path: root/Documentation
diff options
authorBreno Matheus Lima <>2019-06-05 18:18:30 +0000
committerTom Rini <>2019-06-20 10:57:08 -0400
commit656d8da9d2862afd293ae678d37a486d34b76ca2 (patch)
tree405420ece9ddde3c6e8f66ab65867d128d7761be /Documentation
parent894e235f145b4f397a474f22c7c604ae925eb114 (diff)
doc: Remove duplicated documentation directory
Commit ad7061ed742e ("doc: Move device tree bindings documentation to doc/device-tree-bindings") moved all device tree binding documentation to doc/device-tree-bindings directory. The current U-Boot project still have two documentation directories: - doc/ - Documentation/ Move all documentation and sphinx files to doc directory so all content can be in a common place. Signed-off-by: Breno Lima <>
Diffstat (limited to 'Documentation')
30 files changed, 0 insertions, 3591 deletions
diff --git a/Documentation/Makefile b/Documentation/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ca77ad0f2..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# -*- makefile -*-
-# Makefile for Sphinx documentation
-subdir-y :=
-# You can set these variables from the command line.
-SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
-_SPHINXDIRS = $(patsubst $(srctree)/Documentation/%/,%,$(wildcard $(srctree)/Documentation/*/
-BUILDDIR = $(obj)/output
-PDFLATEX = xelatex
-LATEXOPTS = -interaction=batchmode
-# User-friendly check for sphinx-build
-HAVE_SPHINX := $(shell if which $(SPHINXBUILD) >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi)
-ifeq ($(HAVE_SPHINX),0)
- $(warning The '$(SPHINXBUILD)' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx installed and in PATH, or set the SPHINXBUILD make variable to point to the full path of the '$(SPHINXBUILD)' executable.)
- @echo
- @./scripts/sphinx-pre-install
- @echo " SKIP Sphinx $@ target."
-# User-friendly check for pdflatex
-HAVE_PDFLATEX := $(shell if which $(PDFLATEX) >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi)
-# Internal variables.
-PAPEROPT_a4 = -D latex_paper_size=a4
-PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter
-KERNELDOC = $(srctree)/scripts/kernel-doc
-KERNELDOC_CONF = -D kerneldoc_srctree=$(srctree) -D kerneldoc_bin=$(KERNELDOC)
-# the i18n builder cannot share the environment and doctrees with the others
-# commands; the 'cmd' from scripts/Kbuild.include is not *loopable*
-loop_cmd = $(echo-cmd) $(cmd_$(1)) || exit;
-# $2 sphinx builder e.g. "html"
-# $3 name of the build subfolder / e.g. "media", used as:
-# * dest folder relative to $(BUILDDIR) and
-# * cache folder relative to $(BUILDDIR)/.doctrees
-# $4 dest subfolder e.g. "man" for man pages at media/man
-# $5 reST source folder relative to $(srctree)/$(src),
-# e.g. "media" for the linux-tv book-set at ./Documentation/media
-quiet_cmd_sphinx = SPHINX $@ --> file://$(abspath $(BUILDDIR)/$3/$4)
- cmd_sphinx = $(MAKE) BUILDDIR=$(abspath $(BUILDDIR)) $(build)=Documentation/media $2 && \
- BUILDDIR=$(abspath $(BUILDDIR)) SPHINX_CONF=$(abspath $(srctree)/$(src)/$5/$(SPHINX_CONF)) \
- -b $2 \
- -c $(abspath $(srctree)/$(src)) \
- -d $(abspath $(BUILDDIR)/.doctrees/$3) \
- -D version=$(KERNELVERSION) -D release=$(KERNELRELEASE) \
- $(abspath $(srctree)/$(src)/$5) \
- $(abspath $(BUILDDIR)/$3/$4)
- @+$(foreach var,$(SPHINXDIRS),$(call loop_cmd,sphinx,html,$(var),,$(var)))
- @$(foreach var,$(SPHINXDIRS),$(call loop_cmd,sphinx,linkcheck,$(var),,$(var)))
- @+$(foreach var,$(SPHINXDIRS),$(call loop_cmd,sphinx,latex,$(var),latex,$(var)))
-ifeq ($(HAVE_PDFLATEX),0)
- $(warning The '$(PDFLATEX)' command was not found. Make sure you have it installed and in PATH to produce PDF output.)
- @echo " SKIP Sphinx $@ target."
-pdfdocs: latexdocs
- $(foreach var,$(SPHINXDIRS), $(MAKE) PDFLATEX=$(PDFLATEX) LATEXOPTS="$(LATEXOPTS)" -C $(BUILDDIR)/$(var)/latex || exit;)
- @+$(foreach var,$(SPHINXDIRS),$(call loop_cmd,sphinx,epub,$(var),epub,$(var)))
- @+$(foreach var,$(SPHINXDIRS),$(call loop_cmd,sphinx,xml,$(var),xml,$(var)))
-endif # HAVE_SPHINX
-# The following targets are independent of HAVE_SPHINX, and the rules should
-# work or silently pass without Sphinx.
- $(Q)cd $(srctree);scripts/documentation-file-ref-check
- $(Q)rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)
- $(Q)$(MAKE) BUILDDIR=$(abspath $(BUILDDIR)) $(build)=Documentation/media clean
- @echo ' Linux kernel internal documentation in different formats from ReST:'
- @echo ' htmldocs - HTML'
- @echo ' latexdocs - LaTeX'
- @echo ' pdfdocs - PDF'
- @echo ' epubdocs - EPUB'
- @echo ' xmldocs - XML'
- @echo ' linkcheckdocs - check for broken external links (will connect to external hosts)'
- @echo ' refcheckdocs - check for references to non-existing files under Documentation'
- @echo ' cleandocs - clean all generated files'
- @echo
- @echo ' make SPHINXDIRS="s1 s2" [target] Generate only docs of folder s1, s2'
- @echo ' valid values for SPHINXDIRS are: $(_SPHINXDIRS)'
- @echo
- @echo ' make SPHINX_CONF={conf-file} [target] use *additional* sphinx-build'
- @echo ' configuration. This is e.g. useful to build with nit-picking config.'
- @echo
- @echo ' Default location for the generated documents is Documentation/output'
diff --git a/Documentation/ b/Documentation/
deleted file mode 100644
index 168c31346b..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# The U-Boot documentation build configuration file, created by
-# sphinx-quickstart on Fri Feb 12 13:51:46 2016.
-# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its
-# containing dir.
-# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
-# autogenerated file.
-# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
-# serve to show the default.
-import sys
-import os
-import sphinx
-# Get Sphinx version
-major, minor, patch = sphinx.version_info[:3]
-# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
-# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
-# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('sphinx'))
-from load_config import loadConfig
-# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------
-# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
-needs_sphinx = '1.3'
-# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
-# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
-# ones.
-extensions = ['kerneldoc', 'rstFlatTable', 'kernel_include', 'cdomain', 'kfigure']
-# The name of the math extension changed on Sphinx 1.4
-if major == 1 and minor > 3:
- extensions.append("sphinx.ext.imgmath")
- extensions.append("sphinx.ext.pngmath")
-# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
-templates_path = ['_templates']
-# The suffix(es) of source filenames.
-# You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string:
-# source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md']
-source_suffix = '.rst'
-# The encoding of source files.
-#source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
-# The master toctree document.
-master_doc = 'index'
-# General information about the project.
-project = 'Das U-Boot'
-copyright = 'The U-Boot development community'
-author = 'The U-Boot development community'
-# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
-# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
-# built documents.
-# In a normal build, version and release are are set to KERNELVERSION and
-# KERNELRELEASE, respectively, from the Makefile via Sphinx command line
-# arguments.
-# The following code tries to extract the information by reading the Makefile,
-# when Sphinx is run directly (e.g. by Read the Docs).
- makefile_version = None
- makefile_patchlevel = None
- for line in open('../Makefile'):
- key, val = [x.strip() for x in line.split('=', 2)]
- if key == 'VERSION':
- makefile_version = val
- elif key == 'PATCHLEVEL':
- makefile_patchlevel = val
- if makefile_version and makefile_patchlevel:
- break
- pass
- if makefile_version and makefile_patchlevel:
- version = release = makefile_version + '.' + makefile_patchlevel
- else:
- version = release = "unknown version"
-# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
-# for a list of supported languages.
-# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs.
-# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases.
-language = None
-# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
-# non-false value, then it is used:
-#today = ''
-# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
-#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
-# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
-# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
-exclude_patterns = ['output']
-# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all
-# documents.
-#default_role = None
-# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
-#add_function_parentheses = True
-# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
-# unit titles (such as .. function::).
-#add_module_names = True
-# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
-# output. They are ignored by default.
-#show_authors = False
-# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
-pygments_style = 'sphinx'
-# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.
-#modindex_common_prefix = []
-# If true, keep warnings as "system message" paragraphs in the built documents.
-#keep_warnings = False
-# If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing.
-todo_include_todos = False
-primary_domain = 'c'
-highlight_language = 'none'
-# -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------
-# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
-# a list of builtin themes.
-# The Read the Docs theme is available from
-# -
-# -
-# - python-sphinx-rtd-theme package (on Debian)
- import sphinx_rtd_theme
- html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
- html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()]
-except ImportError:
- sys.stderr.write('Warning: The Sphinx \'sphinx_rtd_theme\' HTML theme was not found. Make sure you have the theme installed to produce pretty HTML output. Falling back to the default theme.\n')
-# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
-# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
-# documentation.
-#html_theme_options = {}
-# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.
-#html_theme_path = []
-# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to
-# "<project> v<release> documentation".
-#html_title = None
-# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title.
-#html_short_title = None
-# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top
-# of the sidebar.
-#html_logo = None
-# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the
-# docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
-# pixels large.
-#html_favicon = None
-# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
-# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
-# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
-html_static_path = ['sphinx-static']
-html_context = {
- 'css_files': [
- '_static/theme_overrides.css',
- ],
-# Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or
-# .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. These files are copied
-# directly to the root of the documentation.
-#html_extra_path = []
-# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,
-# using the given strftime format.
-#html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y'
-# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
-# typographically correct entities.
-#html_use_smartypants = True
-# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names.
-#html_sidebars = {}
-# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
-# template names.
-#html_additional_pages = {}
-# If false, no module index is generated.
-#html_domain_indices = True
-# If false, no index is generated.
-#html_use_index = True
-# If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter.
-#html_split_index = False
-# If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages.
-#html_show_sourcelink = True
-# If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
-#html_show_sphinx = True
-# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
-#html_show_copyright = True
-# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
-# contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the
-# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
-#html_use_opensearch = ''
-# This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml").
-#html_file_suffix = None
-# Language to be used for generating the HTML full-text search index.
-# Sphinx supports the following languages:
-# 'da', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'h', 'it', 'ja'
-# 'nl', 'no', 'pt', 'ro', 'r', 'sv', 'tr'
-#html_search_language = 'en'
-# A dictionary with options for the search language support, empty by default.
-# Now only 'ja' uses this config value
-#html_search_options = {'type': 'default'}
-# The name of a javascript file (relative to the configuration directory) that
-# implements a search results scorer. If empty, the default will be used.
-#html_search_scorer = 'scorer.js'
-# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
-htmlhelp_basename = 'TheUBootdoc'
-# -- Options for LaTeX output ---------------------------------------------
-latex_elements = {
-# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
-'papersize': 'a4paper',
-# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
-'pointsize': '8pt',
-# Latex figure (float) alignment
-#'figure_align': 'htbp',
-# Don't mangle with UTF-8 chars
-'inputenc': '',
-'utf8extra': '',
-# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
- 'preamble': '''
- % Use some font with UTF-8 support with XeLaTeX
- \\usepackage{fontspec}
- \\setsansfont{DejaVu Serif}
- \\setromanfont{DejaVu Sans}
- \\setmonofont{DejaVu Sans Mono}
- '''
-# Fix reference escape troubles with Sphinx 1.4.x
-if major == 1 and minor > 3:
- latex_elements['preamble'] += '\\renewcommand*{\\DUrole}[2]{ #2 }\n'
-if major == 1 and minor <= 4:
- latex_elements['preamble'] += '\\usepackage[margin=0.5in, top=1in, bottom=1in]{geometry}'
-elif major == 1 and (minor > 5 or (minor == 5 and patch >= 3)):
- latex_elements['sphinxsetup'] = 'hmargin=0.5in, vmargin=1in'
- latex_elements['preamble'] += '\\fvset{fontsize=auto}\n'
-# Customize notice background colors on Sphinx < 1.6:
-if major == 1 and minor < 6:
- latex_elements['preamble'] += '''
- \\usepackage{ifthen}
- % Put notes in color and let them be inside a table
- \\definecolor{NoteColor}{RGB}{204,255,255}
- \\definecolor{WarningColor}{RGB}{255,204,204}
- \\definecolor{AttentionColor}{RGB}{255,255,204}
- \\definecolor{ImportantColor}{RGB}{192,255,204}
- \\definecolor{OtherColor}{RGB}{204,204,204}
- \\newlength{\\mynoticelength}
- \\makeatletter\\newenvironment{coloredbox}[1]{%
- \\setlength{\\fboxrule}{1pt}
- \\setlength{\\fboxsep}{7pt}
- \\setlength{\\mynoticelength}{\\linewidth}
- \\addtolength{\\mynoticelength}{-2\\fboxsep}
- \\addtolength{\\mynoticelength}{-2\\fboxrule}
- \\begin{lrbox}{\\@tempboxa}\\begin{minipage}{\\mynoticelength}}{\\end{minipage}\\end{lrbox}%
- \\ifthenelse%
- {\\equal{\\py@noticetype}{note}}%
- {\\colorbox{NoteColor}{\\usebox{\\@tempboxa}}}%
- {%
- \\ifthenelse%
- {\\equal{\\py@noticetype}{warning}}%
- {\\colorbox{WarningColor}{\\usebox{\\@tempboxa}}}%
- {%
- \\ifthenelse%
- {\\equal{\\py@noticetype}{attention}}%
- {\\colorbox{AttentionColor}{\\usebox{\\@tempboxa}}}%
- {%
- \\ifthenelse%
- {\\equal{\\py@noticetype}{important}}%
- {\\colorbox{ImportantColor}{\\usebox{\\@tempboxa}}}%
- {\\colorbox{OtherColor}{\\usebox{\\@tempboxa}}}%
- }%
- }%
- }%
- }\\makeatother
- \\makeatletter
- \\renewenvironment{notice}[2]{%
- \\def\\py@noticetype{#1}
- \\begin{coloredbox}{#1}
- \\bf\\it
- \\par\\strong{#2}
- \\csname py@noticestart@#1\\endcsname
- }
- {
- \\csname py@noticeend@\\py@noticetype\\endcsname
- \\end{coloredbox}
- }
- \\makeatother
- '''
-# With Sphinx 1.6, it is possible to change the Bg color directly
-# by using:
-# \definecolor{sphinxnoteBgColor}{RGB}{204,255,255}
-# \definecolor{sphinxwarningBgColor}{RGB}{255,204,204}
-# \definecolor{sphinxattentionBgColor}{RGB}{255,255,204}
-# \definecolor{sphinximportantBgColor}{RGB}{192,255,204}
-# However, it require to use sphinx heavy box with:
-# \renewenvironment{sphinxlightbox} {%
-# \\begin{sphinxheavybox}
-# }
-# \\end{sphinxheavybox}
-# }
-# Unfortunately, the implementation is buggy: if a note is inside a
-# table, it isn't displayed well. So, for now, let's use boring
-# black and white notes.
-# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
-# (source start file, target name, title,
-# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
-# Sorted in alphabetical order
-latex_documents = [
- ('index', 'u-boot-hacker-manual.tex', 'U-Boot Hacker Manual',
- 'The U-Boot development community', 'manual'),
-# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
-# the title page.
-#latex_logo = None
-# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
-# not chapters.
-#latex_use_parts = False
-# If true, show page references after internal links.
-#latex_show_pagerefs = False
-# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
-#latex_show_urls = False
-# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
-#latex_appendices = []
-# If false, no module index is generated.
-#latex_domain_indices = True
-# -- Options for manual page output ---------------------------------------
-# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
-# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
-man_pages = [
- (master_doc, 'dasuboot', 'The U-Boot Documentation',
- [author], 1)
-# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
-#man_show_urls = False
-# -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------
-# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
-# (source start file, target name, title, author,
-# dir menu entry, description, category)
-texinfo_documents = [
- (master_doc, 'DasUBoot', 'The U-Boot Documentation',
- author, 'DasUBoot', 'One line description of project.',
- 'Miscellaneous'),
-# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
-#texinfo_appendices = []
-# If false, no module index is generated.
-#texinfo_domain_indices = True
-# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
-#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'
-# If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu.
-#texinfo_no_detailmenu = False
-# -- Options for Epub output ----------------------------------------------
-# Bibliographic Dublin Core info.
-epub_title = project
-epub_author = author
-epub_publisher = author
-epub_copyright = copyright
-# The basename for the epub file. It defaults to the project name.
-#epub_basename = project
-# The HTML theme for the epub output. Since the default themes are not
-# optimized for small screen space, using the same theme for HTML and epub
-# output is usually not wise. This defaults to 'epub', a theme designed to save
-# visual space.
-#epub_theme = 'epub'
-# The language of the text. It defaults to the language option
-# or 'en' if the language is not set.
-#epub_language = ''
-# The scheme of the identifier. Typical schemes are ISBN or URL.
-#epub_scheme = ''
-# The unique identifier of the text. This can be a ISBN number
-# or the project homepage.
-#epub_identifier = ''
-# A unique identification for the text.
-#epub_uid = ''
-# A tuple containing the cover image and cover page html template filenames.
-#epub_cover = ()
-# A sequence of (type, uri, title) tuples for the guide element of content.opf.
-#epub_guide = ()
-# HTML files that should be inserted before the pages created by sphinx.
-# The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title.
-#epub_pre_files = []
-# HTML files that should be inserted after the pages created by sphinx.
-# The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title.
-#epub_post_files = []
-# A list of files that should not be packed into the epub file.
-epub_exclude_files = ['search.html']
-# The depth of the table of contents in toc.ncx.
-#epub_tocdepth = 3
-# Allow duplicate toc entries.
-#epub_tocdup = True
-# Choose between 'default' and 'includehidden'.
-#epub_tocscope = 'default'
-# Fix unsupported image types using the Pillow.
-#epub_fix_images = False
-# Scale large images.
-#epub_max_image_width = 0
-# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
-#epub_show_urls = 'inline'
-# If false, no index is generated.
-#epub_use_index = True
-# rst2pdf
-# Grouping the document tree into PDF files. List of tuples
-# (source start file, target name, title, author, options).
-# See the Sphinx chapter of
-# FIXME: Do not add the index file here; the result will be too big. Adding
-# multiple PDF files here actually tries to get the cross-referencing right
-# *between* PDF files.
-pdf_documents = [
- ('uboot-documentation', u'U-Boot', u'U-Boot', u'J. Random Bozo'),
-# kernel-doc extension configuration for running Sphinx directly (e.g. by Read
-# the Docs). In a normal build, these are supplied from the Makefile via command
-# line arguments.
-kerneldoc_bin = '../scripts/kernel-doc'
-kerneldoc_srctree = '..'
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Since loadConfig overwrites settings from the global namespace, it has to be
-# the last statement in the file
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/l2c2x0.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/l2c2x0.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fbe6cb21f4..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/l2c2x0.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-* ARM L2 Cache Controller
-ARM cores often have a separate L2C210/L2C220/L2C310 (also known as PL210/PL220/
-PL310 and variants) based level 2 cache controller. All these various implementations
-of the L2 cache controller have compatible programming models (Note 1).
-Some of the properties that are just prefixed "cache-*" are taken from section
-3.7.3 of the Devicetree Specification which can be found at:
-The ARM L2 cache representation in the device tree should be done as follows:
-Required properties:
-- compatible : should be one of:
- "arm,pl310-cache"
- "arm,l220-cache"
- "arm,l210-cache"
- "bcm,bcm11351-a2-pl310-cache": DEPRECATED by "brcm,bcm11351-a2-pl310-cache"
- "brcm,bcm11351-a2-pl310-cache": For Broadcom bcm11351 chipset where an
- offset needs to be added to the address before passing down to the L2
- cache controller
- "marvell,aurora-system-cache": Marvell Controller designed to be
- compatible with the ARM one, with system cache mode (meaning
- maintenance operations on L1 are broadcasted to the L2 and L2
- performs the same operation).
- "marvell,aurora-outer-cache": Marvell Controller designed to be
- compatible with the ARM one with outer cache mode.
- "marvell,tauros3-cache": Marvell Tauros3 cache controller, compatible
- with arm,pl310-cache controller.
-- cache-unified : Specifies the cache is a unified cache.
-- cache-level : Should be set to 2 for a level 2 cache.
-- reg : Physical base address and size of cache controller's memory mapped
- registers.
-Optional properties:
-- arm,data-latency : Cycles of latency for Data RAM accesses. Specifies 3 cells of
- read, write and setup latencies. Minimum valid values are 1. Controllers
- without setup latency control should use a value of 0.
-- arm,tag-latency : Cycles of latency for Tag RAM accesses. Specifies 3 cells of
- read, write and setup latencies. Controllers without setup latency control
- should use 0. Controllers without separate read and write Tag RAM latency
- values should only use the first cell.
-- arm,dirty-latency : Cycles of latency for Dirty RAMs. This is a single cell.
-- arm,filter-ranges : <start length> Starting address and length of window to
- filter. Addresses in the filter window are directed to the M1 port. Other
- addresses will go to the M0 port.
-- arm,io-coherent : indicates that the system is operating in an hardware
- I/O coherent mode. Valid only when the arm,pl310-cache compatible
- string is used.
-- interrupts : 1 combined interrupt.
-- cache-size : specifies the size in bytes of the cache
-- cache-sets : specifies the number of associativity sets of the cache
-- cache-block-size : specifies the size in bytes of a cache block
-- cache-line-size : specifies the size in bytes of a line in the cache,
- if this is not specified, the line size is assumed to be equal to the
- cache block size
-- cache-id-part: cache id part number to be used if it is not present
- on hardware
-- wt-override: If present then L2 is forced to Write through mode
-- arm,double-linefill : Override double linefill enable setting. Enable if
- non-zero, disable if zero.
-- arm,double-linefill-incr : Override double linefill on INCR read. Enable
- if non-zero, disable if zero.
-- arm,double-linefill-wrap : Override double linefill on WRAP read. Enable
- if non-zero, disable if zero.
-- arm,prefetch-drop : Override prefetch drop enable setting. Enable if non-zero,
- disable if zero.
-- arm,prefetch-offset : Override prefetch offset value. Valid values are
- 0-7, 15, 23, and 31.
-- arm,shared-override : The default behavior of the L220 or PL310 cache
- controllers with respect to the shareable attribute is to transform "normal
- memory non-cacheable transactions" into "cacheable no allocate" (for reads)
- or "write through no write allocate" (for writes).
- On systems where this may cause DMA buffer corruption, this property must be
- specified to indicate that such transforms are precluded.
-- arm,parity-enable : enable parity checking on the L2 cache (L220 or PL310).
-- arm,parity-disable : disable parity checking on the L2 cache (L220 or PL310).
-- arm,outer-sync-disable : disable the outer sync operation on the L2 cache.
- Some core tiles, especially ARM PB11MPCore have a faulty L220 cache that
- will randomly hang unless outer sync operations are disabled.
-- prefetch-data : Data prefetch. Value: <0> (forcibly disable), <1>
- (forcibly enable), property absent (retain settings set by firmware)
-- prefetch-instr : Instruction prefetch. Value: <0> (forcibly disable),
- <1> (forcibly enable), property absent (retain settings set by
- firmware)
-- arm,dynamic-clock-gating : L2 dynamic clock gating. Value: <0> (forcibly
- disable), <1> (forcibly enable), property absent (OS specific behavior,
- preferably retain firmware settings)
-- arm,standby-mode: L2 standby mode enable. Value <0> (forcibly disable),
- <1> (forcibly enable), property absent (OS specific behavior,
- preferably retain firmware settings)
-- arm,early-bresp-disable : Disable the CA9 optimization Early BRESP (PL310)
-- arm,full-line-zero-disable : Disable the CA9 optimization Full line of zero
- write (PL310)
-L2: cache-controller {
- compatible = "arm,pl310-cache";
- reg = <0xfff12000 0x1000>;
- arm,data-latency = <1 1 1>;
- arm,tag-latency = <2 2 2>;
- arm,filter-ranges = <0x80000000 0x8000000>;
- cache-unified;
- cache-level = <2>;
- interrupts = <45>;
-Note 1: The description in this document doesn't apply to integrated L2
- cache controllers as found in e.g. Cortex-A15/A7/A57/A53. These
- integrated L2 controllers are assumed to be all preconfigured by
- early secure boot code. Thus no need to deal with their configuration
- in the kernel at all.
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/axi/gdsys,ihs_axi.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/axi/gdsys,ihs_axi.txt
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--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/axi/gdsys,ihs_axi.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-gdsys AXI busses of IHS FPGA devices
-Certain gdsys IHS FPGAs offer a interface to their built-in AXI bus with which
-the connected devices (usually IP cores) can be controlled via software.
-Required properties:
-- compatible: must be "gdsys,ihs_axi"
-- reg: describes the address and length of the AXI bus's register map (within
- the FPGA's register space)
-fpga0_axi_video0 {
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <1>;
- compatible = "gdsys,ihs_axi";
- reg = <0x170 0x10>;
- axi_dev_1 {
- ...
- };
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/board/gdsys,board_gazerbeam.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/board/gdsys,board_gazerbeam.txt
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index 28c1080d90..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/board/gdsys,board_gazerbeam.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-gdsys Gazerbeam board driver
-This driver provides capabilities to access the gdsys Gazerbeam board's device
-information. Furthermore, phandles to some internal devices are provided for
-the board files.
