/* Helper to hold Telepathy handles. * * Copyright (C) 2008 Collabora Ltd. * Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "telepathy-glib/connection-internal.h" #include #include #define DEBUG_FLAG TP_DEBUG_HANDLES #include "telepathy-glib/debug-internal.h" /** * tp_connection_unref_handles: * @self: a connection * @handle_type: a handle type * @n_handles: the number of handles in @handles * @handles: (array length=n_handles): an array of @n_handles handles * * Do nothing. In versions of telepathy-glib prior to 0.13.8, * this released a reference to the handles in @handles. */ void tp_connection_unref_handles (TpConnection *self G_GNUC_UNUSED, TpHandleType handle_type G_GNUC_UNUSED, guint n_handles G_GNUC_UNUSED, const TpHandle *handles G_GNUC_UNUSED) { } typedef struct { TpHandleType handle_type; GArray *handles; gpointer user_data; GDestroyNotify destroy; TpConnectionHoldHandlesCb callback; } HoldHandlesContext; static void hold_handles_context_free (gpointer p) { HoldHandlesContext *context = p; if (context->destroy != NULL) context->destroy (context->user_data); g_array_free (context->handles, TRUE); g_slice_free (HoldHandlesContext, context); } /** * TpConnectionHoldHandlesCb: * @connection: the connection * @handle_type: the handle type that was passed to * tp_connection_hold_handles() * @n_handles: the number of handles that were passed to * tp_connection_hold_handles() on success, or 0 on failure * @handles: a copy of the array of @n_handles handles that was passed to * tp_connection_hold_handles() on success, or %NULL on failure * @error: %NULL on success, or an error on failure * @user_data: the same arbitrary pointer that was passed to * tp_connection_hold_handles() * @weak_object: the same object that was passed to * tp_connection_hold_handles() * * Signature of the callback called when tp_connection_hold_handles() succeeds * or fails. * * On success, the caller has a reference to each handle in @handles. * * Since telepathy-glib version 0.13.8, * the handles will remain valid until @connection becomes invalid * (signalled by #TpProxy::invalidated). In earlier versions, they could be * released with tp_connection_unref_handles(). * * For convenience, the handle type and handles requested by the caller are * passed through to this callback on success, so the caller does not have to * include them in @user_data. */ static void connection_held_handles (TpConnection *self, const GError *error, gpointer user_data, GObject *weak_object) { HoldHandlesContext *context = user_data; g_object_ref (self); if (error == NULL) { DEBUG ("%u handles of type %u", context->handles->len, context->handle_type); /* On the Telepathy side, we have held these handles (at least once). * That's all we need. */ context->callback (self, context->handle_type, context->handles->len, (const TpHandle *) context->handles->data, NULL, context->user_data, weak_object); } else { DEBUG ("%u handles of type %u failed: %s %u: %s", context->handles->len, context->handle_type, g_quark_to_string (error->domain), error->code, error->message); context->callback (self, context->handle_type, 0, NULL, error, context->user_data, weak_object); } g_object_unref (self); } /** * tp_connection_hold_handles: * @self: a connection * @timeout_ms: the timeout in milliseconds, or -1 to use the default * @handle_type: the handle type * @n_handles: the number of handles in @handles (must be at least 1) * @handles: (array length=n_handles): an array of handles * @callback: called on success or failure (unless @weak_object has become * unreferenced) * @user_data: arbitrary user-supplied data * @destroy: called to destroy @user_data after calling @callback, or when * @weak_object becomes unreferenced (whichever occurs sooner) * @weak_object: if not %NULL, an object to be weakly referenced: if it is * destroyed, @callback will not be called * * Hold (ensure a reference to) the given handles, if they are valid. * * If they are valid, the callback will later be called with the given * handles; if not all of them are valid, the callback will be called with * an error. * * This function, along with tp_connection_unref_handles(), * tp_connection_get_contact_attributes() and #TpContact, keeps a client-side * reference count of handles; you should not use the RequestHandles, * HoldHandles and GetContactAttributes D-Bus methods directly as well as these * functions. */ void tp_connection_hold_handles (TpConnection *self, gint timeout_ms, TpHandleType handle_type, guint n_handles, const TpHandle *handles, TpConnectionHoldHandlesCb callback, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify destroy, GObject *weak_object) { HoldHandlesContext *context; g_return_if_fail (TP_IS_CONNECTION (self)); g_return_if_fail (handle_type > TP_HANDLE_TYPE_NONE); g_return_if_fail (handle_type < NUM_TP_HANDLE_TYPES); g_return_if_fail (n_handles >= 1); g_return_if_fail (callback != NULL); context = g_slice_new0 (HoldHandlesContext); context->handle_type = handle_type; context->user_data = user_data; context->destroy = destroy; context->handles = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (guint), n_handles); g_array_append_vals (context->handles, handles, n_handles); context->callback = callback; tp_cli_connection_call_hold_handles (self, timeout_ms, handle_type, context->handles, connection_held_handles, context, hold_handles_context_free, weak_object); } typedef struct { TpHandleType handle_type; guint n_ids; gchar **ids; gpointer user_data; GDestroyNotify destroy; TpConnectionRequestHandlesCb callback; } RequestHandlesContext; static void request_handles_context_free (gpointer p) { RequestHandlesContext *context = p; g_strfreev (context->ids); if (context->destroy != NULL) context->destroy (context->user_data); g_slice_free (RequestHandlesContext, context); } /** * TpConnectionRequestHandlesCb: * @connection: the connection * @handle_type: the handle type that was passed to * tp_connection_request_handles() * @n_handles: the number of IDs that were passed to * tp_connection_request_handles() on success, or 0 on failure * @handles: (element-type uint) (array length=n_handles): the @n_handles * handles corresponding to @ids, in the same order, or %NULL on failure * @ids: (element-type utf8) (array length=n_handles): a copy of the array of * @n_handles IDs that was passed to tp_connection_request_handles() on * success, or %NULL on failure * @error: %NULL on success, or an error on failure * @user_data: the same arbitrary pointer that was passed to * tp_connection_request_handles() * @weak_object: the same object that was passed to * tp_connection_request_handles() * * Signature of the callback called when tp_connection_request_handles() * succeeds or fails. * * On success, the caller has a reference to each handle in @handles. * * Since telepathy-glib version 0.13.8, * the handles will remain valid until @connection becomes invalid * (signalled by #TpProxy::invalidated). In earlier versions, they could be * released with tp_connection_unref_handles(). * * For convenience, the handle type and IDs requested by the caller are * passed through to this callback, so the caller does not have to include * them in @user_data. */ static void connection_requested_handles (TpConnection *self, const GArray *handles, const GError *error, gpointer user_data, GObject *weak_object) { RequestHandlesContext *context = user_data; g_object_ref (self); if (error == NULL) { if (G_UNLIKELY (g_strv_length (context->ids) != handles->len)) { const gchar *cm = tp_proxy_get_bus_name ((TpProxy *) self); GError *e = g_error_new (TP_DBUS_ERRORS, TP_DBUS_ERROR_INCONSISTENT, "Connection manager %s is broken: we asked for %u " "handles but RequestHandles returned %u", cm, g_strv_length (context->ids), handles->len); /* This CM is bad and wrong. We can't trust it to get anything * right. */ WARNING ("%s", e->message); context->callback (self, context->handle_type, 0, NULL, NULL, e, context->user_data, weak_object); g_error_free (e); return; } DEBUG ("%u handles of type %u", handles->len, context->handle_type); /* On the Telepathy side, we have held these handles (at least once). * That's all we need. */ context->callback (self, context->handle_type, handles->len, (const TpHandle *) handles->data, (const gchar * const *) context->ids, NULL, context->user_data, weak_object); } else { DEBUG ("%u handles of type %u failed: %s %u: %s", g_strv_length (context->ids), context->handle_type, g_quark_to_string (error->domain), error->code, error->message); context->callback (self, context->handle_type, 0, NULL, NULL, error, context->user_data, weak_object); } g_object_unref (self); } /** * tp_connection_request_handles: * @self: a connection * @timeout_ms: the timeout in milliseconds, or -1 to use the default * @handle_type: the handle type * @ids: (array zero-terminated=1): an array of string identifiers for which * handles are required, terminated by %NULL (must not be %NULL or empty) * @callback: called on success or failure (unless @weak_object has become * unreferenced) * @user_data: arbitrary user-supplied data * @destroy: called to destroy @user_data after calling @callback, or when * @weak_object becomes unreferenced (whichever occurs sooner) * @weak_object: if not %NULL, an object to be weakly referenced: if it is * destroyed, @callback will not be called * * Request the handles corresponding to the given identifiers, and if they * are valid, hold (ensure a reference to) the corresponding handles. * * If they are valid, the callback will later be called with the given * handles; if not all of them are valid, the callback will be called with * an error. */ void tp_connection_request_handles (TpConnection *self, gint timeout_ms, TpHandleType handle_type, const gchar * const *ids, TpConnectionRequestHandlesCb callback, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify destroy, GObject *weak_object) { RequestHandlesContext *context; g_return_if_fail (TP_IS_CONNECTION (self)); g_return_if_fail (handle_type > TP_HANDLE_TYPE_NONE); g_return_if_fail (handle_type < NUM_TP_HANDLE_TYPES); g_return_if_fail (ids != NULL); g_return_if_fail (ids[0] != NULL); g_return_if_fail (callback != NULL); context = g_slice_new0 (RequestHandlesContext); context->handle_type = handle_type; context->ids = g_strdupv ((GStrv) ids); context->user_data = user_data; context->destroy = destroy; context->callback = callback; tp_cli_connection_call_request_handles (self, timeout_ms, handle_type, (const gchar **) context->ids, connection_requested_handles, context, request_handles_context_free, weak_object); } /** * tp_connection_get_contact_attributes: * @self: a connection * @timeout_ms: the timeout in milliseconds, or -1 to use the default * @n_handles: the number of handles in @handles (must be at least 1) * @handles: (array length=n_handles): an array of handles * @interfaces: a #GStrv of interfaces * @hold: if %TRUE, the callback will hold one reference to each valid handle * @callback: (type GObject.Callback): called on success or * failure (unless @weak_object has become unreferenced) * @user_data: arbitrary user-supplied data * @destroy: called to destroy @user_data after calling @callback, or when * @weak_object becomes unreferenced (whichever occurs sooner) * @weak_object: if not %NULL, an object to be weakly referenced: if it is * destroyed, @callback will not be called * * Return (via a callback) any number of attributes of the given handles. * * Since telepathy-glib version 0.13.8, * the handles will remain valid until @connection becomes invalid * (signalled by #TpProxy::invalidated). In earlier versions, if @hold * was %TRUE, the callback would hold a reference to them which could be * released with tp_connection_unref_handles(). * * This is a thin wrapper around the GetContactAttributes D-Bus method, and * should be used in preference to * tp_cli_connection_interface_contacts_call_get_contact_attributes(); mixing this * function, tp_connection_hold_handles(), tp_connection_unref_handles(), and * #TpContact with direct use of the RequestHandles, HoldHandles and * GetContactAttributes D-Bus methods is unwise, as #TpConnection and * #TpContact perform client-side reference counting of handles. * The #TpContact API provides a higher-level abstraction which should * usually be used instead. * * @callback will later be called with the attributes of those of the given * handles that were valid. Invalid handles are simply omitted from the * parameter to the callback. * * If @hold is %TRUE, the @callback is given one reference to each handle * that appears as a key in the callback's @attributes parameter. */ void tp_connection_get_contact_attributes (TpConnection *self, gint timeout_ms, guint n_handles, const TpHandle *handles, const gchar * const *interfaces, gboolean hold, tp_cli_connection_interface_contacts_callback_for_get_contact_attributes callback, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify destroy, GObject *weak_object) { GArray *a; guint i; DEBUG ("%u handles", n_handles); for (i = 0; i < n_handles; i++) DEBUG ("- %u", handles[i]); g_return_if_fail (TP_IS_CONNECTION (self)); g_return_if_fail (n_handles >= 1); g_return_if_fail (handles != NULL); g_return_if_fail (callback != NULL); a = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (guint), n_handles); g_array_append_vals (a, handles, n_handles); /* We ignore @hold, and always hold the handles anyway */ tp_cli_connection_interface_contacts_call_get_contact_attributes (self, -1, a, (const gchar **) interfaces, TRUE, callback, user_data, destroy, weak_object); g_array_free (a, TRUE); } /** * tp_connection_get_contact_list_attributes: * @self: a connection * @timeout_ms: the timeout in milliseconds (using a large timeout is * recommended) * @interfaces: a #GStrv of interfaces * @hold: if %TRUE, the callback will hold one reference to each handle it * receives * @callback: (type GObject.Callback): called on success or * failure (unless @weak_object has become unreferenced) * @user_data: arbitrary user-supplied data * @destroy: called to destroy @user_data after calling @callback, or when * @weak_object becomes unreferenced (whichever occurs sooner) * @weak_object: if not %NULL, an object to be weakly referenced: if it is * destroyed, @callback will not be called * * Return (via a callback) the contacts on the contact list and any number of * their attributes. * * Since telepathy-glib version 0.13.8, * the handles will remain valid until @connection becomes invalid * (signalled by #TpProxy::invalidated). In earlier versions, if @hold * was %TRUE, the callback would hold a reference to them which could be * released with tp_connection_unref_handles(). * * This is a thin wrapper around the RequestContactList D-Bus method, * and should be used in preference to lower-level functions; it is similar * to tp_connection_get_contact_attributes(). * * The #TpContact API provides a higher-level abstraction which should * usually be used instead. * * If @hold is %TRUE, the @callback is given a reference to each handle * that appears as a key in the callback's @attributes parameter. */ void tp_connection_get_contact_list_attributes (TpConnection *self, gint timeout_ms, const gchar * const *interfaces, gboolean hold, tp_cli_connection_interface_contacts_callback_for_get_contact_attributes callback, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify destroy, GObject *weak_object) { g_return_if_fail (TP_IS_CONNECTION (self)); g_return_if_fail (callback != NULL); /* We ignore @hold, and always hold the handles anyway */ tp_cli_connection_interface_contact_list_call_get_contact_list_attributes ( self, -1, (const gchar **) interfaces, TRUE, callback, user_data, destroy, weak_object); }