) ================================== The "also, hi from" release. API changes: ⌬ fd.o #23369: when the local user is removed from a Group Channel, the GError with which the TpChannel is invalidated has changed: → if possible, the detailed error name from D-Bus is mapped to a TpError, or a custom GError domain set up with tp_proxy_subclass_add_error_mapping → otherwise, the TpChannelGroupChangeReason is translated into a TpError Previously, we used an error from the TP_ERRORS_REMOVED_FROM_GROUP domain in most cases; this domain is no longer used, unless we get a change reason that isn't recognised. Enhancements: ⌬ fd.o #25236: TpBaseClient, a base class for Observers and Approvers, which will also support Handlers in a future release (cassidy) ⌬ fd.o #27871, #24214: TpSimpleObserver, a simple TpBaseClient subclass for projects that don't need their own subclass, and an example Observer that uses it (cassidy) ⌬ fd.o #27875: TpSimpleApprover, a simple TpBaseClient subclass for projects that don't need their own subclass, and an example Approver that uses it (cassidy) ⌬ fd.o #27899: internal macros for ERROR(), CRITICAL() etc., analogous to DEBUG() (jonny) ⌬ fd.o #23369: improve the errors with which a Group TpChannel is invalidated if we're removed, as per "API changes" above (smcv) ⌬ fd.o #18055: generate GEnum types for TpCMInfoSource, TpContactFeature, TpDBusError, and GFlags types for TpDBusNameType and TpDBusPropertiesMixinFlags. Note that TpConnectionManager:info-source is still of type G_TYPE_UINT, not TP_TYPE_CM_INFO_SOURCE, since switching it would be an ABI break. (danni, smcv) Fixes: ⌬ fd.o #26211: correct the generated constants for contact attributes and handler capability tokens, which were present-but-wrong since 0.11.3 (smcv) ⌬ fd.o #24689: document more clearly that the TpConnectionManager.protocols struct member can be reallocated (smcv) ⌬ fd.o #28043: explicitly link tests/* against dbus-glib, fixing compilation with GNU gold, with GNU ld with LDFLAGS=-Wl,--no-add-needed, and hopefully also with Fedora 13's patched GNU ld (see Red Hat #564245) (smcv) ⌬ some fixes to GObject-Introspection metadata (danni) telepathy-glib 0.11.4 (2010-04-28) ================================== The “not sure whether to be amused or terrified” release. This version includes all the bugfixes from today's 0.10.5 release. Requirements: ∮ gtk-doc 1.14 is now required. Applying commit 0a874b3a from gtk-doc git to support the (skip) annotation (as was done in Debian's gtk-doc 1.14-2) is also highly recommended; it'll be in upstream release 1.15. ∮ GLib 2.24 is now required. Enhancements: ∮ telepathy-glib now has experimental GObject-Introspection bindings, for use by language bindings like PyGI and gjs. At this stage, these bindings are incomplete, and are *not* covered by our normal API guarantees - incompatible changes between versions are likely. (danni, smcv) ∮ fd.o #27769: add TP_CONNECTION_FEATURE_AVATAR_REQUIREMENTS (Zdra) ∮ fd.o #27794: improve regression test coverage for TpAccount (cassidy, smcv) ∮ fd.o #19164: tighten the definition of TpChannel:identifier to guarantee that it's always non-NULL, even before the channel is ready (previously, it could be NULL before the channel was ready) ∮ fd.o #23369 (partial): improve error mapping on TpConnection and TpBaseConnection, and add tp_connection_get_detailed_error (smcv) Fixes: ∮ fd.o #27780: when TpAccount:connection changes, emit notify::connection (smcv) ∮ Don't leak TpAccount:parameters when disposed (smcv) ∮ Fix more assertion failures (this time in TpContact) if getting contact attributes fails or yields the wrong type (wjt) ∮ Remove some dead code to keep coverity happy (wjt) telepathy-glib 0.11.3 (2010-04-20) ================================== The "can we have a hippopotamus?" release. This version includes both the bugfixes from today's 0.10.4 release. Enhancements: ↠ Upgrade to telepathy-spec 0.19.5 (smcv) → Connection.Status, Connection.Interfaces properties (all telepathy-glib CMs that use TpBaseConnection should gain support for these automatically) → Observer.Recover property → ContactInfo