-Required properties:
-- compatible: should be "gdsys,board_gazerbeam"
-- csb: phandle to the board's coherent system bus (CSB) device node
-- rxaui[0-3]: phandles to the rxaui control device nodes
-- fpga[0-1]: phandles to the board's gdsys FPGA device nodes
-- ioep[0-1]: phandles to the board's IO endpoint device nodes
-- ver-gpios: GPIO list to read the hardware version from
-- var-gpios: GPIO list to read the hardware variant information from
-- reset-gpios: GPIO list for the board's reset GPIOs
-board {
- compatible = "gdsys,board_gazerbeam";
- csb = <&board_soc>;
- serdes = <&SERDES>;
- rxaui0 = <&RXAUI0>;
- rxaui1 = <&RXAUI1>;
- rxaui2 = <&RXAUI2>;
- rxaui3 = <&RXAUI3>;
- fpga0 = <&FPGA0>;
- fpga1 = <&FPGA1>;
- ioep0 = <&IOEP0>;
- ioep1 = <&IOEP1>;
- ver-gpios = <&PPCPCA 12 0
- &PPCPCA 13 0
- &PPCPCA 14 0
- &PPCPCA 15 0>;
- /* MC2/SC-Board */
- var-gpios-mc2 = <&GPIO_VB0 0 0 /* VAR-MC_SC */
- &GPIO_VB0 11 0>; /* VAR-CON */
- /* MC4-Board */
- var-gpios-mc4 = <&GPIO_VB1 0 0 /* VAR-MC_SC */
- &GPIO_VB1 11 0>; /* VAR-CON */
- reset-gpios = <&gpio0 1 0 &gpio0 2 1>;
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/clk/fsl,mpc83xx-clk.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/clk/fsl,mpc83xx-clk.txt
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index 8313da8507..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/clk/fsl,mpc83xx-clk.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-MPC83xx system clock devices
-MPC83xx SoCs supply a variety of clocks to drive various components of a
-Required properties:
-- compatible: must be one of "fsl,mpc8308-clk",
- "fsl,mpc8309-clk",
- "fsl,mpc8313-clk",
- "fsl,mpc8315-clk",
- "fsl,mpc832x-clk",
- "fsl,mpc8349-clk",
- "fsl,mpc8360-clk",
- "fsl,mpc8379-clk"
- depending on which SoC is employed
-- #clock-cells: Must be 1
-socclocks: clocks {
- compatible = "fsl,mpc832x-clk";
- #clock-cells = <1>;
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/cpu/fsl,mpc83xx.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/cpu/fsl,mpc83xx.txt
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index ac563d906a..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/cpu/fsl,mpc83xx.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-MPC83xx CPU devices
-MPC83xx SoCs contain a e300 core as their main processor.
-Required properties:
-- compatible: must be one of "fsl,mpc83xx",
- "fsl,mpc8308",
- "fsl,mpc8309",
- "fsl,mpc8313",
- "fsl,mpc8315",
- "fsl,mpc832x",
- "fsl,mpc8349",
- "fsl,mpc8360",
- "fsl,mpc8379"
-- clocks: has to have two entries, which must be the core clock at index 0 and
- the CSB (Coherent System Bus) clock at index 1. Both are given by a suitable
- "fsl,mpc83xx-clk" device
-socclocks: clocks {
- compatible = "fsl,mpc8315-clk";
- #clock-cells = <1>;
-cpus {
- compatible = "cpu_bus";
- PowerPC,8315@0 {
- compatible = "fsl,mpc8315";
- clocks = <&socclocks MPC83XX_CLK_CORE
- &socclocks MPC83XX_CLK_CSB>;
- };
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/misc/fsl,mpc83xx-serdes.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/misc/fsl,mpc83xx-serdes.txt
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index 64a9b5b154..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/misc/fsl,mpc83xx-serdes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-MPC83xx SerDes controller devices
-MPC83xx SoCs contain a built-in SerDes controller that determines which
-protocols (SATA, PCI Express, SGMII, ...) are used on the system's serdes lines
-and how the lines are configured.
-Required properties:
-- compatible: must be "fsl,mpc83xx-serdes"
-- reg: must point to the serdes controller's register map
-- proto: selects for which protocol the serdes lines are configured. One of
- "sata", "pex", "pex-x2", "sgmii"
-- serdes-clk: determines the frequency the serdes lines are configured for. One
- of 100, 125, 150.
-- vdd: determines whether 1.0V core VDD is used or not
-SERDES: serdes@e3000 {
- reg = <0xe3000 0x200>;
- compatible = "fsl,mpc83xx-serdes";
- proto = "pex";
- serdes-clk = <100>;
- vdd;
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/misc/gdsys,io-endpoint.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/misc/gdsys,io-endpoint.txt
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index db2ff8ca12..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/misc/gdsys,io-endpoint.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-gdsys IO endpoint of IHS FPGA devices
-The IO endpoint of IHS FPGA devices is a packet-based transmission interface
-that allows interconnected gdsys devices to send and receive data over the
-FPGA's main ethernet connection.
-Required properties:
-- compatible: must be "gdsys,io-endpoint"
-- reg: describes the address and length of the endpoint's register map (within
- the FPGA's register space)
-fpga0_ep0 {
- compatible = "gdsys,io-endpoint";
- reg = <0x020 0x10
- 0x320 0x10
- 0x340 0x10
- 0x360 0x10>;
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/misc/gdsys,iocon_fpga.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/misc/gdsys,iocon_fpga.txt
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index acd466fdc6..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/misc/gdsys,iocon_fpga.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-gdsys IHS FPGA for CON devices
-The gdsys IHS FPGA is the main FPGA on gdsys CON devices. This driver provides
-support for enabling and starting the FPGA, as well as verifying working bus
-Required properties:
-- compatible: must be "gdsys,iocon_fpga"
-- reset-gpios: List of GPIOs controlling the FPGA's reset
-- done-gpios: List of GPIOs notifying whether the FPGA's reconfiguration is
- done
-FPGA0 {
- compatible = "gdsys,iocon_fpga";
- reset-gpios = <&PPCPCA 26 0>;
- done-gpios = <&GPIO_VB0 19 0>;
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/misc/gdsys,iocpu_fpga.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/misc/gdsys,iocpu_fpga.txt
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index 819db22bf7..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/misc/gdsys,iocpu_fpga.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-gdsys IHS FPGA for CPU devices
-The gdsys IHS FPGA is the main FPGA on gdsys CPU devices. This driver provides
-support for enabling and starting the FPGA, as well as verifying working bus
-Required properties:
-- compatible: must be "gdsys,iocpu_fpga"
-- reset-gpios: List of GPIOs controlling the FPGA's reset
-- done-gpios: List of GPIOs notifying whether the FPGA's reconfiguration is
- done
-FPGA0 {
- compatible = "gdsys,iocpu_fpga";
- reset-gpios = <&PPCPCA 26 0>;
- done-gpios = <&GPIO_VB0 19 0>;
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/misc/gdsys,soc.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/misc/gdsys,soc.txt
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index 278e935b16..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/misc/gdsys,soc.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-gdsys soc bus driver
-This driver provides a simple interface for the busses associated with gdsys
-IHS FPGAs. The bus itself contains devices whose register maps are contained
-within the FPGA's register space.
-Required properties:
-- fpga: A phandle to the controlling IHS FPGA
-FPGA0BUS: fpga0bus {
- compatible = "gdsys,soc";
- ranges = <0x0 0xe0600000 0x00004000>;
- fpga = <&FPGA0>;
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/ram/fsl,mpc83xx-mem-controller.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/ram/fsl,mpc83xx-mem-controller.txt
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--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/ram/fsl,mpc83xx-mem-controller.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-MPC83xx RAM controller
-This driver supplies support for the embedded RAM controller on MCP83xx-series
-For static configuration mode, each controller node should have child nodes
-describing the actual RAM modules installed.
-Controller node
-Required properties:
-- compatible: Must be "fsl,mpc83xx-mem-controller"
-- reg: The address of the RAM controller's register space
-- #address-cells: Must be 2
-- #size-cells: Must be 1
-- driver_software_override: DDR driver software override is enabled (1) or
- disabled (0)
-- p_impedance_override: DDR driver software p-impedance override; possible
- values:
-- n_impedance_override: DDR driver software n-impedance override; possible
- values:
-- odt_termination_value: ODT termination value for I/Os; possible values:
-- ddr_type: Selects voltage level for DDR pads; possible
- values:
-- mvref_sel: Determine where MVREF_SEL signal is generated;
- possible values:
-- m_odr: Disable memory transaction reordering; possible
- values:
-- clock_adjust: Clock adjust; possible values:
-- ext_refresh_rec: Extended refresh recovery time; possible values:
- 0, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112
-- read_to_write: Read-to-write turnaround; possible values:
- 0, 1, 2, 3
-- write_to_read: Write-to-read turnaround; possible values:
- 0, 1, 2, 3
-- read_to_read: Read-to-read turnaround; possible values:
- 0, 1, 2, 3
-- write_to_write: Write-to-write turnaround; possible values:
- 0, 1, 2, 3
-- active_powerdown_exit: Active powerdown exit timing; possible values:
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
-- precharge_powerdown_exit: Precharge powerdown exit timing; possible values:
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
-- odt_powerdown_exit: ODT powerdown exit timing; possible values:
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
- 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
-- mode_reg_set_cycle: Mode register set cycle time; possible values:
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
-- precharge_to_activate: Precharge-to-acitvate interval; possible values:
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
-- activate_to_precharge: Activate to precharge interval; possible values:
- 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
- 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
-- activate_to_readwrite: Activate to read/write interval for SDRAM;
- possible values:
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
-- mcas_latency: MCAS latency from READ command; possible values:
- * CASLAT_20
- * CASLAT_25
- * CASLAT_30
- * CASLAT_35
- * CASLAT_40
- * CASLAT_45
- * CASLAT_50
- * CASLAT_55
- * CASLAT_60
- * CASLAT_65
- * CASLAT_70
- * CASLAT_75
- * CASLAT_80
-- refresh_recovery: Refresh recovery time; possible values:
- 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
- 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
-- last_data_to_precharge: Last data to precharge minimum interval; possible
- values:
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
-- activate_to_activate: Activate-to-activate interval; possible values:
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
-- last_write_data_to_read: Last write data pair to read command issue
- interval; possible values:
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
-- additive_latency: Additive latency; possible values:
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
-- mcas_to_preamble_override: MCAS-to-preamble-override; possible values:
- * READ_LAT_PLUS_11_4
- * READ_LAT_PLUS_13_4
- * READ_LAT_PLUS_15_4
- * READ_LAT_PLUS_17_4
- * READ_LAT_PLUS_19_4
-- write_latency: Write latency; possible values:
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
-- read_to_precharge: Read to precharge; possible values:
- 1, 2, 3, 4
-- write_cmd_to_write_data: Write command to write data strobe timing
- adjustment; possible values:
-- minimum_cke_pulse_width: Minimum CKE pulse width; possible values:
- 1, 2, 3, 4
-- four_activates_window: Window for four activates; possible values:
- 1, 2, 3, 4 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
- 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
-- self_refresh: Self refresh (during sleep); possible values:
-- ecc: Support for ECC; possible values:
-- registered_dram: Support for registered DRAM; possible values:
-- sdram_type: Type of SDRAM device to be used; possible values:
-- dynamic_power_management: Dynamic power management mode; possible values:
-- databus_width: DRAM data bus width; possible values
-- nc_auto_precharge: Non-concurrent auto-precharge; possible values:
-- timing_2t: 2T timing; possible values:
-- bank_interleaving_ctrl: Bank (chip select) interleaving control; possible
- values:
-- precharge_bit_8: Precharge bin 8; possible values
-- half_strength: Global half-strength override; possible values:
-- bypass_initialization: Bypass initialization; possible values:
-- force_self_refresh: Force self refresh; possible values:
-- dll_reset: DLL reset; possible values:
-- dqs_config: DQS configuration; possible values:
-- odt_config: ODT configuration; possible values:
-- posted_refreshes: Number of posted refreshes
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
-- sdmode: Initial value loaded into the DDR SDRAM mode
- register
-- esdmode: Initial value loaded into the DDR SDRAM extended
- mode register
-- esdmode2: Initial value loaded into the DDR SDRAM extended
- mode 2 register
-- esdmode3: Initial value loaded into the DDR SDRAM extended
- mode 3 register
-- refresh_interval: Refresh interval; possible values:
- 0 - 65535
-- precharge_interval: Precharge interval; possible values:
- 0 - 16383
-RAM module node:
-Required properties:
-- reg: A triple <cs addr size>, which consists of:
- * cs - the chipselect used to drive this RAM module
- * addr - the address where this RAM module's memory is map
- to in the global memory space
- * size - the size of the RAM module's memory in bytes
-- auto_precharge: Chip select auto-precharge; possible values:
-- odt_rd_cfg: ODT for reads configuration; possible values:
-- odt_wr_cfg: ODT for writes configuration; possible values:
-- bank_bits: Number of bank bits for SDRAM on chip select; possible
- values:
- 2, 3
-- row_bits: Number of row bits for SDRAM on chip select; possible values:
- 12, 13, 14
-- col_bits: Number of column bits for SDRAM on chip select; possible
- values:
- 8, 9, 10, 11
-memory@2000 {
- #address-cells = <2>;
- #size-cells = <1>;
- compatible = "fsl,mpc83xx-mem-controller";
- reg = <0x2000 0x1000>;
- device_type = "memory";
- u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
- driver_software_override = <DSO_ENABLE>;
- p_impedance_override = <DSO_P_IMPEDANCE_NOMINAL>;
- n_impedance_override = <DSO_N_IMPEDANCE_NOMINAL>;
- odt_termination_value = <ODT_TERMINATION_150_OHM>;
- ddr_type = <DDR_TYPE_DDR2_1_8_VOLT>;
- clock_adjust = <CLOCK_ADJUST_05>;
- read_to_write = <0>;
- write_to_read = <0>;
- read_to_read = <0>;
- write_to_write = <0>;
- active_powerdown_exit = <2>;
- precharge_powerdown_exit = <6>;
- odt_powerdown_exit = <8>;
- mode_reg_set_cycle = <2>;
- precharge_to_activate = <2>;
- activate_to_precharge = <6>;
- activate_to_readwrite = <2>;
- mcas_latency = <CASLAT_40>;
- refresh_recovery = <17>;
- last_data_to_precharge = <2>;
- activate_to_activate = <2>;
- last_write_data_to_read = <2>;
- additive_latency = <0>;
- mcas_to_preamble_override = <READ_LAT_PLUS_1_2>;
- write_latency = <3>;
- read_to_precharge = <2>;
- write_cmd_to_write_data = <CLOCK_DELAY_1_2>;
- minimum_cke_pulse_width = <3>;
- four_activates_window = <5>;
- self_refresh = <SREN_ENABLE>;
- sdram_type = <TYPE_DDR2>;
- databus_width = <DATA_BUS_WIDTH_32>;
- force_self_refresh = <MODE_NORMAL>;
- dll_reset = <DLL_RESET_ENABLE>;
- dqs_config = <DQS_TRUE>;
- odt_config = <ODT_ASSERT_READS>;
- posted_refreshes = <1>;
- refresh_interval = <2084>;
- precharge_interval = <256>;
- sdmode = <0x0242>;
- esdmode = <0x0440>;
- ram@0 {
- reg = <0x0 0x0 0x8000000>;
- compatible = "nanya,nt5tu64m16hg";
- odt_rd_cfg = <ODT_RD_NEVER>;
- odt_wr_cfg = <ODT_WR_ONLY_CURRENT>;
- bank_bits = <3>;
- row_bits = <13>;
- col_bits = <10>;
- };
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/reserved-memory/reserved-memory.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/reserved-memory/reserved-memory.txt
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index bac4afa3b1..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/reserved-memory/reserved-memory.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-*** Reserved memory regions ***
-Reserved memory is specified as a node under the /reserved-memory node.
