/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ // Following Gradle best practices to keep build logic organized // Generated code locations for Unit tests ext.genSrc = file("$buildDir/gen-java") ext.genBeanSrc = file("$buildDir/gen-javabean") ext.genReuseSrc = file("$buildDir/gen-javareuse") ext.genFullCamelSrc = file("$buildDir/gen-fullcamel") ext.genOptionTypeJdk8Src = file("$buildDir/gen-option-type-jdk8") ext.genUnsafeSrc = file("$buildDir/gen-unsafe") ext.genDefinitionOrderTestASrc = file("$buildDir/resources/test/definition-order-test/a") ext.genDefinitionOrderTestBSrc = file("$buildDir/resources/test/definition-order-test/b") // Add the generated code directories to the test source set sourceSets { test.java.srcDirs genSrc, genBeanSrc, genReuseSrc, genFullCamelSrc, genUnsafeSrc, genOptionTypeJdk8Src } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Code generation for Unit Testing // A callable closure to make this easier ext.thriftCompile = { Task task, String thriftFileName, String generator = 'java', File outputDir = genSrc -> def thriftFile = file("$thriftRoot/test/$thriftFileName") if (!thriftFile.exists()) { thriftFile = file("$projectDir/src/test/resources/$thriftFileName") assert thriftFile.exists(), "can't find $thriftFile" } task.inputs.file thriftFile task.outputs.dir outputDir task.doLast { outputDir.mkdirs() def result = exec { executable file(thriftCompiler) args '--gen', generator args '-out', outputDir args thriftFile standardOutput = task.outputBuffer errorOutput = task.outputBuffer ignoreExitValue = true } if (result.exitValue != 0) { // Only show the Thrift compiler output on failures, cuts down on noise! println task.outputBuffer.toString() result.rethrowFailure() } } } task generate(group: 'Build') { description = 'Generate all unit test Thrift sources' compileTestJava.dependsOn it } task generateJava(group: 'Build') { description = 'Generate the thrift gen-java source' generate.dependsOn it ext.outputBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream() thriftCompile(it, 'ThriftTest.thrift') thriftCompile(it, 'JavaTypes.thrift') thriftCompile(it, 'DebugProtoTest.thrift') thriftCompile(it, 'DoubleConstantsTest.thrift') thriftCompile(it, 'OptionalRequiredTest.thrift') thriftCompile(it, 'ManyOptionals.thrift') thriftCompile(it, 'JavaDeepCopyTest.thrift') thriftCompile(it, 'EnumContainersTest.thrift') thriftCompile(it, 'JavaBinaryDefault.thrift') thriftCompile(it, 'VoidMethExceptionsTest.thrift') thriftCompile(it, 'JavaAnnotationTest.thrift') thriftCompile(it, 'partial/thrift_test_schema.thrift') } task generateOptionalTypeJava(group: 'Build') { description = 'Generate the thrift gen-option-type-jdk8 source' generate.dependsOn it ext.outputBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream() thriftCompile(it, 'JavaOptionTypeJdk8Test.thrift', 'java:option_type=jdk8', genOptionTypeJdk8Src) } task generateBeanJava(group: 'Build') { description = 'Generate the thrift gen-javabean source' generate.dependsOn it ext.outputBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream() thriftCompile(it, 'JavaBeansTest.thrift', 'java:beans,nocamel,future_iface', genBeanSrc) } task generateReuseJava(group: 'Build') { description = 'Generate the thrift gen-javareuse source' generate.dependsOn it ext.outputBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream() thriftCompile(it, 'FullCamelTest.thrift', 'java:fullcamel,future_iface', genFullCamelSrc) } task generateFullCamelJava(group: 'Build') { description = 'Generate the thrift gen-fullcamel source' generate.dependsOn it ext.outputBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream() thriftCompile(it, 'ReuseObjects.thrift', 'java:reuse_objects', genReuseSrc) } task generateUnsafeBinariesJava(group: 'Build') { description = 'Generate the thrift gen-unsafebinaries source' generate.dependsOn it ext.outputBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream() thriftCompile(it, 'UnsafeTypes.thrift', 'java:unsafe_binaries', genUnsafeSrc) } task generateWithAnnotationMetadata(group: 'Build') { description = 'Generate with annotation enabled and add to the default source' generate.dependsOn it ext.outputBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream() thriftCompile(it, 'JavaAnnotationTest.thrift', 'java:annotations_as_metadata', genSrc) } task generateJavaDefinitionOrderTestJava(group: 'Build') { description = 'Generate fields defined in different order and add to build dir so we can compare them' generate.dependsOn it ext.outputBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream() thriftCompile(it, 'JavaDefinitionOrderA.thrift', 'java', genDefinitionOrderTestASrc) thriftCompile(it, 'JavaDefinitionOrderB.thrift', 'java', genDefinitionOrderTestBSrc) }