/* * base-call-stream.c - Source for TpBaseCallStream * Copyright © 2009–2011 Collabora Ltd. * @author Sjoerd Simons * @author Will Thompson * @author Xavier Claessens * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** * SECTION:base-call-stream * @title: TpBaseCallStream * @short_description: base class for #TpSvcCallStream implementations * @see_also: #TpSvcCallStream, #TpBaseCallChannel and #TpBaseCallContent * * This base class makes it easier to write #TpSvcCallStream * implementations by implementing its properties, and some of its methods. * * Subclasses should fill in #TpBaseCallStreamClass.get_interfaces, * #TpBaseCallStreamClass.request_receiving and * #TpBaseCallStreamClass.set_sending virtual function. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ /** * TpBaseCallStream: * * A base class for call stream implementations * * Since: 0.17.5 */ /** * TpBaseCallStreamClass: * @get_interfaces: extra interfaces provided by this stream (this SHOULD NOT * include %TP_IFACE_CALL_STREAM itself). Implementation must first chainup on * parent class implementation then add extra interfaces into the #GPtrArray. * @request_receiving: optional (see #TpBaseCallStream:can-request-receiving); * virtual method called when user requested receiving from the given remote * contact. * @set_sending: mandatory; virtual method called when user requested to * start/stop sending to remote contacts. * * The class structure for #TpBaseCallStream * * Since: 0.17.5 */ /** * TpBaseCallStreamGetInterfacesFunc: * @self: a #TpBaseCallStream * * Signature of an implementation of #TpBaseCallStreamClass.get_interfaces. * * Returns: a #GPtrArray containing static strings. * Since: 0.17.5 */ /** * TpBaseCallStreamSetSendingFunc: * @self: a #TpBaseCallStream * @sending: whether or not user would like to be sending * @error: a #GError to fill * * Signature of an implementation of #TpBaseCallStreamClass.set_sending. * * Returns: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise. * Since: 0.17.5 */ /** * TpBaseCallStreamRequestReceivingFunc: * @self: a #TpBaseCallStream * @contact: the contact from who user wants to start or stop receiving * @receive: wheter or not user would like to be receiving * @error: a #GError to fill * * Signature of an implementation of #TpBaseCallStreamClass.request_receiving. * * Returns: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise. * Since: 0.17.5 */ #include "config.h" #include "base-call-stream.h" #define DEBUG_FLAG TP_DEBUG_CALL #include "telepathy-glib/base-call-channel.h" #include "telepathy-glib/base-call-internal.h" #include "telepathy-glib/debug-internal.h" #include "telepathy-glib/dbus.h" #include "telepathy-glib/gtypes.h" #include "telepathy-glib/interfaces.h" #include "telepathy-glib/svc-call.h" #include "telepathy-glib/svc-generic.h" #include "telepathy-glib/util.h" static void call_stream_iface_init (gpointer g_iface, gpointer iface_data); G_DEFINE_ABSTRACT_TYPE_WITH_CODE (TpBaseCallStream, tp_base_call_stream, G_TYPE_OBJECT, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TP_TYPE_SVC_DBUS_PROPERTIES, tp_dbus_properties_mixin_iface_init) G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TP_TYPE_SVC_CALL_STREAM, call_stream_iface_init) ) enum { PROP_OBJECT_PATH = 1, PROP_CONNECTION, PROP_CONTENT, PROP_CHANNEL, /* Call interface properties */ PROP_INTERFACES, PROP_REMOTE_MEMBERS, PROP_REMOTE_MEMBER_IDENTIFIERS, PROP_LOCAL_SENDING_STATE, PROP_CAN_REQUEST_RECEIVING, }; struct _TpBaseCallStreamPrivate { gchar *object_path; TpBaseConnection *conn; /* TpHandle -> TpSendingState */ GHashTable *remote_members; TpSendingState local_sending_state; /* Borrowed */ TpBaseCallChannel *channel; TpBaseCallContent *content; }; static void tp_base_call_stream_init (TpBaseCallStream *self) { self->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (self, TP_TYPE_BASE_CALL_STREAM, TpBaseCallStreamPrivate); self->priv->remote_members = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); } static void tp_base_call_stream_constructed (GObject *obj) { TpBaseCallStream *self = TP_BASE_CALL_STREAM (obj); TpDBusDaemon *bus = tp_base_connection_get_dbus_daemon ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn); if (G_OBJECT_CLASS (tp_base_call_stream_parent_class)->constructed != NULL) G_OBJECT_CLASS (tp_base_call_stream_parent_class)->constructed (obj); /* register object on the bus */ DEBUG ("Registering %s", self->priv->object_path); tp_dbus_daemon_register_object (bus, self->priv->object_path, obj); } static GPtrArray * tp_base_call_stream_get_interfaces (TpBaseCallStream *self) { return g_ptr_array_new (); } static void tp_base_call_stream_dispose (GObject *object) { TpBaseCallStream *self = TP_BASE_CALL_STREAM (object); TpDBusDaemon *bus = tp_base_connection_get_dbus_daemon ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn); tp_dbus_daemon_unregister_object (bus, G_OBJECT (self)); tp_clear_object (&self->priv->conn); if (G_OBJECT_CLASS (tp_base_call_stream_parent_class)->dispose != NULL) G_OBJECT_CLASS (tp_base_call_stream_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void tp_base_call_stream_finalize (GObject *object) { TpBaseCallStream *self = TP_BASE_CALL_STREAM (object); /* free any data held directly by the object here */ g_free (self->priv->object_path); g_hash_table_unref (self->priv->remote_members); if (G_OBJECT_CLASS (tp_base_call_stream_parent_class)->finalize != NULL) G_OBJECT_CLASS (tp_base_call_stream_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void tp_base_call_stream_get_property ( GObject *object, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { TpBaseCallStream *self = TP_BASE_CALL_STREAM (object); TpBaseCallStreamClass *klass = TP_BASE_CALL_STREAM_GET_CLASS (self); switch (property_id) { case PROP_CONNECTION: g_value_set_object (value, self->priv->conn); break; case PROP_OBJECT_PATH: g_value_set_string (value, self->priv->object_path); break; case PROP_CONTENT: g_value_set_object (value, self->priv->content); break; case PROP_CHANNEL: g_value_set_object (value, self->priv->channel); break; case PROP_REMOTE_MEMBERS: g_value_set_boxed (value, self->priv->remote_members); break; case PROP_REMOTE_MEMBER_IDENTIFIERS: { GHashTable *identifiers; identifiers = _tp_base_call_dup_member_identifiers (self->priv->conn, self->priv->remote_members); g_value_set_boxed (value, identifiers); g_hash_table_unref (identifiers); break; } case PROP_LOCAL_SENDING_STATE: g_value_set_uint (value, self->priv->local_sending_state); break; case PROP_CAN_REQUEST_RECEIVING: { g_value_set_boolean (value, klass->request_receiving != NULL); break; } case PROP_INTERFACES: { GPtrArray *interfaces = klass->get_interfaces (self); g_ptr_array_add (interfaces, NULL); g_value_set_boxed (value, interfaces->pdata); g_ptr_array_unref (interfaces); break; } default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); break; } } static void tp_base_call_stream_set_property ( GObject *object, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { TpBaseCallStream *self = TP_BASE_CALL_STREAM (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_CONNECTION: self->priv->conn = g_value_dup_object (value); g_assert (self->priv->conn != NULL); break; case PROP_CONTENT: { TpBaseCallContent *content = g_value_get_object (value); if (content) _tp_base_call_stream_set_content (self, content); } break; case PROP_OBJECT_PATH: g_free (self->priv->object_path); self->priv->object_path = g_value_dup_string (value); break; case PROP_LOCAL_SENDING_STATE: self->priv->local_sending_state = g_value_get_uint (value); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); break; } } static void tp_base_call_stream_class_init (TpBaseCallStreamClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); GParamSpec *param_spec; static TpDBusPropertiesMixinPropImpl stream_props[] = { { "Interfaces", "interfaces", NULL }, { "RemoteMembers", "remote-members", NULL }, { "RemoteMemberIdentifiers", "remote-member-identifiers", NULL }, { "LocalSendingState", "local-sending-state", NULL }, { "CanRequestReceiving", "can-request-receiving", NULL }, { NULL } }; static TpDBusPropertiesMixinIfaceImpl prop_interfaces[] = { { TP_IFACE_CALL_STREAM, tp_dbus_properties_mixin_getter_gobject_properties, NULL, stream_props, }, { NULL } }; g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (TpBaseCallStreamPrivate)); object_class->constructed = tp_base_call_stream_constructed; object_class->dispose = tp_base_call_stream_dispose; object_class->finalize = tp_base_call_stream_finalize; object_class->set_property = tp_base_call_stream_set_property; object_class->get_property = tp_base_call_stream_get_property; klass->get_interfaces = tp_base_call_stream_get_interfaces; /** * TpBaseCallStream:connection: * * #TpBaseConnection object that owns this call stream. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_object ("connection", "TpBaseConnection object", "Tp connection object that owns this call stream", TP_TYPE_BASE_CONNECTION, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_CONNECTION, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallStream:object-path: * * The D-Bus object path used for this object on the bus. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_string ("object-path", "D-Bus object path", "The D-Bus object path used for this object on the bus.", NULL, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_OBJECT_PATH, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallStream:content: * * #TpBaseCallContent object that owns this call stream. * * Since: 0.17.6 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_object ("content", "TpBaseCallContent object", "Tp Content object that owns this call stream", TP_TYPE_BASE_CALL_CONTENT, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_CONTENT, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallStream:channel: * * #TpBaseChannel object that owns this call stream. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_object ("channel", "TpBaseCallChannel object", "Tp base call channel object that owns this call stream", TP_TYPE_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_CHANNEL, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallStream:interfaces: * * Additional interfaces implemented by this stream. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_boxed ("interfaces", "Interfaces", "Stream interfaces", G_TYPE_STRV, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_INTERFACES, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallStream:remote-members: * * #GHashTable mapping contact #TpHandle to their #TpSendingState. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_boxed ("remote-members", "Remote members", "Remote member map", TP_HASH_TYPE_CONTACT_SENDING_STATE_MAP, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_REMOTE_MEMBERS, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallStream:remote-member-identifiers: * * #GHashTable mapping contact #TpHandle to their identifies. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_boxed ("remote-member-identifiers", "RemoteMemberIdentifiers", "The remote members identifiers", TP_HASH_TYPE_HANDLE_IDENTIFIER_MAP, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_REMOTE_MEMBER_IDENTIFIERS, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallStream:local-sending-state: * * The local #TpSendingState. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_uint ("local-sending-state", "LocalSendingState", "Local sending state", TP_SENDING_STATE_NONE, TP_NUM_SENDING_STATES, TP_SENDING_STATE_NONE, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_LOCAL_SENDING_STATE, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallStream:can-request-receiving: * * Whether or not user can request receiving from remote contact using the * RequestSending DBus method call. The value is determined by whether or not * #TpBaseCallStreamClass.request_receiving is implemented. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_boolean ("can-request-receiving", "CanRequestReceiving", "If true, the user can request that a remote contact starts sending on" "this stream.", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_CAN_REQUEST_RECEIVING, param_spec); klass->dbus_props_class.interfaces = prop_interfaces; tp_dbus_properties_mixin_class_init (object_class, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (TpBaseCallStreamClass, dbus_props_class)); } /** * tp_base_call_stream_get_connection: * @self: a #TpBaseCallStream * * * * Returns: the value of #TpBaseCallStream:connection * Since: 0.17.5 */ TpBaseConnection * tp_base_call_stream_get_connection (TpBaseCallStream *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_STREAM (self), NULL); return self->priv->conn; } /** * tp_base_call_stream_get_object_path: * @self: a #TpBaseCallStream * * * * Returns: the value