#include #define FUNCID_UPDATE_TEE_TRACE_LEVEL 0xb2000016 #define __asmeq(x, y) ".ifnc " x "," y " ; .err ; .endif\n\t" static int atoi(const char* str) { int ret = 0; if (!str) return ret; while ( *str != '\0') { if (('0' <= *str) && (*str <= '9')) { ret = ret * 10 + (*str++ - '0'); } else { ret = 0; break; } } return ret; } static uint32_t update_log_level(uint32_t log_level) { register uint32_t x0 asm("x0") = FUNCID_UPDATE_TEE_TRACE_LEVEL; register uint32_t x1 asm("x1") = log_level; do { asm volatile( __asmeq("%0", "x0") __asmeq("%1", "x0") __asmeq("%2", "x1") "smc #0\n" : "=r"(x0) : "r"(x0), "r"(x1)); } while (0); return x0; } int exec(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[]) { uint32_t log_level = 0; uint32_t updated_log_level = 0; if (argc != 2) { printf("BL33: parameter error,\n" "Usage:\ntee_log_level [log_level],\n" "the min log level is 1, and the max log level is related to" " Secure OS version\n"); return 0; } log_level = atoi(argv[1]); updated_log_level = update_log_level(log_level); if (log_level < updated_log_level) { printf("BL33: the min log level is %d\n", updated_log_level); } else if (log_level > updated_log_level) { printf("BL33: the max log level is %d\n", updated_log_level); } printf("BL33: the updated log level is %d\n", updated_log_level); return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ U_BOOT_CMD( tee_log_level, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 0, exec, "update tee log level", "[log_level],\nthe min log level is 1, and the max log level is" " related to Secure OS version" );