/*********************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2005 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ * * Description: * Ethernet interface for Tundra TSI108 bridge chip * ***********************************************************************/ #include <config.h> #if !defined(CONFIG_TSI108_ETH_NUM_PORTS) || (CONFIG_TSI108_ETH_NUM_PORTS > 2) #error "CONFIG_TSI108_ETH_NUM_PORTS must be defined as 1 or 2" #endif #include <common.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <net.h> #include <netdev.h> #include <asm/cache.h> #ifdef DEBUG #define TSI108_ETH_DEBUG 7 #else #define TSI108_ETH_DEBUG 0 #endif #if TSI108_ETH_DEBUG > 0 #define debug_lev(lev, fmt, args...) \ if (lev <= TSI108_ETH_DEBUG) \ printf ("%s %d: " fmt, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##args) #else #define debug_lev(lev, fmt, args...) do{}while(0) #endif #define RX_PRINT_ERRORS #define TX_PRINT_ERRORS #define ETH_BASE (CONFIG_SYS_TSI108_CSR_BASE + 0x6000) #define ETH_PORT_OFFSET 0x400 #define __REG32(base, offset) (*((volatile u32 *)((char *)(base) + (offset)))) #define reg_MAC_CONFIG_1(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000000) #define MAC_CONFIG_1_TX_ENABLE (0x00000001) #define MAC_CONFIG_1_SYNC_TX_ENABLE (0x00000002) #define MAC_CONFIG_1_RX_ENABLE (0x00000004) #define MAC_CONFIG_1_SYNC_RX_ENABLE (0x00000008) #define MAC_CONFIG_1_TX_FLOW_CONTROL (0x00000010) #define MAC_CONFIG_1_RX_FLOW_CONTROL (0x00000020) #define MAC_CONFIG_1_LOOP_BACK (0x00000100) #define MAC_CONFIG_1_RESET_TX_FUNCTION (0x00010000) #define MAC_CONFIG_1_RESET_RX_FUNCTION (0x00020000) #define MAC_CONFIG_1_RESET_TX_MAC (0x00040000) #define MAC_CONFIG_1_RESET_RX_MAC (0x00080000) #define MAC_CONFIG_1_SIM_RESET (0x40000000) #define MAC_CONFIG_1_SOFT_RESET (0x80000000) #define reg_MAC_CONFIG_2(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000004) #define MAC_CONFIG_2_FULL_DUPLEX (0x00000001) #define MAC_CONFIG_2_CRC_ENABLE (0x00000002) #define MAC_CONFIG_2_PAD_CRC (0x00000004) #define MAC_CONFIG_2_LENGTH_CHECK (0x00000010) #define MAC_CONFIG_2_HUGE_FRAME (0x00000020) #define MAC_CONFIG_2_INTERFACE_MODE(val) (((val) & 0x3) << 8) #define MAC_CONFIG_2_PREAMBLE_LENGTH(val) (((val) & 0xf) << 12) #define INTERFACE_MODE_NIBBLE 1 /* 10/100 Mb/s MII) */ #define INTERFACE_MODE_BYTE 2 /* 1000 Mb/s GMII/TBI */ #define reg_MAXIMUM_FRAME_LENGTH(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000010) #define reg_MII_MGMT_CONFIG(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000020) #define MII_MGMT_CONFIG_MGMT_CLOCK_SELECT(val) ((val) & 0x7) #define MII_MGMT_CONFIG_NO_PREAMBLE (0x00000010) #define MII_MGMT_CONFIG_SCAN_INCREMENT (0x00000020) #define MII_MGMT_CONFIG_RESET_MGMT (0x80000000) #define reg_MII_MGMT_COMMAND(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000024) #define MII_MGMT_COMMAND_READ_CYCLE (0x00000001) #define MII_MGMT_COMMAND_SCAN_CYCLE (0x00000002) #define reg_MII_MGMT_ADDRESS(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000028) #define reg_MII_MGMT_CONTROL(base) __REG32(base, 0x0000002c) #define reg_MII_MGMT_STATUS(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000030) #define reg_MII_MGMT_INDICATORS(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000034) #define MII_MGMT_INDICATORS_BUSY (0x00000001) #define MII_MGMT_INDICATORS_SCAN (0x00000002) #define MII_MGMT_INDICATORS_NOT_VALID (0x00000004) #define reg_INTERFACE_STATUS(base) __REG32(base, 0x0000003c) #define INTERFACE_STATUS_LINK_FAIL (0x00000008) #define INTERFACE_STATUS_EXCESS_DEFER (0x00000200) #define reg_STATION_ADDRESS_1(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000040) #define reg_STATION_ADDRESS_2(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000044) #define reg_PORT_CONTROL(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000200) #define PORT_CONTROL_PRI (0x00000001) #define PORT_CONTROL_BPT (0x00010000) #define PORT_CONTROL_SPD (0x00040000) #define PORT_CONTROL_RBC (0x00080000) #define PORT_CONTROL_PRB (0x00200000) #define PORT_CONTROL_DIS (0x00400000) #define PORT_CONTROL_TBI (0x00800000) #define PORT_CONTROL_STE (0x10000000) #define PORT_CONTROL_ZOR (0x20000000) #define PORT_CONTROL_CLR (0x40000000) #define PORT_CONTROL_SRT (0x80000000) #define reg_TX_CONFIG(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000220) #define TX_CONFIG_START_Q (0x00000003) #define TX_CONFIG_EHP (0x00400000) #define TX_CONFIG_CHP (0x00800000) #define TX_CONFIG_RST (0x80000000) #define reg_TX_CONTROL(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000224) #define TX_CONTROL_GO (0x00008000) #define TX_CONTROL_MP (0x01000000) #define TX_CONTROL_EAI (0x20000000) #define TX_CONTROL_ABT (0x40000000) #define TX_CONTROL_EII (0x80000000) #define reg_TX_STATUS(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000228) #define TX_STATUS_QUEUE_USABLE (0x0000000f) #define TX_STATUS_CURR_Q (0x00000300) #define TX_STATUS_ACT (0x00008000) #define TX_STATUS_QUEUE_IDLE (0x000f0000) #define TX_STATUS_EOQ_PENDING (0x0f000000) #define reg_TX_EXTENDED_STATUS(base) __REG32(base, 0x0000022c) #define TX_EXTENDED_STATUS_END_OF_QUEUE_CONDITION (0x0000000f) #define TX_EXTENDED_STATUS_END_OF_FRAME_CONDITION (0x00000f00) #define TX_EXTENDED_STATUS_DESCRIPTOR_INTERRUPT_CONDITION (0x000f0000) #define TX_EXTENDED_STATUS_ERROR_FLAG (0x0f000000) #define reg_TX_THRESHOLDS(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000230) #define reg_TX_DIAGNOSTIC_ADDR(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000270) #define TX_DIAGNOSTIC_ADDR_INDEX (0x0000007f) #define TX_DIAGNOSTIC_ADDR_DFR (0x40000000) #define TX_DIAGNOSTIC_ADDR_AI (0x80000000) #define reg_TX_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000274) #define reg_TX_ERROR_STATUS(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000278) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS (0x00000278) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_QUEUE_0_ERROR_RESPONSE (0x0000000f) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_TEA_ON_QUEUE_0 (0x00000010) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_RER_ON_QUEUE_0 (0x00000020) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_TER_ON_QUEUE_0 (0x00000040) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_DER_ON_QUEUE_0 (0x00000080) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_QUEUE_1_ERROR_RESPONSE (0x00000f00) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_TEA_ON_QUEUE_1 (0x00001000) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_RER_ON_QUEUE_1 (0x00002000) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_TER_ON_QUEUE_1 (0x00004000) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_DER_ON_QUEUE_1 (0x00008000) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_QUEUE_2_ERROR_RESPONSE (0x000f0000) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_TEA_ON_QUEUE_2 (0x00100000) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_RER_ON_QUEUE_2 (0x00200000) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_TER_ON_QUEUE_2 (0x00400000) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_DER_ON_QUEUE_2 (0x00800000) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_QUEUE_3_ERROR_RESPONSE (0x0f000000) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_TEA_ON_QUEUE_3 (0x10000000) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_RER_ON_QUEUE_3 (0x20000000) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_TER_ON_QUEUE_3 (0x40000000) #define TX_ERROR_STATUS_DER_ON_QUEUE_3 (0x80000000) #define reg_TX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000280) #define TX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG_OCN_PORT (0x0000003f) #define TX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG_BSWP (0x00000400) #define TX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG_WSWP (0x00000800) #define TX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG_AM (0x00004000) #define TX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG_GVI (0x00008000) #define TX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG_EEI (0x00010000) #define TX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG_ELI (0x00020000) #define TX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG_ENI (0x00040000) #define