of #TpBaseCallStream:object-path * Since: 0.17.5 */ const gchar * tp_base_call_stream_get_object_path (TpBaseCallStream *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_STREAM (self), NULL); return self->priv->object_path; } /** * tp_base_call_stream_get_local_sending_state: * @self: a #TpBaseCallStream * * * * Returns: the value of #TpBaseCallStream:local-sending-state * Since: 0.17.5 */ TpSendingState tp_base_call_stream_get_local_sending_state (TpBaseCallStream *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_STREAM (self), TP_SENDING_STATE_NONE); return self->priv->local_sending_state; } /** * tp_base_call_stream_update_local_sending_state: * @self: a #TpBaseCallStream * @new_state: the new local #TpSendingState * @actor_handle: the contact responsible for the change, or 0 if no contact was * responsible. * @reason: the #TpCallStateChangeReason of the change * @dbus_reason: a specific reason for the change, which may be a D-Bus error in * the Telepathy namespace, a D-Bus error in any other namespace (for * implementation-specific errors), or the empty string to indicate that the * state change was not an error. * @message: an optional debug message, to expediate debugging the potentially * many processes involved in a call. * * Update the local sending state, emitting LocalSendingStateChanged * DBus signal if needed. * * Returns: %TRUE if state was updated, %FALSE if it was already set to * @new_state. * Since: 0.17.5 */ gboolean tp_base_call_stream_update_local_sending_state (TpBaseCallStream *self, TpSendingState new_state, TpHandle actor_handle, TpCallStateChangeReason reason, const gchar *dbus_reason, const gchar *message) { GValueArray *reason_array; g_return_val_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_STREAM (self), FALSE); if (new_state == TP_SENDING_STATE_SENDING && self->priv->channel != NULL && !tp_base_call_channel_is_accepted (self->priv->channel) && !tp_base_channel_is_requested (TP_BASE_CHANNEL (self->priv->channel))) new_state = TP_SENDING_STATE_PENDING_SEND; if (self->priv->local_sending_state == new_state) return FALSE; DEBUG ("Updating local sending state: %d => %d for stream %s", self->priv->local_sending_state, new_state, self->priv->object_path); self->priv->local_sending_state = new_state; g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (self), "local-sending-state"); reason_array = _tp_base_call_state_reason_new (actor_handle, reason, dbus_reason, message); tp_svc_call_stream_emit_local_sending_state_changed ( TP_SVC_CALL_STREAM (self), new_state, reason_array); g_value_array_free (reason_array); return TRUE; } /** * tp_base_call_stream_get_remote_sending_state: * @self: a #TpBaseCallStream * @contact: the #TpHandle of a member contact * * * * Returns: the #TpSendingState of @contact. * Since: 0.17.5 */ TpSendingState tp_base_call_stream_get_remote_sending_state (TpBaseCallStream *self, TpHandle contact) { gpointer state_p; g_return_val_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_STREAM (self), TP_SENDING_STATE_NONE); state_p = g_hash_table_lookup (self->priv->remote_members, GUINT_TO_POINTER (contact)); return GPOINTER_TO_UINT (state_p); } /** * tp_base_call_stream_update_remote_sending_state: * @self: a #TpBaseCallStream * @contact: the #TpHandle to update or add to members * @new_state: the new sending state of @contact * @actor_handle: the contact responsible for the change, or 0 if no contact was * responsible. * @reason: the #TpCallStateChangeReason of the change * @dbus_reason: a specific reason for the change, which may be a D-Bus error in * the Telepathy namespace, a D-Bus error in any other namespace (for * implementation-specific errors), or the empty string to indicate that the * state change was not an error. * @message: an optional debug message, to expediate debugging the potentially * many processes involved in a call. * * If @contact is not member, add it. Otherwise update its sending state. Emits * RemoteMemberChanged DBus signal if needed. * * Returns: %TRUE if state was updated, %FALSE if it was already set to * @new_state. * Since: 0.17.5 */ gboolean tp_base_call_stream_update_remote_sending_state (TpBaseCallStream *self, TpHandle contact, TpSendingState new_state, TpHandle actor_handle, TpCallStateChangeReason