interface ↠ Add TpWeakRef, a wrapper for a weak reference and an optional extra pointer (smcv) ↠ fd.o #21097: push the "feature" concept from TpAccount and TpAccountManager into the TpProxy base class, and use it to implement feature-preparation for core functionality of TpChannel, TpConnection, TpConnectionManager (smcv) ↠ add TP_CHANNEL_FEATURE_CHAT_STATES (smcv) ↠ fd.o #27511: add TpCapabilities, TP_CONNECTION_FEATURE_CAPABILITIES and TP_CONTACT_FEATURE_CAPABILITIES (cassidy) ↠ fd.o #27690, #27709: add boxed types for TpIntSet, TpConnectionManagerProtocol and TpConnectionManagerParam (danni, smcv) ↠ fd.o #27741: make it easier to export objects without using tp_get_bus(), particularly in connection managers (smcv) ↠ fd.o #26211: generate TP_TOKEN_${INTERFACE}_${TOKEN} constants for contact attributes and handler capability tokens (KA) Fixes: ↠ Use the fast-path for Location correctly (cassidy) ↠ fd.o #27714: support G_CONNECT_AFTER in tp_g_signal_connect_object, and document exactly which flags we support (Maiku, smcv) ↠ fd.o #27537: fix assertion failure if getting contact attributes fails (cassidy) ↠ fd.o #27695: only try the slow path in Contacts if the fast path isn't supported (cassidy) telepathy-glib 0.11.2 (2010-04-06) ================================== The "not actually deprecated" release. This version includes all the bugfixes from today's 0.8.3 and 0.10.3 releases (they were all included in the previous version, in fact). Un-deprecations: ☀ tp_get_bus is not considered to be deprecated yet after all; many connection managers use it, and the current alternative is considerably more verbose. This reopens fd.o #24114. (smcv) telepathy-glib 0.11.1 (2010-04-05) ================================== The “26-bit address bus” release. Enhancements: ◈ Add tp_str_empty() macro, a shortcut for ‘NULL or ""’ (smcv) ◈ Add TP_TYPE_UCHAR_ARRAY, a dbus-glib GArray of guchar (i.e. the default representation for the D-Bus 'ay' type) (cassidy) ◈ Add tp_account_set_avatar_async() (cassidy) ◈ Add TP_CONTACT_FEATURE_LOCATION (cassidy) Fixes: ◈ Only fail “make check” on documentation warnings in unreleased versions, to avoid build failures in releases when gtk-doc in a distribution doesn't have the same definition of full coverage that we do (smcv) ◈ Fix compatibility with gtk-doc 1.14 (smcv) telepathy-glib 0.11.0 (2010-03-31) ================================== The ‘bah, you removed my “beautiful” quotes’ release. Dependencies: ‣ GLib, GObject and GIO ≥ 2.22 are now required Deprecations: ‣ fd.o #22206: all the re-entrant functions (of the form tp_FOO_run_until_ready and tp_cli_FOO_run_BAR) are deprecated in this version, please use asynchronous calls instead (smcv) ‣ fd.o #24114: tp_get_bus() is deprecated, please use tp_dbus_daemon_dup() followed by tp_proxy_get_dbus_connection() (smcv) Enhancements: ‣ Update to telepathy-spec 0.19.3 (smcv) ❧ generate code for new Connection.Interfaces, Connection.Status properties, and implement them in TpBaseConnection ❧ generate code for Connection.Interface.Balance ‣ Add an example connection manager for the experimental Call API that will eventually replace StreamedMedia (smcv) ‣ Add tp_g_socket_address_from_variant, tp_address_variant_from_g_socket_address (danni) ‣ Add tp_g_value_slice_new_byte (smcv) ‣ Add tp_value_array_unpack, the inverse of tp_value_array_build (danni) ‣ Make various minor improvements to the tests (smcv) Fixes: ‣ tp_account_set_nickname_async: set the right source_tag (cassidy) ‣ fd.o #27281: clarify documentation for tp_message_mixin_sent, using telepathy-spec 0.19.2 as a reference (Maiku) ‣ Avoid using re-entrant functions, other than in regression tests (smcv) ‣ fd.o #21956: clean up documentation/defaults of TpContact properties (smcv) ‣ if copied into a project where nothing is checked for unreleased version annotations, don't hang waiting for input (smcv) telepathy-glib 0.10.2 (2010-03-31) ================================== The "is that a koala in your roster or are you just nearby?" release. Fixes: * TpAccount: correctly add interfaces such as Avatars (danni) * Make GetContactAttributes() in