from saluttest import exec_test, wait_for_contact_in_publish from avahitest import AvahiAnnouncer, AvahiRecordAnnouncer, AvahiListener from avahitest import get_host_name, get_domain_name import avahi from xmppstream import setup_stream_listener, connect_to_stream from servicetest import make_channel_proxy, format_event, EventPattern from twisted.words.xish import xpath, domish import constants as cs import time import dbus import socket CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT = "im.telepathy1.Channel.Type.Text" HT_CONTACT = 1 HT_ROOM = 2 HT_CONTACT_LIST = 3 PUBLISHED_NAME = "acttest" TESTSUITE_PUBLISHED_NAME = "salutacttest" ACTIVITY_ID = str(time.time()) def announce_address(hostname, address): "Announce IN A record, address is assume to be ipv4" data = reduce (lambda x, y: (x << 8) + int(y), address.split("."), 0) ndata = socket.htonl(data) rdata = [ (ndata >> (24 - x)) & 0xff for x in xrange(0, 32, 8)] AvahiRecordAnnouncer(hostname, 0x1, 0x01, rdata) def test(q, bus, conn): conn.Connect() q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged', args=[0L, 0L]) activity_txt = { "type": "org.laptop.HelloMesh", "name": "HelloMesh", "color": "#7b83c1,#260993", "txtvers": "0", "activity-id": ACTIVITY_ID, "room": ACTIVITY_ID } # Listen for announcements l = AvahiListener(q).listen_for_service("_olpc-activity1._udp") # Assert that the testsuite doesn't announce the activity service_name = ACTIVITY_ID + ":" + TESTSUITE_PUBLISHED_NAME + "@" + get_host_name() forbiden_event = EventPattern('service-added', name=service_name) q.forbid_events([forbiden_event]) contact_name = PUBLISHED_NAME + "@" + get_host_name() activity_name = ACTIVITY_ID + ":" + PUBLISHED_NAME + "@" + get_host_name() AvahiAnnouncer(contact_name, "_presence._tcp", 1234, {}) act_hostname = ACTIVITY_ID + ":" + PUBLISHED_NAME + \ "._clique._udp." + get_domain_name() act_address = "" announce_address(act_hostname, act_address) # FIXME, if we use the same name as the running salut will MembersChanged # isn't signalled later on, needs to be fixed. AvahiAnnouncer(ACTIVITY_ID + ":" + PUBLISHED_NAME, "_clique._udp", 12345, {}, hostname = act_hostname) AvahiAnnouncer(activity_name, "_olpc-activity1._udp", 0, activity_txt) # Publish a contact, now get it's handle handle = wait_for_contact_in_publish(q, bus, conn, contact_name) # Assert that the remote handles signals it joined the activity while True: e = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal = 'ActivitiesChanged') if e.args[0] == handle and e.args[1] != []: assert len(e.args[1]) == 1 assert e.args[1][0][0] == ACTIVITY_ID activity_handle = e.args[1][0][1] break act_prop_iface = dbus.Interface(conn, cs.ACTIVITY_PROPERTIES) act_properties = act_prop_iface.GetProperties(activity_handle) assert act_properties['private'] == False assert act_properties['color'] == activity_txt['color'] assert act_properties['name'] == activity_txt['name'] assert act_properties['type'] == activity_txt['type'] room_channel = conn.RequestChannel(CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT, HT_ROOM, activity_handle, True) q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='MembersChanged', path=room_channel, args = [u'', [1L], [], [], [], 1L, 0L]) # Make it public that we joined the activity q.unforbid_events([forbiden_event]) buddy_info_iface = dbus.Interface(conn, cs.BUDDY_INFO) buddy_info_iface.SetActivities([(ACTIVITY_ID, activity_handle)]) q.expect('service-added', name = ACTIVITY_ID + ":" + TESTSUITE_PUBLISHED_NAME + "@" + get_host_name()) buddy_info_iface.SetActivities([]) q.expect('service-removed', name = ACTIVITY_ID + ":" + TESTSUITE_PUBLISHED_NAME + "@" + get_host_name()) if __name__ == '__main__': exec_test(test, { "published-name": TESTSUITE_PUBLISHED_NAME}, timeout=15)