-The operating system shall exclude reserved memory from normal usage
-one can create child nodes describing particular reserved (excluded from
-normal use) memory regions. Such memory regions are usually designed for
-the special usage by various device drivers.
-Parameters for each memory region can be encoded into the device tree
-with the following nodes:
-/reserved-memory node
-#address-cells, #size-cells (required) - standard definition
- - Should use the same values as the root node
-ranges (required) - standard definition
- - Should be empty
-/reserved-memory/ child nodes
-Each child of the reserved-memory node specifies one or more regions of
-reserved memory. Each child node may either use a 'reg' property to
-specify a specific range of reserved memory, or a 'size' property with
-optional constraints to request a dynamically allocated block of memory.
-Following the generic-names recommended practice, node names should
-reflect the purpose of the node (ie. "framebuffer" or "dma-pool"). Unit
-address (@<address>) should be appended to the name if the node is a
-static allocation.
-Requires either a) or b) below.
-a) static allocation
- reg (required) - standard definition
-b) dynamic allocation
- size (required) - length based on parent's #size-cells
- - Size in bytes of memory to reserve.
- alignment (optional) - length based on parent's #size-cells
- - Address boundary for alignment of allocation.
- alloc-ranges (optional) - prop-encoded-array (address, length pairs).
- - Specifies regions of memory that are
- acceptable to allocate from.
-If both reg and size are present, then the reg property takes precedence
-and size is ignored.
-Additional properties:
-compatible (optional) - standard definition
- - may contain the following strings:
- - shared-dma-pool: This indicates a region of memory meant to be
- used as a shared pool of DMA buffers for a set of devices. It can
- be used by an operating system to instantiate the necessary pool
- management subsystem if necessary.
- - vendor specific string in the form <vendor>,[<device>-]<usage>
-no-map (optional) - empty property
- - Indicates the operating system must not create a virtual mapping
- of the region as part of its standard mapping of system memory,
- nor permit speculative access to it under any circumstances other
- than under the control of the device driver using the region.
-reusable (optional) - empty property
- - The operating system can use the memory in this region with the
- limitation that the device driver(s) owning the region need to be
- able to reclaim it back. Typically that means that the operating
- system can use that region to store volatile or cached data that
- can be otherwise regenerated or migrated elsewhere.
-Linux implementation note:
-- If a "linux,cma-default" property is present, then Linux will use the
- region for the default pool of the contiguous memory allocator.
-- If a "linux,dma-default" property is present, then Linux will use the
- region for the default pool of the consistent DMA allocator.
-Device node references to reserved memory
-Regions in the /reserved-memory node may be referenced by other device
-nodes by adding a memory-region property to the device node.
-memory-region (optional) - phandle, specifier pairs to children of /reserved-memory
-This example defines 3 contiguous regions are defined for Linux kernel:
-one default of all device drivers (named linux,cma@72000000 and 64MiB in size),
-one dedicated to the framebuffer device (named framebuffer@78000000, 8MiB), and
-one for multimedia processing (named multimedia-memory@77000000, 64MiB).
-/ {
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <1>;
- memory {
- reg = <0x40000000 0x40000000>;
- };
- reserved-memory {
- #address-cells = <1>;
- #size-cells = <1>;
- ranges;
- /* global autoconfigured region for contiguous allocations */
- linux,cma {
- compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
- reusable;
- size = <0x4000000>;
- alignment = <0x2000>;
- linux,cma-default;
- };
- display_reserved: framebuffer@78000000 {
- reg = <0x78000000 0x800000>;
- };
- multimedia_reserved: multimedia@77000000 {
- compatible = "acme,multimedia-memory";
- reg = <0x77000000 0x4000000>;
- };
- };
- /* ... */
- fb0: video@12300000 {
- memory-region = <&display_reserved>;
- /* ... */
- };
- scaler: scaler@12500000 {
- memory-region = <&multimedia_reserved>;
- /* ... */
- };
- codec: codec@12600000 {
- memory-region = <&multimedia_reserved>;
- /* ... */
- };
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/timer/fsl,mpc83xx-timer.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/timer/fsl,mpc83xx-timer.txt
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--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/timer/fsl,mpc83xx-timer.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-MPC83xx timer devices
-MPC83xx SoCs offer a decrementer interrupt that can be used to implement delay
-functionality, and periodically triggered actions.
-Required properties:
-- compatible: must be "fsl,mpc83xx-timer"
-- clocks: must be a reference to the system's CSB (coherent system bus) clock,
- provided by one of the "fsl,mpc83xx-clk" devices
-socclocks: clocks {
- compatible = "fsl,mpc832x-clk";
- #clock-cells = <1>;
-timer {
- compatible = "fsl,mpc83xx-timer";
- clocks = <&socclocks MPC83XX_CLK_CSB>;
diff --git a/Documentation/efi.rst b/Documentation/efi.rst
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--- a/Documentation/efi.rst
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@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
-EFI subsystem
-Boot services
-.. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_loader/efi_boottime.c
- :internal:
-Image relocation
-.. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_loader/efi_image_loader.c
- :internal:
-Runtime services
-.. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_loader/efi_runtime.c
- :internal:
diff --git a/Documentation/index.rst b/Documentation/index.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 0353c10a4b..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/index.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
-U-Boot Developer Manual
-.. toctree::
- efi
- linker_lists
- serial
diff --git a/Documentation/linker_lists.rst b/Documentation/linker_lists.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 72f514e0ac..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/linker_lists.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
-Linker-Generated Arrays
-A linker list is constructed by grouping together linker input
-sections, each containing one entry of the list. Each input section
-contains a constant initialized variable which holds the entry's
-content. Linker list input sections are constructed from the list
-and entry names, plus a prefix which allows grouping all lists
-together. Assuming _list and _entry are the list and entry names,
-then the corresponding input section name is
- .u_boot_list_ + 2_ + @_list + _2_ + @_entry
-and the C variable name is
- _u_boot_list + _2_ + @_list + _2_ + @_entry
-This ensures uniqueness for both input section and C variable name.
-Note that the names differ only in the first character, "." for the
-section and "_" for the variable, so that the linker cannot confuse
-section and symbol names. From now on, both names will be referred
-to as
- %u_boot_list_ + 2_ + @_list + _2_ + @_entry
-Entry variables need never be referred to directly.
-The naming scheme for input sections allows grouping all linker lists
-into a single linker output section and grouping all entries for a
-single list.
-Note the two '_2_' constant components in the names: their presence
-allows putting a start and end symbols around a list, by mapping
-these symbols to sections names with components "1" (before) and
-"3" (after) instead of "2" (within).
-Start and end symbols for a list can generally be defined as
- %u_boot_list_2_ + @_list + _1_...
- %u_boot_list_2_ + @_list + _3_...
-Start and end symbols for the whole of the linker lists area can be
-defined as
- %u_boot_list_1_...
- %u_boot_list_3_...
-Here is an example of the sorted sections which result from a list
-"array" made up of three entries : "first", "second" and "third",
-iterated at least once.
- .u_boot_list_2_array_1
- .u_boot_list_2_array_2_first
- .u_boot_list_2_array_2_second
- .u_boot_list_2_array_2_third
- .u_boot_list_2_array_3
-If lists must be divided into sublists (e.g. for iterating only on
-part of a list), one can simply give the list a name of the form
-'outer_2_inner', where 'outer' is the global list name and 'inner'
-is the sub-list name. Iterators for the whole list should use the
-global list name ("outer"); iterators for only a sub-list should use
-the full sub-list name ("outer_2_inner").
-Here is an example of the sections generated from a global list
-named "drivers", two sub-lists named "i2c" and "pci", and iterators
-defined for the whole list and each sub-list:
- %u_boot_list_2_drivers_1
- %u_boot_list_2_drivers_2_i2c_1
- %u_boot_list_2_drivers_2_i2c_2_first
- %u_boot_list_2_drivers_2_i2c_2_first
- %u_boot_list_2_drivers_2_i2c_2_second
- %u_boot_list_2_drivers_2_i2c_2_third
- %u_boot_list_2_drivers_2_i2c_3
- %u_boot_list_2_drivers_2_pci_1
- %u_boot_list_2_drivers_2_pci_2_first
- %u_boot_list_2_drivers_2_pci_2_second
- %u_boot_list_2_drivers_2_pci_2_third
- %u_boot_list_2_drivers_2_pci_3
- %u_boot_list_2_drivers_3
-.. kernel-doc:: include/linker_lists.h
- :internal:
diff --git a/Documentation/media/Makefile b/Documentation/media/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/Documentation/media/Makefile
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@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# Rules to convert a .h file to inline RST documentation
-PARSER = $(srctree)/Documentation/sphinx/
-API = $(srctree)/include
-FILES = linker_lists.h.rst
-TARGETS := $(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/, $(FILES))
-gen_rst = \
- echo ${PARSER} $< $@ $(SRC_DIR)/$(notdir $@).exceptions; \
- ${PARSER} $< $@ $(SRC_DIR)/$(notdir $@).exceptions
-quiet_gen_rst = echo ' PARSE $(patsubst $(srctree)/%,%,$<)'; \
- ${PARSER} $< $@ $(SRC_DIR)/$(notdir $@).exceptions
-silent_gen_rst = ${gen_rst}
-$(BUILDDIR)/linker_lists.h.rst: ${API}/linker_lists.h ${PARSER} $(SRC_DIR)/linker_lists.h.rst.exceptions
- @$($(quiet)gen_rst)
-# Media build rules
-.PHONY: all html epub xml latex
-html: all
-epub: all
-xml: all
-latex: $(IMGPDF) all
- -rm -f $(DOTTGT) $(IMGTGT) ${TARGETS} 2>/dev/null
- $(Q)mkdir -p $@
diff --git a/Documentation/media/linker_lists.h.rst.exceptions b/Documentation/media/linker_lists.h.rst.exceptions
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/media/linker_lists.h.rst.exceptions
+++ /dev/null
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deleted file mode 100644
index ed34e592a4..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/serial.rst
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@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
-Serial system
-.. kernel-doc:: drivers/serial/serial.c
- :internal:
diff --git a/Documentation/sphinx-static/theme_overrides.css b/Documentation/sphinx-static/theme_overrides.css
deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- coding: utf-8; mode: css -*-
- *
- * Sphinx HTML theme customization: read the doc
- *
- */
-/* Interim: Code-blocks with line nos - lines and line numbers don't line up.
- * see:
- */
-div[class^="highlight"] pre {
- line-height: normal;
-.rst-content .highlight > pre {
- line-height: normal;
-@media screen {
- /* content column
- *
- * RTD theme's default is 800px as max width for the content, but we have
- * tables with tons of columns, which need the full width of the view-port.
- */
- .wy-nav-content{max-width: none; }
- /* table:
- *
- * - Sequences of whitespace should collapse into a single whitespace.
- * - make the overflow auto (scrollbar if needed)
- * - align caption "left" ("center" is unsuitable on vast tables)
- */
- .wy-table-responsive table td { white-space: normal; }
- .wy-table-responsive { overflow: auto; }
- .rst-content table.docutils caption { text-align: left; font-size: 100%; }
- /* captions:
- *
- * - captions should have 100% (not 85%) font size
- * - hide the permalink symbol as long as link is not hovered
- */
- .toc-title {
- font-size: 150%;
- font-weight: bold;
- }
- caption, .wy-table caption, .rst-content table.field-list caption {
- font-size: 100%;
- }
- caption a.headerlink { opacity: 0; }
- caption a.headerlink:hover { opacity: 1; }
- /* Menu selection and keystrokes */
- span.menuselection {
- color: blue;
- font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace
- }
- code.kbd, code.kbd span {
- color: white;
- background-color: darkblue;
- font-weight: bold;
- font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace
- }
- /* fix bottom margin of lists items */
- .rst-content .section ul li:last-child, .rst-content .section ul li p:last-child {
- margin-bottom: 12px;
- }
- /* inline literal: drop the borderbox, padding and red color */
- code, .rst-content tt, .rst-content code {
- color: inherit;
- border: none;
- padding: unset;
- background: inherit;
- font-size: 85%;
- }
- .rst-content tt.literal,.rst-content tt.literal,.rst-content code.literal {
- color: inherit;
- }
diff --git a/Documentation/sphinx/ b/Documentation/sphinx/
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@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
-# pylint: disable=W0141,C0113,C0103,C0325
- cdomain
- ~~~~~~~
- Replacement for the sphinx c-domain.
- :copyright: Copyright (C) 2016 Markus Heiser
- :license: GPL Version 2, June 1991 see Linux/COPYING for details.
- List of customizations:
- * Moved the *duplicate C object description* warnings for function
- declarations in the nitpicky mode. See Sphinx documentation for
- the config values for ``nitpick`` and ``nitpick_ignore``.
