""" Test receiving and sending muc invitations """ import avahi import dbus from saluttest import exec_test from saluttest import (exec_test, wait_for_contact_in_publish) from avahitest import AvahiAnnouncer, AvahiListener from avahitest import get_host_name from xmppstream import setup_stream_listener, connect_to_stream from servicetest import (make_channel_proxy, assertEquals, assertContains) from twisted.words.xish import domish import constants as cs HT_CONTACT = 1 HT_ROOM = 2 NS_CLIQUE = "http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/xmpp/clique" def test(q, bus, conn): conn.Connect() q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged', args=[0L, 0L]) basic_txt = { "txtvers": "1", "status": "avail" } self_handle = conn.Properties.Get(cs.CONN, "SelfHandle") self_handle_name = conn.Properties.Get(cs.CONN, "SelfID") contact_name = "test-muc@" + get_host_name() listener, port = setup_stream_listener(q, contact_name) AvahiAnnouncer(contact_name, "_presence._tcp", port, basic_txt) handle = wait_for_contact_in_publish(q, bus, conn, contact_name) requests_iface = dbus.Interface(conn, cs.CONN_IFACE_REQUESTS) # Create a connection to send the muc invite AvahiListener(q).listen_for_service("_presence._tcp") e = q.expect('service-added', name = self_handle_name, protocol = avahi.PROTO_INET) service = e.service service.resolve() e = q.expect('service-resolved', service = service) outbound = connect_to_stream(q, contact_name, self_handle_name, str(e.pt), e.port) e = q.expect('connection-result') assert e.succeeded, e.reason e = q.expect('stream-opened', connection = outbound) # connected to Salut, now send the muc invite msg = domish.Element((None, 'message')) msg['to'] = self_handle_name msg['from'] = contact_name msg['type'] = 'normal' body = msg.addElement('body', content='You got a Clique chatroom invitation') invite = msg.addElement((NS_CLIQUE, 'invite')) invite.addElement('roomname', content='my-room') invite.addElement('reason', content='Inviting to this room') # FIXME: we should create a real Clique room and use its IP and port. # Hardcode values for now. The IP is a multicast address. invite.addElement('address', content='') invite.addElement('port', content='62472') outbound.send(msg) e = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels', predicate=lambda e: e.args[0][0][1][cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT) channels = e.args[0] assert len(channels) == 1 path, props = channels[0] channel = make_channel_proxy(conn, path, "Channel") channel_group = make_channel_proxy(conn, path, "Channel.Interface.Group") # check channel properties # im.telepathy1.Channel D-Bus properties assert props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT assertContains(cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP, props[cs.INTERFACES]) assert props[cs.TARGET_ID] == 'my-room' assert props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE] == HT_ROOM assert props[cs.REQUESTED] == False assert props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == handle assert props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == contact_name # we are added to local pending e = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='MembersChanged') added, removed, lp, rp, details = e.args assert details['message'] == 'Inviting to this room' assert added == [] assert removed == [] assert lp == [self_handle] assert rp == [] assert details['actor'] == handle assert details['change-reason'] == 4 # invited # TODO: join the muc, check if we are added to remote-pending and then # to members. This would need some tweak in Salut and/or the test framework # as Clique takes too much time to join the room and so the event times # out. # TODO: test sending invitations # FIXME: fd.o #30531: this ought to work, but doesn't #channel_group.RemoveMembersWithReason([self_handle], "bored now", 0) channel.Close() q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='Closed') if __name__ == '__main__': exec_test(test)