#!/usr/bin/python3 from lxml import etree import sys def format_title(title): """Put title in a box""" box = { 'tl': '╔', 'tr': '╗', 'bl': '╚', 'br': '╝', 'h': '═', 'v': '║', } hline = box['h'] * (len(title) + 2) return '\n'.join([ f"{box['tl']}{hline}{box['tr']}", f"{box['v']} {title} {box['v']}", f"{box['bl']}{hline}{box['br']}", ]) # The log coloring causes the XML to be invalid, so set recover=True tree = etree.parse(sys.argv[1], etree.XMLParser(recover=True)) for suite in tree.xpath('/testsuites/testsuite'): skipped = suite.get('skipped') if int(skipped) != 0: print(format_title('Tests were skipped when they should not have been. All the tests must be run in the CI'), end='\n\n', flush=True) sys.exit(1)