- * Add option 'name' to the "c:function:" directive. With option 'name' the
- ref-name of a function can be modified. E.g.::
- .. c:function:: int ioctl( int fd, int request )
- The func-name (e.g. ioctl) remains in the output but the ref-name changed
- from 'ioctl' to 'VIDIOC_LOG_STATUS'. The function is referenced by::
- * :c:func:`VIDIOC_LOG_STATUS` or
- * :any:`VIDIOC_LOG_STATUS` (``:any:`` needs sphinx 1.3)
- * Handle signatures of function-like macros well. Don't try to deduce
- arguments types of function-like macros.
-from docutils import nodes
-from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
-import sphinx
-from sphinx import addnodes
-from import c_funcptr_sig_re, c_sig_re
-from import CObject as Base_CObject
-from import CDomain as Base_CDomain
-__version__ = '1.0'
-# Get Sphinx version
-major, minor, patch = sphinx.version_info[:3]
-def setup(app):
- app.override_domain(CDomain)
- return dict(
- version = __version__,
- parallel_read_safe = True,
- parallel_write_safe = True
- )
-class CObject(Base_CObject):
- """
- Description of a C language object.
- """
- option_spec = {
- "name" : directives.unchanged
- }
- def handle_func_like_macro(self, sig, signode):
- u"""Handles signatures of function-like macros.
- If the objtype is 'function' and the the signature ``sig`` is a
- function-like macro, the name of the macro is returned. Otherwise
- ``False`` is returned. """
- if not self.objtype == 'function':
- return False
- m = c_funcptr_sig_re.match(sig)
- if m is None:
- m = c_sig_re.match(sig)
- if m is None:
- raise ValueError('no match')
- rettype, fullname, arglist, _const = m.groups()
- arglist = arglist.strip()
- if rettype or not arglist:
- return False
- arglist = arglist.replace('`', '').replace('\\ ', '') # remove markup
- arglist = [a.strip() for a in arglist.split(",")]
- # has the first argument a type?
- if len(arglist[0].split(" ")) > 1:
- return False
- # This is a function-like macro, it's arguments are typeless!
- signode += addnodes.desc_name(fullname, fullname)
- paramlist = addnodes.desc_parameterlist()
- signode += paramlist
- for argname in arglist:
- param = addnodes.desc_parameter('', '', noemph=True)
- # separate by non-breaking space in the output
- param += nodes.emphasis(argname, argname)
- paramlist += param
- return fullname
- def handle_signature(self, sig, signode):
- """Transform a C signature into RST nodes."""
- fullname = self.handle_func_like_macro(sig, signode)
- if not fullname:
- fullname = super(CObject, self).handle_signature(sig, signode)
- if "name" in self.options:
- if self.objtype == 'function':
- fullname = self.options["name"]
- else:
- # FIXME: handle :name: value of other declaration types?
- pass
- return fullname
- def add_target_and_index(self, name, sig, signode):
- # for C API items we add a prefix since names are usually not qualified
- # by a module name and so easily clash with e.g. section titles
- targetname = 'c.' + name
- if targetname not in self.state.document.ids:
- signode['names'].append(targetname)
- signode['ids'].append(targetname)
- signode['first'] = (not self.names)
- self.state.document.note_explicit_target(signode)
- inv = self.env.domaindata['c']['objects']
- if (name in inv and self.env.config.nitpicky):
- if self.objtype == 'function':
- if ('c:func', name) not in self.env.config.nitpick_ignore:
- self.state_machine.reporter.warning(
- 'duplicate C object description of %s, ' % name +
- 'other instance in ' + self.env.doc2path(inv[name][0]),
- line=self.lineno)
- inv[name] = (self.env.docname, self.objtype)
- indextext = self.get_index_text(name)
- if indextext:
- if major == 1 and minor < 4:
- # indexnode's tuple changed in 1.4
- #
- self.indexnode['entries'].append(
- ('single', indextext, targetname, ''))
- else:
- self.indexnode['entries'].append(
- ('single', indextext, targetname, '', None))
-class CDomain(Base_CDomain):
- """C language domain."""
- name = 'c'
- label = 'C'
- directives = {
- 'function': CObject,
- 'member': CObject,
- 'macro': CObject,
- 'type': CObject,
- 'var': CObject,
- }
diff --git a/Documentation/sphinx/ b/Documentation/sphinx/
deleted file mode 100755
index f523aa68a3..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/sphinx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
-# pylint: disable=R0903, C0330, R0914, R0912, E0401
- kernel-include
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Implementation of the ``kernel-include`` reST-directive.
- :copyright: Copyright (C) 2016 Markus Heiser
- :license: GPL Version 2, June 1991 see linux/COPYING for details.
- The ``kernel-include`` reST-directive is a replacement for the ``include``
- directive. The ``kernel-include`` directive expand environment variables in
- the path name and allows to include files from arbitrary locations.
- .. hint::
- Including files from arbitrary locations (e.g. from ``/etc``) is a
- security risk for builders. This is why the ``include`` directive from
- docutils *prohibit* pathnames pointing to locations *above* the filesystem
- tree where the reST document with the include directive is placed.
- Substrings of the form $name or ${name} are replaced by the value of
- environment variable name. Malformed variable names and references to
- non-existing variables are left unchanged.
-# ==============================================================================
-# imports
-# ==============================================================================
-import os.path
-from docutils import io, nodes, statemachine
-from docutils.utils.error_reporting import SafeString, ErrorString
-from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
-from docutils.parsers.rst.directives.body import CodeBlock, NumberLines
-from docutils.parsers.rst.directives.misc import Include
-__version__ = '1.0'
-# ==============================================================================
-def setup(app):
-# ==============================================================================
- app.add_directive("kernel-include", KernelInclude)
- return dict(
- version = __version__,
- parallel_read_safe = True,
- parallel_write_safe = True
- )
-# ==============================================================================
-class KernelInclude(Include):
-# ==============================================================================
- u"""KernelInclude (``kernel-include``) directive"""
- def run(self):
- path = os.path.realpath(
- os.path.expandvars(self.arguments[0]))
- # to get a bit security back, prohibit /etc:
- if path.startswith(os.sep + "etc"):
- raise self.severe(
- 'Problems with "%s" directive, prohibited path: %s'
- % (, path))
- self.arguments[0] = path
- #return super(KernelInclude, self).run() # won't work, see HINTs in _run()
- return self._run()
- def _run(self):
- """Include a file as part of the content of this reST file."""
- # HINT: I had to copy&paste the whole method. I'am not happy
- # with this, but due to security reasons, the method does
- # not allow absolute or relative pathnames pointing to locations *above*
- # the filesystem tree where the reST document is placed.
- if not self.state.document.settings.file_insertion_enabled:
- raise self.warning('"%s" directive disabled.' %
- source = self.state_machine.input_lines.source(
- self.lineno - self.state_machine.input_offset - 1)
- source_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(source))
- path = directives.path(self.arguments[0])
- if path.startswith('<') and path.endswith('>'):
- path = os.path.join(self.standard_include_path, path[1:-1])
- path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(source_dir, path))
- # HINT: this is the only line I had to change / commented out:
- #path = utils.relative_path(None, path)
- path = nodes.reprunicode(path)
- encoding = self.options.get(
- 'encoding', self.state.document.settings.input_encoding)
- e_handler=self.state.document.settings.input_encoding_error_handler
- tab_width = self.options.get(
- 'tab-width', self.state.document.settings.tab_width)
- try:
- self.state.document.settings.record_dependencies.add(path)
- include_file = io.FileInput(source_path=path,
- encoding=encoding,
- error_handler=e_handler)
- except UnicodeEncodeError as error:
- raise self.severe('Problems with "%s" directive path:\n'
- 'Cannot encode input file path "%s" '
- '(wrong locale?).' %
- (, SafeString(path)))
- except IOError as error:
- raise self.severe('Problems with "%s" directive path:\n%s.' %
- (, ErrorString(error)))
- startline = self.options.get('start-line', None)
- endline = self.options.get('end-line', None)
- try:
- if startline or (endline is not None):
- lines = include_file.readlines()
- rawtext = ''.join(lines[startline:endline])
- else:
- rawtext =
- except UnicodeError as error:
- raise self.severe('Problem with "%s" directive:\n%s' %
- (, ErrorString(error)))
- # start-after/end-before: no restrictions on newlines in match-text,
- # and no restrictions on matching inside lines vs. line boundaries
- after_text = self.options.get('start-after', None)
- if after_text:
- # skip content in rawtext before *and incl.* a matching text
- after_index = rawtext.find(after_text)
- if after_index < 0:
- raise self.severe('Problem with "start-after" option of "%s" '
- 'directive:\nText not found.' %
- rawtext = rawtext[after_index + len(after_text):]
- before_text = self.options.get('end-before', None)
- if before_text:
- # skip content in rawtext after *and incl.* a matching text
- before_index = rawtext.find(before_text)
- if before_index < 0:
- raise self.severe('Problem with "end-before" option of "%s" '
- 'directive:\nText not found.' %
- rawtext = rawtext[:before_index]
- include_lines = statemachine.string2lines(rawtext, tab_width,
- convert_whitespace=True)
- if 'literal' in self.options:
- # Convert tabs to spaces, if `tab_width` is positive.
- if tab_width >= 0:
- text = rawtext.expandtabs(tab_width)
- else:
- text = rawtext
- literal_block = nodes.literal_block(rawtext, source=path,
- classes=self.options.get('class', []))
- literal_block.line = 1
- self.add_name(literal_block)
- if 'number-lines' in self.options:
- try:
- startline = int(self.options['number-lines'] or 1)
- except ValueError:
- raise self.error(':number-lines: with non-integer '
- 'start value')
- endline = startline + len(include_lines)
- if text.endswith('\n'):
- text = text[:-1]
- tokens = NumberLines([([], text)], startline, endline)
- for classes, value in tokens:
- if classes:
- literal_block += nodes.inline(value, value,
- classes=classes)
- else:
- literal_block += nodes.Text(value, value)
- else:
- literal_block += nodes.Text(text, text)
- return [literal_block]
- if 'code' in self.options:
- self.options['source'] = path
- codeblock = CodeBlock(,
- [self.options.pop('code')], # arguments
- self.options,
- include_lines, # content
- self.lineno,
- self.content_offset,
- self.block_text,
- self.state,
- self.state_machine)
- return
- self.state_machine.insert_input(include_lines, path)
- return []
diff --git a/Documentation/sphinx/ b/Documentation/sphinx/
deleted file mode 100644
index fbedcc3946..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/sphinx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-# coding=utf-8
-# Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
-# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
-# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
-# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
-# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
-# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
-# paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
-# Software.
-# Authors:
-# Jani Nikula <>
-# Please make sure this works on both python2 and python3.
-import codecs
-import os
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import re
-import glob
-from docutils import nodes, statemachine
-from docutils.statemachine import ViewList
-from docutils.parsers.rst import directives, Directive
-from sphinx.ext.autodoc import AutodocReporter
-__version__ = '1.0'
-class KernelDocDirective(Directive):
- """Extract kernel-doc comments from the specified file"""
- required_argument = 1
- optional_arguments = 4
- option_spec = {
- 'doc': directives.unchanged_required,
- 'functions': directives.unchanged_required,
- 'export': directives.unchanged,
- 'internal': directives.unchanged,
- }
- has_content = False
- def run(self):
- env = self.state.document.settings.env
- cmd = [env.config.kerneldoc_bin, '-rst', '-enable-lineno']
- filename = env.config.kerneldoc_srctree + '/' + self.arguments[0]
- export_file_patterns = []
- # Tell sphinx of the dependency
- env.note_dependency(os.path.abspath(filename))
- tab_width = self.options.get('tab-width', self.state.document.settings.tab_width)
- # FIXME: make this nicer and more robust against errors
- if 'export' in self.options:
- cmd += ['-export']
- export_file_patterns = str(self.options.get('export')).split()
- elif 'internal' in self.options:
- cmd += ['-internal']
- export_file_patterns = str(self.options.get('internal')).split()
- elif 'doc' in self.options:
- cmd += ['-function', str(self.options.get('doc'))]
- elif 'functions' in self.options:
- for f in str(self.options.get('functions')).split():
- cmd += ['-function', f]
- for pattern in export_file_patterns:
- for f in glob.glob(env.config.kerneldoc_srctree + '/' + pattern):
- env.note_dependency(os.path.abspath(f))
- cmd += ['-export-file', f]
- cmd += [filename]
- try:
-'calling kernel-doc \'%s\'' % (" ".join(cmd)))
- p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- out, err = p.communicate()
- out, err = codecs.decode(out, 'utf-8'), codecs.decode(err, 'utf-8')
- if p.returncode != 0:
- sys.stderr.write(err)
-'kernel-doc \'%s\' failed with return code %d' % (" ".join(cmd), p.returncode))
- return [nodes.error(None, nodes.paragraph(text = "kernel-doc missing"))]
- elif env.config.kerneldoc_verbosity > 0:
- sys.stderr.write(err)
- lines = statemachine.string2lines(out, tab_width, convert_whitespace=True)
- result = ViewList()
- lineoffset = 0;
- line_regex = re.compile("^#define LINENO ([0-9]+)$")
- for line in lines:
- match =
- if match:
- # sphinx counts lines from 0
- lineoffset = int( - 1
- # we must eat our comments since the upset the markup
- else:
- result.append(line, filename, lineoffset)
- lineoffset += 1
- node = nodes.section()
- buf = self.state.memo.title_styles, self.state.memo.section_level, self.state.memo.reporter
- self.state.memo.reporter = AutodocReporter(result, self.state.memo.reporter)
- self.state.memo.title_styles, self.state.memo.section_level = [], 0
- try:
- self.state.nested_parse(result, 0, node, match_titles=1)
- finally:
- self.state.memo.title_styles, self.state.memo.section_level, self.state.memo.reporter = buf
- return node.children
- except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=W0703
-'kernel-doc \'%s\' processing failed with: %s' %
- (" ".join(cmd), str(e)))
- return [nodes.error(None, nodes.paragraph(text = "kernel-doc missing"))]
-def setup(app):
- app.add_config_value('kerneldoc_bin', None, 'env')
- app.add_config_value('kerneldoc_srctree', None, 'env')
- app.add_config_value('kerneldoc_verbosity', 1, 'env')
- app.add_directive('kernel-doc', KernelDocDirective)
- return dict(
- version = __version__,
- parallel_read_safe = True,
- parallel_write_safe = True
- )
diff --git a/Documentation/sphinx/ b/Documentation/sphinx/
deleted file mode 100644
index b97228d2cc..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/sphinx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,551 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
-# pylint: disable=C0103, R0903, R0912, R0915
- scalable figure and image handling
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Sphinx extension which implements scalable image handling.