TX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG_ESI (0x00080000) #define TX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG_EDI (0x00100000) #define reg_TX_QUEUE_0_BUF_CONFIG(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000284) #define TX_QUEUE_0_BUF_CONFIG_OCN_PORT (0x0000003f) #define TX_QUEUE_0_BUF_CONFIG_BURST (0x00000300) #define TX_QUEUE_0_BUF_CONFIG_BSWP (0x00000400) #define TX_QUEUE_0_BUF_CONFIG_WSWP (0x00000800) #define OCN_PORT_HLP 0 /* HLP Interface */ #define OCN_PORT_PCI_X 1 /* PCI-X Interface */ #define OCN_PORT_PROCESSOR_MASTER 2 /* Processor Interface (master) */ #define OCN_PORT_PROCESSOR_SLAVE 3 /* Processor Interface (slave) */ #define OCN_PORT_MEMORY 4 /* Memory Controller */ #define OCN_PORT_DMA 5 /* DMA Controller */ #define OCN_PORT_ETHERNET 6 /* Ethernet Controller */ #define OCN_PORT_PRINT 7 /* Print Engine Interface */ #define reg_TX_QUEUE_0_PTR_LOW(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000288) #define reg_TX_QUEUE_0_PTR_HIGH(base) __REG32(base, 0x0000028c) #define TX_QUEUE_0_PTR_HIGH_VALID (0x80000000) #define reg_RX_CONFIG(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000320) #define RX_CONFIG_DEF_Q (0x00000003) #define RX_CONFIG_EMF (0x00000100) #define RX_CONFIG_EUF (0x00000200) #define RX_CONFIG_BFE (0x00000400) #define RX_CONFIG_MFE (0x00000800) #define RX_CONFIG_UFE (0x00001000) #define RX_CONFIG_SE (0x00002000) #define RX_CONFIG_ABF (0x00200000) #define RX_CONFIG_APE (0x00400000) #define RX_CONFIG_CHP (0x00800000) #define RX_CONFIG_RST (0x80000000) #define reg_RX_CONTROL(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000324) #define GE_E0_RX_CONTROL_QUEUE_ENABLES (0x0000000f) #define GE_E0_RX_CONTROL_GO (0x00008000) #define GE_E0_RX_CONTROL_EAI (0x20000000) #define GE_E0_RX_CONTROL_ABT (0x40000000) #define GE_E0_RX_CONTROL_EII (0x80000000) #define reg_RX_EXTENDED_STATUS(base) __REG32(base, 0x0000032c) #define RX_EXTENDED_STATUS (0x0000032c) #define RX_EXTENDED_STATUS_EOQ (0x0000000f) #define RX_EXTENDED_STATUS_EOQ_0 (0x00000001) #define RX_EXTENDED_STATUS_EOF (0x00000f00) #define RX_EXTENDED_STATUS_DESCRIPTOR_INTERRUPT_CONDITION (0x000f0000) #define RX_EXTENDED_STATUS_ERROR_FLAG (0x0f000000) #define reg_RX_THRESHOLDS(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000330) #define reg_RX_DIAGNOSTIC_ADDR(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000370) #define RX_DIAGNOSTIC_ADDR_INDEX (0x0000007f) #define RX_DIAGNOSTIC_ADDR_DFR (0x40000000) #define RX_DIAGNOSTIC_ADDR_AI (0x80000000) #define reg_RX_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000374) #define reg_RX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000380) #define RX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG_OCN_PORT (0x0000003f) #define RX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG_BSWP (0x00000400) #define RX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG_WSWP (0x00000800) #define RX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG_AM (0x00004000) #define RX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG_EEI (0x00010000) #define RX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG_ELI (0x00020000) #define RX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG_ENI (0x00040000) #define RX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG_ESI (0x00080000) #define RX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG_EDI (0x00100000) #define reg_RX_QUEUE_0_BUF_CONFIG(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000384) #define RX_QUEUE_0_BUF_CONFIG_OCN_PORT (0x0000003f) #define RX_QUEUE_0_BUF_CONFIG_BURST (0x00000300) #define RX_QUEUE_0_BUF_CONFIG_BSWP (0x00000400) #define RX_QUEUE_0_BUF_CONFIG_WSWP (0x00000800) #define reg_RX_QUEUE_0_PTR_LOW(base) __REG32(base, 0x00000388) #define reg_RX_QUEUE_0_PTR_HIGH(base) __REG32(base, 0x0000038c) #define RX_QUEUE_0_PTR_HIGH_VALID (0x80000000) /* * PHY register definitions */ /* the first 15 PHY registers are standard. */ #define PHY_CTRL_REG 0 /* Control Register */ #define PHY_STATUS_REG 1 /* Status Regiser */ #define PHY_ID1_REG 2 /* Phy Id Reg (word 1) */ #define PHY_ID2_REG 3 /* Phy Id Reg (word 2) */ #define PHY_AN_ADV_REG 4 /* Autoneg Advertisement */ #define PHY_LP_ABILITY_REG 5 /* Link Partner Ability (Base Page) */ #define PHY_AUTONEG_EXP_REG 6 /* Autoneg Expansion Reg */ #define PHY_NEXT_PAGE_TX_REG 7 /* Next Page TX */ #define PHY_LP_NEXT_PAGE_REG 8 /* Link Partner Next Page */ #define PHY_1000T_CTRL_REG 9 /* 1000Base-T Control Reg */ #define PHY_1000T_STATUS_REG 10 /* 1000Base-T Status Reg */ #define PHY_EXT_STATUS_REG 11 /* Extended Status Reg */ /* * PHY Register bit masks. */ #define PHY_CTRL_RESET (1 << 15) #define PHY_CTRL_LOOPBACK (1 << 14) #define PHY_CTRL_SPEED0 (1 << 13) #define PHY_CTRL_AN_EN (1 << 12) #define PHY_CTRL_PWR_DN (1 << 11) #define PHY_CTRL_ISOLATE (1 << 10) #define PHY_CTRL_RESTART_AN (1 << 9) #define PHY_CTRL_FULL_DUPLEX (1 << 8) #define PHY_CTRL_CT_EN (1 << 7) #define PHY_CTRL_SPEED1 (1 << 6) #define PHY_STAT_100BASE_T4 (1 << 15) #define PHY_STAT_100BASE_X_FD (1 << 14) #define PHY_STAT_100BASE_X_HD (1 << 13) #define PHY_STAT_10BASE_T_FD (1 << 12) #define PHY_STAT_10BASE_T_HD (1 << 11) #define PHY_STAT_100BASE_T2_FD (1 << 10) #define PHY_STAT_100BASE_T2_HD (1 << 9) #define PHY_STAT_EXT_STAT (1 << 8) #define PHY_STAT_RESERVED (1 << 7) #define PHY_STAT_MFPS (1 << 6) /* Management Frames Preamble Suppression */ #define PHY_STAT_AN_COMPLETE (1 << 5) #define PHY_STAT_REM_FAULT (1 << 4) #define PHY_STAT_AN_CAP (1 << 3) #define PHY_STAT_LINK_UP (1 << 2) #define PHY_STAT_JABBER (1 << 1) #define PHY_STAT_EXT_CAP (1 << 0) #define TBI_CONTROL_2 0x11 #define TBI_CONTROL_2_ENABLE_COMMA_DETECT 0x0001 #define TBI_CONTROL_2_ENABLE_WRAP 0x0002 #define TBI_CONTROL_2_G_MII_MODE 0x0010 #define TBI_CONTROL_2_RECEIVE_CLOCK_SELECT 0x0020 #define TBI_CONTROL_2_AUTO_NEGOTIATION_SENSE 0x0100 #define TBI_CONTROL_2_DISABLE_TRANSMIT_RUNNING_DISPARITY 0x1000 #define TBI_CONTROL_2_DISABLE_RECEIVE_RUNNING_DISPARITY 0x2000 #define TBI_CONTROL_2_SHORTCUT_LINK_TIMER 0x4000 #define TBI_CONTROL_2_SOFT_RESET 0x8000 /* marvel specific */ #define MV1111_EXT_CTRL1_REG 16 /* PHY Specific Control Reg */ #define MV1111_SPEC_STAT_REG 17 /* PHY Specific Status Reg */ #define MV1111_EXT_CTRL2_REG 20 /* Extended PHY Specific Control Reg */ /* * MARVELL 88E1111 PHY register bit masks */ /* PHY Specific Status Register (MV1111_EXT_CTRL1_REG) */ #define SPEC_STAT_SPEED_MASK (3 << 14) #define SPEC_STAT_FULL_DUP (1 << 13) #define SPEC_STAT_PAGE_RCVD (1 << 12) #define SPEC_STAT_RESOLVED (1 << 11) /* Speed and Duplex Resolved */ #define SPEC_STAT_LINK_UP (1 << 10) #define SPEC_STAT_CABLE_LEN_MASK (7 << 7)/* Cable Length (100/1000 modes only) */ #define SPEC_STAT_MDIX (1 << 6) #define SPEC_STAT_POLARITY (1 << 1) #define SPEC_STAT_JABBER (1 << 0) #define SPEED_1000 (2 << 14) #define SPEED_100 (1 << 14) #define SPEED_10 (0 << 14) #define TBI_ADDR 0x1E /* Ten Bit Interface address */ /* negotiated link parameters */ #define LINK_SPEED_UNKNOWN 0 #define LINK_SPEED_10 1 #define LINK_SPEED_100 2 #define LINK_SPEED_1000 3 #define LINK_DUPLEX_UNKNOWN 0 #define LINK_DUPLEX_HALF 1 #define LINK_DUPLEX_FULL 2 static unsigned int phy_address[] = { 8, 9 }; #define vuint32 volatile u32 /* TX/RX buffer descriptors. MUST be cache line aligned in memory. (32 byte) * This structure is accessed by the ethernet DMA engine which means it * MUST be in LITTLE ENDIAN format */ struct dma_descriptor { vuint32 start_addr0; /* buffer address, least significant bytes. */ vuint32 start_addr1; /* buffer address, most significant bytes. */ vuint32 next_descr_addr0;/* next descriptor address, least significant bytes. Must be 64-bit aligned. */ vuint32 next_descr_addr1;/* next descriptor address, most significant bytes. */ vuint32 vlan_byte_count;/* VLAN tag(top 2 bytes) and byte countt (bottom 2 bytes). */ vuint32 config_status; /* Configuration/Status. */ vuint32 reserved1; /* reserved to make the descriptor cache line aligned. */ vuint32 reserved2; /* reserved to make the descriptor cache line aligned. */ }; /* last next descriptor address flag */ #define DMA_DESCR_LAST (1 << 31) /* TX DMA descriptor config status bits */ #define DMA_DESCR_TX_EOF (1 << 0) /* end of frame */ #define DMA_DESCR_TX_SOF (1 << 