GLib CMs tolerate unsupported interfaces, as per telepathy-spec 0.19.2 (wjt) * Improve documentation of TpContactsMixinFillContactAttributesFunc (mikhailz) telepathy-glib 0.10.1 (2010-03-24) ================================== The "usually quite loud" release. This version includes all the bugfixes from 0.8.2, plus some documentation improvements in code added since 0.8. Fixes: * Don't make an idle call to put received messages in the TpMessageMixin queue, potentially avoiding a reference leak (Vivek) * tp_contacts_mixin_set_contact_attribute now takes a const gchar * instead of a gchar * (mikhailz) * Escape the doc-comments better in generated service interfaces (smcv) * Fix some typos and broken cross-references in the documentation, and improve the TpAccount documentation (smcv) * Chain up to GObject's dispose method when destroying a TpBaseConnectionManager (smcv) * Remove a misleading debug message from tp_list_connection_names (wjt) telepathy-glib 0.10.0 (2010-01-21) ================================== The "where did you get your bear?" release. This release begins a bugfix-only 0.10.x branch, in which new API/ABI will no longer be added; 0.11.x development releases will continue to be made from the master branch. The 0.10.x branch targets the D-Bus API from telepathy-spec 0.18.0. The major enhancement since 0.8.x is that TpAccountManager and TpAccount, previously simple stub classes, now have high-level API to manipulate accounts. GLib 2.20 and dbus-glib 0.82 are now required, and telepathy-glib now links against GIO. Enhancements since 0.9.2: * Add compile-time warnings if the results of functions that allocate memory are ignored; for a couple of these functions it's not obvious that a result is allocated, leading to non-obvious leaks (smcv) * Add compile-time warnings if the results of certain functions with no side-effects are ignored, which is harmless but makes no sense (smcv) * Improve, syncing with telepathy-gabble (smcv) Fixes since 0.9.2: * fd.o #23848: when making a release, make the build system check for files that indicate unreleased status; correct a few such comments (wjt) * fd.o #25149: when a TpAccount is invalidated (deleted), signal connection disconnection first (smcv) * Exit the main loop gracefully when CMs are disconnected from the session bus (sjoerd) * fd.o #14603: don't set fatal criticals in tp_run_connection_manager, CMs are now responsible for doing this (sjoerd) * fd.o #25600: fix inadvertant GLib 2.20 dependency (jonny) * In code generation tools (, allow D-Bus methods whose names are C keywords (smcv) * Fix dbus-monitor logging when /bin/sh is not bash (smcv) telepathy-glib 0.9.2 (2009-12-03) ================================= The "old-fashioned, with no silly mods" release. Dependencies: * dbus-glib (>= 0.82) is now required Enhancements: * Add tp_value_array_build utility function (sjoerd) * Add tp_g_signal_connect_object, a non-leaky version of g_signal_connect_object (alsuren) * fd.o #25283: add constants for namespaced D-Bus property names, such as TP_PROP_CHANNEL_CHANNEL_TYPE (smcv) * fd.o #25235: add which includes the most commonly-used headers (danni) Fixes: * fd.o #24257: make sure tp_account_prepare, tp_account_manager_prepare will fail if the object is invalidated, rather than never finishing (alsuren) * fd.o #25051: fix a use-after-free in TpAccountManager by disconnecting signal handlers on destruction (alsuren) * fd.o #24654: fix a potential use-after-free in TpAccount and TpAccountManager by copying the list of features required (alsuren) * Future-proof TpAccount and TpAccountManager to allow more than one Feature (alsuren) * fd.o #24394: improve code portability to Windows headers and compilers, based on patches from Matti Reijonen (smcv) * fd.o #25121: fix failure to link when -Wl,--no-add-needed is used, which is the (faster) default behaviour for binutils-gold (Debian #556486) (smcv) * Fix various coverity nits, including a missing call to va_end, and a typo in the documentation (smcv) * fd.o #25359: alter code generation to cope with arbitrary UTF-8 in the spec (wjt) * fd.o #25335: glib-client-gen: annotate deprecated D-Bus methods (jonny) * Don't rely on enum types being unsigned (sjoerd) * fd.o #25181: avoid unnecessary D-Bus calls re-fetching existing TpContact objects (alsuren) * fd.o #25384: if accounts fail to prepare while the account manager is preparing, drop them from the list of valid accounts rather than never terminating (alsuren) * If the fake AccountManager doesn't appear for some reason during AM regression tests, don't start the system implementation (alsuren) * Fix a theoretical reference-leak in TpAccountManager, and some memory leaks in examples and regression tests (smcv) telepathy-glib 0.9.1 (2009-10-15) ================================= The "to quote Rob: sdflkaytliahdskljfhgaqgh;shf" release. Fixes: * Corrected the GLib dependency to 2.20 (this was also needed for 0.9.0, but that fact was undocumented) (smcv) * Corrected the error message given when a write-only D-Bus property is read (Pekka Pessi) * Work around GLib 2.20 being less const-correct than 2.22 (jonny) * fd.o #23853: if a connection manager is discovered not to be running while TpConnectionManager has a ListProtocols call in-flight, then a new instance of the CM starts up and replies to that call, don't crash with an assertion failure (smcv) * If a connection manager returns error from GetParameters(), don't dereference a NULL pointer and segfault (smcv) * When asked to activate or introspect a connection manager, don't do anything until we have at least worked out whether it was initially running, in order to provide the documented behaviour (smcv) * When getting parameter details from a running connection manager, consider parameters called "password" or ending with "-password" to be secret even if they lack the SECRET flag, as was already done when reading .manager files (smcv) telepathy-glib 0.9.0 (2009-09-28) ================================= The "purging all the lies" release. Dependencies: * GLib 2.20 is now required. * telepathy-glib now links to GIO as well as GLib and GObject (in practice they're packaged together, and we already depended on a new enough GLib version that it would come with GIO). Enhancements: * TpAccountManager, TpAccount: add convenience API similar to libempathy's (jonny, with contributions from wjt/danni/sjoerd/smcv) * telepathy-glib now uses Automake 1.11's "silent rules" feature for kernel-style output; as a result, we no longer use shave. If you were previously using --enable-shave to get prettier output, use --enable-silent-rules instead, and upgrade to Automake >= 1.11 if you will be altering the build system. (jonny) telepathy-glib 0.8.0 (2009-09-24) ================================= The "line in the sand" release. This release begins a bugfix-only 0.8.x branch, in which new API/ABI will no longer be added; 0.9.x development releases will continue to be made from the master branch. Summary of API changes since 0.6.x: * Since 0.7.35, it is no longer guaranteed that the self-handle in TpBaseConnection is set to 0 when the state changes to DISCONNECTED; instead, it remains valid until the connection is disposed. This will cause assertion failures during disconnection in telepathy-sofiasip < 0.5.17 and telepathy-gabble < 0.7.9. Summary of major enhancements since 0.6.x: * updated telepathy-spec from 0.16.x to 0.18.0, with many new interfaces, the AccountManager, the ChannelDispatcher, and Clients * added TpProxy, a base class representing remote D-Bus objects (see ) * added subclasses of TpProxy for all the major Telepathy objects (apart from Debug, which will be added later) * added TpContact, an object representing a Telepathy contact * added macros for interface-name GQuarks, and for Telepathy dbus-glib GTypes * added the tp_asv_get_foo() family of functions to manipulate a{sv} maps * used versioned symbols to document the ABI * implemented various simple example connection managers and clients Changes since 0.7.37: * spec: update from 0.17.28 to 0.18.0 (no real changes) (smcv) * ContactList example CM: fix a crash during shutdown (andrunko) * StreamedMedia example CM: check for direction changes correctly (andrunko)