- :copyright: Copyright (C) 2016 Markus Heiser
- :license: GPL Version 2, June 1991 see Linux/COPYING for details.
- The build for image formats depend on image's source format and output's
- destination format. This extension implement methods to simplify image
- handling from the author's POV. Directives like ``kernel-figure`` implement
- methods *to* always get the best output-format even if some tools are not
- installed. For more details take a look at ``convert_image(...)`` which is
- the core of all conversions.
- * ``.. kernel-image``: for image handling / a ``.. image::`` replacement
- * ``.. kernel-figure``: for figure handling / a ``.. figure::`` replacement
- * ``.. kernel-render``: for render markup / a concept to embed *render*
- markups (or languages). Supported markups (see ``RENDER_MARKUP_EXT``)
- - ``DOT``: render embedded Graphviz's **DOC**
- - ``SVG``: render embedded Scalable Vector Graphics (**SVG**)
- - ... *developable*
- Used tools:
- * ``dot(1)``: Graphviz ( If Graphviz is not
- available, the DOT language is inserted as literal-block.
- * SVG to PDF: To generate PDF, you need at least one of this tools:
- - ``convert(1)``: ImageMagick (
- List of customizations:
- * generate PDF from SVG / used by PDF (LaTeX) builder
- * generate SVG (html-builder) and PDF (latex-builder) from DOT files.
- DOT: see
- """
-import os
-from os import path
-import subprocess
-from hashlib import sha1
-import sys
-from docutils import nodes
-from docutils.statemachine import ViewList
-from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
-from docutils.parsers.rst.directives import images
-import sphinx
-from sphinx.util.nodes import clean_astext
-from six import iteritems
-PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
-if PY3:
- _unicode = str
- _unicode = unicode
-# Get Sphinx version
-major, minor, patch = sphinx.version_info[:3]
-if major == 1 and minor > 3:
- # patches.Figure only landed in Sphinx 1.4
- from sphinx.directives.patches import Figure # pylint: disable=C0413
- Figure = images.Figure
-__version__ = '1.0.0'
-# simple helper
-# -------------
-def which(cmd):
- """Searches the ``cmd`` in the ``PATH`` environment.
- This *which* searches the PATH for executable ``cmd`` . First match is
- returned, if nothing is found, ``None` is returned.
- """
- envpath = os.environ.get('PATH', None) or os.defpath
- for folder in envpath.split(os.pathsep):
- fname = folder + os.sep + cmd
- if path.isfile(fname):
- return fname
-def mkdir(folder, mode=0o775):
- if not path.isdir(folder):
- os.makedirs(folder, mode)
-def file2literal(fname):
- with open(fname, "r") as src:
- data =
- node = nodes.literal_block(data, data)
- return node
-def isNewer(path1, path2):
- """Returns True if ``path1`` is newer than ``path2``
- If ``path1`` exists and is newer than ``path2`` the function returns
- ``True`` is returned otherwise ``False``
- """
- return (path.exists(path1)
- and os.stat(path1).st_ctime > os.stat(path2).st_ctime)
-def pass_handle(self, node): # pylint: disable=W0613
- pass
-# setup conversion tools and sphinx extension
-# -------------------------------------------
-# Graphviz's dot(1) support
-dot_cmd = None
-# ImageMagick' convert(1) support
-convert_cmd = None
-def setup(app):
- # check toolchain first
- app.connect('builder-inited', setupTools)
- # image handling
- app.add_directive("kernel-image", KernelImage)
- app.add_node(kernel_image,
- html = (visit_kernel_image, pass_handle),
- latex = (visit_kernel_image, pass_handle),
- texinfo = (visit_kernel_image, pass_handle),
- text = (visit_kernel_image, pass_handle),
- man = (visit_kernel_image, pass_handle), )
- # figure handling
- app.add_directive("kernel-figure", KernelFigure)
- app.add_node(kernel_figure,
- html = (visit_kernel_figure, pass_handle),
- latex = (visit_kernel_figure, pass_handle),
- texinfo = (visit_kernel_figure, pass_handle),
- text = (visit_kernel_figure, pass_handle),
- man = (visit_kernel_figure, pass_handle), )
- # render handling
- app.add_directive('kernel-render', KernelRender)
- app.add_node(kernel_render,
- html = (visit_kernel_render, pass_handle),
- latex = (visit_kernel_render, pass_handle),
- texinfo = (visit_kernel_render, pass_handle),
- text = (visit_kernel_render, pass_handle),
- man = (visit_kernel_render, pass_handle), )
- app.connect('doctree-read', add_kernel_figure_to_std_domain)
- return dict(
- version = __version__,
- parallel_read_safe = True,
- parallel_write_safe = True
- )
-def setupTools(app):
- u"""
- Check available build tools and log some *verbose* messages.
- This function is called once, when the builder is initiated.
- """
- global dot_cmd, convert_cmd # pylint: disable=W0603
- app.verbose("kfigure: check installed tools ...")
- dot_cmd = which('dot')
- convert_cmd = which('convert')
- if dot_cmd:
- app.verbose("use dot(1) from: " + dot_cmd)
- else:
- app.warn("dot(1) not found, for better output quality install "
- "graphviz from")
- if convert_cmd:
- app.verbose("use convert(1) from: " + convert_cmd)
- else:
- app.warn(
- "convert(1) not found, for SVG to PDF conversion install "
- "ImageMagick (")
-# integrate conversion tools
-# --------------------------
- # The '.ext' must be handled by convert_image(..) function's *in_ext* input.
- # <name> : <.ext>
- 'DOT' : '.dot',
- 'SVG' : '.svg'
-def convert_image(img_node, translator, src_fname=None):
- """Convert a image node for the builder.
- Different builder prefer different image formats, e.g. *latex* builder
- prefer PDF while *html* builder prefer SVG format for images.
- This function handles output image formats in dependence of source the
- format (of the image) and the translator's output format.
- """
- app =
- fname, in_ext = path.splitext(path.basename(img_node['uri']))
- if src_fname is None:
- src_fname = path.join(translator.builder.srcdir, img_node['uri'])
- if not path.exists(src_fname):
- src_fname = path.join(translator.builder.outdir, img_node['uri'])
- dst_fname = None
- # in kernel builds, use 'make SPHINXOPTS=-v' to see verbose messages
- app.verbose('assert best format for: ' + img_node['uri'])
- if in_ext == '.dot':
- if not dot_cmd:
- app.verbose("dot from graphviz not available / include DOT raw.")
- img_node.replace_self(file2literal(src_fname))
- elif translator.builder.format == 'latex':
- dst_fname = path.join(translator.builder.outdir, fname + '.pdf')
- img_node['uri'] = fname + '.pdf'
- img_node['candidates'] = {'*': fname + '.pdf'}
- elif translator.builder.format == 'html':
- dst_fname = path.join(
- translator.builder.outdir,
- translator.builder.imagedir,
- fname + '.svg')
- img_node['uri'] = path.join(
- translator.builder.imgpath, fname + '.svg')
- img_node['candidates'] = {
- '*': path.join(translator.builder.imgpath, fname + '.svg')}
- else:
- # all other builder formats will include DOT as raw
- img_node.replace_self(file2literal(src_fname))
- elif in_ext == '.svg':
- if translator.builder.format == 'latex':
- if convert_cmd is None:
- app.verbose("no SVG to PDF conversion available / include SVG raw.")
- img_node.replace_self(file2literal(src_fname))
- else:
- dst_fname = path.join(translator.builder.outdir, fname + '.pdf')
- img_node['uri'] = fname + '.pdf'
- img_node['candidates'] = {'*': fname + '.pdf'}
- if dst_fname:
- # the builder needs not to copy one more time, so pop it if exists.
- translator.builder.images.pop(img_node['uri'], None)
- _name = dst_fname[len(translator.builder.outdir) + 1:]
- if isNewer(dst_fname, src_fname):
- app.verbose("convert: {out}/%s already exists and is newer" % _name)
- else:
- ok = False
- mkdir(path.dirname(dst_fname))
- if in_ext == '.dot':
- app.verbose('convert DOT to: {out}/' + _name)
- ok = dot2format(app, src_fname, dst_fname)
- elif in_ext == '.svg':
- app.verbose('convert SVG to: {out}/' + _name)
- ok = svg2pdf(app, src_fname, dst_fname)
- if not ok:
- img_node.replace_self(file2literal(src_fname))
-def dot2format(app, dot_fname, out_fname):
- """Converts DOT file to ``out_fname`` using ``dot(1)``.
- * ``dot_fname`` pathname of the input DOT file, including extension ``.dot``
- * ``out_fname`` pathname of the output file, including format extension
- The *format extension* depends on the ``dot`` command (see ``man dot``
- option ``-Txxx``). Normally you will use one of the following extensions:
- - ``.ps`` for PostScript,
- - ``.svg`` or ``svgz`` for Structured Vector Graphics,
- - ``.fig`` for XFIG graphics and
- - ``.png`` or ``gif`` for common bitmap graphics.
- """
- out_format = path.splitext(out_fname)[1][1:]
- cmd = [dot_cmd, '-T%s' % out_format, dot_fname]
- exit_code = 42
- with open(out_fname, "w") as out:
- exit_code =, stdout = out)
- if exit_code != 0:
- app.warn("Error #%d when calling: %s" % (exit_code, " ".join(cmd)))
- return bool(exit_code == 0)
-def svg2pdf(app, svg_fname, pdf_fname):
- """Converts SVG to PDF with ``convert(1)`` command.
- Uses ``convert(1)`` from ImageMagick ( for
- conversion. Returns ``True`` on success and ``False`` if an error occurred.
- * ``svg_fname`` pathname of the input SVG file with extension (``.svg``)
- * ``pdf_name`` pathname of the output PDF file with extension (``.pdf``)
- """
- cmd = [convert_cmd, svg_fname, pdf_fname]
- # use stdout and stderr from parent
- exit_code =
- if exit_code != 0:
- app.warn("Error #%d when calling: %s" % (exit_code, " ".join(cmd)))
- return bool(exit_code == 0)
-# image handling
-# ---------------------
-def visit_kernel_image(self, node): # pylint: disable=W0613
- """Visitor of the ``kernel_image`` Node.
- Handles the ``image`` child-node with the ``convert_image(...)``.
- """
- img_node = node[0]
- convert_image(img_node, self)
-class kernel_image(nodes.image):
- """Node for ``kernel-image`` directive."""
- pass
-class KernelImage(images.Image):
- u"""KernelImage directive
- Earns everything from ``.. image::`` directive, except *remote URI* and
- *glob* pattern. The KernelImage wraps a image node into a
- kernel_image node. See ``visit_kernel_image``.
- """
- def run(self):
- uri = self.arguments[0]
- if uri.endswith('.*') or uri.find('://') != -1:
- raise self.severe(
- 'Error in "%s: %s": glob pattern and remote images are not allowed'
- % (, uri))
- result =
- if len(result) == 2 or isinstance(result[0], nodes.system_message):
- return result
- (image_node,) = result
- # wrap image node into a kernel_image node / see visitors
- node = kernel_image('', image_node)
- return [node]
-# figure handling
-# ---------------------
-def visit_kernel_figure(self, node): # pylint: disable=W0613
- """Visitor of the ``kernel_figure`` Node.
- Handles the ``image`` child-node with the ``convert_image(...)``.
- """
- img_node = node[0][0]
- convert_image(img_node, self)
-class kernel_figure(nodes.figure):
- """Node for ``kernel-figure`` directive."""
-class KernelFigure(Figure):
- u"""KernelImage directive
- Earns everything from ``.. figure::`` directive, except *remote URI* and
- *glob* pattern. The KernelFigure wraps a figure node into a kernel_figure
- node. See ``visit_kernel_figure``.
- """
- def run(self):
- uri = self.arguments[0]
- if uri.endswith('.*') or uri.find('://') != -1:
- raise self.severe(
- 'Error in "%s: %s":'
- ' glob pattern and remote images are not allowed'
- % (, uri))
- result =
- if len(result) == 2 or isinstance(result[0], nodes.system_message):
- return result
- (figure_node,) = result
- # wrap figure node into a kernel_figure node / see visitors
- node = kernel_figure('', figure_node)
- return [node]
-# render handling
-# ---------------------
-def visit_kernel_render(self, node):
- """Visitor of the ``kernel_render`` Node.
- If rendering tools available, save the markup of the ``literal_block`` child
- node into a file and replace the ``literal_block`` node with a new created
- ``image`` node, pointing to the saved markup file. Afterwards, handle the
- image child-node with the ``convert_image(...)``.