1) /* start of frame */ #define DMA_DESCR_TX_PFVLAN (1 << 2) #define DMA_DESCR_TX_HUGE (1 << 3) #define DMA_DESCR_TX_PAD (1 << 4) #define DMA_DESCR_TX_CRC (1 << 5) #define DMA_DESCR_TX_DESCR_INT (1 << 14) #define DMA_DESCR_TX_RETRY_COUNT 0x000F0000 #define DMA_DESCR_TX_ONE_COLLISION (1 << 20) #define DMA_DESCR_TX_LATE_COLLISION (1 << 24) #define DMA_DESCR_TX_UNDERRUN (1 << 25) #define DMA_DESCR_TX_RETRY_LIMIT (1 << 26) #define DMA_DESCR_TX_OK (1 << 30) #define DMA_DESCR_TX_OWNER (1 << 31) /* RX DMA descriptor status bits */ #define DMA_DESCR_RX_EOF (1 << 0) #define DMA_DESCR_RX_SOF (1 << 1) #define DMA_DESCR_RX_VTF (1 << 2) #define DMA_DESCR_RX_FRAME_IS_TYPE (1 << 3) #define DMA_DESCR_RX_SHORT_FRAME (1 << 4) #define DMA_DESCR_RX_HASH_MATCH (1 << 7) #define DMA_DESCR_RX_BAD_FRAME (1 << 8) #define DMA_DESCR_RX_OVERRUN (1 << 9) #define DMA_DESCR_RX_MAX_FRAME_LEN (1 << 11) #define DMA_DESCR_RX_CRC_ERROR (1 << 12) #define DMA_DESCR_RX_DESCR_INT (1 << 13) #define DMA_DESCR_RX_OWNER (1 << 15) #define RX_BUFFER_SIZE PKTSIZE #define NUM_RX_DESC PKTBUFSRX static struct dma_descriptor tx_descriptor __attribute__ ((aligned(32))); static struct dma_descriptor rx_descr_array[NUM_RX_DESC] __attribute__ ((aligned(32))); static struct dma_descriptor *rx_descr_current; static int tsi108_eth_probe (struct eth_device *dev, bd_t * bis); static int tsi108_eth_send(struct eth_device *dev, void *packet, int length); static int tsi108_eth_recv (struct eth_device *dev); static void tsi108_eth_halt (struct eth_device *dev); static unsigned int read_phy (unsigned int base, unsigned int phy_addr, unsigned int phy_reg); static void write_phy (unsigned int base, unsigned int phy_addr, unsigned int phy_reg, unsigned int phy_data); #if TSI108_ETH_DEBUG > 100 /* * print phy debug infomation */ static void dump_phy_regs (unsigned int phy_addr) { int i; printf ("PHY %d registers\n", phy_addr); for (i = 0; i <= 30; i++) { printf ("%2d 0x%04x\n", i, read_phy (ETH_BASE, phy_addr, i)); } printf ("\n"); } #else #define dump_phy_regs(base) do{}while(0) #endif #if TSI108_ETH_DEBUG > 100 /* * print debug infomation */ static void tx_diag_regs (unsigned int base) { int i; unsigned long dummy; printf ("TX diagnostics registers\n"); reg_TX_DIAGNOSTIC_ADDR(base) = 0x00 | TX_DIAGNOSTIC_ADDR_AI; udelay (1000); dummy = reg_TX_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA(base); for (i = 0x00; i <= 0x05; i++) { udelay (1000); printf ("0x%02x 0x%08x\n", i, reg_TX_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA(base)); } reg_TX_DIAGNOSTIC_ADDR(base) = 0x40 | TX_DIAGNOSTIC_ADDR_AI; udelay (1000); dummy = reg_TX_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA(base); for (i = 0x40; i <= 0x47; i++) { udelay (1000); printf ("0x%02x 0x%08x\n", i, reg_TX_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA(base)); } printf ("\n"); } #else #define tx_diag_regs(base) do{}while(0) #endif #if TSI108_ETH_DEBUG > 100 /* * print debug infomation */ static void rx_diag_regs (unsigned int base) { int i; unsigned long dummy; printf ("RX diagnostics registers\n"); reg_RX_DIAGNOSTIC_ADDR(base) = 0x00 | RX_DIAGNOSTIC_ADDR_AI; udelay (1000); dummy = reg_RX_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA(base); for (i = 0x00; i <= 0x05; i++) { udelay (1000); printf ("0x%02x 0x%08x\n", i, reg_RX_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA(base)); } reg_RX_DIAGNOSTIC_ADDR(base) = 0x40 | RX_DIAGNOSTIC_ADDR_AI; udelay (1000); dummy = reg_RX_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA(base); for (i = 0x08; i <= 0x0a; i++) { udelay (1000); printf ("0x%02x 0x%08x\n", i, reg_RX_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA(base)); } printf ("\n"); } #else #define rx_diag_regs(base) do{}while(0) #endif #if TSI108_ETH_DEBUG > 100 /* * print debug infomation */ static void debug_mii_regs (unsigned int base) { printf ("MII_MGMT_CONFIG 0x%08x\n", reg_MII_MGMT_CONFIG(base)); printf ("MII_MGMT_COMMAND 0x%08x\n", reg_MII_MGMT_COMMAND(base)); printf ("MII_MGMT_ADDRESS 0x%08x\n", reg_MII_MGMT_ADDRESS(base)); printf ("MII_MGMT_CONTROL 0x%08x\n", reg_MII_MGMT_CONTROL(base)); printf ("MII_MGMT_STATUS 