reason, const gchar *dbus_reason, const gchar *message) { gpointer old_state_p = NULL; TpSendingState old_state; gboolean exists; GHashTable *updates; GHashTable *identifiers; GArray *removed_empty; GValueArray *reason_array; g_return_val_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_STREAM (self), FALSE); if (new_state == TP_SENDING_STATE_SENDING && self->priv->channel != NULL && tp_base_channel_is_requested (TP_BASE_CHANNEL (self->priv->channel)) && !tp_base_call_channel_is_accepted (self->priv->channel)) new_state = TP_SENDING_STATE_PENDING_SEND; exists = g_hash_table_lookup_extended (self->priv->remote_members, GUINT_TO_POINTER (contact), NULL, &old_state_p); old_state = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (old_state_p); if (exists && old_state == new_state) return FALSE; DEBUG ("Updating remote member %d state: %d => %d for stream %s", contact, old_state, new_state, self->priv->object_path); g_hash_table_insert (self->priv->remote_members, GUINT_TO_POINTER (contact), GUINT_TO_POINTER (new_state)); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (self), "remote-members"); updates = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); g_hash_table_insert (updates, GUINT_TO_POINTER (contact), GUINT_TO_POINTER (new_state)); identifiers = _tp_base_call_dup_member_identifiers (self->priv->conn, updates); removed_empty = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (TpHandle)); reason_array = _tp_base_call_state_reason_new (actor_handle, reason, dbus_reason, message); tp_svc_call_stream_emit_remote_members_changed (self, updates, identifiers, removed_empty, reason_array); g_array_unref (removed_empty); g_value_array_free (reason_array); g_hash_table_unref (updates); g_hash_table_unref (identifiers); return TRUE; } /** * tp_base_call_stream_remove_member: * @self: a #TpBaseCallStream * @contact: the #TpHandle to remove from members * @actor_handle: the contact responsible for the change, or 0 if no contact was * responsible. * @reason: the #TpCallStateChangeReason of the change * @dbus_reason: a specific reason for the change, which may be a D-Bus error in * the Telepathy namespace, a D-Bus error in any other namespace (for * implementation-specific errors), or the empty string to indicate that the * state change was not an error. * @message: an optional debug message, to expediate debugging the potentially * many processes involved in a call. * * Remove @contact from stream members, emitting RemoteMembersChanged DBus * signal if needed. Do nothing if @contact is not member. * * Returns: %TRUE if @contact was removed, %FALSE if it was not member. * Since: 0.17.5 */ gboolean tp_base_call_stream_remove_member (TpBaseCallStream *self, TpHandle contact, TpHandle actor_handle, TpCallStateChangeReason reason, const gchar *dbus_reason, const gchar *message) { GHashTable *empty_table; GArray *removed_array; GValueArray *reason_array; g_return_val_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_STREAM (self), FALSE); if (!g_hash_table_remove (self->priv->remote_members, GUINT_TO_POINTER (contact))) return FALSE; g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (self), "remote-members"); empty_table = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); removed_array = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (TpHandle), 1); g_array_append_val (removed_array, contact); reason_array = _tp_base_call_state_reason_new (actor_handle, reason, dbus_reason, message); tp_svc_call_stream_emit_remote_members_changed (self, empty_table, empty_table, removed_array, reason_array); g_value_array_free (reason_array); g_hash_table_unref (empty_table); g_array_unref (removed_array); return TRUE; } static void tp_base_call_stream_set_sending_dbus (TpSvcCallStream *iface, gboolean sending, DBusGMethodInvocation *context) { TpBaseCallStream *self = TP_BASE_CALL_STREAM (iface); GError *error = NULL; if (_tp_base_call_stream_set_sending (TP_BASE_CALL_STREAM (iface), sending, tp_base_channel_get_self_handle ((TpBaseChannel *) self->priv->channel), TP_CALL_STATE_CHANGE_REASON_USER_REQUESTED, "", "User changed the sending state", &error)) { tp_svc_call_stream_return_from_set_sending (context); } else { dbus_g_method_return_error (context, error); } g_clear_error (&error); } static void