.TH MC-WAIT-FOR-NAME "1" "July 2009" "Telepathy" "Utilities" \" Copyright © 2009 Collabora Ltd. \" This document may be distributed under the same terms as \" telepathy-mission-control itself. .SH NAME mc6-wait-for-name \- run until a D-Bus name appears on the session bus .SH SYNOPSIS .B mc6-wait-for-name .I WELL-KNOWN-NAME .PP .nf .B [D-BUS Service] .BI Name= im.telepathy.v1.Client.Something .BI Exec=@bindir@/mc6-wait-for-name " im.telepathy.v1.Client.Something" .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .B mc6-wait-for-name runs until a bus name appears, then exits successfully. This can be used as a service-activation helper for a bus name that is not directly activatable, but will be provided automatically (after a while) by the desktop session. .SH EXIT STATUS .TP 0 The bus name eventually appeared. .TP 64 (EX_USAGE) Invocation error (too many or too few arguments, or the bus name given was not a syntactically valid well-known bus name). .TP 69 (EX_UNAVAILABLE) mc6-wait-for-name was unable to connect to the session bus. .TP 75 (EX_TEMPFAIL) The name did not appear within a reasonable time. .SH OPTIONS There are no additional command-line options. .SH BUGS The "reasonable time" to wait is currently hard-coded.