0x%08x\n", reg_MII_MGMT_STATUS(base)); printf ("MII_MGMT_INDICATORS 0x%08x\n", reg_MII_MGMT_INDICATORS(base)); printf ("\n"); } #else #define debug_mii_regs(base) do{}while(0) #endif /* * Wait until the phy bus is non-busy */ static void phy_wait (unsigned int base, unsigned int condition) { int timeout; timeout = 0; while (reg_MII_MGMT_INDICATORS(base) & condition) { udelay (10); if (++timeout > 10000) { printf ("ERROR: timeout waiting for phy bus (%d)\n", condition); break; } } } /* * read phy register */ static unsigned int read_phy (unsigned int base, unsigned int phy_addr, unsigned int phy_reg) { unsigned int value; phy_wait (base, MII_MGMT_INDICATORS_BUSY); reg_MII_MGMT_ADDRESS(base) = (phy_addr << 8) | phy_reg; /* Ensure that the Read Cycle bit is cleared prior to next read cycle */ reg_MII_MGMT_COMMAND(base) = 0; /* start the read */ reg_MII_MGMT_COMMAND(base) = MII_MGMT_COMMAND_READ_CYCLE; /* wait for the read to complete */ phy_wait (base, MII_MGMT_INDICATORS_NOT_VALID | MII_MGMT_INDICATORS_BUSY); value = reg_MII_MGMT_STATUS(base); reg_MII_MGMT_COMMAND(base) = 0; return value; } /* * write phy register */ static void write_phy (unsigned int base, unsigned int phy_addr, unsigned int phy_reg, unsigned int phy_data) { phy_wait (base, MII_MGMT_INDICATORS_BUSY); reg_MII_MGMT_ADDRESS(base) = (phy_addr << 8) | phy_reg; /* Ensure that the Read Cycle bit is cleared prior to next cycle */ reg_MII_MGMT_COMMAND(base) = 0; /* start the write */ reg_MII_MGMT_CONTROL(base) = phy_data; } /* * configure the marvell 88e1111 phy */ static int marvell_88e_phy_config (struct eth_device *dev, int *speed, int *duplex) { unsigned long base; unsigned long phy_addr; unsigned int phy_status; unsigned int phy_spec_status; int timeout; int phy_speed; int phy_duplex; unsigned int value; phy_speed = LINK_SPEED_UNKNOWN; phy_duplex = LINK_DUPLEX_UNKNOWN; base = dev->iobase; phy_addr = (unsigned long)dev->priv; /* Take the PHY out of reset. */ write_phy (ETH_BASE, phy_addr, PHY_CTRL_REG, PHY_CTRL_RESET); /* Wait for the reset process to complete. */ udelay (10); timeout = 0; while ((phy_status = read_phy (ETH_BASE, phy_addr, PHY_CTRL_REG)) & PHY_CTRL_RESET) { udelay (10); if (++timeout > 10000) { printf ("ERROR: timeout waiting for phy reset\n"); break; } } /* TBI Configuration. */ write_phy (base, TBI_ADDR, TBI_CONTROL_2, TBI_CONTROL_2_G_MII_MODE | TBI_CONTROL_2_RECEIVE_CLOCK_SELECT); /* Wait for the link to be established. */ timeout = 0; do { udelay (20000); phy_status = read_phy (ETH_BASE, phy_addr, PHY_STATUS_REG); if (++timeout > 100) { debug_lev(1, "ERROR: unable to establish link!!!\n"); break; } } while ((phy_status & PHY_STAT_LINK_UP) == 0); if ((phy_status & PHY_STAT_LINK_UP) == 0) return 0; value = 0; phy_spec_status = read_phy (ETH_BASE, phy_addr, MV1111_SPEC_STAT_REG); if (phy_spec_status & SPEC_STAT_RESOLVED) { switch (phy_spec_status & SPEC_STAT_SPEED_MASK) { case SPEED_1000: phy_speed = LINK_SPEED_1000; value |= PHY_CTRL_SPEED1; break; case SPEED_100: phy_speed = LINK_SPEED_100; value |= PHY_CTRL_SPEED0; break; case SPEED_10: phy_speed = LINK_SPEED_10; break; } if (phy_spec_status & SPEC_STAT_FULL_DUP) { phy_duplex = LINK_DUPLEX_FULL; value |= PHY_CTRL_FULL_DUPLEX; } else phy_duplex = LINK_DUPLEX_HALF; } /* set TBI speed */ write_phy (base, TBI_ADDR, PHY_CTRL_REG, value); write_phy (base, TBI_ADDR, PHY_AN_ADV_REG, 0x0060); #if TSI108_ETH_DEBUG > 0 printf ("%s link is up", dev->name); phy_spec_status = read_phy (ETH_BASE, phy_addr, MV1111_SPEC_STAT_REG); if (phy_spec_status & SPEC_STAT_RESOLVED) { switch (phy_speed) { case LINK_SPEED_1000: printf (", 1000 Mbps"); break; case LINK_SPEED_100: printf (", 100 Mbps"); break; case LINK_SPEED_10: printf (", 10 Mbps"); break; } if (phy_duplex == LINK_DUPLEX_FULL) printf (", Full duplex"); else printf (", Half duplex"); } printf ("\n"); #endif dump_phy_regs (TBI_ADDR); if (speed) *speed = phy_speed; if (duplex) *duplex = phy_duplex; return 1; } /* * External interface * * register the tsi108 ethernet controllers with the multi-ethernet system */ int tsi108_eth_initialize (bd_t * bis) { struct eth_device *dev; int index; for (index = 0; index < CONFIG_TSI108_ETH_NUM_PORTS; index++) { dev = (struct eth_device *)malloc(sizeof(struct eth_device)); if (!dev) { printf("tsi108: Can not allocate memory\n"); break; } memset(dev, 0, sizeof(*dev)); sprintf (dev->name, "TSI108_eth%d", index); dev->iobase = ETH_BASE + (index * ETH_PORT_OFFSET); dev->priv = (void *)(phy_address[index]); dev->init = tsi108_eth_probe; dev->halt = tsi108_eth_halt; dev->send = tsi108_eth_send; dev->recv = tsi108_eth_recv; eth_register(dev); } return index; } /* * probe for and initialize a single ethernet interface */ static int tsi108_eth_probe (struct eth_device *dev, bd_t * bis) { unsigned long base; unsigned long value; int index; struct dma_descriptor *tx_descr; struct dma_descriptor *rx_descr; int speed; int duplex; base = dev->iobase; reg_PORT_CONTROL(base) = PORT_CONTROL_STE | PORT_CONTROL_BPT; /* Bring DMA/FIFO out of reset. */ reg_TX_CONFIG(base) = 0x00000000; reg_RX_CONFIG(base) = 0x00000000; reg_TX_THRESHOLDS(base) = (192 << 16) | 192; reg_RX_THRESHOLDS(base) = (192 << 16) | 112; /* Bring MAC out of reset. */ reg_MAC_CONFIG_1(base) = 0x00000000; /* DMA MAC configuration. */ reg_MAC_CONFIG_1(base) = MAC_CONFIG_1_RX_ENABLE | MAC_CONFIG_1_TX_ENABLE; reg_MII_MGMT_CONFIG(base) = MII_MGMT_CONFIG_NO_PREAMBLE; reg_MAXIMUM_FRAME_LENGTH(base) = RX_BUFFER_SIZE; /* Note: Early tsi108 manual did not have correct byte order * for the station address.*/ reg_STATION_ADDRESS_1(base) = (dev->enetaddr[5] << 24) | (dev->enetaddr[4] << 16) | (dev->enetaddr[3] << 8) | (dev->enetaddr[2] << 0); reg_STATION_ADDRESS_2(base) = (dev->enetaddr[1] << 24) | (dev->enetaddr[0] << 16); if (marvell_88e_phy_config(dev, &speed, &duplex) == 0) return -1; value = MAC_CONFIG_2_PREAMBLE_LENGTH(7) | MAC_CONFIG_2_PAD_CRC | MAC_CONFIG_2_CRC_ENABLE; if (speed == LINK_SPEED_1000) value |= MAC_CONFIG_2_INTERFACE_MODE(INTERFACE_MODE_BYTE); else { value |= MAC_CONFIG_2_INTERFACE_MODE(INTERFACE_MODE_NIBBLE); reg_PORT_CONTROL(base) |= PORT_CONTROL_SPD; } if (duplex == LINK_DUPLEX_FULL) { value |= MAC_CONFIG_2_FULL_DUPLEX; reg_PORT_CONTROL(base) &= ~PORT_CONTROL_BPT; } else reg_PORT_CONTROL(base) |= PORT_CONTROL_BPT; reg_MAC_CONFIG_2(base) = value; reg_RX_CONFIG(base) = RX_CONFIG_SE; reg_RX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG(base) = OCN_PORT_MEMORY; reg_RX_QUEUE_0_BUF_CONFIG(base) = OCN_PORT_MEMORY; /* initialize the RX DMA descriptors */ rx_descr = &rx_descr_array[0]; rx_descr_current = rx_descr; for (index = 0; index < NUM_RX_DESC; index++) { /* make sure the receive buffers are not in cache */ invalidate_dcache_range((unsigned long)NetRxPackets[index], (unsigned long)NetRxPackets[index] + RX_BUFFER_SIZE); rx_descr->start_addr0 = cpu_to_le32((vuint32) NetRxPackets[index]); rx_descr->start_addr1 = 0; rx_descr->next_descr_addr0 = cpu_to_le32((vuint32) (rx_descr + 1)); rx_descr->next_descr_addr1 = 0; rx_descr->vlan_byte_count = 0; rx_descr->config_status = cpu_to_le32((RX_BUFFER_SIZE << 16) | DMA_DESCR_RX_OWNER); rx_descr++; } rx_descr--; rx_descr->next_descr_addr0 = 0; rx_descr->next_descr_addr1 = cpu_to_le32(DMA_DESCR_LAST); /* Push the descriptors to RAM so the ethernet DMA can see them */ invalidate_dcache_range((unsigned long)rx_descr_array, (unsigned long)rx_descr_array + sizeof(rx_descr_array)); /* enable RX queue */ reg_RX_CONTROL(base) = TX_CONTROL_GO | 0x01; reg_RX_QUEUE_0_PTR_LOW(base) = (u32) rx_descr_current; /* enable receive DMA */ reg_RX_QUEUE_0_PTR_HIGH(base) = RX_QUEUE_0_PTR_HIGH_VALID; reg_TX_QUEUE_0_CONFIG(base) = OCN_PORT_MEMORY; reg_TX_QUEUE_0_BUF_CONFIG(base) = OCN_PORT_MEMORY; /* initialize the TX DMA descriptor */ tx_descr = &tx_descriptor; tx_descr->start_addr0 = 0; tx_descr->start_addr1 = 0; tx_descr->next_descr_addr0 = 0; tx_descr->next_descr_addr1 = cpu_to_le32(DMA_DESCR_LAST); tx_descr->vlan_byte_count = 0; tx_descr->config_status = cpu_to_le32(DMA_DESCR_TX_OK | DMA_DESCR_TX_SOF | DMA_DESCR_TX_EOF); /* enable TX queue */ reg_TX_CONTROL(base) = TX_CONTROL_GO | 0x01; return 0; } /* * send a packet */ static int tsi108_eth_send(struct eth_device *dev, void *packet, int length) { unsigned long base; int