- """
- app =
- srclang = node.get('srclang')
- app.verbose('visit kernel-render node lang: "%s"' % (srclang))
- tmp_ext = RENDER_MARKUP_EXT.get(srclang, None)
- if tmp_ext is None:
- app.warn('kernel-render: "%s" unknown / include raw.' % (srclang))
- return
- if not dot_cmd and tmp_ext == '.dot':
- app.verbose("dot from graphviz not available / include raw.")
- return
- literal_block = node[0]
- code = literal_block.astext()
- hashobj = code.encode('utf-8') # str(node.attributes)
- fname = path.join('%s-%s' % (srclang, sha1(hashobj).hexdigest()))
- tmp_fname = path.join(
- self.builder.outdir, self.builder.imagedir, fname + tmp_ext)
- if not path.isfile(tmp_fname):
- mkdir(path.dirname(tmp_fname))
- with open(tmp_fname, "w") as out:
- out.write(code)
- img_node = nodes.image(node.rawsource, **node.attributes)
- img_node['uri'] = path.join(self.builder.imgpath, fname + tmp_ext)
- img_node['candidates'] = {
- '*': path.join(self.builder.imgpath, fname + tmp_ext)}
- literal_block.replace_self(img_node)
- convert_image(img_node, self, tmp_fname)
-class kernel_render(nodes.General, nodes.Inline, nodes.Element):
- """Node for ``kernel-render`` directive."""
- pass
-class KernelRender(Figure):
- u"""KernelRender directive
- Render content by external tool. Has all the options known from the
- *figure* directive, plus option ``caption``. If ``caption`` has a
- value, a figure node with the *caption* is inserted. If not, a image node is
- inserted.
- The KernelRender directive wraps the text of the directive into a
- literal_block node and wraps it into a kernel_render node. See
- ``visit_kernel_render``.
- """
- has_content = True
- required_arguments = 1
- optional_arguments = 0
- final_argument_whitespace = False
- # earn options from 'figure'
- option_spec = Figure.option_spec.copy()
- option_spec['caption'] = directives.unchanged
- def run(self):
- return [self.build_node()]
- def build_node(self):
- srclang = self.arguments[0].strip()
- if srclang not in RENDER_MARKUP_EXT.keys():
- return [self.state_machine.reporter.warning(
- 'Unknown source language "%s", use one of: %s.' % (
- srclang, ",".join(RENDER_MARKUP_EXT.keys())),
- line=self.lineno)]
- code = '\n'.join(self.content)
- if not code.strip():
- return [self.state_machine.reporter.warning(
- 'Ignoring "%s" directive without content.' % (
- line=self.lineno)]
- node = kernel_render()
- node['alt'] = self.options.get('alt','')
- node['srclang'] = srclang
- literal_node = nodes.literal_block(code, code)
- node += literal_node
- caption = self.options.get('caption')
- if caption:
- # parse caption's content
- parsed = nodes.Element()
- self.state.nested_parse(
- ViewList([caption], source=''), self.content_offset, parsed)
- caption_node = nodes.caption(
- parsed[0].rawsource, '', *parsed[0].children)
- caption_node.source = parsed[0].source
- caption_node.line = parsed[0].line
- figure_node = nodes.figure('', node)
- for k,v in self.options.items():
- figure_node[k] = v
- figure_node += caption_node
- node = figure_node
- return node
-def add_kernel_figure_to_std_domain(app, doctree):
- """Add kernel-figure anchors to 'std' domain.
- The ``StandardDomain.process_doc(..)`` method does not know how to resolve
- the caption (label) of ``kernel-figure`` directive (it only knows about
- standard nodes, e.g. table, figure etc.). Without any additional handling
- this will result in a 'undefined label' for kernel-figures.
- This handle adds labels of kernel-figure to the 'std' domain labels.
- """
- std =["std"]
- docname = app.env.docname
- labels =["labels"]
- for name, explicit in iteritems(doctree.nametypes):
- if not explicit:
- continue
- labelid = doctree.nameids[name]
- if labelid is None:
- continue
- node = doctree.ids[labelid]
- if node.tagname == 'kernel_figure':
- for n in node.next_node():
- if n.tagname == 'caption':
- sectname = clean_astext(n)
- # add label to std domain
- labels[name] = docname, labelid, sectname
- break
diff --git a/Documentation/sphinx/ b/Documentation/sphinx/
deleted file mode 100644
index 301a21aa4f..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/sphinx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
-# pylint: disable=R0903, C0330, R0914, R0912, E0401
-import os
-import sys
-from sphinx.util.pycompat import execfile_
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def loadConfig(namespace):
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- u"""Load an additional configuration file into *namespace*.
- The name of the configuration file is taken from the environment
- ``SPHINX_CONF``. The external configuration file extends (or overwrites) the
- configuration values from the origin ````. With this you are able to
- maintain *build themes*. """
- config_file = os.environ.get("SPHINX_CONF", None)
- if (config_file is not None
- and os.path.normpath(namespace["__file__"]) != os.path.normpath(config_file) ):
- config_file = os.path.abspath(config_file)
- if os.path.isfile(config_file):
- sys.stdout.write("load additional sphinx-config: %s\n" % config_file)
- config = namespace.copy()
- config['__file__'] = config_file
- execfile_(config_file, config)
- del config['__file__']
- namespace.update(config)
- else:
- sys.stderr.write("WARNING: additional sphinx-config not found: %s\n" % config_file)
diff --git a/Documentation/sphinx/ b/Documentation/sphinx/
deleted file mode 100755
index d410f47567..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/sphinx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Text::Tabs;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Pod::Usage;
-my $debug;
-my $help;
-my $man;
- "debug" => \$debug,
- 'usage|?' => \$help,
- 'help' => \$man
-) or pod2usage(2);
-pod2usage(1) if $help;
-pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
-pod2usage(2) if (scalar @ARGV < 2 || scalar @ARGV > 3);
-my ($file_in, $file_out, $file_exceptions) = @ARGV;
-my $data;
-my %ioctls;
-my %defines;
-my %typedefs;
-my %enums;
-my %enum_symbols;
-my %structs;
-require Data::Dumper if ($debug);
-# read the file and get identifiers
-my $is_enum = 0;
-my $is_comment = 0;
-open IN, $file_in or die "Can't open $file_in";
-while (<IN>) {
- $data .= $_;
- my $ln = $_;
- if (!$is_comment) {
- $ln =~ s,/\*.*(\*/),,g;
- $is_comment = 1 if ($ln =~ s,/\*.*,,);
- } else {
- if ($ln =~ s,^(.*\*/),,) {
- $is_comment = 0;
- } else {
- next;
- }
- }
- if ($is_enum && $ln =~ m/^\s*([_\w][\w\d_]+)\s*[\,=]?/) {
- my $s = $1;
- my $n = $1;
- $n =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
- $n =~ tr/_/-/;
- $enum_symbols{$s} = "\\ :ref:`$s <$n>`\\ ";
- $is_enum = 0 if ($is_enum && m/\}/);
- next;
- }
- $is_enum = 0 if ($is_enum && m/\}/);
- if ($ln =~ m/^\s*#\s*define\s+([_\w][\w\d_]+)\s+_IO/) {
- my $s = $1;
- my $n = $1;
- $n =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
- $ioctls{$s} = "\\ :ref:`$s <$n>`\\ ";
- next;
- }
- if ($ln =~ m/^\s*#\s*define\s+([_\w][\w\d_]+)\s+/) {
- my $s = $1;
- my $n = $1;
- $n =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
- $n =~ tr/_/-/;
- $defines{$s} = "\\ :ref:`$s <$n>`\\ ";
- next;
- }
- if ($ln =~ m/^\s*typedef\s+([_\w][\w\d_]+)\s+(.*)\s+([_\w][\w\d_]+);/) {
- my $s = $2;
- my $n = $3;
- $typedefs{$n} = "\\ :c:type:`$n <$s>`\\ ";
- next;
- }
- if ($ln =~ m/^\s*enum\s+([_\w][\w\d_]+)\s+\{/
- || $ln =~ m/^\s*enum\s+([_\w][\w\d_]+)$/
- || $ln =~ m/^\s*typedef\s*enum\s+([_\w][\w\d_]+)\s+\{/
- || $ln =~ m/^\s*typedef\s*enum\s+([_\w][\w\d_]+)$/) {
- my $s = $1;
- $enums{$s} = "enum :c:type:`$s`\\ ";
- $is_enum = $1;
- next;
- }
- if ($ln =~ m/^\s*struct\s+([_\w][\w\d_]+)\s+\{/
- || $ln =~ m/^\s*struct\s+([[_\w][\w\d_]+)$/
- || $ln =~ m/^\s*typedef\s*struct\s+([_\w][\w\d_]+)\s+\{/
- || $ln =~ m/^\s*typedef\s*struct\s+([[_\w][\w\d_]+)$/
- ) {
- my $s = $1;
- $structs{$s} = "struct :c:type:`$s`\\ ";
- next;
- }
-close IN;
-# Handle multi-line typedefs
-my @matches = ($data =~ m/typedef\s+struct\s+\S+?\s*\{[^\}]+\}\s*(\S+)\s*\;/g,
- $data =~ m/typedef\s+enum\s+\S+?\s*\{[^\}]+\}\s*(\S+)\s*\;/g,);
-foreach my $m (@matches) {
- my $s = $m;
- $typedefs{$s} = "\\ :c:type:`$s`\\ ";
- next;
-# Handle exceptions, if any
-my %def_reftype = (
- "ioctl" => ":ref",
- "define" => ":ref",
- "symbol" => ":ref",
- "typedef" => ":c:type",
- "enum" => ":c:type",
- "struct" => ":c:type",
-if ($file_exceptions) {
- open IN, $file_exceptions or die "Can't read $file_exceptions";
- while (<IN>) {
- next if (m/^\s*$/ || m/^\s*#/);
- # Parsers to ignore a symbol
- if (m/^ignore\s+ioctl\s+(\S+)/) {
- delete $ioctls{$1} if (exists($ioctls{$1}));
- next;
- }
- if (m/^ignore\s+define\s+(\S+)/) {
- delete $defines{$1} if (exists($defines{$1}));
- next;
- }
- if (m/^ignore\s+typedef\s+(\S+)/) {
- delete $typedefs{$1} if (exists($typedefs{$1}));
- next;
- }
- if (m/^ignore\s+enum\s+(\S+)/) {
- delete $enums{$1} if (exists($enums{$1}));
- next;
- }
- if (m/^ignore\s+struct\s+(\S+)/) {
- delete $structs{$1} if (exists($structs{$1}));
- next;
- }
- if (m/^ignore\s+symbol\s+(\S+)/) {
- delete $enum_symbols{$1} if (exists($enum_symbols{$1}));
- next;
- }
- # Parsers to replace a symbol
- my ($type, $old, $new, $reftype);
- if (m/^replace\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
- $type = $1;
- $old = $2;
- $new = $3;
- } else {
- die "Can't parse $file_exceptions: $_";
- }
- if ($new =~ m/^\:c\:(data|func|macro|type)\:\`(.+)\`/) {
- $reftype = ":c:$1";
- $new = $2;
- } elsif ($new =~ m/\:ref\:\`(.+)\`/) {
- $reftype = ":ref";
- $new = $1;
- } else {
- $reftype = $def_reftype{$type};
- }
- $new = "$reftype:`$old <$new>`";
- if ($type eq "ioctl") {
- $ioctls{$old} = $new if (exists($ioctls{$old}));
- next;
- }
- if ($type eq "define") {
- $defines{$old} = $new if (exists($defines{$old}));
- next;
- }
- if ($type eq "symbol") {
- $enum_symbols{$old} = $new if (exists($enum_symbols{$old}));
- next;
- }
- if ($type eq "typedef") {
- $typedefs{$old} = $new if (exists($typedefs{$old}));
- next;
- }
- if ($type eq "enum") {
- $enums{$old} = $new if (exists($enums{$old}));
- next;
- }
- if ($type eq "struct") {
- $structs{$old} = $new if (exists($structs{$old}));
- next;
- }
- die "Can't parse $file_exceptions: $_";
- }
-if ($debug) {
- print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%ioctls], [qw(*ioctls)]) if (%ioctls);
- print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%typedefs], [qw(*typedefs)]) if (%typedefs);
- print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%enums], [qw(*enums)]) if (%enums);
- print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%structs], [qw(*structs)]) if (%structs);
- print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%defines], [qw(*defines)]) if (%defines);
- print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%enum_symbols], [qw(*enum_symbols)]) if (%enum_symbols);
-# Align block
-$data = expand($data);
-$data = " " . $data;
-$data =~ s/\n/\n /g;
-$data =~ s/\n\s+$/\n/g;
-$data =~ s/\n\s+\n/\n\n/g;
-# Add escape codes for special characters
-$data =~ s,([\_\`\*\<\>\&\\\\:\/\|\%\$\#\{\}\~\^]),\\$1,g;
-$data =~ s,DEPRECATED,**DEPRECATED**,g;
-# Add references
-my $start_delim = "[ \n\t\(\=\*\@]";
-my $end_delim = "(\\s|,|\\\\=|\\\\:|\\;|\\\)|\\}|\\{)";
-foreach my $r (keys %ioctls) {
- my $s = $ioctls{$r};
- $r =~ s,([\_\`\*\<\>\&\\\\:\/]),\\\\$1,g;
- print "$r -> $s\n" if ($debug);
- $data =~ s/($start_delim)($r)$end_delim/$1$s$3/g;
-foreach my $r (keys %defines) {
- my $s = $defines{$r};
- $r =~ s,([\_\`\*\<\>\&\\\\:\/]),\\\\$1,g;
- print "$r -> $s\n" if ($debug);
- $data =~ s/($start_delim)($r)$end_delim/$1$s$3/g;
-foreach my $r (keys %enum_symbols) {
- my $s = $enum_symbols{$r};
- $r =~ s,([\_\`\*\<\>\&\\\\:\/]),\\\\$1,g;
- print "$r -> $s\n" if ($debug);
- $data =~ s/($start_delim)($r)$end_delim/$1$s$3/g;
-foreach my $r (keys %enums) {
- my $s = $enums{$r};
- $r =~ s,([\_\`\*\<\>\&\\\\:\/]),\\\\$1,g;
- print "$r -> $s\n" if ($debug);
- $data =~ s/enum\s+($r)$end_delim/$s$2/g;
-foreach my $r (keys %structs) {
- my $s = $structs{$r};
- $r =~ s,([\_\`\*\<\>\&\\\\:\/]),\\\\$1,g;
- print "$r -> $s\n" if ($debug);
- $data =~ s/struct\s+($r)$end_delim/$s$2/g;
-foreach my $r (keys %typedefs) {
- my $s = $typedefs{$r};
- $r =~ s,([\_\`\*\<\>\&\\\\:\/]),\\\\$1,g;
- print "$r -> $s\n" if ($debug);
- $data =~ s/($start_delim)($r)$end_delim/$1$s$3/g;
-$data =~ s/\\ ([\n\s])/\1/g;
-# Generate output file
-my $title = $file_in;
-$title =~ s,.*/,,;
-open OUT, "> $file_out" or die "Can't open $file_out";
-print OUT ".. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-\n\n";
-print OUT "$title\n";
-print OUT "=" x length($title);
-print OUT "\n\n.. parsed-literal::\n\n";
-print OUT $data;
-close OUT;
-=head1 NAME
- - parse a C file, in order to identify functions, structs,
-enums and defines and create cross-references to a Sphinx book.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<> [<options>] <C_FILE> <OUT_FILE> [<EXCEPTIONS_FILE>]
-Where <options> can be: --debug, --help or --man.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 8
-=item B<--debug>
-Put the script in verbose mode, useful for debugging.