tp_base_call_stream_request_receiving (TpSvcCallStream *iface, TpHandle contact, gboolean receiving, DBusGMethodInvocation *context) { TpBaseCallStream *self = TP_BASE_CALL_STREAM (iface); TpBaseCallStreamClass *klass = TP_BASE_CALL_STREAM_GET_CLASS (self); GError *error = NULL; TpSendingState remote_sending_state; gboolean can_request_receiving; g_object_get (self, "can-request-receiving", &can_request_receiving, NULL); if (!can_request_receiving) { g_set_error (&error, TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_NOT_CAPABLE, "The contact does not support requesting to receive"); goto error; } if (!g_hash_table_lookup_extended (self->priv->remote_members, GUINT_TO_POINTER (contact), NULL, (gpointer *) &remote_sending_state)) { g_set_error (&error, TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Contact %u is not member of this stream", contact); goto error; } if (klass->request_receiving == NULL) { g_set_error_literal (&error, TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "This CM does not implement request_receiving"); goto error; } /* Determine if there is a state change for our receiving side * aka remote sending */ switch (remote_sending_state) { case TP_SENDING_STATE_NONE: case TP_SENDING_STATE_PENDING_STOP_SENDING: if (!receiving) goto out; break; case TP_SENDING_STATE_SENDING: case TP_SENDING_STATE_PENDING_SEND: if (receiving) goto out; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } if (!klass->request_receiving (self, contact, receiving, &error)) goto error; out: tp_svc_call_stream_return_from_request_receiving (context); return; error: dbus_g_method_return_error (context, error); g_clear_error (&error); } static void call_stream_iface_init (gpointer g_iface, gpointer iface_data) { TpSvcCallStreamClass *klass = (TpSvcCallStreamClass *) g_iface; #define IMPLEMENT(x, suffix) tp_svc_call_stream_implement_##x (\ klass, tp_base_call_stream_##x##suffix) IMPLEMENT(set_sending, _dbus); IMPLEMENT(request_receiving,); #undef IMPLEMENT } /* These functions are used only internally */ void _tp_base_call_stream_set_content (TpBaseCallStream *self, TpBaseCallContent *content) { g_return_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_STREAM (self)); g_return_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_CONTENT (content)); g_return_if_fail (self->priv->content == NULL || self->priv->content == content); self->priv->content = content; self->priv->channel = _tp_base_call_content_get_channel (content); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (self), "content"); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (self), "channel"); } TpBaseCallContent * _tp_base_call_stream_get_content (TpBaseCallStream *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_STREAM (self), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (self->priv->content != NULL, NULL); return self->priv->content; } TpBaseCallChannel * _tp_base_call_stream_get_channel (TpBaseCallStream *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_STREAM (self), NULL); return self->priv->channel; } gboolean _tp_base_call_stream_set_sending (TpBaseCallStream *self, gboolean send, TpHandle actor_handle, TpCallStateChangeReason reason, const gchar *dbus_reason, const gchar *message, GError **error) { TpBaseCallStreamClass *klass = TP_BASE_CALL_STREAM_GET_CLASS (self); /* Determine if there is a state change for our sending side */ switch (self->priv->local_sending_state) { case TP_SENDING_STATE_NONE: case TP_SENDING_STATE_PENDING_SEND: if (!send) goto out; break; case TP_SENDING_STATE_SENDING: case TP_SENDING_STATE_PENDING_STOP_SENDING: if (send) goto out; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } if (klass->set_sending == NULL) { g_set_error_literal (error, TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "This CM does not implement SetSending"); return FALSE; } if (!klass->set_sending (self, send, error)) return FALSE; out: tp_base_call_stream_update_local_sending_state (self, send ? TP_SENDING_STATE_SENDING : TP_SENDING_STATE_NONE, actor_handle, reason, dbus_reason, message); return TRUE; } GHashTable * _tp_base_call_stream_get_remote_members (TpBaseCallStream *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_STREAM (self), NULL); return self->priv->remote_members; }