timeout; struct dma_descriptor *tx_descr; unsigned long status; base = dev->iobase; tx_descr = &tx_descriptor; /* Wait until the last packet has been transmitted. */ timeout = 0; do { /* make sure we see the changes made by the DMA engine */ invalidate_dcache_range((unsigned long)tx_descr, (unsigned long)tx_descr + sizeof(struct dma_descriptor)); if (timeout != 0) udelay (15); if (++timeout > 10000) { tx_diag_regs(base); debug_lev(1, "ERROR: timeout waiting for last transmit packet to be sent\n"); return 0; } } while (tx_descr->config_status & cpu_to_le32(DMA_DESCR_TX_OWNER)); status = le32_to_cpu(tx_descr->config_status); if ((status & DMA_DESCR_TX_OK) == 0) { #ifdef TX_PRINT_ERRORS printf ("TX packet error: 0x%08lx\n %s%s%s%s\n", status, status & DMA_DESCR_TX_OK ? "tx error, " : "", status & DMA_DESCR_TX_RETRY_LIMIT ? "retry limit reached, " : "", status & DMA_DESCR_TX_UNDERRUN ? "underrun, " : "", status & DMA_DESCR_TX_LATE_COLLISION ? "late collision, " : ""); #endif } debug_lev (9, "sending packet %d\n", length); tx_descr->start_addr0 = cpu_to_le32((vuint32) packet); tx_descr->start_addr1 = 0; tx_descr->next_descr_addr0 = 0; tx_descr->next_descr_addr1 = cpu_to_le32(DMA_DESCR_LAST); tx_descr->vlan_byte_count = cpu_to_le32(length); tx_descr->config_status = cpu_to_le32(DMA_DESCR_TX_OWNER | DMA_DESCR_TX_CRC | DMA_DESCR_TX_PAD | DMA_DESCR_TX_SOF | DMA_DESCR_TX_EOF); invalidate_dcache_range((unsigned long)tx_descr, (unsigned long)tx_descr + sizeof(struct dma_descriptor)); invalidate_dcache_range((unsigned long)packet, (unsigned long)packet + length); reg_TX_QUEUE_0_PTR_LOW(base) = (u32) tx_descr; reg_TX_QUEUE_0_PTR_HIGH(base) = TX_QUEUE_0_PTR_HIGH_VALID; return length; } /* * Check for received packets and send them up the protocal stack */ static int tsi108_eth_recv (struct eth_device *dev) { struct dma_descriptor *rx_descr; unsigned long base; int length = 0; unsigned long status; uchar *buffer; base = dev->iobase; /* make sure we see the changes made by the DMA engine */ invalidate_dcache_range ((unsigned long)rx_descr_array, (unsigned long)rx_descr_array + sizeof(rx_descr_array)); /* process all of the received packets */ rx_descr = rx_descr_current; while ((rx_descr->config_status & cpu_to_le32(DMA_DESCR_RX_OWNER)) == 0) { /* check for error */ status = le32_to_cpu(rx_descr->config_status); if (status & DMA_DESCR_RX_BAD_FRAME) { #ifdef RX_PRINT_ERRORS printf ("RX packet error: 0x%08lx\n %s%s%s%s%s%s\n", status, status & DMA_DESCR_RX_FRAME_IS_TYPE ? "too big, " : "", status & DMA_DESCR_RX_SHORT_FRAME ? "too short, " : "", status & DMA_DESCR_RX_BAD_FRAME ? "bad frame, " : "", status & DMA_DESCR_RX_OVERRUN ? "overrun, " : "", status & DMA_DESCR_RX_MAX_FRAME_LEN ? "max length, " : "", status & DMA_DESCR_RX_CRC_ERROR ? "CRC error, " : ""); #endif } else { length = le32_to_cpu(rx_descr->vlan_byte_count) & 0xFFFF; /*** process packet ***/ buffer = (uchar *)(le32_to_cpu(rx_descr->start_addr0)); NetReceive(buffer, length); invalidate_dcache_range ((unsigned long)buffer, (unsigned long)buffer + RX_BUFFER_SIZE); } /* Give this buffer back to the DMA engine */ rx_descr->vlan_byte_count = 0; rx_descr->config_status = cpu_to_le32 ((RX_BUFFER_SIZE << 16) | DMA_DESCR_RX_OWNER); /* move descriptor pointer forward */ rx_descr = (struct dma_descriptor *)(le32_to_cpu (rx_descr->next_descr_addr0)); if (rx_descr == 0) rx_descr = &rx_descr_array[0]; } /* remember where we are for next time */ rx_descr_current = rx_descr; /* If the DMA engine has reached the end of the queue * start over at the begining */ if (reg_RX_EXTENDED_STATUS(base) & RX_EXTENDED_STATUS_EOQ_0) { reg_RX_EXTENDED_STATUS(base) = RX_EXTENDED_STATUS_EOQ_0; reg_RX_QUEUE_0_PTR_LOW(base) = (u32) & rx_descr_array[0]; reg_RX_QUEUE_0_PTR_HIGH(base) = RX_QUEUE_0_PTR_HIGH_VALID; } return length; } /* * disable an ethernet interface */ static void tsi108_eth_halt (struct eth_device *dev) { unsigned long base; base = dev->iobase; /* Put DMA/FIFO into reset state. */ reg_TX_CONFIG(base) = TX_CONFIG_RST; reg_RX_CONFIG(base) = RX_CONFIG_RST; /* Put MAC into reset state. */ reg_MAC_CONFIG_1(base) = MAC_CONFIG_1_SOFT_RESET; }