-=item B<--usage>
-Prints a brief help message and exits.
-=item B<--help>
-Prints a more detailed help message and exits.
-Convert a C header or source file (C_FILE), into a ReStructured Text
-included via ..parsed-literal block with cross-references for the
-documentation files that describe the API. It accepts an optional
-EXCEPTIONS_FILE with describes what elements will be either ignored or
-be pointed to a non-default reference.
-The output is written at the (OUT_FILE).
-It is capable of identifying defines, functions, structs, typedefs,
-enums and enum symbols and create cross-references for all of them.
-It is also capable of distinguish #define used for specifying a Linux
-The EXCEPTIONS_FILE contain two rules to allow ignoring a symbol or
-to replace the default references by a custom one.
-Please read Documentation/doc-guide/parse-headers.rst at the Kernel's
-tree for more details.
-=head1 BUGS
-Report bugs to Mauro Carvalho Chehab <>
-Copyright (c) 2016 by Mauro Carvalho Chehab <>.
-License GPLv2: GNU GPL version 2 <>.
-This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
-There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
diff --git a/Documentation/sphinx/requirements.txt b/Documentation/sphinx/requirements.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 742be3e126..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/sphinx/requirements.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Documentation/sphinx/ b/Documentation/sphinx/
deleted file mode 100755
index 25feb0d35e..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/sphinx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
-# pylint: disable=C0330, R0903, R0912
- flat-table
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- Implementation of the ``flat-table`` reST-directive.
- :copyright: Copyright (C) 2016 Markus Heiser
- :license: GPL Version 2, June 1991 see linux/COPYING for details.
- The ``flat-table`` (:py:class:`FlatTable`) is a double-stage list similar to
- the ``list-table`` with some additional features:
- * *column-span*: with the role ``cspan`` a cell can be extended through
- additional columns
- * *row-span*: with the role ``rspan`` a cell can be extended through
- additional rows
- * *auto span* rightmost cell of a table row over the missing cells on the
- right side of that table-row. With Option ``:fill-cells:`` this behavior
- can changed from *auto span* to *auto fill*, which automaticly inserts
- (empty) cells instead of spanning the last cell.
- Options:
- * header-rows: [int] count of header rows
- * stub-columns: [int] count of stub columns
- * widths: [[int] [int] ... ] widths of columns
- * fill-cells: instead of autospann missing cells, insert missing cells
- roles:
- * cspan: [int] additionale columns (*morecols*)
- * rspan: [int] additionale rows (*morerows*)
-# ==============================================================================
-# imports
-# ==============================================================================
-import sys
-from docutils import nodes
-from docutils.parsers.rst import directives, roles
-from docutils.parsers.rst.directives.tables import Table
-from docutils.utils import SystemMessagePropagation
-# ==============================================================================
-# common globals
-# ==============================================================================
-# The version numbering follows numbering of the specification
-# (Documentation/books/kernel-doc-HOWTO).
-__version__ = '1.0'
-PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
-PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
-if PY3:
- # pylint: disable=C0103, W0622
- unicode = str
- basestring = str
-# ==============================================================================
-def setup(app):
-# ==============================================================================
- app.add_directive("flat-table", FlatTable)
- roles.register_local_role('cspan', c_span)
- roles.register_local_role('rspan', r_span)
- return dict(
- version = __version__,
- parallel_read_safe = True,
- parallel_write_safe = True
- )
-# ==============================================================================
-def c_span(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options=None, content=None):
-# ==============================================================================
- # pylint: disable=W0613
- options = options if options is not None else {}
- content = content if content is not None else []
- nodelist = [colSpan(span=int(text))]
- msglist = []
- return nodelist, msglist
-# ==============================================================================
-def r_span(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options=None, content=None):
-# ==============================================================================
- # pylint: disable=W0613
- options = options if options is not None else {}
- content = content if content is not None else []
- nodelist = [rowSpan(span=int(text))]
- msglist = []
- return nodelist, msglist
-# ==============================================================================
-class rowSpan(nodes.General, nodes.Element): pass # pylint: disable=C0103,C0321
-class colSpan(nodes.General, nodes.Element): pass # pylint: disable=C0103,C0321
-# ==============================================================================
-# ==============================================================================
-class FlatTable(Table):
-# ==============================================================================
- u"""FlatTable (``flat-table``) directive"""
- option_spec = {
- 'name': directives.unchanged
- , 'class': directives.class_option
- , 'header-rows': directives.nonnegative_int
- , 'stub-columns': directives.nonnegative_int
- , 'widths': directives.positive_int_list
- , 'fill-cells' : directives.flag }
- def run(self):
- if not self.content:
- error = self.state_machine.reporter.error(
- 'The "%s" directive is empty; content required.' %,
- nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text),
- line=self.lineno)
- return [error]
- title, messages = self.make_title()
- node = nodes.Element() # anonymous container for parsing
- self.state.nested_parse(self.content, self.content_offset, node)
- tableBuilder = ListTableBuilder(self)
- tableBuilder.parseFlatTableNode(node)
- tableNode = tableBuilder.buildTableNode()
- # SDK.CONSOLE() # print --> tableNode.asdom().toprettyxml()
- if title:
- tableNode.insert(0, title)
- return [tableNode] + messages
-# ==============================================================================
-class ListTableBuilder(object):
-# ==============================================================================
- u"""Builds a table from a double-stage list"""
- def __init__(self, directive):
- self.directive = directive
- self.rows = []
- self.max_cols = 0
- def buildTableNode(self):
- colwidths = self.directive.get_column_widths(self.max_cols)
- if isinstance(colwidths, tuple):
- # Since docutils 0.13, get_column_widths returns a (widths,
- # colwidths) tuple, where widths is a string (i.e. 'auto').
- # See
- colwidths = colwidths[1]
- stub_columns = self.directive.options.get('stub-columns', 0)
- header_rows = self.directive.options.get('header-rows', 0)
- table = nodes.table()
- tgroup = nodes.tgroup(cols=len(colwidths))
- table += tgroup
- for colwidth in colwidths:
- colspec = nodes.colspec(colwidth=colwidth)
- # FIXME: It seems, that the stub method only works well in the
- # absence of rowspan (observed by the html buidler, the docutils-xml
- # build seems OK). This is not extraordinary, because there exists
- # no table directive (except *this* flat-table) which allows to
- # define coexistent of rowspan and stubs (there was no use-case
- # before flat-table). This should be reviewed (later).
- if stub_columns:
- colspec.attributes['stub'] = 1
- stub_columns -= 1
- tgroup += colspec
- stub_columns = self.directive.options.get('stub-columns', 0)
- if header_rows:
- thead = nodes.thead()
- tgroup += thead
- for row in self.rows[:header_rows]:
- thead += self.buildTableRowNode(row)
- tbody = nodes.tbody()
- tgroup += tbody
- for row in self.rows[header_rows:]:
- tbody += self.buildTableRowNode(row)
- return table
- def buildTableRowNode(self, row_data, classes=None):
- classes = [] if classes is None else classes
- row = nodes.row()
- for cell in row_data:
- if cell is None:
- continue
- cspan, rspan, cellElements = cell
- attributes = {"classes" : classes}
- if rspan:
- attributes['morerows'] = rspan
- if cspan:
- attributes['morecols'] = cspan
- entry = nodes.entry(**attributes)
- entry.extend(cellElements)
- row += entry
- return row
- def raiseError(self, msg):
- error = self.directive.state_machine.reporter.error(
- msg
- , nodes.literal_block(self.directive.block_text
- , self.directive.block_text)
- , line = self.directive.lineno )
- raise SystemMessagePropagation(error)
- def parseFlatTableNode(self, node):
- u"""parses the node from a :py:class:`FlatTable` directive's body"""
- if len(node) != 1 or not isinstance(node[0], nodes.bullet_list):
- self.raiseError(
- 'Error parsing content block for the "%s" directive: '
- 'exactly one bullet list expected.' % )
- for rowNum, rowItem in enumerate(node[0]):
- row = self.parseRowItem(rowItem, rowNum)
- self.rows.append(row)
- self.roundOffTableDefinition()
- def roundOffTableDefinition(self):
- u"""Round off the table definition.
- This method rounds off the table definition in :py:member:`rows`.
- * This method inserts the needed ``None`` values for the missing cells
- arising from spanning cells over rows and/or columns.
- * recount the :py:member:`max_cols`
- * Autospan or fill (option ``fill-cells``) missing cells on the right
- side of the table-row
- """
- y = 0
- while y < len(self.rows):
- x = 0
- while x < len(self.rows[y]):
- cell = self.rows[y][x]
- if cell is None:
- x += 1
- continue
- cspan, rspan = cell[:2]
- # handle colspan in current row
- for c in range(cspan):
- try:
- self.rows[y].insert(x+c+1, None)
- except: # pylint: disable=W0702
- # the user sets ambiguous rowspans
- pass # SDK.CONSOLE()
- # handle colspan in spanned rows
- for r in range(rspan):
- for c in range(cspan + 1):
- try:
- self.rows[y+r+1].insert(x+c, None)
- except: # pylint: disable=W0702
- # the user sets ambiguous rowspans
- pass # SDK.CONSOLE()
- x += 1
- y += 1
- # Insert the missing cells on the right side. For this, first
- # re-calculate the max columns.
- for row in self.rows:
- if self.max_cols < len(row):
- self.max_cols = len(row)
- # fill with empty cells or cellspan?
- fill_cells = False
- if 'fill-cells' in self.directive.options:
- fill_cells = True
- for row in self.rows:
- x = self.max_cols - len(row)
- if x and not fill_cells:
- if row[-1] is None:
- row.append( ( x - 1, 0, []) )
- else:
- cspan, rspan, content = row[-1]
- row[-1] = (cspan + x, rspan, content)
- elif x and fill_cells:
- for i in range(x):
- row.append( (0, 0, nodes.comment()) )
- def pprint(self):
- # for debugging
- retVal = "[ "
- for row in self.rows:
- retVal += "[ "
- for col in row:
- if col is None:
- retVal += ('%r' % col)
- retVal += "\n , "
- else:
- content = col[2][0].astext()
- if len (content) > 30:
- content = content[:30] + "..."
- retVal += ('(cspan=%s, rspan=%s, %r)'
- % (col[0], col[1], content))
- retVal += "]\n , "
- retVal = retVal[:-2]
- retVal += "]\n , "
- retVal = retVal[:-2]
- return retVal + "]"
- def parseRowItem(self, rowItem, rowNum):
- row = []
- childNo = 0
- error = False
- cell = None
- target = None
- for child in rowItem:
- if (isinstance(child , nodes.comment)
- or isinstance(child, nodes.system_message)):
- pass
- elif isinstance(child ,
- target = child
- elif isinstance(child, nodes.bullet_list):
- childNo += 1
- cell = child
- else:
- error = True
- break
- if childNo != 1 or error:
- self.raiseError(
- 'Error parsing content block for the "%s" directive: '
- 'two-level bullet list expected, but row %s does not '
- 'contain a second-level bullet list.'
- % (, rowNum + 1))
- for cellItem in cell:
- cspan, rspan, cellElements = self.parseCellItem(cellItem)
- if target is not None:
- cellElements.insert(0, target)
- row.append( (cspan, rspan, cellElements) )
- return row
- def parseCellItem(self, cellItem):
- # search and remove cspan, rspan colspec from the first element in
- # this listItem (field).
- cspan = rspan = 0
- if not len(cellItem):
- return cspan, rspan, []
- for elem in cellItem[0]:
- if isinstance(elem, colSpan):
- cspan = elem.get("span")
- elem.parent.remove(elem)
- continue
- if isinstance(elem, rowSpan):
- rspan = elem.get("span")
- elem.parent.remove(elem)
- continue
- return cspan, rspan, cellItem[:]